287 research outputs found

    Holocaust Denial: Anti-Semitism as a Refusal to Accept Reality

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    Holocaust Denial: Anti-Semitism as a Refusal to Accept Reality

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    Dimension des Völkermords. Die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

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    Über die Zahl der ermordeten Juden wird seit dem Ende des NS-Staates diskutiert, und die Dimension des Völkermordes wird unter apologetischer Tendenz interessierter Kreise immer noch in Frage gestellt. Einer mathematisch-exakten Beweisführung, die in der Feststellung genauer Zahlenangaben münden würde, stehen erhebliche methodische Schwierigkeiten gegenüber, die gewöhnlich unterschätzt, aber als Beweis für vermutete politische Absichten oder für die Unfähigkeit der Historiker gerne benutzt werden. Absicht dieses Bandes ist es deshalb, nicht nur streng wissenschaftlich und möglichst exakt die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer der NS-Herrschaft zu ermitteln, sondern auch die Probleme aufzuzeigen, die der Bestimmung einer absoluten Zahl der Opfer entgegenstehen. Die hier anhand einer regional gegliederten Darlegung der gesicherten Erkenntnisse gezogene Bilanz ermittelt die Größenordnung des Völkermords jenseits aller Spekulationen

    Sobre a origem e a tradição do Feindbild Islão

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    Following the publication of Thilo Sarrazin’s book Deutschland schafft sich ab. Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen (“Germany is Annulling Itself: how we risk our country’s future”), this article presents a reflection on cultural xenophobia and racism in contemporary Europe. The author shows the roots of Feindbild Islam and how it was built up over centuries, invoking a Manichean world and relieving social and political frustrations. Benz demonstrates that today, as in the past, the xenophobic discourse, which is growing in Germany and Europe in general, above all reveals a profound ignorance about Islam.Tomando como ponto de partida a publicação do livro de Thilo Sarrazin Deutschland schafft sich ab. Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen («A Alemanha está a anular‑se. Como arriscamos o futuro do nosso país»), o presente texto apresenta uma reflexão sobre a xenofobia e o racismo cultural na Europa contemporânea. O autor demonstra as raízes seculares do Feindbild Islão e como este foi construído ao longo dos séculos, invocando um mundo maniqueísta e aliviando frustrações políticas e sociais. Benz demonstra que hoje, tal como no passado, o discurso xenófobo, em crescimento na Alemanha e na Europa em geral, revela acima de tudo um profundo desconhecimento sobre o Islão

    A Virtual Camera Team for Lecture Recording

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    Mena/VASP and αII-Spectrin complexes regulate cytoplasmic actin networks in cardiomyocytes and protect from conduction abnormalities and dilated cardiomyopathy

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    BACKGROUND: In the heart, cytoplasmic actin networks are thought to have important roles in mechanical support, myofibrillogenesis, and ion channel function. However, subcellular localization of cytoplasmic actin isoforms and proteins involved in the modulation of the cytoplasmic actin networks are elusive. Mena and VASP are important regulators of actin dynamics. Due to the lethal phenotype of mice with combined deficiency in Mena and VASP, however, distinct cardiac roles of the proteins remain speculative. In the present study, we analyzed the physiological functions of Mena and VASP in the heart and also investigated the role of the proteins in the organization of cytoplasmic actin networks. RESULTS: We generated a mouse model, which simultaneously lacks Mena and VASP in the heart. Mena/VASP double-deficiency induced dilated cardiomyopathy and conduction abnormalities. In wild-type mice, Mena and VASP specifically interacted with a distinct αII-Spectrin splice variant (SH3i), which is in cardiomyocytes exclusively localized at Z- and intercalated discs. At Z- and intercalated discs, Mena and β-actin localized to the edges of the sarcomeres, where the thin filaments are anchored. In Mena/VASP double-deficient mice, β-actin networks were disrupted and the integrity of Z- and intercalated discs was markedly impaired. CONCLUSIONS: Together, our data suggest that Mena, VASP, and αII-Spectrin assemble cardiac multi-protein complexes, which regulate cytoplasmic actin networks. Conversely, Mena/VASP deficiency results in disrupted β-actin assembly, Z- and intercalated disc malformation, and induces dilated cardiomyopathy and conduction abnormalities

    Freeform terahertz structures fabricated by multi-photon lithography and metal coating

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    Direct-write multi-photon laser lithography (MPL) combines highest resolution on the nanoscale with essentially unlimited 3D design freedom. Over the previous years, the groundbreaking potential of this technique has been demonstrated in various application fields, including micromechanics, material sciences, microfluidics, life sciences as well as photonics, where in-situ printed optical coupling elements offer new perspectives for package-level system integration. However, millimeter-wave (mmW) and terahertz (THz) devices could not yet leverage the unique strengths of MPL, even though the underlying devices and structures could also greatly benefit from 3D freeform microfabrication. One of the key challenges in this context is the fact that functional mmW and THz structures require materials with high electrical conductivity and low dielectric losses, which are not amenable to structuring by multi-photon polymerization. In this work, we introduce and experimentally demonstrate a novel approach that allows to leverage MPL for fabricating high-performance mmW and THz structures with hitherto unachieved functionalities. Our concept exploits in-situ printed polymer templates that are selectively coated through highly directive metal deposition techniques in combination with precisely aligned 3D-printed shadowing structures. The resulting metal-coated freeform structures offer high surface quality in combination with low dielectric losses and conductivities comparable to bulk material values, while lending themselves to fabrication on planar mmW/THz circuits. We experimentally show the viability of our concept by demonstrating a series of functional THz structures such as THz interconnects, probe tips, and suspended antennas. We believe that our approach offers disruptive potential in the field of mmW and THz technology and may unlock an entirely new realm of laser-based 3D manufacturing
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