13 research outputs found

    Investigation of theileria equi, babesia caballi, neospora spp. and toxoplasma gondii by serological methods in horse breed for touristic purpose in Nevşehir province

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    Protozoal hastalıklar atlarda ölümlere ve ciddi ekonomik kayıplara neden olur. Bazılarının zoonotik potansiyelleri ise halk sağlığı açısından önem arz eder. Bu çalışmanın amacı Nevşehir ilinde turistik amaçlarla yetiştirilen atlarda doku (Neospora spp. ve Toxoplasma gondii) ve kan (Theileria equi ve Babesia caballi) protozoonlarının yaygınlığını belirlemektir. Bu amaçla yaşları 3-24 arasındaki 105 dişi attan kan alınarak serumları çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen serumlar Neospora spp., T.equi ve B.caballi antikorlarına karşı c-ELISA ve T.gondii antikorlarına karşı da Sabin-Feldman Dye testleri ile incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda 105 atın ikisinde (%1,90) anti-Neospora spp., dokuzunda (%8.57) anti-T.gondii, ikisinde (%1,90) anti-B.caballi ve 77 (%73,33)’sinde de anti-T.equi antikorları tespit edilmiştir. Atlardan birinde (%0,95) T.equi, B.caballi ve T.gondii, birinde (%0,95) T.equi ve B.caballi, ikisinde (%1,90) Neospora spp. ve T.equi ve altısında (%5,71) ise T.gondii ve T.equi’nin neden olduğu miks enfeksiyonlar belirlenmiştir. Ki-kare testi ile ≤ 7 ve >7 yaş grupları ile Neospora spp., T.gondii ve B.caballi seroprevalansları arasında istatistiksel açıdan önemli bir fark bulunmazken, 7 yaş üzerindeki atlarda yüksek T.equi seroprevalansının önemli olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ile İç Anadolu bölgesinde Nevşehir ilinde atlarda T.equi’ye maruziyet oranının oldukça yüksek olduğu, prevalansın yaşla birlikte arttığı, ayrıca protozoon kaynaklı miks enfeksiyonların görülebileceği ve bunun tedavide göz ardı edilmemesi gereken bir durum olduğu ortaya konmuştur.Protozoan diseases cause deaths in horses and serious economic losses. Some of them have zoonotic potential and are important for public health. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of tissue (Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii) and blood (Theileria equi and Babesia caballi) protozoa of horses, raised for touristic purposes, in the Nevşehir provice Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. For this aim, a total of 105 blood samples were collected from female horses from various breeds between the ages of 3-24 in Nevşehir province. Sera samples were tested against anti-Neospora spp., T.equi and B.caballi antibodies with c-ELISA method, while Sabin Feldman Dye Test was used for the detection of anti-T.gondii antibodies. At the end of the serologic examination, it was determined that two of 105 (1.90%) horses had anti-Neospora spp.; nine (8.57%) had anti-T.gondii; two (1.90%) had anti-B.caballi and 77 (73.33%) had anti-T.equi antibodies. Mixed infections were also detected in one horse (0.95%) caused by T.equi, B.caballi and T.gondii, one (0.95%) by T.equi and B.caballi, two (1.90%) by Neospora spp. and T.equi and in six horses (5.71%) by T.gondii and T.equi. There was no statistically significant difference between the age groups and Neospora spp., T. gondii and B.caballi seropositivity, while high T.equi seroprevalence was found to be significant in horses over 7 years old with the chi-square test. With this study, it was set forth that the exposure rate to T.equi in horses in Nevşehir province in the Central Anatolia region is quite high; also the prevalence increases with age, and protozoal mixed infections are likely to occur, which should not be ignored in treatment

    Prevalencia de la criptosporidiosis en seres humanos y terneros, y detección molecular del Cryptosporidium parvum

