60 research outputs found


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    O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a percepção dos alunos de graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), que frequentam o campus do Pici, com relação à Arborização Urbana existente na cidade de Fortaleza em comparação com a área da UFC, bem como os benefícios e prejuízos que esta arborização traz. Para tanto foi aplicado um questionário a 274 estudantes. Os resultados obtidos mostram o perfil da percepção da Arborização Urbana desses alunos, sendo a análise feita a partir das variáveis gênero, idade, curso e bairro de moradia. Os resultados apontam que, na percepção da maioria o nível da arborização de Fortaleza e do local de residência é considerado regular, em contrapartida o nível da arborização do campus do Pici é considerado de bom a muito bom. Foram aplicados testes estatísticos (qui-quadrado) aos dados sendo observado alguns resultados significantes entre o curso e o nível percebido da arborização

    The Role of Androgens in Mammals Folliculogenesis

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    Introduction: Steroid hormones production is a physiological process termed steroidogenesis. An important stage of this process is the conversion of androgens into estrogens through aromatase enzyme. Furthermore, androgens are important in the process of folliculogenesis, promoting follicular growth in different species. Thus, the aim of this review was to present the process of synthesis, mechanism of action, and importance of androgens in folliculogenesis. Additionally, the main results of in vitro culture of ovarian cells in the presence of these hormones were emphasized.Review: Folliculogenesis begins in prenatal life in most of species and can be defined as the process of formation, follicular growth, and oocyte maturation. Preantral follicles represent 95% of the follicular population and assisted reproductive technologies have been developed (e.g., Manipulation of Oocytes Enclosed in Preantral Follicles - MOEPF) in order to avoid the great follicle loss that occurs naturally in vivo by atresia. The MOEPF aim to obtain a large number of competent oocytes from preantral follicles and then subject to in vitro maturation, fertilization, and culture for embryo production. However, the development of an efficient medium to ensure the follicular survival and oocyte maturation is the major challenge of this biotechnology. To achieve the success on in vitro culture, the effects of substances as androgens on follicular development have been evaluated. Androgens are steroid hormones produced in theca cells (TC) that are fundamental for follicular growth. These cells provide all the androgens required by the developing follicles for conversion into estrogens by the granulosa cells (GC). Androgens receptors (AR) are localized in cell cytoplasm of all follicular categories, being more expressed in preantral follicles. The androgen pathway initiates through its connection to its receptor, making a complex androgen-AR, that in the nucleus helps on the process of gene transcription related with follicular survival. This mechanism is androgen receptor genomic activity. In addition to genomic action, there is an androgen receptor non-genomic activity. This occurs through activation of AR and its interaction with different signaling molecules located on the cell membrane, triggering events that aid in the follicular development. Regardless of the androgens actions, ovarian cells of several species subjected to in vitro culture have shown the importance of these hormones on the follicle development. Recent studies demonstrated that androgens addition on the culture medium stimulated the activation of preantral follicles (bovine and caprine), antrum formation (swine), survival (non-primate), and oocyte maturation (antral follicles; bovine). Also, some studies suggest that the addition of these hormones on in vitro culture is dose-dependent and species-specific.Conclusion: This review shows the role of androgens in different stages of follicular development and its action as a substrate for steroidogenesis and transcription of genes related to follicular survival and oocyte maturation. However, when these hormones should be added during in vitro follicular culture and which concentration is required remains unclear, being necessary more studies to elucidate these aspects

    In vitro development of primordial follicles after long-term culture of goat ovarian tissue

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) on the survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Ovarian tissues were cultured for 1, 7, 14, 21 or 28 days in medium supplemented with FSH (FSH-2d or FSH-7d, i.e., with replacement of the culture medium every 2 or 7 days, respectively) or FSH + FGF-2 (replacement of the medium every 2 days). Non-cultured (control) and cultured ovarian fragments were processed for histological and ultrastructural analysis. After 28 days of culture, the media supplemented with FSH-2d was the most effective in maintaining the percentage of normal follicles and in promoting follicular growth. Furthermore, both treatments with FSH increased the percentage of the primary follicles. However, ultrastructural studies did not confirm follicular integrity from 14 days of culture onward. In conclusion, culturing tissue for up to 7 days in medium containing FSH alone or combined with FGF-2 maintains caprine preantral follicle integrity and promotes their growth in vitro


