212 research outputs found

    Predatory potential of two functional groups of spiders on Philaenus spumarius

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    There is an urgent need of increasing the knowledge about natural enemies of Philaenus spumarius and finding strategies to limit the spread of X. fastidiosa. Generalist predators, such as spiders, can arise as potential natural control agents. Determining the functional response is crucial for understanding the potentiality of a predator as biological control agent. In this work, the functional response of two widespread palearctic spider species belonging to two different functional groups was assessed. The ambusher spider Synema globosum and the orb-weaver Araniella cucurbitina were used as model species and P. spumarius as prey under laboratory conditions. In parallel, Ceratitis capitata was also used as prey in order to compare the spiders´ predatory potential between a non-flying insect (P. spumarius) and a flying one (C. capitata). A. cucurbitina and S. globosum showed a type II and type I functional response respectively when fed with P. spumarius and a type II response when fed with C. capitata. Both the handling time and attack rate were significantly different between spider species when fed with P. spumarius (p<0.01) and between prey types for each spider functional group (p<0.01). The results suggest that S. globosum was more efficient capturing spittlebugs one by one than A. cucurbitina. On the contrary, A. cucurbitina was more efficient killing flies in webs than S. globosum.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 727987 “Xylella fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy XF-ACTORS”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Imputaçao de custos indirectos a projectos financiados de investigaçao. Estudo de caso na universidade do Minho

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    A prestaçâo de um serviço social com a utilizaçâo de recursos de urna forma eficaz e eficiente é o objectivo principal dos organismos públicos sem fins lucrativos. No que se refere ao financiamento de projectos de investigaçâo, normalmente as entidades financiadoras permitem que custos indirectos ou de estrutura sejam elegíveis até urna determinada percentagem do valor total aprovado ou elegível (designado por Overhead). Contudo esse valor, cuja gama de variaçâo se situa entre os 5% (Programa Alfa) e os 15/20% (IV Framework Programme, Socrates e Tempus) deve, regra gérai, ser justificado. Verifica-se assim a necessidade, por parte da Instituiçâo, de definir um modelo para o cálculo da repartiçâo de custos indirectos elegíveis (taxa de overhead), que permita justificar os valores inscritos nesta rubrica e, adicionalmente, permita inferir se a Instituiçâo se encontra a co-financiar os custos adicionáis originados por cada um dos projectos. Esta comunicaçâo é um resumo do Estudo elaborado entre Julho e Dezembro de 1998 e encontra-se dividida em duas partes. Na primeira parte é caracterizada a estrutura orgánica da Universidade do Minho e o seu actual tratamento contabilístico da informaçâo. Na segunda parte sao analisadas as respostas a inquéritos conduzidos e discutidos os respectivos resultados, terminando corn a apresentaçâo e justificaçâo da taxa de overhead que a Universidade do Minho deve aplicar nos projectos financiados de investigaçâo.The main objective of non profit public organisations is the provision of a social service with an efficient and effective resource use. In what concerns to the financing of research projects, financial entities usually allow indirect or strucutre costs to be elegible up to a certain percentage of the total approved or elegible project cost (designated Overhead). However this amount, whose range of variation stands between 5% (Alfa Programme) and 15/20% (IV Framework Programme) must, in general, be justified. Therefore, the Institution requires the definition of a suitable model to estimate the partition of elegible indirect costs (overhead tax), allowing the justification of the amounts requested in this item, and, additionally, allowing to infer if the Institution is financing additional costs brought about by any of the projects. This paper summarises a study carried out from July to December 1998 and is partitioned in two parts. The first one consists on the characterization of the organic structure of Universidade do Minho and its actual accounting information treatment system. In the second one, the answers to the conducted inquiries are analysed, its results discussed, ending with the suggestion and justification of the overhead tax that Universidade do Minho should adopt in research financed projects

    Spanish-Portuguese Serial Fiction as a Politainment Tool: Representations of Politics on Iberian Television

