166 research outputs found

    Perancangan Apartemen Produktif dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hibrid

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    Di Indonesia, wilayah peri-urban menjadi salah satu wilayah dengan konversi lahan atau alih fungsi lahan pertanian tertinggi. Fenomena ini terjadi karena tingginya pertumbuhan penduduk dan peningkatan pembangunan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana di wilayah tersebut. Sektor perumahan menjadi salah satu sektor terbesar yang menjadi penyebab adanya konversi lahan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan kurangnya lahan hijau yang produktif, namun tidak bisa dipungkiri kebutuhan akan hunian semakin meningkat. Dari uraian permasalahan tersebut, bangunan arsitektur diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi tingginya kebutuhan akan hunian di wilayah peri-urban, namun tidak melupakan produktivitas suatu lahan. Untuk itu, perancangan arsitektur ini bertujuan merancang sebuah apartemen yang mengakomodasi antara aktivitas berhuni dan aktivitas yang mempertahankan produktivitas lahan. Pendekatan perancangan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Arsitektur Hibrid. Hibridisasi diterapkan pada penggabungan antara dua aktivitas yaitu berhuni dan aktivitas yang mendukung produktifitas lahan (berkebun). Kedua hibridisasi menjadi konsep utama untuk membuat bangunan multifungsi dalam satu kesatuan bangunan. Metode hibrid yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah Thematic Program dan Fabric Form. Dalam proses awal perancangan, bangunan apartemen produktif ini terbentuk berdasarkan pelaku dan aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan di dalam bangunan. Kemudian beberapa aktivitas yang terkait membentuk sebuah ruang-ruang hibrid yang dapat mengakomodasi berbagai macam aktivitas dalam waktu bersamaan. Penggabungan program secara Thematic memberikan kesan bagi pengguna bangunan akan kedekatannya dengan alam dan tumbuhan. Sehingga selain mengakomodasi kebutuhan akan hunian, apartemen produktif ini dapat menarik ketertarikan bagi penghuni untuk melakukan aktivitas berkebun secara mandiri dan bangunan dapat mempertahankan produktivitas sebuah lahan

    Exfoliated Nanocomposites Based on Polyaniline and Tungsten Disulfide

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    Nanocomposite materials consisting of polyaniline (PANI) and exfoliated WS2 were synthesized. The WS2 was prepared by reacting tungstic acid with thiourea at 500°C under nitrogen flow. Samples were prepared with a WS2 content of 1, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 37, and 64% by mass. An improvement in the electronic conductivity value of the PANI was observed through the incorporation of exfoliated WS2. The electronic conductivity of PANI-15%WS2 was 24.5 S/cm, an eightfold increase when compared to pure PANI. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) provided evidence that the nanocomposites are in an exfoliated state. XRD and TEM showed that the nanocomposites were completely amorphous, suggesting lack of structural order in these materials, while their EPR signals were considerably narrower compared to pure PANI, indicating the formation of genuine exfoliated systems. Furthermore, our research showed that WS2 can be used as a filler to improve activation energy of decomposition of the polymer. By using the Ozawa method, we studied the decomposition kinetics for the nanocomposites, as well as for the pure polymer. The activation energy for the decomposition of pure PANI was found to be 131.2 kJ/mol. Increasing the amount of WS2 to 12.5% in the PANI increases the activation energy of decomposition to 165.4 kJ/mol, an enhancement of 34.2 kJ/mol over the pure polymer

    Expertise in surgical neuro-oncology. Results of a survey by the EANS neuro-oncology section