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    Introduction: breast cancer is one of the main causes of death among women in Brazil and worldwide. The diagnosis of breast neoplasms usually represents an emotional burden, and it may lead to adjustment reactions and even be the trigger for affective disorders (mainly depression), anxiety or psychosis. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is one of the most used mechanisms for the evaluation of depression in research and in clinics. Depression prevalence in patients with cancer varies from 3% to 55% among different studies. Methodological variation, different instruments to assess depression and different cut-off points for diagnosis contribute to the huge discrepancy in current findings. In general, the more specifically depression is defined and evaluated, the lower the rates of prevalence are reported. Many articles fail to demonstrate a statistical significance in the relationship between depression and cancer-specific factors. This suggests that risk factors for depression in those patients are more related to the patient as contextual variables and premorbid factors of personality – and not to the cancer or its treatment. Objective: to determine the prevalence of major depression in women with breast cancer. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted in women with breast cancer. The sample consisted of 51 patients who answered the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The presence of depression was considered in cases where the scores were above 20. A questionnaire with additional data about the patients such as age, marital status, ethnicity, education, family income, family history of depression and breast cancer, and cancer-related variables including staging, months since diagnosis, treatment modality, type of surgery, alopecia occurring were used. Descriptive analysis and test of association (chi-square) were conducted. Results: the prevalence of major depression was 5.9%, similar to that observed in community samples. Subsyndromal depressive symptoms had a score of 21.6% (BDI scores from 16 to 20). Chi-square test was conducted and showed no statistically significant relationship between the classification of BDI and the variables tested (characteristics related to patient and cancer-specific). This indicates that the isolated context of the variables does not influence the event of depression. Conclusion: the prevalence of major depression in women with breast neoplasms was 5.9%

    Sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes activation of aprine preantral follicle in vitro

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    Este estudo descreve o efeito da esfingosina 1-fosfato (S1P) no desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais, portanto da ativação e viabilidade de folículos caprinos cultivados in vitro. Fragmentos de ovários foram cultivados por um ou sete dias em meio essencial mínimo com diferentes concentrações de S1P (0, 1, 10, 50, 100 ou 200ng/mL). Os fragmentos de ovário foram processados para análise histológica em microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica e microscopia de fluorescência. O tratamento usando 1ng/mL de S1P foi capaz de manter a porcentagem de folículos normais durante o período de cultivo de sete dias. Ao final do período de cultivo, houve uma redução significativa (p<0,05) na porcentagem de folículos primordiais em todos os grupos tratados com S1P, comparados com os grupos controle (FC e CC), seguida por um aumento do número de folículos ativados (intermediários, primários e secundários). Adicionalmente, na cultura por sete dias com meio suplementado com S1P (1ng/mL), houve preservação da ultraestrutura das organelas e manteve-se a viabilidade dos folículos pré-antrais avaliados por microscopia de fluorescência. Em conclusão, após sete dias de cultura, o meio suplementado com 1ng/mL de S1P ativa o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais de caprino, cultivados in situ e mantém as viabilidades oocitária e folicular.This study describes the effect of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) for development of preantral follicle, therefore the activation and follicular viability of caprine follicles cultured in vitro. Ovarian fragments were cultured for 1 or 7 days in Minimum Essential Medium with different S1P concentrations (0, 1, 10, 50, 100 or 200ng/mL). All ovarian fragments were processed for histological analysis in optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence analysis. The treatment using 1ng/mL of S1P was able to maintain the percentage of normal follicles with the progression of the culture from day 1 to 7. At end of the 7-day culture period there was a significant reduction (P<0.05) in the percentage of primordial follicles in all groups treated with S1P, compared with fresh control (FC) and Control Culture (CC), which was followed by an increase of activated follicles (intermediary, primary and secondary). In addition, the culture for 7 days with media supplemented with S1P with 1ng/mL preserved the ultrastructure of organelles and kept the preantral follicular viability when evaluated by fluorescence microscopy. In conclusion, after 7 days of culture, the 1ng/mL of S1P activates the development of preantral caprine follicles, cultured in situ and maintains the oocitary and follicular viability

    Progesterona e hormônio folículo-estimulante interagem e promovem a sobrevivência e o desenvolvimento in vitro de folículos pré-antrais caprinos

