69 research outputs found

    Gramsci y la Sociología

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    Hasta el momento en que la sociología y el marxismo fueron dos campos opues-tos, los sociólogos han ignorado o subestimado a Gramsci. Más recientemente, ha crecido el interés en su trabajo, y el artículo muestra esta evolución. Como princi-pales motivos y contenidos de interés se consideran contribuciones de tres soció-logos contemporáneos: Alessandro Cavalli, sobre el tema de las relaciones entre Gramsci y Weber; Massimo Paci, sobre Gramsci y la sociología histórica; y Michael Burawoy, sobre Gramsci y la sociología pública. En las conclusiones se hace hin-capié en la importancia de Gramsci en la situación social actual. Sin embargo, se advierte contra el riesgo de presentarlo como un icono de los movimientos de la sociedad civil haciendo de él un fetiche.Gramsci and sociologyUntil the moment in which sociology and Marxism were two opposing camps, sociologists have been ignored or underestimated to Gramsci. More recently, the interest in their work has increased, and the article shows this evolution. As main reasons and contents of interest are considered contributions from three contem-porary sociologists: Alessandro Cavalli, on the topic of relations between Gramsci and Weber; Massimo Paci on Gramsci and historical sociology; and Michael Bu-rawoy, Gramsci and public sociology. The findings emphasis the importance of Gramsci in current social situation. However, he warns against the risk of wrap it as an icon of civil society movements making it a fetish.</p

    Torino : Un profilo sociologico

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    - Indice #7- Premessa #13- I I confini di Torino #17- II L'economia fra mercato e organizzazione #28- III Processi sociali: inclusione, adattamenti, esclusione #47- IV Una societa' che rimane troppo semplice #7

    Labour Market, Class Structure and Regional Formations in Italy

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    The paper concerns a line of research which starting from the analysis of the labour market, has suggested some hypotheses about the regional complexity of social and class structure in Italy. From the analysis of different sections of the labour market, attention is shifted to the importance of the traditional light industry and to the transfer of individual processes from larger to smaller enterprises after the »hot autumn« of 1969. The localisation of light industry in a large area of central and north-eastern Italy, of the large-scale industry in north-west, and of underdevelopment processes in the South, suggest the hypotheses of a three-dimensional model of Italian society, which substitutes the older north-south dichotomy. From a theoretical point of view, the concept of »regional formation« is used to show that regional differentiation is an important organizational level of modern capitalism

    A economia informal

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    This text presents an overview of four of the main features of research done on informal economy. It starts with a technical question: What means can we adopt to uncover transactions that are hidden from view? This leads to the need for a clarification of the concept of informal economy, which has gained historical significance since the 1970's when the economic crisis lead to its growth. Under this heading, however, a multitude of phenomena go together. This makes it difficult to imagine a general theory of informal economy. But there are patterns of analysis that can be carried out as useful research devices. These Show a move towards informalization. This does not necessarily mean that society is actually going backwards, away from modernity and development, just that we should not expect our development to be a continuous, linear and unlimited process.This text presents an overview of four of the main features of research done on informal economy. It starts with a technical question: What means can we adopt to uncover transactions that are hidden from view? This leads to the need for a clarification of the concept of informal economy, which has gained historical significance since the 1970's when the economic crisis lead to its growth. Under this heading, however, a multitude of phenomena go together. This makes it difficult to imagine a general theory of informal economy. But there are patterns of analysis that can be carried out as useful research devices. These Show a move towards informalization. This does not necessarily mean that society is actually going backwards, away from modernity and development, just that we should not expect our development to be a continuous, linear and unlimited process

    Per una sociologia ragionevole nel cambiamento sociale. Considerazioni sul lavoro dei sociologi

