869 research outputs found

    Experimental and analytical assessment of ductility in lightly reinforced concrete members

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Engineering Structures. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2010 Elsevier B.V.This paper is concerned with the ultimate behaviour of lightly reinforced concrete members under extreme loading conditions. Although the consideration given to the assessment of ductility is of general relevance to various applications, it is of particular importance to conditions resembling those occurring during severe building fires. The main purpose of the investigation is to examine the failure of idealised members representing isolated strips within composite floor slabs which become lightly reinforced in a simulated fire situation due to the early loss of the steel deck. An experimental study, focusing on the failure state associated with rupture of the reinforcement in idealised concrete members, is presented. The tests enable direct assessment of the influence of a number of important parameters such as the reinforcement type, properties and ratio on the ultimate response. The results of several tests also facilitate a detailed examination of the distribution of bond stresses along the length. After describing the experimental arrangements and discussing the main test results, the paper introduces a simplified analytical model that can be used to represent the member response up to failure. The model is validated and calibrated through comparisons against the test results as well as more detailed nonlinear finite element simulations. The results and observations from this investigation offer an insight into the key factors that govern the ultimate behaviour. More importantly, the analytical model permits the development of simple expressions which capture the influence of salient parameters such as bond characteristics and reinforcement properties, for predicting the ductility of this type of member. With due consideration of the findings from other complementary experimental and analytical studies on full slab elements under ambient and elevated temperatures, this work represents a proposed basis for developing quantified failure criteria.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Prevalence of sulfonamide resistance genes in bacterial isolates from manured agricultural soils and pig slurry in the United Kingdom

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    Prevalence of three sulfonamide resistance genes, sul1, sul2 and sul3 and sulfachloropyridazine (SCP) resistance was determined in bacteria isolated from UK manured agricultural clay soils and slurry samples, over a two year period. Slurry from tylosin-fed pigs amended with SCP and oxytetracycline (OTC) was used for manuring. Sul gene positive isolates were further screened for the presence of class 1 and 2 integrons. Phenotypic resistance to SCP was significantly higher in pig slurry and post application soil than in pre-application soil. Of 5isolates, 23 % carried sul1, 18 % sul2 and 9 % sul3 only. Two percent of isolates contained all three sul genes. Class 1 and class 2 integrons were identified in 5 % and 11.7 % of sul positive isolates. In previous reports, sul1 was linked to class 1 integrons, but in this study only 8 % of sul1 positive isolates carried the intI1 gene. Sulfonamide resistant pathogens were identified in slurry amended soil and soil leachate, including Shigella flexneri, Aerococcus spp. and Acinetobacter baumanni, suggesting a potential environmental reservoir. Sulfonamide resistance in Psychrobacter, Enterococcus and Bacillus spp. is reported for the first time, and this study also provides the first description of the genotype sul1, sul2 and sul3 outside the Enterobacteriacae, and in the soil environment

    Integron prevalence and diversity in manured soil

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    Integron abundance and diversity were studied in soil amended with pig slurry. Real-time PCR illustrated a significant increase in class 1 integron prevalence post slurry-application with increased prevalence still evident at 10 months post-application. Culture dependent data revealed 10 genera, including putative human pathogens, carrying class 1 and 2 integrons

    Space-filling and benthic competition on coral reefs

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    Reef-building corals are ecosystem engineers that compete with other benthic organisms for space and resources. Corals harvest energy through their surface by photosynthesis and heterotrophic feeding, and they divert part of this energy to defend their outer colony perimeter against competitors. Here, we hypothesized that corals with a larger space-filling surface and smaller perimeters increase energy gain while reducing the exposure to competitors. This predicted an association between these two geometric properties of corals and the competitive outcome against other benthic organisms. To test the prediction, fifty coral colonies from the Caribbean island of Curaçao were rendered using digital 3D and 2D reconstructions. The surface areas, perimeters, box-counting dimensions (as a proxy of surface and perimeter space-filling), and other geometric properties were extracted and analyzed with respect to the percentage of the perimeter losing or winning against competitors based on the coral tissue apparent growth or damage. The increase in surface space-filling dimension was the only significant single indicator of coral winning outcomes, but the combination of surface space-filling dimension with perimeter length increased the statistical prediction of coral competition outcomes. Corals with larger surface space-filling dimensions (Ds > 2) and smaller perimeters displayed more winning outcomes, confirming the initial hypothesis. We propose that the space-filling property of coral surfaces complemented with other proxies of coral competitiveness, such as life history traits, will provide a more accurate quantitative characterization of coral competition outcomes on coral reefs. This framework also applies to other organisms or ecological systems that rely on complex surfaces to obtain energy for competition

