99 research outputs found

    Vertical accuracy of the USGS 3DEP program data: study cases in Fresno County and in Davis, California

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    3D Elevation Program (3DEP) aims to generate and disseminate high-resolution topographic elevation data from the source data products including lidar point clouds, original DEMs from which the 3DEP standard DEM datasets were produced, and additional data types produced from IfSAR collections. As such, the accuracy of 3DEP data varies due to the inconsistent quality of the source data. Hence, in order to test vertical accuracy of the current 3DEP data, two precise leveling data sets which are collected in the San Joaquin Experimental Range (SJER) in Fresno County and CalFire site in Davis, California are used as the baselines and the differences are computed. In the earlier studies, assessment of 3DEP data is accomplished using large-area elevation datasets. Nevertheless, these largearea elevation datasets are not as precise as differential (precise) leveling data sets. In this study, two relatively small sites (SJER and CalFire site) are surveyed utilizing precise leveling. These two project sites also differ from each other in terms of terrain relief and land cover. The results show that attainable precision is almost the same for 1/3 arcsecond and 1 arc-second data sets. The data sets used for CalFire site are more precise than the data sets used for SJER site. CalFire site data sets are more accurate than SJER data sets. 1 arc-second data provides as good elevation information as 1/3 arc-second data. Terrain relief and land cover are important factors on vertical accuracy coming from 3DEP data


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    GPS (or GNSS) networks are invaluable tools for monitoring natural hazards such as earthquakes. However, blunders in GPS observations may be mistakenly interpreted as deformation. Therefore, robust networks are needed in deformation monitoring using GPS networks. Robustness analysis is a natural merger of reliability and strain and defined as the ability to resist deformations caused by the maximum undetectable errors as determined from internal reliability analysis. However, to obtain rigorously correct results; the correlations among the observations must be considered while computing maximum undetectable errors. Therefore, we propose to use the normalized reliability numbers instead of redundancy numbers (Baarda’s approach) in robustness analysis of a GPS network. A simple mathematical relation showing the ratio between uncorrelated and correlated cases for maximum undetectable error is derived. The same ratio is also valid for the displacements. Numerical results show that if correlations among observations are ignored, dramatically different displacements can be obtained depending on the size of multiple correlation coefficients. Furthermore, when normalized reliability numbers are small, displacements get large, i.e., observations with low reliability numbers cause bigger displacements compared to observations with high reliability numbers

    Surface Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes for Energy Applications

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are receiving a great deal of attention as a catalyst support for different energy applications, due to their high surface area and high conductivity. Recent literature studies have shown that the application of CNTs mainly depends on their surface functionalization process. Typically, pristine CNTs (as produced) have no functional groups, which is usually considered as an obstacle to their widespread application. In this chapter, we highlight the different techniques used to functionalize the surface of CNTs, including physical and chemical functionalization processes. We show the advantages and the drawbacks of the different functionalization processes. Additionally, we explain in detail the different techniques used to characterize the CNTs before and after functionalization processes. Furthermore, we focus on polymer wrapping techniques of CNTs to create active nanocomposite materials for energy applications, in particular the applications in the agriculture field to fight pollution and make farming activity easier and more efficient

    Racialised professionals’ experiences of selective incivility in organisations: A multi-level analysis of subtle racism

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    This article explores how racialised professionals experience selective incivility in UK organisations. Analysing 22 in-depth, semi-structured interviews, we provide multi-level findings that relate to individual, organisational and societal phenomena to illuminate the workings of subtle racism. On the individual level, selective incivility appears as articulated through ascriptions of excess and deficit that marginalise racialised professionals; biased actions by white employees who operate as honest liars or strategic coverers; and white defensiveness against selective incivility claims. On the organisational level, organisational whitewashing, management denial and upstream exclusion constitute the key enablers of selective incivility. On the societal level, dynamic changes relating to increasing intolerance outside organisations indirectly yet sharply fuel selective incivility within organisations. Finally, racialised professionals experience intersectional (dis-)advantages at the imbrications of individual, organisation and society levels, shaping within-group variations in experiences of workplace selective incivility. Throughout all three levels of analysis and their interplay, differences in power and privilege inform the conditions of possibility for and the continual reproduction of selective incivility

    What Is Your Diagnosis?

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    DergiPark: 379011tmsj[Abstract Not Available

    Servant Leadership and Family Supportiveness:Looking into Employees’ Work and Family Outcomes

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    How does servant leadership trickle down to impact subordinates’ work and non-work outcomes? This study sets out to investigate the mechanisms and boundary conditions associated with this question. In so doing, we integrate two sequential mechanisms (family-supportive supervisor behaviours and work engagement/self-care) and a contextual condition (servant leader's perceived organizational support) to address whether and how servant leaders shape subordinates’ work performance and their satisfaction with work–family balance. Using matched supervisor–subordinate data (770 supervisors and 819 subordinates) collected from a group of companies in Chile, our results from multilevel analyses largely support our hypotheses. We contribute to servant leadership and research on family supportiveness by: 1) introducing and discussing two separate and sequential mediating mechanisms to explain the trickle-down effect of servant leadership; 2) emphasizing the role of perceived organizational support in establishing when the trickle-down effect occurs; 3) highlighting the need to bridge two separate bodies of research (namely those of servant leadership and family supportive supervisor behaviours) in developing interventions in organizations to help employees manage work–family issues.</p