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    L'articolo propone una breve ricostruzione delle vicende economiche e sociali negli anni di Sociologia del Trabajo. Il primo paragrafo è un riassunto del cambiamento economico, elaborato dal punto di vista della sociologia economica, vale a dire con riferimento agli assetti istituzionali che hanno regolato l'interazione degli interessi in gioco in momenti successivi; il secondo paragrafo prova invece a rendere conto di come è cambiata in quel processo la società, mostra l'evoluzione della sua struttura con riferimento alla ricerca sulla disuguaglianza sociale. L'ultima parte è una riflessione sul tipo di sociologia utile da praticare oggi, nel cambiamento descritto in precedenza. Con la scelta di alcuni riferimenti disponibili in una vasta letteratura di ricerca, cercati come segnavia o indizi, è proposto un percorso in direzione di una sociologia ragionevole, vale a dire una sociologia che ha senso della misura, è realista, riformista, impegnata. In un momento in cui ci sono segni ovunque di arretramento istituzionale, compito dei sociologi è collaborare al rafforzamento e rinnovamento delle istituzioni democratiche costruite con fatica, e a contribuire, per la loro parte, al progetto di assetti condivisi di regolazione nel cambiamento

    Tendenze dell'economia periferica

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    L'economia di piccola impresa nei settori secondari o interstiziali e il suo rilevante ruolo nello sviluppo italiano del dopoguerra.- Indice #7- Premessa #9- Cap. I. Lo sviluppo periferico #17- Cap. II Il problema della monocoltura industriale tradizionale: il comprensorio di Carpi-Correggio #75- Cap. III Il problema dei rapporti agricoltura-industria: il comprensorio di Lugo di Romagna #99- Cap. IV. Il problema della specializzazione meccanica: il comprensorio di Reggio Emilia #12

    Gestione decentrata dello sviluppo e le imprese minori. Organizzazione territoriale dell'industria manifatturiera in Italia

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    Studio sulle caratteristiche e ruolo della piccola e media impresa in Italia intorno alla metà degli anni settanta.- Sommario #4- Presentazione, Roberto Artioli #5- I. Una tipologia territoriale dell’industria manifatturiera italiana #7- II. I profili regionali dell’industria manifatturiera italiana #23- III. La specializzazione delle regioni italiane nell’ambito delle industrie manifatturiere #37- IV. Appendice metodologica #5

    Cabbage and fermented vegetables : From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID-19

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    Large differences in COVID-19 death rates exist between countries and between regions of the same country. Some very low death rate countries such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, or the Balkans have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods. Although biases exist when examining ecological studies, fermented vegetables or cabbage have been associated with low death rates in European countries. SARS-CoV-2 binds to its receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). As a result of SARS-CoV-2 binding, ACE2 downregulation enhances the angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT(1)R) axis associated with oxidative stress. This leads to insulin resistance as well as lung and endothelial damage, two severe outcomes of COVID-19. The nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is the most potent antioxidant in humans and can block in particular the AT(1)R axis. Cabbage contains precursors of sulforaphane, the most active natural activator of Nrf2. Fermented vegetables contain many lactobacilli, which are also potent Nrf2 activators. Three examples are: kimchi in Korea, westernized foods, and the slum paradox. It is proposed that fermented cabbage is a proof-of-concept of dietary manipulations that may enhance Nrf2-associated antioxidant effects, helpful in mitigating COVID-19 severity.Peer reviewe

    Nrf2-interacting nutrients and COVID-19 : time for research to develop adaptation strategies

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    There are large between- and within-country variations in COVID-19 death rates. Some very low death rate settings such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, the Balkans and Africa have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods whose intake is associated with the activation of the Nrf2 (Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2) anti-oxidant transcription factor. There are many Nrf2-interacting nutrients (berberine, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, quercetin, resveratrol, sulforaphane) that all act similarly to reduce insulin resistance, endothelial damage, lung injury and cytokine storm. They also act on the same mechanisms (mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin, PPAR gamma:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, NF kappa B: Nuclear factor kappa B, ERK: Extracellular signal-regulated kinases and eIF2 alpha:Elongation initiation factor 2 alpha). They may as a result be important in mitigating the severity of COVID-19, acting through the endoplasmic reticulum stress or ACE-Angiotensin-II-AT(1)R axis (AT(1)R) pathway. Many Nrf2-interacting nutrients are also interacting with TRPA1 and/or TRPV1. Interestingly, geographical areas with very low COVID-19 mortality are those with the lowest prevalence of obesity (Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia). It is tempting to propose that Nrf2-interacting foods and nutrients can re-balance insulin resistance and have a significant effect on COVID-19 severity. It is therefore possible that the intake of these foods may restore an optimal natural balance for the Nrf2 pathway and may be of interest in the mitigation of COVID-19 severity