1,349 research outputs found

    Dynamics underlying Box-office: Movie Competition on Recommender Systems

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    We introduce a simple model to study movie competition in the recommender systems. Movies of heterogeneous quality compete against each other through viewers' reviews and generate interesting dynamics of box-office. By assuming mean-field interactions between the competing movies, we show that run-away effect of popularity spreading is triggered by defeating the average review score, leading to hits in box-office. The average review score thus characterizes the critical movie quality necessary for transition from box-office bombs to blockbusters. The major factors affecting the critical review score are examined. By iterating the mean-field dynamical equations, we obtain qualitative agreements with simulations and real systems in the dynamical forms of box-office, revealing the significant role of competition in understanding box-office dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Incentivizing High Quality Crowdwork

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    We study the causal effects of financial incentives on the quality of crowdwork. We focus on performance-based payments (PBPs), bonus payments awarded to workers for producing high quality work. We design and run randomized behavioral experiments on the popular crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk with the goal of understanding when, where, and why PBPs help, identifying properties of the payment, payment structure, and the task itself that make them most effective. We provide examples of tasks for which PBPs do improve quality. For such tasks, the effectiveness of PBPs is not too sensitive to the threshold for quality required to receive the bonus, while the magnitude of the bonus must be large enough to make the reward salient. We also present examples of tasks for which PBPs do not improve quality. Our results suggest that for PBPs to improve quality, the task must be effort-responsive: the task must allow workers to produce higher quality work by exerting more effort. We also give a simple method to determine if a task is effort-responsive a priori. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that all payments on Mechanical Turk are, to some degree, implicitly performance-based in that workers believe their work may be rejected if their performance is sufficiently poor. Finally, we propose a new model of worker behavior that extends the standard principal-agent model from economics to include a worker's subjective beliefs about his likelihood of being paid, and show that the predictions of this model are in line with our experimental findings. This model may be useful as a foundation for theoretical studies of incentives in crowdsourcing markets.Comment: This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in WWW \c{opyright} 2015 International World Wide Web Conference Committe

    Global MicroRNA Expression Profiling of High-Risk ER+ Breast Cancers from Patients Receiving Adjuvant Tamoxifen Mono-Therapy: A DBCG Study

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    PURPOSE: Despite the benefits of estrogen receptor (ER)-targeted endocrine therapies in breast cancer, many tumors develop resistance. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been suggested as promising biomarkers and we here evaluated whether a miRNA profile could be identified, sub-grouping ER+ breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant Tamoxifen with regards to probability of recurrence. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Global miRNA analysis was performed on 152 ER+ primary tumors from high-risk breast cancer patients with an initial discovery set of 52 patients, followed by two independent test sets (N = 60 and N = 40). All patients had received adjuvant Tamoxifen as mono-therapy (median clinical follow-up: 4.6 years) and half had developed distant recurrence (median time-to-recurrence: 3.5 years). MiRNA expression was examined by unsupervised hierarchical clustering and supervised analysis, including clinical parameters as co-variables. RESULTS: The discovery set identified 10 highly significant miRNAs that discriminated between the patient samples according to outcome. However, the subsequent two independent test sets did not confirm the predictive potential of these miRNAs. A significant correlation was identified between miR-7 and the tumor grade. Investigation of the microRNAs with the most variable expression between patients in different runs yielded a list of 31 microRNAs, eight of which are associated with stem cell characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the large sample size, our data strongly suggests that there is no single miRNA profile predictive of outcome following adjuvant Tamoxifen treatment in a broad cohort of ER+ breast cancer patients. We identified a sub-group of Tamoxifen-treated breast cancer patients with miRNA-expressing tumors associated with cancer stem cell characteristics

    Charge Transfer-Mediated Dramatic Enhancement of Raman Scattering upon Molecular Point Contact Formation

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    Charge-transfer enhancement of Raman scattering plays a crucial role in current-carrying molecular junctions. However, the microscopic mechanism of light scattering in such nonequilibrium systems is still imperfectly understood. Here, using low-temperature tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), we investigate how Raman scattering evolves as a function of the gap distance in the single C60-molecule junction consisting of an Ag tip and various metal surfaces. Precise gap-distance control allows the examination of two distinct transport regimes, namely tunneling regime and molecular point contact (MPC). Simultaneous measurement of TERS and the electric current in scanning tunneling microscopy shows that the MPC formation results in dramatic Raman enhancement that enables one to observe the vibrations undetectable in the tunneling regime. This enhancement is found to commonly occur not only for coinage but also transition metal substrates. We suggest that the characteristic enhancement upon the MPC formation is rationalized by charge-transfer excitation

    BACH1 is critical for homologous recombination and appears to be the Fanconi anemia gene product FANCJ

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    SummaryWe showed in this study that cells deficient of the BRCA1-associated BACH1 helicase, also known as BRIP1, failed to elicit homologous recombination (HR) after DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs). BACH1-deficient cells were also sensitive to mitomycin C (MMC) and underwent MMC-induced chromosome instability. Moreover, we identified a homozygous nonsense mutation in BACH1 in a FA-J patient-derived cell line and could not detect BACH1 protein in this cell line. Expression of wild-type BACH1 in this cell line reduced the accumulation of cells at G2/M phases following exposure to DNA crosslinkers, a characteristic of Fanconi anemia (FA) cells. These results support the conclusion that BACH1 is FANCJ

