533 research outputs found

    Resonant sneutrino production at Tevatron Run II

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    We consider the single chargino production at Tevatron ppˉν~iχ~1±lip \bar p \to \tilde \nu_i \to \tilde \chi^{\pm}_1 l_i^{\mp} as induced by the resonant sneutrino production via a dominant \RPV coupling of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c. Within a supergravity model, we study the three leptons final state. The comparison with the expected background demonstrate that this signature allows to extend the sensitivity on the \susyq mass spectrum beyond the present LEP limits and to probe the relevant \RPV coupling down to values one order of magnitude smaller than the most stringent low energy indirect bounds. The trilepton signal offers also the opportunity to reconstruct the neutralino mass in a model independent way with good accuracy.Comment: 4 page

    Measurement of healing area using planimetry after applying low-intensity ultrasound to the skin of rats

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    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A planimetria é um método utilizado para avaliar a evolução da cicatrização de feridas. A planimetria computacional é um método ainda em experimentação, mas cujas vantagens têm sido demonstradas em várias investigações. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a cicatrização de lesão cutânea produzida na região dorsal de ratos, por meio da planimetria computacional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 60 ratos machos Wistar (peso médio de 300g) divididos em dois grupos com 30 animais cada, de acordo com o tratamento: 1) irradiação simulada (controle); 2) irradiação efetiva (Freqüência fundamental de 1,5MHz, freqüência de repetição de pulsos de 1KHz, largura de pulso de 200µs, intensidade de 30mW/cm² SATA, dez minutos de aplicação em dias alternados). Cada grupo foi subdividido em três grupos, de acordo com o período de irradiação ultra-sônica, de três, sete e 14 dias, respectivamente, e a cicatrização foi avaliada por meio da planimetria, um decalque da lesão sendo obtido em papel especial, digitalizado e medido ao computador por meio de um programa gráfico. Análise estatística pelo método não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento significante (p<0,05) da área cicatrizada no grupo 2 (141,88±18,50mm²) em relação ao grupo 1 (117,38±15,14mm²), no 14º dia. Não houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos nos demais períodos. CONCLUSÕES: O ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade estimula a cicatrização cutânea por segunda intenção em condições experimentais. A planimetria computacional mostrou-se um recurso de baixo custo, fácil manuseio e de aplicabilidade clínica.BACKGROUND: Planimetry is a method used to evaluate the progression of skin wound healing. Computerized planimetry is still an experimental method, but its advantages have been demonstrated in several investigations. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on the healing of a skin lesion produced on the dorsal region of rats, by means of computerized planimetry. METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats of mean weight 300g were used. They were divided into two groups according to the treatment applied: 1) simulated irradiation (control); 2) effective irradiation (fundamental frequency 1.5MHz, pulse repetition frequency 1KHz, pulse width 200µs, SATA intensity 30mW/cm² and application for ten minutes on alternate days). Each group was divided into three subgroups according to the length of time for which ultrasound irradiation was applied of three, seven and 14 days, respectively, and healing was evaluated by means of planimetry; a tracing of the wound was obtained on special paper and this was digitized and measured by means of a graphing software. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric method. RESULTS: The healed area was significantly greater (p<0.05) in group 2 (141.88±18.50mm²) than in group 1 (117.38±15.14mm²) on the 14th day. There were no significant differences between the subgroups for the other experimental periods. CONCLUSIONS: Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound irradiation stimulated secondary skin healing under these experimental conditions. Computerized planimetry was shown to be a low cost method that was easy to use and present clinical applicability

    The biology and ecology of Valencia letourneuxi Sauvage 1880 (Valenciidae) - Prospects for conservation

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    Data are provided on the distribution, abundance, early development and biology of the endangered Greek endemic species Valencia letourneuxi Sauvage 1880, along with a record of its occurrence at new localities. V. letourneuxi is a small-bodied and short-lived insectivorous species, exhibiting cryptic colouration and sexual dimorphism. It matures in the first year of life, reproduces serially in late spring and summer, and deposits spherical eggs, around 2 mm, on aquatic plants. Most morphometric characters show size-specific trends, which complicate comparisons among populations or with other species. Of specific systematic importance is the relative position of the anal and dorsal fins, which remains almost unaltered throughout development, and allows safe distinction from A. fasciatus. The species was found mostly in deep areas with clean and slow running water, usually associated with freshwater springs. Rich submerged vegetation is the prominent ecological feature of all sites in which the species was found. Using as criteria of rarity the limited geographic distribution, the confinement of the species in few localities of each aquatic system and the low local densities, V. letourneuxi can be characterised as a "restricted and locally rare species". The restricted distribution, coupled with the narrow ecological requirements, makes the species vulnerable to extinction. Its disappearance from at least four aquatic systems and the serious population decline in a number of other systems seems to be connected with habitat loss or degradation caused by human activities. The prospects of conservation are discussed

    The ESO Key-Programme ``A Homogeneous Bright QSO Survey'' - I The Methods and the ``Deep'' Fields

