
Non-nodulating Mutants of Pisum Sativum (L.) cv. Sparkle


Eleven pea mutants, displaying a greatly reduced number of root nodules or lacking such nodules completely, were obtained by screening the M2 progeny of mutagenized Pisum sativum cv. Sparkle. The mutant alleles conditioning the altered nodulation phenotypes were recessive to the wild-type alleles. Eight of the mutants possessed a normal growth habit except for the complete lack of nodules. Pairwise crosses among these mutants indicated that five distinct loci had been affected. The remaining three mutants formed few nodules and also had altered root or shoot growth habit. Each of these plejotropic mutants was coded by a distinct gene. The eight genes identified are designated sym7, sym8, sym9, sym10, sym11, sym15, sym16, and sym17, signifying their involvement in the pea/Rhizobium symbiosis. The locations of most of these sym genes were determined by classical linkage mapping. The loci were distributed on at least five of the seven chromosome

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