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    Introduction: Technical advances and the increasing role of interdisciplinary decision-making may warrant formal definitions of expertise in surgical neuro-oncology. Research question: The EANS Neuro-oncology Section felt that a survey detailing the European neurosurgical perspective on the concept of expertise in surgical neuro-oncology might be helpful. Material and methods: The EANS Neuro-oncology Section panel developed an online survey asking questions regarding criteria for expertise in neuro-oncological surgery and sent it to all individual EANS members. Results: Our questionnaire was completed by 251 respondents (consultants: 80.1%) from 42 countries. 67.7% would accept a lifetime caseload of >200 cases and 86.7% an annual caseload of >50 as evidence of neuro-oncological surgical expertise. A majority felt that surgeons who do not treat children (56.2%), do not have experience with spinal fusion (78.1%) or peripheral nerve tumors (71.7%) may still be considered experts. Majorities believed that expertise requires the use of skull-base approaches (85.8%), intraoperative monitoring (83.4%), awake craniotomies (77.3%), and neuro-endoscopy (75.5%) as well as continuing education of at least 1/year (100.0%), a research background (80.0%) and teaching activities (78.7%), and formal interdisciplinary collaborations (e.g., tumor board: 93.0%). Academic vs. non-academic affiliation, career position, years of neurosurgical experience, country of practice, and primary clinical interest had a minor influence on the respondents’ opinions. Discussion and conclusion: Opinions among neurosurgeons regarding the characteristics and features of expertise in neuro-oncology vary surprisingly little. Large majorities favoring certain thresholds and qualitative criteria suggest a consensus definition might be possible

    Influence de la nutrition azotée sur la sensibilité d'Arabidopsis thaliana à Alternaria brassicicola aux stades plantule et rosette

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    The role of nitrogen nutrition was studied on the A. thaliana / A. brassicicola pathosystem. A. brassicicola is a necrotrophic fungus transmitted to and by the seed, causing damping-off but also leaf necrosis. To this end, the influence of different forms of nitrogen supply, nitrate vs ammonium, on plant susceptibility to the pathogen was studied, at two stages of development: rosette (adult plant) and seedling (early stage). At the rosette stage, plants grown under ammonium conditions are less susceptible to the fungus than under nitrate conditions. Metabolite analyzes and selected gene expression revealed that nitrogen nutrition appeared to control fungal infection via a complex set of signaling and nutritional events. A new experimental device has been developed for the study at the seedling stage to assess the fungus impact on the development of seedlings, by image analysis. The study of the effect of nitrogen nutrition, carried out on three genotypes, revealed that the seedlings are more susceptible to the fungus under ammonium conditions than under nitrate conditions. This study has therefore demonstrated for the first time that nitrogen nutrition has a different influence on A. thaliana susceptibility to A. brassicicola depending on the plant stage of development. The study, in seeds and seedlings, of metabolite abundances and expression of a selection of genes made it possible to link a reduced susceptibility to the fungus, notably to the indole glucosinolate pathway and to lower levels of polyamines.Le rĂŽle de la nutrition azotĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© sur le pathosystĂšme A. thaliana / A. brassicicola. A. brassicicola est un champignon nĂ©crotrophe transmis Ă  et par la semence, provoquant des fontes de semis mais aussi des nĂ©croses sur feuilles. Dans ce but, l’influence de l’apport de diffĂ©rentes formes d’azote dans le milieu nutritif de la plante, nitrate vs ammonium, sur leur sensibilitĂ© au pathogĂšne a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e, Ă  deux stades de dĂ©veloppement : rosette (plante adulte) et plantule (prĂ©coce). Au stade rosette, les plantes cultivĂ©es en condition ammonium sont moins sensibles au champignon qu’en condition nitrate. Des analyses mĂ©taboliques et d’expression d’une sĂ©lection de gĂšnes ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la nutrition azotĂ©e semblait contrĂŽler l’infection fongique via un ensemble complexe d’évĂ©nements de signalisation et nutritionnels. Un nouveau dispositif expĂ©rimental a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour l’étude au stade plantule permettant d’évaluer l’impact du champignon sur le dĂ©veloppement des plantules par analyse d’images. L’étude de l’effet de la nutrition azotĂ©e, menĂ©e sur trois gĂ©notypes, a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les plantules sont plus sensibles au champignon en condition ammonium qu’en condition nitrate. Cette Ă©tude a donc mis en Ă©vidence pour la premiĂšre fois que la nutrition azotĂ©e influence diffĂ©remment la sensibilitĂ© d'A. thaliana Ă  A. brassicicola en fonction du stade de dĂ©veloppement de la plante. L’étude, dans les graines et les plantules, des abondances mĂ©taboliques et de l’expression d’une sĂ©lection de gĂšnes a permis de relier notamment une sensibilitĂ© rĂ©duite au champignon Ă  la voie des glucosinolates indoliques et Ă  des teneurs plus faibles en polyamines