    Paramedian Forehead Flap in Large Nasal Skin Defects: Twenty-years’ Experience

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    Objective:Skin cancers occur most commonly in the head and neck region where the nose is the most commonly affected unit. The nose is the part of the face that is most exposed to trauma, sunlight, and other environmental factors. From the aesthetic and functional point of view, reconstruction of the defects occurring after skin cancer removal creates a great challenge for the surgeon. In this retrospective study, we present the success rates achieved in the past 20 years with paramedian forehead flaps used for repairing large defects of the nose.Methods:The study included 62 patients who underwent paramedian forehead flap due to nasal skin tumor [basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)] in Ege University Faculty of Medicine Otolaryngology Department between 2000 and 2020. Data on follow-up time, patients’ age and gender, defect sizes, and tumor types were obtained retrospectively from patient files, histopathologic examination results and patient photographs. Additional diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease that could affect flap success, were noted.Results:Out of 62 patients 29 (46.8%) were female and 33 (53.2%) were male. Their mean age was 61.4 (range: 46–88) years. Mean follow-up period was 125.6 (8–244) months. Of the 62 patients 33 (53.2%) were operated on for BCC and 29 (46.8%) for SCC. Four patients (6.5%) had recurrences during their follow-up. There was no loss of the paramedian forehead flap.Conclusion:Paramedian forehead flap is a reliable option in the reconstruction of larger defects of the nose even in smokers and elderly patients who have comorbid diseases

    Structural and functional alterations in salivary gland chromosomes and enzyme activity of Chironomus riparius Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae) from anthropogenically polluted sites in Bulgaria and Turkey

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    The effect of environment contaminants on genome instability and changes in enzyme activity (acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase activities (GST), etoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and metallothionein (MT)) of Chironomus riparius Mg. from Bulgarian and Turkish stations over two years (2009, 2010) as well as laboratory reared larvae were studied. Physicochemical analysis of the sediments from the field stations indicated the presence of heavy metal pollutants (Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Cd) whose concentrations were higher than the reference data. Genome instability was determined by somatic structural and functional alterations of the polytene chromosomes. In the field sites of both countries somatic aberrations occurred at a significantly higher frequency (p < 0.001) compared with control and laboratory material. C. riparius in sediments with higher concentrations of trace metals (Derincay River, Turkey and Chaya River, Bulgaria), was found to possess a high spectrum of somatic chromosome rearrangements with a somatic index of 2.53 and 3.25 respectively. Changes in functional activity included decreased activity of the Balbiani rings (BRs) and nucleolar organizer (NOR). The observed chromosome alterations agree with the high degree of trace metal pollution and high activity of the studied enzymes. However, no correlation between single somatic chromosome rearrangements and concentrations of specific metal ions was defined. The data are discussed in the light of the wide variety of interactions of metals in nature. The results show that the genome response and biochemical markers are sensitive markers of toxicity and provide early warning indicators of contaminants in the environment. © 2012 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica

    An Extremely Uncommon Case of Parasitic Infection Presenting as Eosinophilic Ascites in a Young Patient

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    We report the case of a 24-year-old male patient admitted for recent ascites and splenomegaly of unknown origin. The patient was referred to our institution with complaints of diarrhea, epigastric pain, abdominal cramping and weight loss over the past three weeks. The acute onset presented with colicky abdominal pain and peritoneal effusion. History revealed reduced appetite and weight gain of 7 kg over the last one month. His past medical history and family history was negative. He had no history of alcohol abuse or viral hepatitis infection. Laboratory data revealed normal transaminases and bilirubin levels, and alkaline phosphatase and gammaglutamyltransferase were within normal range. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed which showed free peritoneal fluid and normal abdominal viscera. Upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy performed a few days later revealed diffuse severe erythematous pangastritis and gastroduodenal gastric reflux. Duodenal biopsies showed chronic nonspecific duodenitis. Antrum and corpus biopsies showed chronic gastritis. The ascitic fluid was straw-colored and sterile with 80% eosinophils. Stool exam was negative for parasitic infection. Treatment with albendazole 400 mg twice daily for 5 days led to the disappearance of ascites and other signs and symptoms. Three months after albendazole treatment the eosinophilic cell count was normal. The final diagnosis was consistent with parasitic infection while the clinical, sonographic and histological findings suggested an eosinophilic ascites. We emphasize the importance of excluding parasitic infection in all patients with eosinophilic ascites. We chose an alternative way (albendazole treatment) to resolve this clinical picture. With our alternative way for excluding this parasitic infection, we treated the patient and then found the cause

    Frequency of food allergy in Europe:an updated systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Food allergy (FA) is increasingly reported in Europe, however, the latest prevalence estimates were based on studies published a decade ago. The present work provides the most updated estimates of the prevalence and trends of FA in Europe. Databases were searched for studies published between 2012 and 2021, added to studies published up to 2012. In total, 110 studies were included in this update. Most studies were graded as moderate risk of bias. Pooled lifetime and point prevalence of self-reported FA were 19.9% (95% CI 16.6–23.3) and 13.1% (95% CI 11.3–14.8), respectively. The point prevalence of sensitization based on specific IgE (slgE) was 16.6% (95% CI 12.3–20.8), skin prick test (SPT) 5.7% (95% CI 3.9–7.4), and positive food challenge 0.8% (95% CI 0.5–0.9). While lifetime prevalence of self-reported FA and food challenge positivity only slightly changed, the point prevalence of self-reported FA, sIgE and SPT positivity increased from previous estimates. This may reflect a real increase, increased awareness, increased number of foods assessed, or increased number of studies from countries with less data in the first review. Future studies require rigorous designs and implementation of standardized methodology in diagnosing FA, including use of double-blinded placebo-controlled food challenge to minimize potential biases
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