    Genome And Secretome Analysis Of The Hemibiotrophic Fungal Pathogen, Moniliophthora Roreri, Which Causes Frosty Pod Rot Disease Of Cacao: Mechanisms Of The Biotrophic And Necrotrophic Phases

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    Background: The basidiomycete Moniliophthora roreri is the causal agent of Frosty pod rot (FPR) disease of cacao (Theobroma cacao), the source of chocolate, and FPR is one of the most destructive diseases of this important perennial crop in the Americas. This hemibiotroph infects only cacao pods and has an extended biotrophic phase lasting up to sixty days, culminating in plant necrosis and sporulation of the fungus without the formation of a basidiocarp.Results: We sequenced and assembled 52.3 Mb into 3,298 contigs that represent the M. roreri genome. Of the 17,920 predicted open reading frames (OFRs), 13,760 were validated by RNA-Seq. Using read count data from RNA sequencing of cacao pods at 30 and 60 days post infection, differential gene expression was estimated for the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases of this plant-pathogen interaction. The sequencing data were used to develop a genome based secretome for the infected pods. Of the 1,535 genes encoding putative secreted proteins, 1,355 were expressed in the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases. Analysis of the data revealed secretome gene expression that correlated with infection and intercellular growth in the biotrophic phase and invasive growth and plant cellular death in the necrotrophic phase.Conclusions: Genome sequencing and RNA-Seq was used to determine and validate the Moniliophthora roreri genome and secretome. High sequence identity between Moniliophthora roreri genes and Moniliophthora perniciosa genes supports the taxonomic relationship with Moniliophthora perniciosa and the relatedness of this fungus to other basidiomycetes. Analysis of RNA-Seq data from infected plant tissues revealed differentially expressed genes in the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases. The secreted protein genes that were upregulated in the biotrophic phase are primarily associated with breakdown of the intercellular matrix and modification of the fungal mycelia, possibly to mask the fungus from plant defenses. Based on the transcriptome data, the upregulated secreted proteins in the necrotrophic phase are hypothesized to be actively attacking the plant cell walls and plant cellular components resulting in necrosis. These genes are being used to develop a new understanding of how this disease interaction progresses and to identify potential targets to reduce the impact of this devastating disease. © 2014 Meinhardt et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.151USDA; U.S. Department of AgricultureLatunde-Dada, A.O., Colletotrichum: tales of forcible entry, stealth, transient confinement and breakout (2001) Mol Plant Pathol, 2 (4), pp. 187-198. , 10.1046/j.1464-6722.2001.00069.x, 20573006Oliver, R.P., Ipcho, S.V.S., Arabidopsis pathology breathes new life into the necrotrophs-vs.-biotrophs classification of fungal pathogens (2004) Mol Plant Pathol, 5 (4), pp. 347-352. , 10.1111/j.1364-3703.2004.00228.x, 20565602Catanzariti, A.M., Dodds, P.N., Lawrence, G.J., Ayliffe, M.A., Ellis, J.G., Haustorially expressed secreted proteins from flax rust are highly enriched for avirulence elicitors (2006) Plant Cell, 18 (1), pp. 243-256. , 10.1105/tpc.105.035980, 1323496, 16326930Link, T.I., Voegele, R.T., Secreted proteins of Uromyces fabae: similarities and stage specificity (2008) Mol Plant Pathol, 9 (1), pp. 59-66Brown, N.A., Antoniw, J., Hammond-Kosack, K.E., The predicted secretome of the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum: a refined comparative analysis (2012) Plos One, 7 (4), pp. e33731. , 10.1371/journal.pone.0033731, 3320895, 22493673Thomma, B.P., Alternaria spp.: from general saprophyte to specific parasite (2003) Mol Plant Pathol, 4 (4), pp. 225-236. , 10.1046/j.1364-3703.2003.00173.x, 20569383Evans, H.C., Stalpers, J.A., Samson, R.A., Benny, G.L., Taxonomy of Monilia-Roreri, an important pathogen of theobroma-cacao in South-America (1978) Can J Bot, 56 (20), pp. 2528-2532Aime, M.C., Phillips-Mora, W., The causal agents of witches' broom and frosty pod rot of cacao (chocolate, Theobroma cacao) form a new lineage of Marasmiaceae (2005) Mycologia, 97 (5), pp. 1012-1022. , 10.3852/mycologia.97.5.1012, 16596953Phillips-Mora, W., Wilkinson, M.J., Frosty pod of cacao: a disease with a limited geographic range but unlimited potential for damage (2007) Phytopathology, 97 (12), pp. 1644-1647. , 10.1094/PHYTO-97-12-1644, 18943726Meinhardt, L.W., Rincones, J., Bailey, B.A., Aime, M.C., Griffith, G.W., Zhang, D.P., Pereira, G.A.G., Moniliophthora perniciosa, the causal agent of witches' broom disease of cacao: what's new from this old foe? 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    CDMS, Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions

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    The CDMS experiment aims to directly detect massive, cold dark matter particles originating from the Milky Way halo. Charge and lattice excitations are detected after a particle scatters in a Ge or Si crystal kept at ~30 mK, allowing to separate nuclear recoils from the dominating electromagnetic background. The operation of 12 detectors in the Soudan mine for 75 live days in 2004 delivered no evidence for a signal, yielding stringent limits on dark matter candidates from supersymmetry and universal extra dimensions. Thirty Ge and Si detectors are presently installed in the Soudan cryostat, and operating at base temperature. The run scheduled to start in 2006 is expected to yield a one order of magnitude increase in dark matter sensitivity.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the 7th UCLA symposium on sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe, Marina del Rey, Feb 22-24, 200

    The Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph: keys to high-precision spectro-photometry

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    The Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph: keys to a better spectro-photometry The Nearby Supernova Factory aims at discovering and observing a sample of type Ia supernovae through the dedicated Supernovae Integral Field Spectrograph, currently in operation since 2004 on Mauna-Kea UH telescope. To reach the targeted spectro-photometric accuracy, attention has been focused on various aspects of the calibration procedure, including: estimate of the night photometricity, derivation of the mean atmospheric extinction over the extended optical domain (320-1000 nm), its modeling in terms of physical components (Rayleigh and aerosol scatterings, ozone absorption and telluric lines) and its variability within a given night. Point-source extraction from the IFS datacube also requires a detailed knowledge of the atmospheric-induced point spread function (PSF). The overall accuracy of the calibration chain is estimated on reference flux standard stars

    Postnatal development of intestinal immune system in piglets: implications for the process of weaning

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    European-wide directives are in place to establish a sustainable production of pigs without using production enhancers and chemotherapeutics. Thus, an economically-viable pig production is now only possible when the physiological mechanisms of defense against pathogens and tolerance against nutrients and commensal bacteria in the intestinal immune system are taken into account. During the postnatal period the piglet is facing first the time large amounts of new antigens and at weaning a second wave of nutritional antigens is entering the intestinal tract. The appropriate development of humoral and cellular functions of the intestinal immune system is essential for optimum growth and performance of the piglets. The integrity of the intestinal surfaces is a prerequisite of intestinal immunity and tolerance. Secretory IgA serves to exclude harmful antigens from uptake. The induction of intestinal immune reactions starts with antigen presentation by professional antigen presenting cells of Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes. In addition, the intestinal lamina propria serves as a mucosal compartment for regulation of immune responses. Here especially T regulatory cells (CD4(+) CD25(+)) have their function for maintaining intestinal homeostasis. The network of mucosal T and B cells develops after birth in a programmed sequence; it is almost completed at week 7 after birth. Weaning is associated with changes in the regulation of the lymphoid cells in the mucosa. In small and large intestine increases in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were observed after weaning in lymphocytes. Epithelial cells were studied both in intestinal samples and in vitro. Here the cytokine patterns provide evidence that weaning is inducing a transient inflammation of the mucosa. Piglets weaned under conventional conditions have a thicker mucosa than pigs weaned from isolators. Cells of isolator-reared pigs show slightly higher levels of activation markers - probably reflecting the interaction of the foreign protein derived from bovine milk. The results presented in this overview demonstrate that further effort is necessary to elucidate the function of the porcine intestinal immune system in the postnatal period and at the time of weaning to provide criteria for porcine intestinal health