22 research outputs found

    La Regulation Emotionnelle Et L’intention De Quitter : Une Etude Empirique Aupres Des Teleconseillers Dans Les Centres D’appels Marocains

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    ABSTRACT: The concept of emotional labor refers to the management of emotions during interaction with customers in a service context (Hochschild, 1978, 1983). This concept involves the use of emotion-regulation strategies including: deep acting, surface acting and the expression of naturally felt emotions. Deep acting is a strategy that consists of adjusting feelings through the practice of some cognitive strategies. On the other hand, surface acting refers to faking emotions. The individual simulates positive emotions like empathy and hides or suppresses negative emotions like anger (Grandey and Sayre, 2019). The third emotion regulation involves the spontaneous expression of emotions without any regulatory adjustments. This article sheds light on the effects of emotion regulation strategies on turnover intention among agents in Moroccan call centers. A total of 390 questionnaires were collected online from call center agents located in different cities in Morocco. The model and hypotheses were tested using the Partial Least Square Structure Equation Modeling. The results reveal that both deep acting and surface acting have a positive effect on turnover intention, while the authentic expression of positive emotions has no significant effect on this variable. These findings have interesting theoretical and practical implications with regard to various human resources and management functions including recruitment, employee retention, training, performance, and employee well-being. KEYWORDS: Emotion regulation, turnover intention, surface acting, deep acting, authentic expression of emotions, call centerABSTRACT: The concept of emotional labor refers to the management of emotions during interaction with customers in a service context (Hochschild, 1978, 1983). This concept involves the use of emotion-regulation strategies including: deep acting, surface acting and the expression of naturally felt emotions. Deep acting is a strategy that consists of adjusting feelings through the practice of some cognitive strategies. On the other hand, surface acting refers to faking emotions. The individual simulates positive emotions like empathy and hides or suppresses negative emotions like anger (Grandey and Sayre, 2019). The third emotion regulation involves the spontaneous expression of emotions without any regulatory adjustments. This article sheds light on the effects of emotion regulation strategies on turnover intention among agents in Moroccan call centers. A total of 390 questionnaires were collected online from call center agents located in different cities in Morocco. The model and hypotheses were tested using the Partial Least Square Structure Equation Modeling. The results reveal that both deep acting and surface acting have a positive effect on turnover intention, while the authentic expression of positive emotions has no significant effect on this variable. These findings have interesting theoretical and practical implications with regard to various human resources and management functions including recruitment, employee retention, training, performance, and employee well-being. KEYWORDS: Emotion regulation, turnover intention, surface acting, deep acting, authentic expression of emotions, call cente

    When Ethical Leadership Triggers Followers’ Gratitude: Focus on Medical Representatives in Moroccan Pharmaceutical Industry

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    Throughout the long history of moral philosophy, the focus has generally been on moral reasoning, whereas the moral emotions have been regarded with some suspicion” (Haid, 2003, p.852). To respond to dearth of studies emphasizing emotions link with ethical leadership, this paper investigates whether ethical leadership can stimulate followers’ emotions from focusing on district managers (DSMs) and medical representatives (MRs) relationship in the pharmaceutical industry in Morocco. In our study, ethical leadership is defined around two main aspects including moral person and moral manager (Brown and Trevino, 2006). Qualitative data were collected through 15 semi-structured interviews conducted with medical representatives operating as part of the pharmaceutical industry in Morocco. We based our coding process on the Gioia et al., (2012) method. Our study’s results indicate that medical representatives who interacted with DSMs engaging in ethical leadership experience and express gratitude. Medical representatives have reflected experiencing thankfulness and appreciation from working with ethical DSMs, which in turn captures the experience of emotions (i.e., gratitude). In other words, medical representatives interact with their DSMs, and cognitively appraise the DSMs conducts. Through reflecting thankfulness and appreciation towards the DSM, we realize that medical representatives’ gratitude is stimulated as they perceive the DSMs deeds as positive, and moral in nature. Indeed, our study’s results supports the theological basis of gratitude, and indicate that moral considerations are part of the assessment of DSMs conducts and decisions.     JEL Classification:M10, O15 Paper Type: Empirical ResearchThroughout the long history of moral philosophy, the focus has generally been on moral reasoning, whereas the moral emotions have been regarded with some suspicion” (Haid, 2003, p.852). To respond to dearth of studies emphasizing emotions link with ethical leadership, this paper investigates whether ethical leadership can stimulate followers’ emotions from focusing on district managers (DSMs) and medical representatives (MRs) relationship in the pharmaceutical industry in Morocco. In our study, ethical leadership is defined around two main aspects including moral person and moral manager (Brown and Trevino, 2006). Qualitative data were collected through 15 semi-structured interviews conducted with medical representatives operating as part of the pharmaceutical industry in Morocco. We based our coding process on the Gioia et al., (2012) method. Our study’s results indicate that medical representatives who interacted with DSMs engaging in ethical leadership experience and express gratitude. Medical representatives have reflected experiencing thankfulness and appreciation from working with ethical DSMs, which in turn captures the experience of emotions (i.e., gratitude). In other words, medical representatives interact with their DSMs, and cognitively appraise the DSMs conducts. Through reflecting thankfulness and appreciation towards the DSM, we realize that medical representatives’ gratitude is stimulated as they perceive the DSMs deeds as positive, and moral in nature. Indeed, our study’s results supports the theological basis of gratitude, and indicate that moral considerations are part of the assessment of DSMs conducts and decisions.     JEL Classification:M10, O15 Paper Type: Empirical Researc

