115 research outputs found

    Horizontal transfer of Wolbachia endosymbionts in Hymenopteran host-parasitoid systems

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    Overexpression of an isoprenyl diphosphate synthase in spruce leads to unexpected terpene diversion products that function in plant defense

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    Spruce (Picea spp.) and other conifers employ terpenoid-based oleoresin as part of their defense against herbivores and pathogens. The short-chain isoprenyl diphosphate synthases (IDS) are situated at critical branch points in terpene biosynthesis, producing the precursors of the different terpenoid classes. To determine the role of IDS and to create altered terpene phenotypes for assessing the defensive role of terpenoids, we overexpressed a bifunctional spruce IDS, a geranyl diphosphate and geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase in white spruce (Picea glauca) saplings. While transcript level (350-fold), enzyme activity level (7-fold), and in planta geranyl diphosphate and geranylgeranyl diphosphate levels (4- to 8-fold) were significantly increased in the needles of transgenic plants, there was no increase in the major monoterpenes and diterpene acids of the resin and no change in primary isoprenoids, such as sterols, chlorophylls, and carotenoids. Instead, large amounts of geranylgeranyl fatty acid esters, known from various gymnosperm and angiosperm plant species, accumulated in needles and were shown to act defensively in reducing the performance of larvae of the nun moth (Lymantria monacha), a conifer pest in Eurasia. These results show the impact of overexpression of an IDS and the defensive role of an unexpected accumulation product of terpenoid biosynthesis with the potential for a broader function in plant protection

    Una nueva técnica de acristalamiento para fachadas

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    Chitin determination on marine seston in a shallow temperate estuary (Argentina)

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    A quitina é um dos biopolímeros mais abundantes no planeta. A quitina foi quantificada em frações do seston, com a finalidade de obter a primeira caracterização deste polímero no Estuário de Bahía Blanca. A amostragem foi realizada durante o inverno e o verão em dois locais: em um canal de maré não impactado (Bahía del Medio, BM) e em um setor de descarga de esgoto (Canal Vieja, CV). Os maiores valores de quitina foram observados na fração seston ; 500 µM) não excederam ~ 1% de quitina total. A maior concentração de quitina no seston < 20 µM sugere que essa fração é um grande reservatório deste biopolímero, contribuindo para a matéria orgânica para os microorganismos na cadeia alimentar do Estuário de Bahía Blanca. Este é o primeiro estudo sobre as possíveis fontes de quitina em ecossistemas marinhos na Argentina.Chitin is one of the most abundant biopolymers in the planet. Chitin was quantified in seston fractions in order to obtain the first characterization of this polymer in the Bahía Blanca Estuary. Sampling was conducted at two sites: a non- impacted tidal channel -Bahía del Medio (BM)- and a sewage discharge sector -Canal Vieja (CV)-, during winter and summer. The highest values of chitin were observed in the seston fraction ;500 µm) did not exceed ~1% of total chitin.. The higher concentration of chitin in sesto

    Low Effort L-i Nuclear Fusion Plasma Control Using Model Predictive Control Laws

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    One of the main problems of fusion energy is to achieve longer pulse duration by avoiding the premature reaction decay due to plasma instabilities. The control of the plasma inductance arises as an essential tool for the successful operation of tokamak fusion reactors in order to overcome stability issues as well as the new challenges specific to advanced scenarios operation. In this sense, given that advanced tokamaks will suffer from limited power available from noninductive current drive actuators, the transformer primary coil could assist in reducing the power requirements of the noninductive current drive sources needed for current profile control. Therefore, tokamak operation may benefit from advanced control laws beyond the traditionally used PID schemes by reducing instabilities while guaranteeing the tokamak integrity. In this paper, a novel model predictive control (MPC) scheme has been developed and successfully employed to optimize both current and internal inductance of the plasma, which influences the L-H transition timing, the density peaking, and pedestal pressure. Results show that the internal inductance and current profiles can be adequately controlled while maintaining the minimal control action required in tokamak operation.This work was supported in part by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through Research Projects GIU11/02 and GIU14/07, Research and Training Unit UFI11/07, and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through Research Project ENE2010-18345. The authors would also like to thank the collaboration of the Basque Energy Board (EVE) through Agreement UPV/EHUEVE23/6/2011, the Spanish National Fusion Laboratory (EURATOM-CIEMAT) through Agreement UPV/EHUCIEMAT08/190, and Jo Lister, Stefano Coda, and the TCV team for its collaboration and help. Authors are also very grateful to the anonymous reviewers that have helped to improve the initial version of the paper

    Low Effort Nuclear Fusion Plasma Control Using Model Predictive Control Laws

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    One of the main problems of fusion energy is to achieve longer pulse duration by avoiding the premature reaction decay due to plasma instabilities. The control of the plasma inductance arises as an essential tool for the successful operation of tokamak fusion reactors in order to overcome stability issues as well as the new challenges specific to advanced scenarios operation. In this sense, given that advanced tokamaks will suffer from limited power available from noninductive current drive actuators, the transformer primary coil could assist in reducing the power requirements of the noninductive current drive sources needed for current profile control. Therefore, tokamak operation may benefit from advanced control laws beyond the traditionally used PID schemes by reducing instabilities while guaranteeing the tokamak integrity. In this paper, a novel model predictive control (MPC) scheme has been developed and successfully employed to optimize both current and internal inductance of the plasma, which influences the L-H transition timing, the density peaking, and pedestal pressure. Results show that the internal inductance and current profiles can be adequately controlled while maintaining the minimal control action required in tokamak operation

