71 research outputs found

    Building the Brazilian Academic Genealogy Tree

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    Along the history, many researchers provided remarkable contributions to science, not only advancing knowledge but also in terms of mentoring new scientists. Currently, identifying and studying the formation of researchers over the years is a challenging task as current repositories of theses and dissertations are cataloged in a decentralized way through many local digital libraries. Following our previous work in which we created and analyzed a large collection of genealogy trees extracted from NDLTD, in this paper we focus our attention on building such trees for the Brazilian research community. For this, we use data from the Lattes Platform, an internationally renowned initiative from CNPq, the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, for managing information about individual researchers and research groups in Brazil

    Family stress and satisfaction in college students: does parental divorce matter?

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    [Resumen] Esta investigación explora si el divorcio de los padres se relaciona con el estrés y la satisfacción familiares de sus hijos universitarios, así como con la calidad y la frecuencia de las relaciones padres-hijos. Participaron 147 alumnos de primer curso de las titulaciones de Educación Primaria, Educación Social, Filología, Sociología y Logopedia de la Universidade da Coruña. Los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a familias en las que los padres están divorciados tienen un estrés significativamente mayor, una satisfacción familiar menor y una calidad y frecuencia de las relaciones familiares menor que los estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a familias de padres no divorciados. Estos resultados podrían estar relacionados con los efectos a largo plazo del divorcio y ponen de manifiesto diferencias en las condiciones familiares de los alumnos cuyos padres están divorciados comparados con aquellos cuyos padres continúan casados

    Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor of the uterus

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    Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) are a rare collection of tumors arising in a wide array of anatomic locations and characterized by a myomelanocytic phenotype. PEComas which occur in non-classic anatomic distributions are known as perivascular epithelioid cell tumor-not otherwise specified (PEComa-NOS), and one of the most common primary sites for PEComa-NOS is the uterus. The risk of aggressive behavior of these tumors has been linked to a number of factors evaluable on pathologic review following initial surgical resection. We report a case of PEComa-NOS of the uterus with multiple high-risk features, including frank vascular invasion, with no evidence of recurrent disease 18 months following initial surgical resection

    Using visual scores for genomic prediction of complex traits in breeding programs.

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    An approach for handling visual scores with potential errors and subjectivity in scores was evaluated in simulated and blueberry recurrent selection breeding schemes to assist breeders in their decision-making. Most genomic prediction methods are based on assumptions of normality due to their simplicity and ease of implementation. However, in plant and animal breeding, continuous traits are often visually scored as categorical traits and analyzed as a Gaussian variable, thus violating the normality assumption, which could affect the prediction of breeding values and the estimation of genetic parameters. In this study, we examined the main challenges of visual scores for genomic prediction and genetic parameter estimation using mixed models, Bayesian, and machine learning methods. We evaluated these approaches using simulated and real breeding data sets. Our contribution in this study is a five-fold demonstration: (i) collecting data using an intermediate number of categories (1-3 and 1-5) is the best strategy, even considering errors associated with visual scores; (ii) Linear Mixed Models and Bayesian Linear Regression are robust to the normality violation, but marginal gains can be achieved when using Bayesian Ordinal Regression Models (BORM) and Random Forest Classification; (iii) genetic parameters are better estimated using BORM; (iv) our conclusions using simulated data are also applicable to real data in autotetraploid blueberry; and (v) a comparison of continuous and categorical phenotypes found that investing in the evaluation of 600-1000 categorical data points with low error, when it is not feasible to collect continuous phenotypes, is a strategy for improving predictive abilities. Our findings suggest the best approaches for effectively using visual scores traits to explore genetic information in breeding programs and highlight the importance of investing in the training of evaluator teams and in high-quality phenotyping