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    Este trabalho veri_icou os efeitos da progesterona e do hormonio foliculo-estimulante (FSH) na sobrevivencia e no crescimento de foliculos pre-antrais caprinos. Fragmentos de tecido ovariano foram cultivados por 1 ou 7 dias em Meio Essencial Minimo (MEM) sozinho ou contendo progesterona (1, 2.5, 5, 10 ou 20ng/mL), FSH (50ng/mL) ou a combinacao entre esses dois hormonios. O tecido fresco (controle nao-cultivado) e o cultivado foram processados para analise histologica e ultra-estrutural. Apos 7 dias a adicao de FSH a todas as concentracoes de progesterone manteve o percentual de foliculos normais similar ao controle fresco. No dia 7 de cultivo, um alto percentual de foliculos em desenvolvimento foi observado somente no tratamento com 2,5ng/ml de progesterona associada ao FSH ou com 10ng/ml de progesterona sozinha, em relação ao controle fresco. Do dia 1 para o dia 7 de cultivo, um aumento signi_icativo no percentual de foliculos em desenvolvimento foi observado no MEM sozinho e adicionado de 2,5ng/ml de progesterona + FSH. Alem disso, apos 7 dias, em todos os tratamentos, houve um aumento signi_icativo no diametro folicular em relacao ao controle, exceto nos tratamentos com MEM sozinho, 5ng/ml de progesterona + FSH ou 10ng/ml de progesterona sozinha. A analise ultra-estrutural con_irmou a integridade follicular apos 7 dias de cultivo no tratamento com 2,5ng/ml de progesterona + FSH. Em conclusao, este estudo demonstrou que a interação entre progesterona e FSH mantem a integridade ultra-estrutural, estimula a ativacao de foliculos primordiais e o posterior crescimento de foliculos pre-antrais caprinos cultivados in vitro.We investigated the effects of progesterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Pieces of ovarian tissue were cultured for 1 or 7 days in minimum essential medium (MEM) alone or containing progesterone (1, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20ng/mL), FSH (50ng/mL) or the interaction between progesterone and FSH. Fresh (non-cultured control) and cultured ovarian tissues were processed for histological and ultrastructural studies. After 7 days the addition of FSH to all progesterone concentrations maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to fresh control. At day 7 of culture, a higher percentage of developing follicles was observed only in 2.5ng/ml of progesterone associated with FSH or 10ng/ml of progesterone alone when compared with control. From day 1 to day 7 of culture, a signi_icant increase in the percentage of developing follicles was observed in MEM and 2.5ng/ml of progesterone + FSH. In addition, after 7 days, in all treatments, there was a signi_icant increase in follicular diameter when compared with control, except for MEM alone and in 5ng/ml of progesterone + FSH or 10ng/ml of progesterone alone. Ultrastructural studies con_irmed follicular integrity after 7 days of culture in 2.5ng/ml of progesterone with FSH. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the interaction between progesterone and FSH maintains ultrastructural integrity, stimulates primordial follicles activation and further growth of cultured caprine preantral follicles

    Diferentes origens do Hormônio Folículo Estimulante (FSH) influenciam a viabilidade e o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pituitary (pFSH) or recombinant (rFSH) FSH on the survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Caprine ovarian tissues were in vitro cultured for one or seven days in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) alone or containing 10, 50, 100 and 1000 ng/ml of pFSH or rFSH. Control tissues (non-cultured) and those cultured were processed for histological and ultrastructural studies. In addition, follicular and oocyte diameter were analysed. After seven days of culture, only 50 ng/ml of rFSH maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to control. Moreover, 10 ng/ml of pFSH and all the concentrations of rFSH promoted primordial follicles activation. In addition, the presence of 50 ng/ml of rFSH promoted the highest follicular diameter at day seven of culture. In conclusion, 50 ng/ml of rFSH maintained the ultrastructural integrity of caprine preantral follicles, promoted primordial follicles activation and further growth of cultured follicles.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do FSH pituitário (pFSH) ou recombinante (rFSH) sobre a sobrevivência e o crescimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos. O tecido ovariano foi cultivado in vitro por um ou sete dias em Meio Essencial Mínimo (MEM) sozinho, ou contendo 10, 50, 100 e 1000 ng/ml de pFSH ou rFSH. O grupo controle (não cultivado) e aqueles cultivados foram processados para análises histológica e ultra-estrutural. Além disso, os diâmetros folicular e oocitário foram avaliados. Após sete dias de cultivo, apenas 50 ng/ml de rFSH manteve o percentual de folículos normais semelhante ao controle. Além disso, 10 ng/ml de pFSH e todas as concentrações de rFSH promoveram ativação de folículos primordiais. A presença de 50 ng/ml de rFSH promoveu o maior diâmetro folicular após sete dias de cultivo. Em conclusão, 50 ng/ml de rFSH manteve a integridade de folículos pré-antrais caprinos e promoveu a ativação e o crescimento dos folículos cultivados

    A parafuncionalidade do bruxismo: da intervenção terapêutica multiprofissional ao uso da placa miorrelaxante / The parafunctionality of bruxism: from multidisciplinary therapeutic intervention to the use of myorelaxative plaque