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    This is the first paper in a series aimed at defining a statistically significant sample of QSOs in the range 15<B<18.75 15 < B < 18.75 and 0.3<z<2.2 0.3 < z < 2.2. The selection is carried out using direct plates obtained at the ESO and UK Schmidt Telescopes, scanned with the COSMOS facility and searched for objects with an ultraviolet excess. Follow-up spectroscopy, carried out at ESO La Silla, is used to classify each candidate. In this initial paper, we describe the scientific objectives of the survey; the selection and observing techniques used. We present the first sample of 285 QSOs (MB<23M_B < -23) in a 153 deg2^2 area, covered by the six ``deep'' fields, intended to obtain significant statistics down B18.75B \simeq 18.75 with unprecedented photometric accuracy. From this database, QSO counts are determined in the magnitude range 17<B<18.75 17 < B < 18.75.Comment: 21 pages uuencoded compressed postscript, to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplements, 199

    Knockout of proton-neutron pairs from 16^{16}O with electromagnetic probes

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    After recent improvements to the Pavia model of two-nucleon knockout from 16^{16}O with electromagnetic probes the calculated cross sections are compared to experimental data from such reactions. Comparison with data from a measurement of the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn) reaction show much better agreement between experiment and theory than was previously observed. In a comparison with recent data from a measurement of the 16^{16}O(γ\gamma,pn) reaction the model over-predicts the measured cross section at low missing momentum.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Theatrical performance in the tourism industry: An Importance-Satisfaction Analysis

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    Theatrical performances have been developed quickly in many tourism destinations in China; however, little research has been focused on this important area. This study examined tourists’ perceptions towards The Romance of the Song Dynasty, one of the most successful performances targeted at tourists in China. Using Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA), this study revealed that the most important and satisfied attributes by tourists were primarily associated with the core service attributes (i.e., performing art), whereas the most unimportant and dissatisfied attributes by tourists were mainly associated with the peripheral service attributes (i.e., venue environment, service, and tourist management). Both theoretical and practical contributions were provided in this study

    Probing the N = 32 shell closure below the magic proton number Z = 20: Mass measurements of the exotic isotopes 52,53K

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    The recently confirmed neutron-shell closure at N = 32 has been investigated for the first time below the magic proton number Z = 20 with mass measurements of the exotic isotopes 52,53K, the latter being the shortest-lived nuclide investigated at the online mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The resulting two-neutron separation energies reveal a 3 MeV shell gap at N = 32, slightly lower than for 52Ca, highlighting the doubly-magic nature of this nuclide. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Boguliubov and ab initio Gorkov-Green function calculations are challenged by the new measurements but reproduce qualitatively the observed shell effect.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations with Neutrino Telescopes

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    Neutrino telescopes with large detection volumes can demonstrate that the current indications of neutrino oscillation are correct or if a better description can be achieved with non-standard alternatives. Observations of contained muons produced by atmospheric neutrinos can better constrain the allowed region for oscillations or determine the relevant parameters of non-standard models. We analyze the possibility of neutrino telescopes measuring atmospheric neutrino oscillations. We suggest adjustments to improve this potential. An addition of four densely-instrumented strings to the AMANDA II detector makes observations feasible. Such a configuration is competitive with current and proposed experiments.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures, revte

    Beating the channel capacity limit for linear photonic superdense coding

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    Dense coding is arguably the protocol that launched the field of quantum communication. Today, however, more than a decade after its initial experimental realization, the channel capacity remains fundamentally limited as conceived for photons using linear elements. Bob can only send to Alice three of four potential messages owing to the impossibility of carrying out the deterministic discrimination of all four Bell states with linear optics, reducing the attainable channel capacity from 2 to log_2 3 \approx 1.585 bits. However, entanglement in an extra degree of freedom enables the complete and deterministic discrimination of all Bell states. Using pairs of photons simultaneously entangled in spin and orbital angular momentum, we demonstrate the quantum advantage of the ancillary entanglement. In particular, we describe a dense-coding experiment with the largest reported channel capacity and, to our knowledge, the first to break the conventional linear-optics threshold. Our encoding is suited for quantum communication without alignment and satellite communication.Comment: Letter: 6 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information: 4 pages, 1 figur

    A realistic pattern of fermion masses from a five-dimensional SO(10) model

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    We provide a unified description of fermion masses and mixing angles in the framework of a supersymmetric grand unified SO(10) model with anarchic Yukawa couplings of order unity. The space-time is five dimensional and the extra flat spatial dimension is compactified on the orbifold S1/(Z2×Z2)S^1/(Z_2 \times Z_2'), leading to Pati-Salam gauge symmetry on the boundary where Yukawa interactions are localised. The gauge symmetry breaking is completed by means of a rather economic scalar sector, avoiding the doublet-triplet splitting problem. The matter fields live in the bulk and their massless modes get exponential profiles, which naturally explain the mass hierarchy of the different fermion generations. Quarks and leptons properties are naturally reproduced by a mechanism, first proposed by Kitano and Li, that lifts the SO(10) degeneracy of bulk masses in terms of a single parameter. The model provides a realistic pattern of fermion masses and mixing angles for large values of tanβ\tan\beta. It favours normally ordered neutrino mass spectrum with the lightest neutrino mass below 0.01 eV and no preference for leptonic CP violating phases. The right handed neutrino mass spectrum is very hierarchical and does not allow for thermal leptogenesis. We analyse several variants of the basic framework and find that the results concerning the fermion spectrum are remarkably stable.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, 4 table