    Apartemen Produktif dengan Pendekatan Hibrid

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    Salah satu fenomena dalam sektor pertanian adalah meningkatnya konversi lahan pertanian atau alih fungsi lahan pertanian ke sektor perumahan. Di Indonesia, wilayah peri-urban adalah wilayah dengan tingkat konversi lahan tertinggi. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh pertumbuhan penduduk dan arus urbanisasi yang terus meningkat. Kurangnya daya tampung perumahan bagi penduduk yang menetap dan bekerja di kota menyebabkan para perencana kota membangun perumahan di daerah batas luar kota atau daerah pinggiran kota. Namun, pembangunan perumahan/hunian tidak bisa dihindari, mengingat kebutuhannya sangat tinggi sebagai tempat tinggal manusia. Sehingga, tujuan dalam perancangan ini adalah membuat bangunan arsitektur yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan akan hunian di wilayah peri-urban tanpa melupakan produktivitas lahan. Apartemen produktif yang menyediakan unit hunian dan area hijau produktif menjadi respon arsitektur yang mengakomodasi dua kebutuhan tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah pendekatan Arsitektur Hibrid. Sebuah hibridisasi antara hunian dan area hijau produktif menjadi konsep utama dalam upaya membuat bangunan multifungsi di dalam satu lahan yang sama agar dapat berdampingan dan menjadi satu kesatuan. Selain itu, perancangan ini menggunakan metode Thematic Program yang digunakan sebagai dasar penataan progam, serta metode Fabric Hybrid untuk membuat bentuk dan fasad bangunan. Dalam proses perancangan, penulis menganalisa berbagai aktivitas yang terjadi dalam hunian dan area hijau produktif. Kemudian, kedua fungsi dengan berbagai aktivitas tersebut digabungkan secara Thematic tanpa melupakan kebutuhan teknis dari masing-masing fungsi. Keterkaitan antara kedua fungsi tersebut membentuk ruang-ruang hibrid yang dimanfaatkan pengguna bangunan untuk melakukan berbagai macam aktivitas. Sehingga, bangunan apartemen produktif ini dapat menyediakan hunian yang mempertahankan produktivitas lahan serta menawarkan suasana hunian berbeda dengan aktivitas berkebun di dalamnya. =================================================================================================== The agricultural land conversion phenomenon is nowdays increasing, especially in peri-urban area of Indonesia. The peri-urban area is one of area that has the largest amount of agricultural land conversion. This issue is caused by high population growth and urbanization flow. Consequently, the housing demand in peri-urban area increases where people live and work. This development cannot be simply denied, yet the need for productive green areas must be preserved. The design proposal is to create an architectural building that accommodates the housing need in the peri-urban area and provides green open space for productivity. Therefore, the architectural design proposes a productive apartments that provide residential units and productive green areas to respond the design problems (housing demands and productive area). The design approach used is Hybrid Architecture. A hybridization between housing and productive green areas becomes a key concept for designing multifunctional apartment buildings. In addition, this design uses the Thematic Program method for the basis of the program arrangement and Fabric Hybrid method to create the building shape and facade. In the design process, the author analyzes various activities that occur within housing and productive green areas. Then, the two functions with various activities are merged in Thematic Program without neglecting the technical needs of each functions. The linkages between the two functions create the hybrid spaces that are used for various activities. Finally, the design of productive apartment building provides housing and multiple supporting facilities that offers a different experiences for housing atmosphere with gardening activities

    LogDoctor: an open and decentralized worker-centered solution for occupational management in healthcare

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    Occupational stress among health workers is a pervasive issue that affects individual well-being, patient care quality, and healthcare systems’ sustainability. Current time-tracking solutions are mostly employer-driven, neglecting the unique requirements of health workers. In turn, we propose an open and decentralized worker-centered solution that leverages machine intelligence for occupational health and safety monitoring. Its robust technological stack, including blockchain technology and machine learning, ensures compliance with legal frameworks for data protection and working time regulations, while a decentralized autonomous organization bolsters distributed governance. To tackle implementation challenges, we employ a scalable, interoperable, and modular architecture while engaging diverse stakeholders through open beta testing and pilot programs. By bridging an unaddressed technological gap in healthcare, this approach offers a unique opportunity to incentivize user adoption and align stakeholders’ interests. We aim to empower health workers to take control of their time, valorize their work, and safeguard their health while enhancing the care of their patients
