4,145 research outputs found

    Optimisation of a parallel ocean general circulation model

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    Abstract. This paper presents the development of a general-purpose parallel ocean circulation model, for use on a wide range of computer platforms, from traditional scalar machines to workstation clusters and massively parallel processors. Parallelism is provided, as a modular option, via high-level message-passing rou- tines, thus hiding the technical intricacies from the user. An initial implementation highlights that the parallel e?ciency of the model is adversely a?ected by a number of factors, for which optimisations are discussed and implemented. The resulting ocean code is portable and, in particular, allows science to be achieved on local workstations that could otherwise only be undertaken on state-of-the-art supercomputers

    Geometrically stopped Markovian random growth processes and Pareto tails

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    Many empirical studies document power law behavior in size distributions of economic interest such as cities, firms, income, and wealth. One mechanism for generating such behavior combines independent and identically distributed Gaussian additive shocks to log-size with a geometric age distribution. We generalize this mechanism by allowing the shocks to be non-Gaussian (but light-tailed) and dependent upon a Markov state variable. Our main results provide sharp bounds on tail probabilities, a simple equation determining Pareto exponents, and comparative statics. We present two applications: we show that (i) the tails of the wealth distribution in a heterogeneous-agent dynamic general equilibrium model with idiosyncratic investment risk are Paretian, and (ii) a random growth model for the population dynamics of Japanese municipalities is consistent with the observed Pareto exponent but only after allowing for Markovian dynamics

    Urban Water Options Contracts - Rural to Urban Water Trade

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    Most urban centres across Australia are facing water shortages. In part, these water shortages are due to the variability of supply and demand caused by variable climatic conditions. Permanent supply augmentation to meet periodic water shortages can be costly. Water trade between rural and urban areas, through urban water options contracts, may be a less costly way to meet variability. Urban water options could be used to improve system reliability and may reduce costs by delaying investment and reducing the frequency and severity of water shortages. This paper investigates the potential to use urban water options contracts, and develops a methodology for evaluation.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Ex-ante evaluation of Seasonal, Real Time and Move-on Closures

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    The Ministry of EL&I asked IMARES to do an ex ante evaluation of temporal / spatial closures based on effort and cod catches by the Dutch demersal, TR1

    Charles Williams and the Stone

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    Relates Islamic and Jewish creation stories to the Stone of King Solomon (the Shekinah) in Many Dimensions

    Joan Lazarus. Signs of Change: New Directions in Secondary Theatre Education.

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    Supporting Youth of All Abilities in a Childcare Setting

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    The purpose of this capstone project was to develop multiple toolkits and resources, deliver staff education presentations, and create environmental modifications to better support youth of all abilities in a childcare setting. The capstone project was completed at the YMCA Youth Development Center (YDC) in Aberdeen, SD. The YDC provides childcare for children four weeks old through sixth grade. The focus areas of the capstone project included: occupational therapy, sensory processing and integration, behavior management strategies, fine motor activities, developmental milestones, age-appropriate play activities, and autism spectrum disorder. Professional development and continuing education courses were completed at the beginning of the experience to gain deeper knowledge and skills for working with the pediatric population. The author assisted and led various activities within each classroom. Eight binders were developed providing numerous educational toolkits and resources A total of four staff education presentations were completed. Behavior care plans were implemented with four children utilizing the resources developed for the project. Sensory kits and a small sensory space were created to address sensory needs within the facility. Mastery of all learning objectives were accomplished through completion of all learning activities and deliverables

    The Ipperwash Inquiry - Symposium on Government/Police Relations: The History and the Future of the Politics of Policing

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    This chapter examines the operational realities of the police executive linkages—beyond the official dictates of the law and the desired position expressed in ideological discourses on police independence. Paper draws primarily on historical and criminological literature and research, and public inquiries. The central argument of this paper is that, while there may be a somewhat clear-cut division between the’ policy’ versus the ‘operational’ control of the police by the State in law and in rhetoric, the reality is quite different. The relationship between the State and the police is a dynamic relationship that changes to reflect the nature of the policing that is being carried-out, the political interests of the party in power, and to some extent the personalities of the key players within both the police services and in politics at a specific period in time. This research indicates that looking for the ‘smoking gun’—i.e. the memo or document that in writing acknowledges a directive from the executive to the police—sidesteps the reality of the on-going partnerships between politics and policing