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    Objective. To investigate of the prevalence of Cryptosporidium species in humans and calves in the province of Van, Turkey. Materials and methods. Included in this research were 150 patients, comprising 50 hemodialysis patients, 40 immunosuppressed patients with diarrhea, 30 patients with diarrhea only, and 30 immunocompetent patients. Collected were stool rectal samples from 50 calves that were housed in stables and farms in 10 central villages of Van, Turkey. Results. Cryptosporidium parvum was detected in 17.3% of the 150 human stool samples. C. parvum was observed in 20% of the 50 samples from the hemodialysis patients, 32.5% of the 40 samples from the immunosuppressed patients with diarrhea, and 10% of the 30 samples from patients with diarrhea only, whereas no Cryptosporidium spp. was detected in the samples from the immunocompetent patients. C. parvum was observed in only 6% of the samples from the diarrheic 30 calves. Conclusions. It was clearly understood that cryptosporidiosis was detected at a high rate in the samples from the immunosuppressed patients and those who were immunosuppressed with diarrhea, and that the active and effective species that causes cryptosporidiosis in the Van region is C. parvum. Hence, these patient groups should be evaluated in terms of cryptosporidiosis.Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la prevalencia de especies de Cryptosporidium en humanos y terneros en la provincia de Van, Turquía. Materiales y métodos. Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 150 pacientes, incluidos 50 pacientes en hemodiálisis, 40 pacientes inmunosuprimidos con diarrea, 30 pacientes con diarrea solamente y 30 pacientes inmunocompetentes. Se recolectaron muestras de heces rectales de un total de 50 terneros alojados en establos y granjas en 10 aldeas centrales de Van, Turquía. Resultados. Se detectó Cryptosporidium parvum en el 17.3% de las 150 muestras de heces tomadas de seres humanos. C. parvum se observó en el 20% de los 50 pacientes en hemodiálisis, el 32.5% de los 40 pacientes inmunosuprimidos con diarrea y el 10% de los 30 pacientes con diarrea solamente, mientras que no hubo Cryptosporidium spp. detectado en los pacientes inmunocompetentes. C. parvum se observó en sólo el 6% de los 30 terneros diarreicos. Conclusiones. Claramente se entendio que la Criptosporidiosis fue detectada en una alta tasa en las muestras de los pacientes inmunosuprimidos sin y con sintomas de diarrea, y que además la especie activa que causó la enfermedad fue el agente etiologico Criptosporidium parvum. Por lo tanto, estos dos grupos de pacientes deben ser evaluados en lo que a términos de Criptosporidiosis se refiere

    Intestinal and hepatic parasites determined in a university hospital parasitology laboratory

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to present the prevalence of intestinal and hepatic parasites determined in Yüzüncü Yıl University Medical Faculty Parasitology Laboratory. Methods: The study was performed in 2008, and a total of 5985 stool samples were examined. Stool samples were examined with native-Lugol, sedimentation, flotation, trichrome staining and modified acid-fast staining methods. The stool samples of patient suspected to have Entamoeba histolytica/E.dispar infection were stained by trichrome staining method and evaluated by ELISA method for the antigen. ELISA method was used to confirm the results of Fasciola hepatica positive patients in stool examination. Results: In this study intestinal parasites were identified in 29.6% out of the 5985 people. In the study Giardia intestinalis (9.4%), plenty Blastocystis hominis (5.5%), Hymenolepis nana (1.7%), Ascaris lumbricoides (1.2%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.2%; in the stool examination), F.hepatica (0.1%), Cyclospora cayetanensis (0.1%), E.histolytica/E.dispar (0.06%), Taenia saginata (0.05%), Dicrocoelium dendriticum (0.05%), Trichuris trichiura (0.03%) and Cryptosporidium spp. (0.02%), pathogenic parasites, were detected. Conclusion: In the study it is also understood that pathogenic intestinal parasites have still been reported at high rates and the problem of parasitosis continues in Van Province

    Evaluation of some chronical diseases in etiopathogenesis of demodicosis

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    Background: The aim of this study is to assess the effect of chronic diseases on the etiopathogenesis of demodicosis through the determination of Demodex sp. positivity in the face and eyelashes of the people with the chronic disease. Methods: This study is conducted on the patients who were referred to the Laboratory of Parasitology from the Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine, Outpatient Clinic of Dermatology. The samples were taken from the patients with standard skin surface biopsy. Furthermore, eyelashes of the patients were examined for Demodex sp. Result: When the patient groups are considered, demodicosis was found in the ratio of 18.5% of the patients with diabetes mellitus (p  0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that, in such patients the presence of this parasite should be taken into consideration in case of dermatoses occurring on the face, and these patients could be under the risk of occurring blepharitis as well

    Detection of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum antibodies in Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) in Eastern Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to examine for the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum antibodies in wild boars and to study the impact of infection between the sylvatic and domestic life cycles of these apicomplexan parasites. For this purpose, sera were collected from hunter-killed wild boars (Sus scrofa) during the winter period of 2011 from Erzurum province of Turkey. Collected sera were examined for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum by Sabin Feldman dye test (SFDT) and competitive-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA), respectively. Out of 12 collected samples, 4 (33.3%) of sera were found to be seropositive at the dilution of 1:16 for Toxoplasma gondii however no seropositivity in any of the samples was detected against Neospora caninum. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first serologic study to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in wild boars in Turkey

    Biallelic frameshift variants in PHLDB1 cause mild-type osteogenesis imperfecta with regressive spondylometaphyseal changes