    Ethical Leadership Antecedents Review: Call for More Research Contextualization & Proposition of Conceptual Framework

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    Ethical leadership has been investigated as a standalone area because of scholars’ notable focus on ethical leaders’ behaviors instead of examining other leadership styles’ (e.g., transformational, transactional, charismatic leadership) ethical dimensions. The present article reviews ethical leadership literature focusing on variables driving its emergence. The area with most hanging fruits is the role of individual traits (e.g., personality traits, Kalshoven et al. 2011; and moral identity, Mayer et al. 2012) in shaping ethical leadership. However, still little is known about context’s contribution in understanding leaders’ important ethicality. To address this gap, based on Johns (2006) context framework, we have recognized and classified existing antecedents from a context stand, and analyzed their effect on ethical leaders’ emergence. Yet, the empirical research body exploring contextual variables is focused on specific areas and is not systematic. At discrete context level, organization’s characteristics (e.g., ethical climate, organizational justice) and social network have important credits in forming ethical leadership with a deficient focus on omnibus contextual variables. Our review raises calls for considering three main avenues. Firstly, we encourage more research about omnibus contextual factors specifically “when” and “who” to make the story telling about ethical leadership predictors more comprehensive. Secondly, since they are nested within the omnibus context, discrete contextual factors might be considered for their possible moderating effect on the investigated relationship. Thirdly, as contexts are dynamic, interactionist approach between omnibuses and discrete contextual variables can offer meaningful discussions about ethical leadership. A framework (figure 2) is proposed enclosing individual traits and contextual factors impacting ethical leadership.   JEL Classification: D23, O15 Paper Type: Theoretical Research  Ethical leadership has been investigated as a standalone area because of scholars’ notable focus on ethical leaders’ behaviors instead of examining other leadership styles’ (e.g., transformational, transactional, charismatic leadership) ethical dimensions. The present article reviews ethical leadership literature focusing on variables driving its emergence. The area with most hanging fruits is the role of individual traits (e.g., personality traits, Kalshoven et al. 2011; and moral identity, Mayer et al. 2012) in shaping ethical leadership. However, still little is known about context’s contribution in understanding leaders’ important ethicality. To address this gap, based on Johns (2006) context framework, we have recognized and classified existing antecedents from a context stand, and analyzed their effect on ethical leaders’ emergence. Yet, the empirical research body exploring contextual variables is focused on specific areas and is not systematic. At discrete context level, organization’s characteristics (e.g., ethical climate, organizational justice) and social network have important credits in forming ethical leadership with a deficient focus on omnibus contextual variables. Our review raises calls for considering three main avenues. Firstly, we encourage more research about omnibus contextual factors specifically “when” and “who” to make the story telling about ethical leadership predictors more comprehensive. Secondly, since they are nested within the omnibus context, discrete contextual factors might be considered for their possible moderating effect on the investigated relationship. Thirdly, as contexts are dynamic, interactionist approach between omnibuses and discrete contextual variables can offer meaningful discussions about ethical leadership. A framework (figure 2) is proposed enclosing individual traits and contextual factors impacting ethical leadership.   JEL Classification: D23, O15 Paper Type: Theoretical Research &nbsp

    Organizational commitment, emotional labor and intentions to leave: an exploratory study conducted among call center agents

