52 research outputs found

    Assessment of Bifidobacterium Pseudocatenulatum G4 as A Probiotic

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    This study has demonstrated the probiotic criteria of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum G4 related to safety profile; effects on intestinal microbiota; interactions with prebiotics; and the growth in peanut milk (PM) and survivability during the storage. The safety profile of the strain G4 was evaluated in groups of BALB/c mice, fed different concentrations of Bifidobacterium strains for a period of 28 days. At the end of the experimental period, the highest dose of 11 log CFU B. pseudocatenulatum G4 /day did not affect the general health of mice nor cause any toxicity to blood based on biochemistry and haematology measurements. Pathogenicity symptoms were not detected in the internal organs; serum enzymes of liver and kidney; and histology of ceacum, ileum and colon of the treated mice; thus, the strain G4 could be a safe probiotic for food application. The effects of feeding strain G4 on selected microbiota community and metabolic activity in ceacum and colon of rats were also examined in 30 days feeding trail. The rat groups received skim milk contained either viable or metabolic product of B. pseudocatenulatum G4. The viable supplement of strain G4 increased profile of bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus and total anaerobes in ceacum and colon of the fed rats; while it decreased total aerobes and potential pathogens (staphylococcus, enterococcus and enterobacteriacea) of the same intestinal regions. However, salmonella and coliform were maintained mostly unchanged. In addition, the viable supplement of strain G4 has significantly (p 7 log CFU CFU/ml fermented PM products. Therefore, B. pseudocatenulatum G4 assessed to be a safe probiotic microorganism for synbiotics formulation with FOS and incorporation into peanut milk (PM) for delivery purposes

    La Lente Evolution Du Système Fiscal Marocain : Les Faits Et Les Enseignements

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    The present work aims to analyze the evolution of the Moroccan tax system from the independence to the implementation of the tax reform of the 1980s in order to draw the lessons and to be able to decide on its future evolutions. Indeed, fiscal developments and "reforms" succeeded one another since the independence in 1956, with no significant evolution in the Moroccan tax system inherited from the French protectorate. Yet this system was characterized by imbalances; inconsistencies and inequities. A profound tax reform has become inevitable. After an undue delay; The Government has proceeded from 1984 to the reform of the effective tax system with a view to its modernization and simplification. This reform has resulted, in fact, in the passage of a heavy and complex schedular or analytical system, characterized by blatant inequalities, imbalances and inconsistencies to a modern and synthetic taxation system. At the end of this reform; three major synthetic taxes were set up: T.V.A, I.S and I.R. The reform also concerned the taxation of local authorities. With the implementation of the tax reform since 1984, the Moroccan tax system has certainly made progress but limitations related in particular to the architecture of the system and its structure and new synthetic taxes persist. Future research will focus on assessing the tax reforms and adjustments of the years 2000 and the prospects for reforming the Moroccan tax system

    Design and Development of Mobile Hotel Room Reservation: From EDC (UUM) Perspective

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    In today's business environment the use of mobile applications is beginning to play an ever increasing important role. Many people use and interact with mobile devices each day both in their business and in their personal lives (residences). Tomorrow's mobile business environment will be a force that can influence the competitive nature of business and the hospitality industry as well. This paper discusses a prototype development of mobile technology in the perspective of EDC- UUM (Executive Development Center-Universiti Utara Malaysia). The prototype is evolving with the numerous changes that are occurring in the related technology as well as the changes that are occurring in the hospitality industry

    A Comparative Analysis On User Satisfaction In Closed And Open Office Buildings: Case Study Of Some Selected Buildings In Abuja

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    Many organizations and industries around the world have their own preference for office type base on the nature of services to be rendered. Office building without employee’s satisfaction can adversely affect their performances at their places of work. Open office is an office that has large open space with no partitionable walls but providing workstation for each employee within the open space while the close office is the type with solid walls or frames as partitions with doors which open to each office. It is in light of this that the design of office becomes imperative to both employers and architects. The aim of this study is to investigate user satisfaction and preferences in office buildings, in other to proffer appropriate design suggestion and recommendation that can be used when providing office to employees. A survey is adopted through the aid of administered questionnaire to respondents, and the results are therefore analysed using the simple statistical tool. Findings from the study reveal users satisfaction and preference for open office layout, it further reveals efficiency in users productivity due to its effectiveness in communication, knowledge sharing, space-saving, cost-saving and flexibility in managerial activities. The study, therefore, creates a correlation between findings conducted by other researchers over the years concerning the provision of office for employees their preference and satisfaction for open office buildings