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    Artículo publicado en el número temático dedicado a: Political Communication in Times of Spectacularisation: Digital Narratives, Engagement, and PolitainmentThis article deals with recent Spanish and Portuguese political television series. Within this sub-genre, it is pertinent to consider the symbolic construction of politics, as well as the differences caused by each series’ geographical adscription. Six Spanish productions have been selected—Isabel (Isabella the Catholic), Carlos Rey Emperador (Charles the Emperor King), La Embajada (The Embassy), Crematorio (Crematorium), Vamos Juan/Venga Juan (Come on, Juan/Let’s go Juan), and El Partido (The Party)—along with three Portuguese productions—A Rainha e a Bastarda (The Queen and the Bastard), Teorias da Conspiração (Conspiracy Theories), and Os Boys (The Boys). The narrative of these audio-visual stories has been examined utilising qualitative content analysis, looking at the plotlines and characters involved. The type of characterisation of politics has been identified by means of the deconstruction of the main characters. The conclusion is that the evaluation is eminently negative, although differential frameworks are present, depending, in particular, on the fiction’s genre, either historical drama, drama-thriller, or comedy.This article is part of the project titled “‘Politainment’ in the Face of Media Fragmentation: Disintermediation, Engagement and Polarisation” (PID2020–114193RB‐ I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Relationship marketing in tourism sector. The case of rural tourism: a theoretical approach

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    En el actual contexto competitivo de los mercados, parece que el marketing relacional se revela como una estrategia capaz de dar continuidad en el tiempo a las organizaciones a través de la fidelización de sus clientes, lo que permite rentabilizar el valor que éstos le aportan. Dentro del sector turístico, las características específicas del turismo rural hacen necesaria la búsqueda de una definición de fidelidad, pues la multiplicidad de destinos y alojamientos que ofrece el turismo rural es tan amplia y variada que la probabilidad de repetición de la visita puede ser baja. El presente trabajo pretende dar luz a este interrogante a través de un abordaje teórico que siente las bases para proponer un modelo para estudiar la fidelidad en el turismo rural. Su justificación se encuentra en la necesidad de dar a las áreas rurales una alternativa a su desarrollo socioeconómico tradicional, con actividades basadas en el turismo; y por la necesidad de mejorar el desempeño de estas empresas turísticas dedicadas al turismo rural, fundamentalmente PYMES, a través de las técnicas de marketing relacional. Para ello se ha realizado un abordaje teórico del tema propuesto incidiendo en las cuestiones conceptuales del turismo rural, haciendo una pequeña revisión de las bases del marketing relacional y realizando una primera aproximación al estudio del marketing relacional en el terreno del turismo, constatándose que estos estudios son escasos, más aún en el caso específico del turismo rural. Tras analizar estudios sobre la fidelidad a los destinos turísticos, se ha verificado que los constructos imagen del destino y satisfacción son los más utilizados para su estudio. Por ello, finalmente se ha optado por utilizar el estudio de Chi y Qu (2008) como la base que constituya la propuesta de un modelo para el estudio de la fidelidad hacia un determinado destino y/o alojamiento de turismo rural. En cuanto a los resultados esperados a partir de la contrastación del modelo, se intentará definir la fidelidad en el campo del turismo rural y encontrar los factores que generan fidelidad hacia un determinado destino y/o alojamiento de turismo rural. El fin último de estos trabajos habrá de desembocar en la creación de herramientas que contribuyan a la mejora y consolidación de las relaciones entre turistas y empresas, que van a permitir a las empresas rentabilizar y mejorar su desempeño, más aún en el caso de estas PYMES turísticas.In the current competitive context of markets, relationship marketing shows itself as a strategy capable to give continuity to organizations along the time through their customers´ loyalty. That permits to get profitability of value given to them. In tourism sector, the specific characteristics of rural tourism make necessary the searching of a loyalty definition. The wide variety of destinations and accommodations that rural tourism offers makes the probability of repeating the visit very low. This work tries to answer this question though a theoretical approach that will be the basis to support a model to study the loyalty in rural tourism. Its justification is the necessity of give to rural areas one alternative to its traditional social and economic development, with activities based on tourism; and the necessity to improve the performance of these touristic companies focused on rural tourism, mainly SME, throughout relationship marketing techniques. Thus, a theoretical approach of the proposed topic has been realized, highlighting the conceptual matters of rural tourism. Then, a small revision of relationship marketing basis was made, making an initial approximation to relationship marketing applied to tourism. It was checked that these studies are limited, especially in the specific case of rural tourism. When analyzed the loyalty studies about tourism destinations, it was verified that the constructs destination image and satisfaction are the most utilized for its study. It is for that reason, that finally it has been opted by using the work of Chi and Qu (2008) as a base for building the model proposed for the study of loyalty to a destination and/or accommodation of rural tourism. In related to the expected results, after get a contrast of the model, it will be tried to give a definition of loyalty in the rural tourism context and found the factors that generate loyalty to a destination and/or accommodation of rural tourism. The last objective of these works will be the creation of tools that would be able to improve and consolidate the relations between tourists and these companies. This has to permit that these companies get profitability and improve its performance, moreover in the case of these touristic SME