    LOBO: Evaluation of Generalization Deficiencies in Twitter Bot Classifiers

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    Botnets in online social networks are increasingly often affecting the regular flow of discussion, attacking regular users and their posts, spamming them with irrelevant or offensive content, and even manipulating the popularity of messages and accounts. Researchers and cybercriminals are involved in an arms race, and new and updated botnets designed to defeat current detection systems are constantly developed, rendering such detection systems obsolete. In this paper, we motivate the need for a generalized evaluation in Twitter bot detection and propose a methodology to evaluate bot classifiers by testing them on unseen bot classes. We show that this methodology is empirically robust, using bot classes of varying sizes and characteristics and reaching similar results, and argue that methods trained and tested on single bot classes or datasets might not able to generalize to new bot classes. We train one such classifier on over 200,000 data points and show that it achieves over 97% accuracy. The data used to train and test this classifier includes some of the largest and most varied collections of bots used in literature. We then test this theoretically sound classifier using our methodology, highlighting that it does not generalize well to unseen bot classes. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results, and reasons why some bot classes are easier and faster to detect than others

    Can Social News Websites Pay for Content and Curation? The SteemIt Cryptocurrency Model

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by SAGE Publishing in Journal of Information Science on 15/12/2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551517748290 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.SteemIt is a Reddit-like social news site that pays members for posting and curating content. It uses micropayments backed by a tradeable currency, exploiting the Bitcoin cryptocurrency generation model to finance content provision in conjunction with advertising. If successful, this paradigm might change the way in which volunteer-based sites operate. This paper investigates 925,092 new members’ first posts for insights into what drives financial success in the site. Initial blog posts on average received 0.01,althoughthemaximumaccruedwas0.01, although the maximum accrued was 20,680.83. Longer, more sentiment-rich or more positive comments with personal information received the greatest financial reward in contrast to more informational or topical content. Thus, there is a clear financial value in starting with a friendly introduction rather than immediately attempting to provide useful content, despite the latter being the ultimate site goal. Follow-up posts also tended to be more successful when more personal, suggesting that interpersonal communication rather than quality content provision has driven the site so far. It remains to be seen whether the model of small typical rewards and the possibility that a post might generate substantially more are enough to incentivise long term participation or a greater focus on informational posts in the long term

    Polymorphisms in the leptin gene in divergent swine breeds

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    Investigou-se a exist?ncia de polimorfismo no gene da leptina (gene da obesidade) entre varr?es da ra?a nativa Piau (porco tipo banha) e matrizes mesti?as de ra?as comerciais (Landrace/Large White e Landrace/Large White com Pietrain), selecionadas para peso e precocidade. Oito pares de primers foram desenhados a partir da seq??ncia dispon?vel no GenBank (U66254), usada, neste trabalho, como seq??ncia de refer?ncia. Amostras de DNA foram extra?das de c?lulas sang??neas brancas utilizando-se solu??o de fenol:clorof?rmio, ap?s tratamento com proteinase K. Os fragmentos gerados por amplifica??o da rea??o em cadeia da polimerase foram purificados e seq?enciados em seq?enciador autom?tico. As seq??ncias de nucleot?deos, obtidas a partir do DNA das ra?as comerciais de su?no, apresentaram maior similaridade com a seq??ncia de refer?ncia, e as seq??ncias geradas a partir do DNA dos animais nativos divergiram de ambas em algumas posi??es. Dos 28 polimorfismos encontrados, oito foram observados em apenas uma das tr?s seq??ncias geradas a partir do DNA das ra?as nativas. Doze estavam presentes em duas seq??ncias, e os oito polimorfismos restantes foram encontrados nos tr?s animais nativos.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Leptin gene (obese gene) polymorphism was investigated in Piau boars (a fat, native breed) and sows from commercial strains (Landrace/Large White and Landrace/Large White by Pietrain) chosen for rapid growth and early sexual maturity. Eight pairs of primers designed using the sequence available from GenBank (access n? U66254) were identified as the reference sequence in this project. DNA samples were extracted from white blood cells using phenol:chloroform solution, after treatment with proteinase K. Fragments generated by amplification of the Polymerase Chain Reaction were purified and sequenced in an automatic sequencer. Nucleotide sequences obtained from DNA of commercial swine breeds were similar to the reference sequence; whereas sequences generated from native breed DNA diverged from the reference sequence and from domestic breed DNA. Of the 28 polymorphisms found, eight were observed in only one of the three sequences generated from DNA of native breeds. Twelve polymorphisms were present in two sequences and the eight remaining polymorphisms were found in all three categories of DNA
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