138 research outputs found

    Eikeren som ny drikkevannskilde for Vestfold og nedre Buskerud. Konsekvenser for naturreservatet i Fiskumvannet

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    Årsliste 2001Et uttak på 200 l/s og samme utnyttelse som i dag vil få liten effekt på makrovegetasjonen. Ved uttak på 1200 og 2400 l/s forventer vi i et normalår ingen endringer i indre grense for de viktigste vannplantene vasspest og stivt brasmegras. Ytre grense for sjøsivaks vil ved uttak på 1200 og 2400 l/s sannsynligvis kunne etablere seg på et nivå ca. 10-20 cm dypere enn idag. Vi antar imidlertid at endringene vil føre til liten arealøkning av helofytter. For fuglefaunaen i Fiskumvannet er et uttak av 1200 l/s samlet sett det gunstigste alternativet. Dette vil gi bedre betingelser for rastende vadefugler under høsttrekket, samtidig som det ikke medfører noen fare for tørrlegging av vannfuglreir i løpet av hekkesesongen. Uttak av 200 l/s vil ikke gi noen påviselige endringer for fuglelivet i forhold til dagens situasjonen, mens uttak av 2400 l/s i ekstreme tørrår kan føre til at vannfuglreir blir liggende på tørt land mens fuglene fortsatt ligger på reir - noe som gir økt fare for predasjon fra rev.Vestfold interkommunale vannverk (VIV

    Quark Gluon Plasma an Color Glass Condensate at RHIC? The perspective from the BRAHMS experiment

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    We review the main results obtained by the BRAHMS collaboration on the properties of hot and dense hadronic and partonic matter produced in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC. A particular focus of this paper is to discuss to what extent the results collected so far by BRAHMS, and by the other three experiments at RHIC, can be taken as evidence for the formation of a state of deconfined partonic matter, the so called quark-gluon-plasma (QGP). We also discuss evidence for a possible precursor state to the QGP, i.e. the proposed Color Glass Condensate.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figure

    Centrality dependence of charged-particle pseudorapidity distributions from d+Au collisions at sqrt(s_{NN})=200 GeV

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    Charged-particle pseudorapidity densities are presented for the d+Au reaction at sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV with -4.2 <= eta <= 4.2$. The results, from the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC, are shown for minimum-bias events and 0-30%, 30-60%, and 60-80% centrality classes. Models incorporating both soft physics and hard, perturbative QCD-based scattering physics agree well with the experimental results. The data do not support predictions based on strong-coupling, semi-classical QCD. In the deuteron-fragmentation region the central 200 GeV data show behavior similar to full-overlap d+Au results at sqrt{s_{NN}}=19.4 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 3figures; expanded discussion of uncertainties; added 60-80% centrality range; added additional discussion on centrality selection bia

    Scanning the phases of QCD with BRAHMS

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    BRAHMS has the ability to study relativistic heavy ion collisions from the final freeze-out of hadrons all the way back to the initial wave-function of the gold nuclei. This is accomplished by studying hadrons with a very wide range of momenta and angles. In doing so we can scan various phases of QCD, from a hadron gas, to a quark gluon plasma and perhaps to a color glass condensate.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of plenary talk at Quark Matter 2004 conferenc

    High Pt Hadron Spectra at High Rapidity

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    We report the measurement of charged hadron production at different pseudo-rapidity values in deuteron+gold as well as proton+proton collisions at sqrtsNNsqrt{s_{NN}} = 200GeV at RHIC. The nuclear modification factors RdAuR_{dAu} and RcpR_{cp} are used to investigate new behaviors in the deuteron+gold system as function of rapidity and the centrality of the collisions respectively.Comment: Nine pages 4 figures to be published in the QM2004 Proceedings, typos corrected and one reference adde

    Charged particle densities from Au+Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=130 GeV