    Electrical FIR Filter With Optical Coefficients for Self-Referencing WDM Intensity Sensors

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    In this letter, a novel radio-frequency finite impulse reponse (FIR) electrooptical configuration for self-referencing optical wavelength-division-multiplexed intensity sensors is reported. By employing the proposed low-cost electronic FIR filter at the reception stage, the use of a 14-km fiber delay coil is avoided for a 2-kHz modulation frequency, preserving sensitivity and self-reference. The technique is analyzed following the Z-transform formalism and measurements validating the theoretical model are reported.Publicad

    Efecto de la expansión maxilar rápida sobre las vías aéreas superiores: estudio retrospectivo.

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    Según la Sociedad Española de Ortodoncia, los objetivos funcionales de un tratamiento ortopédico en pacientes en crecimiento incluyen los efectos y la repercusión de estos sobre las vías aéreas superiores. Una actuación inadecuada sobre estas, puede producir consecuencias que afectan negativamente a la salud general del paciente, ya que pueden inducir o agravar trastornos respiratorios que se manifiestan durante la fase de sueño. El porcentaje de este tipo de patología en pacientes en crecimiento es elevado. Por ello, se han realizado numerosos estudios en los que se demuestra el efecto beneficioso de la expansión maxilar rápida sobre la vía aérea superior. Así, nuestro objetivo será comprobar dicho efecto, haciendo una medición de las vías aéreas, mediante telerradiografía, antes y después del tratamiento con expansión maxilar rápida, de una muestra de pacientes tratados en Huesca.<br /

    Radio-Frequency Self-Referencing Technique With Enhanced Sensitivity for Coarse WDM Fiber Optic Intensity Sensors

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    A self-referenced passive optical network (PON) with coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) is reported for remotely addressing optical intensity sensors with enhanced sensitivity. The self-referencing remote configuration is described as a finite-impulse-response (FIR) filter in reflective operation using two fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) and a fiber delay line. The antisymmetrical phase response of the configuration permits to achieve a self-referencing measurement parameter two times more sensitive than reported previously. To enhance the power budget of the network, CWDM devices with low insertion losses are used for spectral splitting of a radio-frequency (RF) modulated broadband light source (BLS). The network topology and the sensor's interrogation technique are theoretically analyzed and experimental results validating the models are reported.Publicad

    Significados sociales de la gerencia universitaria en un contexto de transformación institucional

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    El trabajo reporta los hallazgos de una investigación que tuvo el propósito de interpretar los&nbsp;significados sociales develados con respecto a la acción gerencial en el Instituto Universitario&nbsp;Tecnológico de Trujillo (IUTET), en el escenario de su transformación como Universidad Politécnica&nbsp;Territorial. Partiendo de una visión paradigmática basada en el interpretativismo, el&nbsp;estudio se realizó desde la perspectiva metodológica cualitativa utilizando el diseño de investigación&nbsp;del método Fenomenológico hermenéutico, donde participaron como sujetos de investigación&nbsp;un grupo de nueve (9) actores sociales correspondientes al personal directivo, docente,&nbsp;administrativo y estudiantes, a quienes se les realizó la técnica de la entrevista en profundidad.&nbsp;Una vez codificada y categorizada la información recolectada, entre los hallazgos se destacan&nbsp;como categorías orientadoras emergentes: necesidad de Integración de la comunidad del&nbsp;IUTET, directrices centralizadas, gerencia reactiva, gestión ineficiente, necesidad de elevar la&nbsp;calidad académica, y de una nueva filosofía de gestión. Se concluye que el manejo de un enfoque&nbsp;global, holístico y prospectivo, con una concepción humanista de la gerencia, debe apuntar&nbsp;a esquemas más abiertos, propios de organizaciones basadas en el trabajo en equipo de alto&nbsp;desempeño