209 research outputs found

    Comparison of Costs of Overwintering Plants in Nurseries Differentiated by System and USDA Plant Hardiness Zone

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    Non-nodulating Mutants of Pisum Sativum (L.) cv. Sparkle

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    Eleven pea mutants, displaying a greatly reduced number of root nodules or lacking such nodules completely, were obtained by screening the M2 progeny of mutagenized Pisum sativum cv. Sparkle. The mutant alleles conditioning the altered nodulation phenotypes were recessive to the wild-type alleles. Eight of the mutants possessed a normal growth habit except for the complete lack of nodules. Pairwise crosses among these mutants indicated that five distinct loci had been affected. The remaining three mutants formed few nodules and also had altered root or shoot growth habit. Each of these plejotropic mutants was coded by a distinct gene. The eight genes identified are designated sym7, sym8, sym9, sym10, sym11, sym15, sym16, and sym17, signifying their involvement in the pea/Rhizobium symbiosis. The locations of most of these sym genes were determined by classical linkage mapping. The loci were distributed on at least five of the seven chromosome

    A Feasibility Study of Quantifying Longitudinal Brain Changes in Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Encephalitis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Stereology.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess whether it is feasible to quantify acute change in temporal lobe volume and total oedema volumes in herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis as a preliminary to a trial of corticosteroid therapy. METHODS: The study analysed serially acquired magnetic resonance images (MRI), of patients with acute HSV encephalitis who had neuroimaging repeated within four weeks of the first scan. We performed volumetric measurements of the left and right temporal lobes and of cerebral oedema visible on T2 weighted Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) images using stereology in conjunction with point counting. RESULTS: Temporal lobe volumes increased on average by 1.6% (standard deviation (SD 11%) in five patients who had not received corticosteroid therapy and decreased in two patients who had received corticosteroids by 8.5%. FLAIR hyperintensity volumes increased by 9% in patients not receiving treatment with corticosteroids and decreased by 29% in the two patients that had received corticosteroids. CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown it is feasible to quantify acute change in temporal lobe and total oedema volumes in HSV encephalitis and suggests a potential resolution of swelling in response to corticosteroid therapy. These techniques could be used as part of a randomized control trial to investigate the efficacy of corticosteroids for treating HSV encephalitis in conjunction with assessing clinical outcomes and could be of potential value in helping to predict the clinical outcomes of patients with HSV encephalitis

    Ornamental plants, 1983: a summary of research

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    Capital requirements for establishing container nurseries in Ohio - 1982 / Harold H. Kneen, Reed D. Taylor, David E. Hahn, and Elton M. Smith -- Production costs of operating container nurseries in Ohio - 1982 / Harold H. Kneen, Reed D. Taylor, David E. Hahn, and Elton M. Smith -- Pigmented polyethylene films for nursery crop storage / John A. Wynstra and Elton M. Smith -- Micropropagation of Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' / R. Daniel Lineberger and Audrey Wanstreet -- Effects of fertilizer in the propagation medium and extended photoperiod on growth of Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' cuttings / Steven M. Still and Bryce H. Lane -- Area of weed control from a single herbicide tablet / M. A. Ruizzo, E. M. Smith, and S. F. Gorske -- Slow release herbicide formulations for container grown landscape crops / M. A. Ruizzo, E. M. Smith, and S. F. Gorske -- Effects of pre-emergence herbicides on selected herbaceous perennials / Elton M. Smith, Gary Gibson, and Sharon A. Treaster -- Controlling weeds in garden lily, gladiolus, and dahlia with pre-emergence herbicides / Elton M. Smith and Sharon A. Treaster -- Root pruning landscape plants produced on sand capillary beds / Elton M. Smith and Sharon A. Treaster -- Genetic variation in wound response among cultivars of Acer platanoides L. / Peter W. Gallagher and T. Davis Sydnor -- A preliminary host preference study for fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury) / T. Davis Sydnor and Daniel Herms -- Evaluation of flowering crabapple susceptibility to apple scab in Ohio - 1982 / Elton M. Smit

    Clinical features, investigations, and outcomes of pediatric limbic encephalitis: A multicenter study

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical presentation, investigations, management, and disease course in pediatric autoimmune limbic encephalitis (LE). METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, from the UK Childhood Neuroinflammatory Disease network, we identified children from six tertiary centers with LE <18 years old between 2008 and 2021. Clinical and paraclinical data were retrieved from medical records. RESULTS: Twenty-five children fulfilling LE criteria were identified, with median age of 11 years (IQR 8, 14) and median follow-up of 24 months (IQR 18, 48). All children presented with seizures; 15/25 (60%) were admitted to intensive care. Neuroimaging demonstrated asymmetric mesial temporal changes in 8/25 (32%), and extra-limbic changes with claustrum involvement in 9/25 (38%). None were positive for LGI1/CASPR2 antibodies (Abs), 2/25 were positive for serum anti-NMDAR Abs, and 2/15 positive for anti-Hu Abs; one died from relapsing neuroblastoma. Two children had serum and CSF anti-GAD antibodies. Initial immune therapy included steroids in 23/25 (92%), intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) in 14/25 (56%), and plasma exchange in 7/25 (28%). The commonest second-line treatment was rituximab in 15/25 (60%). Median duration of hospital admission was 21 days (IQR 11, 30). At last follow-up, 13/25 (52%) had refractory seizures and 16/25 (64%) had memory impairment. Six children (24%) had modified Rankin Scale (mRS) scores ≥3. There was no significant difference in mRS, or long-term cognitive and epilepsy outcomes in those who received rituximab versus those who did not. INTERPRETATION: A diagnosis of autoimmune LE was associated with significant morbidity and adverse outcomes in this pediatric cohort