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    O bruxismo é considerado uma parafunção oral multifatorial definida pelas ações de ranger e aperta os elementos dentais. O tratamento odontológico dessa disfunção consiste em intervenções que promovam a redução dos contatos dentais parafuncionais e das dores faciais e articulares. Dentre várias alternativas terapêuticas, a placa oclusal miorrelaxante é a mais utilizada, uma vez que o seu uso induz o côndilo a adquirir uma posição estável na fossa mandibular. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento bibliográfico acerca do bruxismo e o tratamento com placas oclusais. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico com os seguintes critérios de inclusão: artigos científicos publicados entre os anos de 2012 e 2019, nas bases de dados Scielo e google acadêmico, como também livros da área em comento. Foi utilizada buscas controladas com os seguintes descritores: oclusão, sistema estomatognático, placa oclusal, disfunção temporomandibular e parafunção oral. Os sinais e a sintomatologia do bruxismo podem ser identificados na anamnese, como fadiga, crepitação da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) e sons dentários. Existem diversos métodos terapêuticos para o controle do bruxismo, como: terapia comportamental, toxina botulínica, eletroterapia e uso de dispositivos interoclusais. A placa estabilizadora é a mais utilizada, objetivando induzir os côndilos a adquirirem uma posição estável na fossa mandibular. A literatura revisada é unânime em relatar que a principal função da placa consiste em erradicar as interferências oclusais, dentre estas a diminuição da tonicidade muscular. O uso de placas oclusais miorrelaxante é imprescindível para o tratamento e controle do paciente bruxômano, sendo necessário o conhecimento do cirurgião-dentista sobre a problemática, uma vez que é uma patologia constante nos consultórios odontológicos

    Interaction between ascorbic acid and follicle-stimulating hormone maintains follicular viability after long-term in vitro culture of caprine preantral follicles

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    This study evaluates the effects of ascorbic acid and its interaction with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) on the morphology, activation, and in vitro growth of caprine preantral follicles. Ovarian fragments were cultured for 1, 7, or 14 d in minimum essential medium (MEM) containing ascorbic acid (50 or 100 μg/mL), FSH (50 ng/mL), or both of these substances. Ovarian tissue that was either fresh (control) or cultured for 1, 7, or 14 d was processed for histological and ultrastructural evaluation. The results showed that after 14 d of culture, medium supplemented with 50 μg/mL of ascorbic acid alone or combined with FSH showed higher rates of follicular survival compared with MEM. After 7 d of culture, FSH, ascorbic acid at 50 μg/mL with or without FSH, and ascorbic acid at 100 μg/mL increased the percentage of follicular activation compared to fresh control. In addition, FSH alone significantly increased the percentage of growing follicles after 14 d. The combination of 50 μg/mL of ascorbic acid and FSH promoted a significant increase in oocyte and follicular diameter after 7 d of culture. Ultrastructural and fluorescent analysis confirmed the integrity of follicles cultured with 50 μg/mL of ascorbic acid and FSH after 14 d. In conclusion, the combination of 50 μg/mL of ascorbic acid and FSH maintained follicular integrity and promoted follicular activation and growth after long-term in vitro culture of caprine preantral follicles

    Effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin antioxidants on morphology and activation of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured

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    Os efeitos do α-tocoferol e da ternatina sobre morfologia, ativação e crescimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, foram avaliados. Os fragmentos ovarianos foram imediatamente fixados (controle não-cultivado) ou cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, em Meio Essencial Mínimo (MEM) com ou sem suplementação com α-tocoferol ou ternatina nas concentrações de 5, 10 ou 15M, formando os tratamentos MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, TER15. O percentual de folículos pré-antrais normais no controle não-cultivado foi de 73,2%, depois de cinco dias de cultivo, houve redução desse percentual em todos os tratamentos, quando comparados com o controle não-cultivado (P<0,05). O cultivo por cinco dias aumentou a ativação folicular em todos os tratamentos (P<0,05). A análise ultra-estrutural não mostrou folículos pré-antrais íntegros após cinco dias de cultivo em meio contendo antioxidantes. Concluiu-se que o α -tocoferol e a ternatina podem promover a ativação folicular, no entanto a adição desses antioxidantes nas concentrações testadas reduziu a viabilidade folicular após o cultivo in vitro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin on the morphology, activation, and growth of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured, for one or five days, were evaluated. Ovarian fragments were immediately fixed (non-cultured control) or in vitro cultured for one or five days in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) with or without α-tocopherol or ternatin supplementation, both at concentrations of 5, 10, or 15M, corresponding to the following treatments: MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, and TER15. The percentages of morphologically normal preantral follicles in non-cultured ovarian tissue (control) was 73.2% and after five days of culture, there was a decrease on these percentages in all treatments (P<0.05) when compared with non-cultured control. Culture of ovarian cortex for five days increased the percentages of follicular activation in all treatments (P<0.05). Ultrastructural analysis did not confirm the integrity of caprine preantral follicles cultured for five days in medium containing antioxidants. This study demonstrated that α-tocopherol and ternatin can promote follicular activation; however, addition of these antioxidants in the tested concentrations reduced the follicular viability after in vitro culture