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    This article aims to present an exploratory study that examines the relationship between the multidimensional concept of organizational commitment, emotional labor, and intentions to leave the organization. The concept of organizational commitment has three components: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1991,1997). The three components represent a psychological state that defines the employee's relationship with his organization. While the concept of emotional labor refers to the management of emotions during interaction with customers in a service context (Hochschild, 1983). This concept involves the use of emotion-regulation strategies including deep acting, surface acting and the expression of naturally felt emotions. In this article, we review literature pertaining to these two concepts. Then, based on the psychological contract theory (Rousseau, 1989), we will attempt to answer the following research questions: can organizational commitment predict emotional labor among call center agents? What is the link between organizational commitment, emotional labor and intentions to leave? The qualitative analysis of the semi-structured interviews revealed that organizational commitment can predict the type of emotion-regulation strategies performed by call center agents. More precisely, affective commitment predicts the use of deep acting and the authentic expression of positive emotions. Normative commitment is associated with all types of emotion-regulation strategies, while continuance commitment is more associated with surface acting. Furthermore, the results show a positive impact of surface acting strategy on turnover intentions. Surface acting is the main predictor of turnover intentions, whereas a negative effect of deep acting strategy and the expression of authentic positive emotions was found on the intentions to quit. In the same vein, a negative effect of the three dimensions of organizational commitment on intentions to quit was revealed. These findings have interesting practical implications with regard to various management functions such as recruitment, training and performance management.     JEL Classification: M54 Paper type: Empirical researchThis article aims to present an exploratory study that examines the relationship between the multidimensional concept of organizational commitment, emotional labor, and intentions to leave the organization. The concept of organizational commitment has three components: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1991,1997). The three components represent a psychological state that defines the employee's relationship with his organization. While the concept of emotional labor refers to the management of emotions during interaction with customers in a service context (Hochschild, 1983). This concept involves the use of emotion-regulation strategies including deep acting, surface acting and the expression of naturally felt emotions. In this article, we review literature pertaining to these two concepts. Then, based on the psychological contract theory (Rousseau, 1989), we will attempt to answer the following research questions: can organizational commitment predict emotional labor among call center agents? What is the link between organizational commitment, emotional labor and intentions to leave? The qualitative analysis of the semi-structured interviews revealed that organizational commitment can predict the type of emotion-regulation strategies performed by call center agents. More precisely, affective commitment predicts the use of deep acting and the authentic expression of positive emotions. Normative commitment is associated with all types of emotion-regulation strategies, while continuance commitment is more associated with surface acting. Furthermore, the results show a positive impact of surface acting strategy on turnover intentions. Surface acting is the main predictor of turnover intentions, whereas a negative effect of deep acting strategy and the expression of authentic positive emotions was found on the intentions to quit. In the same vein, a negative effect of the three dimensions of organizational commitment on intentions to quit was revealed. These findings have interesting practical implications with regard to various management functions such as recruitment, training and performance management.     JEL Classification: M54 Paper type: Empirical researc

    Etude exploratoire auprĂšs des enseignes de la grande distribution : Dans Quelle Mesure les BĂ©nĂ©fices des Programmes de FidĂ©lisation Peuvent-Ils Conduire Ă  Une FidĂ©litĂ© Ă  l’enseigne ?

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    Cet article a pour objectif d’analyser l’influence des bĂ©nĂ©fices (utilitaires, hĂ©doniques et symboliques) des programmes de fidĂ©litĂ© sur la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  l’enseigne. Cette analyse, repose sur une exploration thĂ©orique des travaux portant sur la fidĂ©litĂ© des clients. Aussi sur une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire prĂ©sentĂ©e par un guide d’entretien destinĂ© aux responsables des enseignes dans la grande distribution. L’étude auprĂšs de ces responsables nous a permis d’apprĂ©hender la rĂ©alitĂ© du terrain et d’affiner notre problĂ©matique Ă©tudiĂ©e pour conduire une recherche quantitative plus prĂ©cise. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude nous ont permis de prĂ©ciser les consĂ©quences de la fidĂ©litĂ© suivants : bouche Ă  oreille positif, intention de fidĂ©litĂ©, part du portefeuille client, rĂ©sistance Ă  la contre persuasion et l’achat rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©. Mots-clĂ©s : programmes de fidĂ©litĂ©, fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  l’enseigne, consĂ©quences de la fidĂ©litĂ©. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/70-05 Publication date:August 31st 202

    ExpĂ©rience Ă©motionnelle en ligne et la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă©lectronique des e-consommateurs Marocains : Étude exploratoire