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    Il est important de rappeler que la préparation de la loi de finances 2011 s’est faite dans un contexte international de crise économique qui caractérise les principaux pays développés sans grande conséquence significative, dans le court terme, sur l’économie algérienne. C’est ainsi que malgré cette tension économique, les prix des hydrocarbures sont restés soutenus ce qui est favorable � une préparation du budget sans contrainte sévère de ressources publiques. Cette embellie financière, qui profite � l’Algérie depuis quelques années, va permettre d’une part de poursuivre les grands projets d’investissements que l’Etat a lancé dans le cadre des différents plans de développement et d’autre part de faire face � une demande sociale interne qui s’exprime de plus en plus, notamment devant la lenteur de réalisation du logement social, la maîtrise des prix de certains produits de large consommation et le problème de l’emploi des jeunes diplômés. C’est � ces trois principales préoccupations que la loi de finances 2011 tentera d’apporter des réponses concrètes

    Évaluation de l'efficacité du processus de formation au sein de l’entreprise SONATRACH -HBK- Ouargla (2013-2016)

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    The aim of this study is to trace the training process of the oil company Sonatrach Direction HBK, as well as the evaluation of its effectiveness. A finding of HR was made according to three indicators;  (Indicator of workforce status by socio-occupational category and their distributions - indicator of the workforce status by division and gender distribution indicator), subsequently other indicators are used to evaluate and analyse the performance of this process, such as (the indicator of the number of training operations carried out, the evaluation indicator of the actual and projected training plans and the cost of training indicator). The analytical descriptive method was used for the analysis of the data of the company, some concern that the year 2016, and others spread over the period from 2013 to 2016. The study concluded the existence of a lack of efficiency of the training process due to the perceived difference in the actual and projected results of the training; however, the company attaches great importance to the training of its employees in all its categories attested in the number indicator of training operations carried out.L’objectif de cette étude est de tracer le processus de formation de l’entreprise pétrolière Sonatrach Direction HBK, ainsi que l’évaluation de son efficacité. Un constat des RH a été fait selon trois indicateurs ; (Indicateur  de situation d’effectifs par catégorie socioprofessionnelle et leurs répartitions- indicateur de la situation d’effectifs par division et indicateur  de répartition par genre), par la suite d’autres indicateurs interviennent pour évaluer et analyser la performance de ce processus tel que (l’indicateur du nombre d’opérations de formation effectué, l’indicateur d’évaluation des plans  prévisionnels et réels de la formation et l’indicateur du coût de la formation). La méthode descriptive analytique a été utilisée pour l’analyse des données de l’entreprise, certaines concernent que l’année 2016, d’autres s’étale sur la période de 2013 à 2016. L’étude a conclu l’existence d’un manque d’efficacité du processus de formation dû à l’écart perçu dans les résultats prévisionnels et réels de la formation, cependant l’entreprise accorde une grande importance à la formation de ses employés dans toutes ses catégories attestées dans l’indicateur du nombre d’opérations de formation effectuées.&nbsp

    Cognitive Radio for Smart Grid with Security Considerations

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    In this paper, we investigate how Cognitive Radio as a means of communication can be utilized to serve a smart grid deployment end to end, from a home area network to power generation. We show how Cognitive Radio can be mapped to integrate the possible different communication networks within a smart grid large scale deployment. In addition, various applications in smart grid are defined and discussed showing how Cognitive Radio can be used to fulfill their communication requirements. Moreover, information security issues pertained to the use of Cognitive Radio in a smart grid environment at different levels and layers are discussed and mitigation techniques are suggested. Finally, the well-known Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is integrated with the Cognitive Radio part of a smart grid communication network to protect against unauthorized access to customer’s data and to the network at large

    Health status of BALB/c mice orally fed with Bifidobacterium Pseudocatenulatum G4.

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    Safety profiles of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum G4 and commercial Bifidobacterium longum B536 were evaluated. Groups of BALB/c mice were orally administered sterile skim milk suspensions containing viable B. pseudocatenulatum G4 at 2 x 104, 1 x 108, or 1 x 1011 CFU/day and reference B. longum BB536 at 1 x 108 CFU/day for four weeks. None Bifidobacterium supplemented was used as control. No abnormal clinical signs were revealed during the assessment. There were no noticeable dif erences in food intake; water intake and weight gain between treatment groups. Feeding with strain G4 did not cause any changesin blood biochemistry (Albumin, Glucose, Cholestrol, and Total protein) or haematological (Red blood cell (RBC), Protein cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin, Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), White blood cell (WBC), Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, and Eosinophils) measurements. Hence, this strain of B. pseudocatenulatum evaluated during this study; did not adversely affect the health of the mice and is likely to share the safe status of probiotic bacterium for future application

    Isolement, Identification Et Activite Antifongique De Deux Sesquiterpenes D’asteriscus Graveolens Subsp. Odorus (Schousb.) Greuter

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    Two sesquiterpenes of Asteriscus graveolens subsp. odorus, have been extracted, separated, purified and identified by NMR and IR: the naupliolide and asteriscunolide 3c. The valuation of these compounds is part of the search for a preventive approach of integrated control to reduce significantly the use of pesticides and especially the fungicide ones. The results revealed a strong inhibitory effect on naupliolide against Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium expansum dice concentration of 200 ppm. The asteriscunolide 3c showed a remarkable effect against Botrytis cinerea from the concentration of 150 ppm