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    BackgroundOsteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterised by susceptibility to fractures, primarily due to defects in type 1 collagen. The aim of this study is to present a novel OI phenotype and its causative candidate gene. MethodsWhole-exome sequencing and clinical evaluation were performed in five patients from two unrelated families. PHLDB1 mRNA expression in blood and fibroblasts was investigated by real-time PCR, and western blot analysis was further performed on skin fibroblasts. ResultsThe common findings among the five affected children were recurrent fractures and/or osteopaenia, platyspondyly, short and bowed long bones, and widened metaphyses. Metaphyseal and vertebral changes regressed after early childhood, and no fractures occurred under bisphosphonate treatment. We identified biallelic NM_001144758.3:c.2392dup and NM_001144758.3:c.2690_2693del pathogenic variants in PHLDB1 in the affected patients, respectively, in the families; parents were heterozygous for these variants. PHLDB1 encodes pleckstrin homology-like domain family B member-1 (PHLDB1) protein, which has a role in insulin-dependent Akt phosphorylation. Compared with controls, a decrease in the expression levels of PHLDB1 in the blood and skin fibroblast samples was detected. Western blot analysis of cultured fibroblasts further confirmed the loss of PHLDB1. ConclusionTwo biallelic frameshift variants in the candidate gene PHLDB1 were identified in independent families with a novel, mild-type, autosomal recessive OI. The demonstration of decreased PHLDB1 mRNA expression levels in blood and fibroblast samples supports the hypothesis that PHLDB1 pathogenic variants are causative for the observed phenotype

    Nadir Bir Sekonder Kist Hidatik Olgusu: Aynı Hastada Uterus ve Kolon Lokasyo

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    The aim of the present study was to present a case with secondary hydatid cysts in both uterus and colon. The patient was a 71-yearoldfemale living in Hakkari, Turkey. She was admitted to the Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Medicine Medical Center withcomplaints of chronic abdominal and pelvic pain, and swelling in the abdomen. First, the sagittal T2 weighted magnetic rezonanceimaging (MR) showed a type-3 cyst hydatid with daughter vesicles located at the posterior of uterus. Later, MR revealed a type-2cystic lesion with detached membrane adhered to the anterior wall of colon and it was reported to be associated with abdomen.When the previous liver surgery history of the patient was kept in mind, the new finding was suggestive of a secondary cystichydatid . In conclusion, it is possible to diagnose secondary cystic echinococcosis in patients with a history of primary cyst surgeryin liver or any other organ by combining the symptoms and imaging findings.Bu çalışmanın amacı hem uterus hem de kolon yerleşimli bir sekonder hidatik kist olgusu sunmaktır. Hasta Hakkari’de yaşayan 71yaşında bir kadındı. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Dursun Odabaş Tıp Merkezi’ne kronik karın - pelvik bölge ağrısı ve karın şişliğişikayeti ile başvurdu. İlk olarak, sagittal T2 ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans (MR) görüntülerinde, uterus posteriorunda kız veziküllerinbulunduğu tip-3 kist hidatik saptandı. Daha sonraki MR’de, kolonun ön duvarına yapışmış ve karın ile ilişkili olduğu bildirilen ayrıkmembranlı tip-2 kistik bir lezyon ortaya çıkarıldı. Hastanın daha önce karaciğer cerrahisi öyküsü olması nedeniyle, olgu sekonderkistik hidatik olarak kabul edildi. Sonuç olarak, karaciğerde veya başka bir organda primer kist cerrahi öyküsü olan hastalardasemptomları ve görüntüleme bulgularını birleştirerek sekonder kistik ekinokokkozis tanısı koymak mümkündür

    In Vitro Efficacy of the Ankaferd Galenic Hemostatic Extract as a Germicidal Agent

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    Background: Hydatid cysts are encountered frequently in regions endemic with livestock. The basic treatment for a hydatid cyst is total surgical removal of the cyst and its inner contents. Hypertonic NaCl or diluted betadine solution are used as germicidal agents for most hydatid surgeries. However, the germicidal efficacy of the Ankaferd Blood Stopper® (ABS) has not been investigated. Thus, we compared the efficacy of ABS for hydatid cysts with that of other germicidal agents. Methods: Lung and liver tissues containing hydatid cyst liquid were collected from slaughterhouses. Six samples of each cyst were randomly allocated into different groups as follows: 20% hypertonic NaCl, betadine solution, ABS, 20% liquefied Andazole solution, 0.1% eosin, and distilled water. All groups were examined microscopically at 5, 10, and 15 min after treatment began to determine protoscolece viability rates. Results: The most efficacious germicidal agent at 5 min was ABS, and betadine and hypertonic NaCl had similar efficacies. Betadine, ABS, and hypertonic NaCl showed similar efficacies at 15 min.  Conclusion: ABS was an effective germicidal agent to treat hydatid cysts