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    The world has recently undergone a technological evolution accompanied by a change in consumer purchasing behavior, and all these factors have an impact on e-commerce, as the consumer is not only eager to obtain the product and/or service, but also wants to have an unforgettable experience with the brand. These changes in behavior have made experiential marketing researchers curious about the effect of experiential marketing on e-consumer behavior. For this reason, we decided to delve deeper into our research and discover the mechanisms by which emotional experience affects the e-loyalty of the Moroccan e-consumer. After studying the theories, we were able to extract a conceptual model. In order to prove the relationship between the variables in the model, a qualitative study was carried out to confirm the relationship between the variables, to see whether the conceptual model is compatible or incompatible with the behavior of the Moroccan e-customer. The interview was conducted with Moroccan digital marketing specialists, and the information gathered during the interview was processed and analyzed using NVIVO software. The results brought us closer to understanding the behavior of Moroccan e-consumers, as the interview participants explained the mechanisms that meet the expectations of Moroccan e-consumers, and also enabled us to enrich our model by adding variables and confirming the relationship between the others.RĂ©cemment, le monde a Ă©tĂ© tĂ©moin d'une Ă©volution technologique majeure, accompagnĂ©e d'un changement significatif dans le comportement d'achat des consommateurs. Ces transformations ont eu un impact substantiel sur le commerce Ă©lectronique, car les consommateurs ne se contentent plus seulement d'acquĂ©rir un produit ou un service, mais aspirent Ă©galement Ă  vivre une expĂ©rience mĂ©morable avec la marque. Ces Ă©volutions comportementales ont suscitĂ© l'intĂ©rĂȘt des chercheurs en marketing expĂ©rientiel pour comprendre l'impact du marketing expĂ©rientiel sur le comportement des consommateurs en ligne. C'est pourquoi nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© d'approfondir nos recherches afin de dĂ©couvrir les mĂ©canismes par lesquels l'expĂ©rience Ă©motionnelle influence la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă©lectronique du e-consommateur marocain. AprĂšs avoir examinĂ© les thĂ©ories existantes, nous avons Ă©laborĂ© un modĂšle conceptuel. Afin de valider la relation entre les variables de ce modĂšle, une Ă©tude qualitative a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e pour confirmer si les liens entre ces variables Ă©taient compatibles ou non avec le comportement du e-consommateur marocain. Des entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec des experts en marketing digital au Maroc, et les informations recueillies ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide du logiciel NVIVO. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont renforcĂ© notre comprĂ©hension du comportement des e-consommateurs marocains. Les participants aux entretiens ont expliquĂ© les mĂ©canismes qui rĂ©pondent aux attentes de ces e-consommateurs, enrichissant ainsi notre modĂšle en ajoutant de nouvelles variables et en confirmant les relations existantes entre les autres variables

    Analyse qualitative du rÎle des programmes de fidélisation dans les enseignes de la grande distribution

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    L’objectif de notre Ă©tude, est d’analyser l’impact des bĂ©nĂ©fices des programmes de fidĂ©lisation sur la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  l’enseigne, dans le secteur de la grande distribution au Maroc. La premiĂšre Ă©tape de notre recherche, prĂ©sente une Ă©tude thĂ©orique du concept de la fidĂ©litĂ© avec ses plusieurs facettes Ă  savoir : la fidĂ©litĂ© des clients, la fidĂ©litĂ© au programme et la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  l’enseigne. Par la suite, la deuxiĂšme Ă©tape repose sur une analyse qualitative d’un guide d’entretien menĂ© auprĂšs des grandes et moyennes surfaces Ă  prĂ©dominances alimentaires et grandes et moyennes surfaces spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de notre analyse, a permis de confronter la rĂ©alitĂ© du terrain avec les interrogations de notre problĂ©matique. En outre, Ă  l’aide du logiciel Nvivo, nous avons prĂ©cisĂ© les antĂ©cĂ©dents (dĂ©terminants) et les consĂ©quences de la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  l’enseigne (attitudinales et comportementales)


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    La notion de la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  la marque a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie comme une rĂ©ponse comportementale etattitudinale qui ne cesse d’évoluer depuis les annĂ©es 90. La recherche autour des facteursexplicatifs de la fidĂ©litĂ© se multiplie et plus particuliĂšrement l’approche relationnelle,notamment Ă  travers des concepts comme la confiance, la satisfaction, l’attachement oul’engagement. Parmi ces diffĂ©rents construits, le sentiment d’amour pour une marque est plusrĂ©cent, moins abordĂ© par les chercheurs et suscite l’intĂ©rĂȘt des chercheurs et des praticiens.Pour contribuer aux recherches dans ce champ, cet article propose d’intĂ©grer la variable del’amour comme nouvel antĂ©cĂ©dent relationnel pour expliquer la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  la marque, de lesituer par rapport Ă  des notions proches et d’explorer la relation consommateur-marque dansle secteur des tĂ©lĂ©communications. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une convergence de la littĂ©ratureĂ  la rĂ©alitĂ© managĂ©riale au sein des opĂ©rateurs tĂ©lĂ©coms