    A Model for the Development of the Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbioses in Legumes and Its Use to Understand the Roles of Ethylene in the Establishment of these two Symbioses

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    We propose a model depicting the development of nodulation and arbuscular mycorrhizae. Both processes are dissected into many steps, using Pisum sativum L. nodulation mutants as a guideline. For nodulation, we distinguish two main developmental programs, one epidermal and one cortical. Whereas Nod factors alone affect the cortical program, bacteria are required to trigger the epidermal events. We propose that the two programs of the rhizobial symbiosis evolved separately and that, over time, they came to function together. The distinction between these two programs does not exist for arbuscular mycorrhizae development despite events occurring in both root tissues. Mutations that affect both symbioses are restricted to the epidermal program. We propose here sites of action and potential roles for ethylene during the formation of the two symbioses with a specific hypothesis for nodule organogenesis. Assuming the epidermis does not make ethylene, the microsymbionts probably first encounter a regulatory level of ethylene at the epidermis–outermost cortical cell layer interface. Depending on the hormone concentrations there, infection will either progress or be blocked. In the former case, ethylene affects the cortex cytoskeleton, allowing reorganization that facilitates infection; in the latter case, ethylene acts on several enzymes that interfere with infection thread growth, causing it to abort. Throughout this review, the difficulty of generalizing the roles of ethylene is emphasized and numerous examples are given to demonstrate the diversity that exists in plants

    Unexpected combination of acute croup and myocarditis: Case report

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    BACKGROUND: Lower vaccination coverage among foreign-born children is of concern because they live in households and communities characterized by more intense exposure to infectious diseases. Because of their higher prevalence rates, there is an increasing occurrence of infectious diseases imported into developed countries. This case report emphasizes the emerging necessity for new clinicians and pathologists of having competence with old infectious disease pathology. CASE PRESENTATION: A three and a half year old girl, who presented with croup history of 5 days and has been in severe respiratory distress, was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in shock and acute respiratory failure. The patient was immediately intubated, and a grayish nonadherent membrane extending through the glottis down into the larynx was apparent during the procedure. Echocardiographic findings, which were consistent with acute myocarditis, confirmed poor left ventricular contractility despite escalating high doses of inotropes. Autopsy showed numerous strains of toxigenic corynobacterium diphtheriae, which also grew on the Loeffler cultures of membranes received during the intubation. CONCLUSION: It is critical that new generations of clinicians and bio-pathologists not only be trained in the subspecialty of infectious disease pathology, but that they also be willing participants in the diagnosis and investigation of infectious diseases

    UK-Wide Surveillance of Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Complications of COVID-19: The First 153 Patients

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    Background: Increasingly neurological complications of COVID-19 are identified, mostly in small series. Larger studies have been limited by both geography and specialty. Consequently, the breadth of complications is not represented. Comprehensive characterization of clinical syndromes is critical to rationally select and evaluate potential therapies. / Methods: During the exponential pandemic phase, we developed coordinated online portals for rapid notification across the spectrum of major UK neuroscience bodies, representing neurology, stroke, psychiatry, and intensive care. Evidence of infection and clinical case definitions were applied prospectively. Cases were compared to overall Government Public Health COVID-19 reporting. / Findings: Within three weeks, 153 cases were notified, both geographically and temporally representative of overall COVID-19 Public Health reports. Median (range) age was 71 (23-94) years. 77 (62%) had a cerebrovascular event: 57 (74%) ischemic strokes, nine (12%) intracerebral hemorrhages, and one CNS vasculitis. The second most common group were 39 (31%) who had altered mental status, including 16 (41%) with encephalopathy of whom seven (44%) had encephalitis. The remaining 23 (59%) had a psychiatric diagnosis of whom 21 (92%) were new diagnoses; including ten (43%) with psychosis, six (26%) neurocognitive (dementia-like) syndrome, and 4 (17%) an affective disorder. Cerebrovascular events predominated in older patients. Conversely, altered mental status, whilst present in all ages, had disproportionate representation in the young. / Interpretation: This is the first nationwide, cross-specialty surveillance study of acute complications of COVID-19 in the nervous system. Alteration in mental status was common, reflecting encephalopathy/encephalitis and primary psychiatric diagnoses, often in young patients. These data provide valuable and timely information urgently needed by clinicians, researchers, and funders to inform immediate steps in COVID-19 neuroscience research and health policy throughout the areas of neurology and neuropsychiatry
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