    Public transport equity in Shenyang: Using structural equation modelling

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    In China, with the rapid development of urbanisation, the contradiction between supply and demand has become increasingly severe, particularly in large and medium-sized cities. Improving public transport equity can help to reduce the social exclusion of lower-income and socially vulnerable groups in relation to the urban transport system, and guarantee that public transport systems are given priority in terms of development. Using the concept of transport-related social equity, this study aims to explore the effects of public transport equity in relation to the quality of public transport, public participation, and public transport-related policy using Shenyang as a case study. Data are analysed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). Our findings show that the three latent variables of accessibility, affordability, and social impacts can be seen as representing the main characteristics of public transport equity; while improvements in public transport quality, public participation, and public transport-related polices play a significant role in reducing public transport inequity. Moreover, the findings indicate that public participation has direct, significant, positive influences on public transport quality and public transport-related policies. In terms of policy implications, we suggest that policies designed to improve public transport service quality, extend public transport fare concessions, and promote public participation in the public transport policy decision-making process should be given priority in the next round of urban comprehensive planning in order to reduce public transport-related social inequity in Shenyang and China more generally

    Analyzing collaborative learning processes automatically

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    In this article we describe the emerging area of text classification research focused on the problem of collaborative learning process analysis both from a broad perspective and more specifically in terms of a publicly available tool set called TagHelper tools. Analyzing the variety of pedagogically valuable facets of learners’ interactions is a time consuming and effortful process. Improving automated analyses of such highly valued processes of collaborative learning by adapting and applying recent text classification technologies would make it a less arduous task to obtain insights from corpus data. This endeavor also holds the potential for enabling substantially improved on-line instruction both by providing teachers and facilitators with reports about the groups they are moderating and by triggering context sensitive collaborative learning support on an as-needed basis. In this article, we report on an interdisciplinary research project, which has been investigating the effectiveness of applying text classification technology to a large CSCL corpus that has been analyzed by human coders using a theory-based multidimensional coding scheme. We report promising results and include an in-depth discussion of important issues such as reliability, validity, and efficiency that should be considered when deciding on the appropriateness of adopting a new technology such as TagHelper tools. One major technical contribution of this work is a demonstration that an important piece of the work towards making text classification technology effective for this purpose is designing and building linguistic pattern detectors, otherwise known as features, that can be extracted reliably from texts and that have high predictive power for the categories of discourse actions that the CSCL community is interested in

    MicroRNAs in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and targeted treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas

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    Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) represents a heterogeneous group of potentially devastating primary skin malignancies. Despite decades of intense research efforts, the pathogenesis is still not fully understood. In the early stages, both clinical and histopathological diagnosis is often difficult due to the ability of CTCL to masquerade as benign skin inflammatory dermatoses. Due to a lack of reliable biomarkers, it is also difficult to predict which patients will respond to therapy or progress towards severe recalcitrant disease. In this review, we discuss recent discoveries concerning dysregulated microRNA (miR) expression and putative pathological roles of oncogenic and tumor suppressive miRs in CTCL. We also focus on the interplay between miRs, histone deacetylase inhibitors, and oncogenic signaling pathways in malignant T cells as well as the impact of miRs in shaping the inflammatory tumor microenvironment. We highlight the potential use of miRs as diagnostic and prognostic markers, as well as their potential as therapeutic targets. Finally, we propose that the combined use of miR-modulating compounds with epigenetic drugs may provide a novel avenue for boosting the clinical efficacy of existing anti-cancer therapies in CTCL

    Estimation of interdomain flexibility of N-terminus of factor H using residual dipolar couplings

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    Characterization of segmental flexibility is needed to understand the biological mechanisms of the very large category of functionally diverse proteins, exemplified by the regulators of complement activation, that consist of numerous compact modules or domains linked by short, potentially flexible, sequences of amino acid residues. The use of NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), in magnetically aligned media, to evaluate interdomain motion is established but only for two-domain proteins. We focused on the three N-terminal domains (called CCPs or SCRs) of the important complement regulator, human factor H (i.e. FH1-3). These domains cooperate to facilitate cleavage of the key complement activation-specific protein fragment, C3b, forming iC3b that no longer participates in the complement cascade. We refined a three-dimensional solution structure of recombinant FH1-3 based on nuclear Overhauser effects and RDCs. We then employed a rudimentary series of RDC datasets, collected in media containing magnetically aligned bicelles (disk-like particles formed from phospholipids) under three different conditions, to estimate interdomain motions. This circumvents a requirement of previous approaches for technically difficult collection of five independent RDC datasets. More than 80% of conformers of this predominantly extended three-domain molecule exhibit flexions of < 40 °. Such segmental flexibility (together with the local dynamics of the hypervariable loop within domain 3), could facilitate recognition of C3b via initial anchoring and eventual reorganization of modules to the conformation captured in the previously solved crystal structure of a C3b:FH1-4 complex