    The inclusion of functional foods enriched in fibre, calcium, iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and n-3 fatty acids in a conventional diet improves the nutrient profile according to the Spanish reference intake

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    Objective The growing interest in maintaining good health status through optimal nutrition has boosted the launch of a number of functional foods on the market. The objective of the present study was to theoretically evaluate the nutritional relevance of incorporating selected enriched foods in the diet. Design A 28 d dietary plan, designed to be balanced under the recommended macronutrients criteria, was used as a basal diet. Some conventional foods were exchanged with foods enriched in fibre, calcium, iodine, vitamins A, D, E or n-3 fatty acids. Setting Nutritional composition of basal and modified diets was derived and compared to the Spanish recommended intakes (RI). Results The basal diet covered the recommendations for fibre and calcium with mean intake of 28 g and 1241 mg, respectively. The current intake of salt, if iodized, or bread elaborated with this salt, allowed reaching the daily intake of iodine every day, with a mean supply of 216 μg/d and 278 μg/d, respectively. The deficient supply of vitamin E in the basal diet (mean = 8 mg/d) was covered by including enriched margarine and dairy products (mean = 15 mg/d). The low n-3 fatty acids intake in the basal diet (1·1 g/d) increased up to 1·9 g/d after the use of enriched margarine, butter and biscuits and soya drink instead of milk. Conclusions In order to improve the accomplishment of the RI iodine, vitamin E and n-3 fatty acids, interesting strategies dealing with the incorporation of enriched foods in the diet were successfully initiated

    Parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral: estudio de la calidad vocal después del tratamiento logopédico

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    Fundamento. Describir los factores sociodemográficos de pacientes con parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral (PCVU) a los que se aplica un tratamiento logopédico y analiza el impacto en la calidad vocal tras la terapia. Metodología. Se incluyeron 47 pacientes con PCVU diagnosticada mediante vídeo-laringoscopia. Todos recibieron intervención logopédica repartida en 15 sesiones y estructurada en tres etapas progresivas. Se instruyó al paciente en técnicas vocales, coordinación fono-respiratoria, control del soplo, tonificación glótica e impostación vocal. Los parámetros incluidos en el estudio antes y después de la terapia fueron: cierre glótico, Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) para medir la autopercepción de calidad vocal y escala GRABS para la calidad vocal. Resultados. La edad media fue 51 años (rango 20-80), 60% mujeres. La causa quirúrgica fue la más frecuente (72%). El 40% desempeñaban una profesión relacionada con la voz. El tiempo medio desde el diagnóstico hasta el inicio del tratamiento fue 5 meses (2-12). El cierre glótico completo aumentó de 34 a 80% (p<0,001), la puntuación en VHI-10 descendió de 24,24 a 16,09 puntos (p<0,001) y los valores de GRABS mejoraron en todas las cualidades de la voz (p<0,001). Solo un 8,5% requirió cirugía post-tratamiento. Conclusiones. La terapia de reeducación vocal es eficaz como primera indicación terapéutica en pacientes con PCVU, reservando la medialización con material no reabsorbible o cirugía de tiroplastia a aquéllos con mala evolución. No obstante, es necesario reducir el tiempo que se demora el paciente en llegar a la Unidad de Voz tras el diagnóstico laringoscópico.Background

    Dialysis is a key factor modulating interactions between critical process parameters during the microfluidic preparation of lipid nanoparticles

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    Manufacturing lipid nanoparticles through microfluidic mixing can be approached from a Quality by Design perspective. Research involving critical process parameters seems to focus on the total flow and flow rate ratio, thus other process variables, such as dialysis, are underestimated. This study used a Design of Experiments to identify the influence of critical process parameters on particle size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential. A response surface Design of Experiments modeled the influence of: total flow (400 to 4000 μL min-1); flow rate ratio (3 to 9) and dialysis (yes/no). Results suggest that dialysis is a crucial parameter that strongly influences particle size and zeta potential and moderately affects polydispersity index. The flow rate ratio's relevance decreases when dialysis is performed. As the purification method can change the influence of other process parameters, it should be an integrated part of the microfluidic manufacturing of lipid nanoparticles instead of an extra step.This work was supported by the University of Costa Rica [OAICE-64-2019]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant PID2020-118859GB-100; and the Andalusian Government grants P20_01269 and P20_01271

    Dialysis is a key factor modulating interactions between critical process parameters during the microfluidic preparation of lipid nanoparticles

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    Manufacturing lipid nanoparticles through microfluidic mixing can be approached from a Quality by Design perspective. Research involving critical process parameters seems to focus on the total flow and flow rate ratio, thus other process variables, such as dialysis, are underestimated. This study used a Design of Experiments to identify the influence of critical process parameters on particle size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential. A response surface Design of Experiments modeled the influence of: total flow (400 to 4000 mu L min-1); flow rate ratio (3 to 9) and dialysis (yes/no). Results suggest that dialysis is a crucial parameter that strongly influences particle size and zeta potential and moderately affects polydispersity index. The flow rate ratio's relevance decreases when dialysis is performed. As the purification method can change the influence of other process parameters, it should be an integrated part of the microfluidic manufacturing of lipid nanoparticles instead of an extra step