817 research outputs found

    Optimization of Sectional Dimensions of I-Section Flange Beams and Recommendations for IS

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    Abstract This study covers optimization of I-sectional flange beams. Scope of this study is limited to medium weight flange beams o

    Automatic disruption classification in JET with the ITER-like wall

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    The new full-metal ITER-like wall at JET was found to have a deep impact on the physics of disruptions at JET. In order to develop disruption classification, the 10D operational space of JET with the new ITER-like wall has been explored using the generative topographic mapping method. The 2D map has been exploited to develop an automatic disruption classification of several disruption classes manually identified. In particular, all the non-intentional disruptions have been considered, that occurred in JET from 2011 to 2013 with the new wall. A statistical analysis of the plasma parameters describing the operational spaces of JET with carbon wall and JET ITER-like wall has been performed and some physical considerations have been made on the difference between these two operational spaces and the disruption classes which can be identified. The performance of the JET- ITER-like wall classifier is tested in realtime in conjunction with a disruption predictor presently operating at JET with good results. Moreover, to validate and analyse the results, another reference classifier has been developed, based on the k-nearest neighbour technique. Finally, in order to verify the reliability of the performed classification, a conformal predictor based on non-conformity measures has been developed

    A Study of Within-Host Dynamics of Dengue Infection incorporating both Humoral and Cellular Response with a Time Delay for Production of Antibodies

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    Abstract a. Background: Dengue is an acute illness caused by a virus. The complex behaviour of the virus in human body can be captured using mathematical models. These models helps us to enhance our understanding on the dynamics of the virus. b. Objectives: We propose to study the dynamics of within-host epidemic model of dengue infection which incorporates both innate immune response and adaptive immune response (Cellular and Humoral). The proposed model also incorporates the time delay for production of antibodies from B cells. We propose to understand the dynamics of the this model using the dynamical systems approach by performing the stability and sensitivity analysis. c. Methods used: The basic reproduction number (R0) has been computed using the next generation matrix method. The standard stability analysis and sensitivity analysis were performed on the proposed model. d. Results: The critical level of the antibody recruitment rate(q) was found to be responsible for the existence and stability of various steady states. The stability of endemic state was found to be dependent on time delay(Ď„). The sensitivity analysis identified the production rate of antibodies (q) to be highly sensitive parameter. e. Conclusions: The existence and stability conditions for the equilibrium points have been obtained. The threshold value of time delay (Ď„0) has been computed which is critical for change in stability of the endemic state. Sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the crucial and sensitive parameters of the model

    Compact x-ray source based on burst-mode inverse Compton scattering at 100 kHz

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    A design for a compact x-ray light source (CXLS) with flux and brilliance orders of magnitude beyond existing laboratory scale sources is presented. The source is based on inverse Compton scattering of a high brightness electron bunch on a picosecond laser pulse. The accelerator is a novel high-efficiency standing-wave linac and RF photoinjector powered by a single ultrastable RF transmitter at x-band RF frequency. The high efficiency permits operation at repetition rates up to 1 kHz, which is further boosted to 100 kHz by operating with trains of 100 bunches of 100 pC charge, each separated by 5 ns. The entire accelerator is approximately 1 meter long and produces hard x-rays tunable over a wide range of photon energies. The colliding laser is a Yb:YAG solid-state amplifier producing 1030 nm, 100 mJ pulses at the same 1 kHz repetition rate as the accelerator. The laser pulse is frequency-doubled and stored for many passes in a ringdown cavity to match the linac pulse structure. At a photon energy of 12.4 keV, the predicted x-ray flux is 5×10115 \times 10^{11} photons/second in a 5% bandwidth and the brilliance is 2×1012photons/(sec mm2 mrad2 0.1%)2 \times 10^{12}\mathrm{photons/(sec\ mm^2\ mrad^2\ 0.1\%)} in pulses with RMS pulse length of 490 fs. The nominal electron beam parameters are 18 MeV kinetic energy, 10 microamp average current, 0.5 microsecond macropulse length, resulting in average electron beam power of 180 W. Optimization of the x-ray output is presented along with design of the accelerator, laser, and x-ray optic components that are specific to the particular characteristics of the Compton scattered x-ray pulses.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figures, 54 reference

    Latest developments in data analysis tools for disruption prediction and for the exploration of multimachine operational spaces.

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    In the last years significant efforts have been devoted to the development of advanced data analysis tools to both predict the occurrence of disruptions and to investigate the operational spaces of devices, with the long term goal of advancing the understanding of the physics of these events and to prepare for ITER. On JET the latest generation of the disruption predictor called APODIS has been deployed in the real time network during the last campaigns with the new metallic wall. Even if it was trained only with discharges with the carbon wall, it has reached very good performance, with both missed alarms and false alarms in the order of a few percent (and strategies to improve the performance have already been identified). Since for the optimisation of the mitigation measures, predicting also the type of disruption is considered to be also very important, a new clustering method, based on the geodesic distance on a probabilistic manifold, has been developed. This technique allows automatic classification of an incoming disruption with a success rate of better than 85%. Various other manifold learning tools, particularly Principal Component Analysis and Self Organised Maps, are also producing very interesting results in the comparative analysis of JET and ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) operational spaces, on the route to developing predictors capable of extrapolating from one device to another

    Anatomy of Indian heatwaves

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    India suffers from major heatwaves during March-June. The rising trend of number of intense heatwaves in recent decades has been vaguely attributed to global warming. Since the heat waves have a serious effect on human mortality, root causes of these heatwaves need to be clarified. Based on the observed patterns and statistical analyses of the maximum temperature variability, we identified two types of heatwaves. The first-type of heatwave over the north-central India is found to be associated with blocking over the North Atlantic. The blocking over North Atlantic results in a cyclonic anomaly west of North Africa at upper levels. The stretching of vorticity generates a Rossby wave source of anomalous Rossby waves near the entrance of the African Jet. The resulting quasi-stationary Rossby wave-train along the Jet has a positive phase over Indian subcontinent causing anomalous sinking motion and thereby heatwave conditions over India. On the other hand, the second-type of heatwave over the coastal eastern India is found to be due to the anomalous Matsuno-Gill response to the anomalous cooling in the Pacific. The Matsuno-Gill response is such that it generates northwesterly anomalies over the landmass reducing the land-sea breeze, resulting in heatwaves
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