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    We present charged particle densities as a function of pseudorapidity and collision centrality for the 197Au+197Au reaction at sqrt{s_{NN}}=130 GeV. An integral charged particle multiplicity of 3860+/-300 is found for the 5% most central events within the pseudorapidity range -4.7 <= eta <= 4.7. At mid-rapidity an enhancement in the particle yields per participant nucleon pair is observed for central events. Near to the beam rapidity, a scaling of the particle yields consistent with the ``limiting fragmentation'' picture is observed. Our results are compared to other recent experimental and theoretical discussions of charged particle densities in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Row-switched states in two-dimensional underdamped Josephson junction arrays

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    When magnetic flux moves across layered or granular superconductor structures, the passage of vortices can take place along channels which develop finite voltage, while the rest of the material remains in the zero-voltage state. We present analytical studies of an example of such mixed dynamics: the row-switched (RS) states in underdamped two-dimensional Josephson arrays, driven by a uniform DC current under external magnetic field but neglecting self-fields. The governing equations are cast into a compact differential-algebraic system which describes the dynamics of an assembly of Josephson oscillators coupled through the mesh current. We carry out a formal perturbation expansion, and obtain the DC and AC spatial distributions of the junction phases and induced circulating currents. We also estimate the interval of the driving current in which a given RS state is stable. All these analytical predictions compare well with our numerics. We then combine these results to deduce the parameter region (in the damping coefficient versus magnetic field plane) where RS states can exist.Comment: latex, 48 pages, 15 figs using psfi

    Nuclear Modification Factor for Charged Pions and Protons at Forward Rapidity in Central Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV

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    We present spectra of charged pions and protons in 0-10% central Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV at mid-rapidity (y=0y=0) and forward pseudorapidity (η=2.2\eta=2.2) measured with the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC. The spectra are compared to spectra from p+p collisions at the same energy scaled by the number of binary collisions. The resulting nuclear modification factors for central Au+Au collisions at both y=0y=0 and η=2.2\eta=2.2 exhibit suppression for charged pions but not for (anti-)protons at intermediate pTp_T. The pˉ/π\bar{p}/\pi^- ratios have been measured up to pT3p_T\sim 3 GeV/cc at the two rapidities and the results indicate that a significant fraction of the charged hadrons produced at intermediate pTp_T range are (anti-)protons at both mid-rapidity and η=2.2\eta = 2.2

    Forward and midrapidity like-particle ratios from p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV

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    We present a measurement of pi-\pi+, K-/K+ and pbar/p from p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 20 0GeV over the rapidity range 0<y<3.4. For pT < 2.0 GeV/c we see no significant transverse momentum dependence of the ratios. All three ratios are independent of rapidity for y ~< 1.5 and then steadily decline from y ~ 1.5 to y ~ 3. The pi-\pi+ ratio is below unity for y > 2.0. The pbar/p ratio is very similar for p+p and 20% central Au+Au collisions at all rapidities. In the fragmentation region the three ratios seem to be independent of beam energy when viewed from the rest frame of one of the protons. Theoretical models based on quark-diquark breaking mechanisms overestimate the pbar/p ratio up to y ~< 3. Including additional mechanisms for baryon number transport such as baryon junctions leads to a better description of the data.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, uses elsart.sty. Changes to references and discussion based on referee comments, resubmitted to Phys. Lett.

    The New Physics at RHIC. From Transparency to High pt_t Suppression

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    Heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies (Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV) exhibit significant new features as compared to earlier experiments at lower energies. The reaction is characterized by a high degree of transparency of the collisions partners leading to the formation of a baryon-poor central region. In this zone, particle production occurs mainly from the stretching of the color field. The initial energy density is well above the one considered necessary for the formation of the Quark Gluon Plasma, QGP. The production of charged particles of various masses is consistent with chemical and thermal equilibrium. Recently, a suppression of the high transverse momentum component of hadron spectra has been observed in central Au+Au collisions. This can be explained by the energy loss experienced by leading partons in a medium with a high density of unscreened color charges. In contrast, such high ptp_t jets are not suppressed in d+Au collisions suggesting that the high ptp_t suppression is not due to initial state effects in the ultrarelativistic colliding nuclei.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. to appear in Nucl. Physics A. Invited talk at 'Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2003' conference, Mosco