6,356 research outputs found

    M/L, H-alpha Rotation Curves, and HI Measurements for 329 Nearby Cluster and Field Spirals: II. Evidence for Galaxy Infall

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    We have conducted a study of optical and HI properties of spiral galaxies (size, luminosity, H-alpha flux distribution, circular velocity, HI gas mass) to explore the role of gas stripping as a driver of morphological evolution in clusters. We find a strong correlation between the spiral and S0 fractions within clusters, and the spiral fraction scales tightly with cluster X-ray gas luminosity. We explore young star formation and identify spirals that are (1) asymmetric, with truncated H-alpha emission and HI gas reservoirs on the leading edge of the disk, on a first pass through the dense intracluster medium in the cores of rich clusters; (2) strongly HI deficient and stripped, with star formation confined to the inner 5 kpc/h and 3 disk scale lengths; (3) reddened, extremely HI deficient and quenched, where star formation has been halted across the entire disk. We propose that these spirals are in successive stages of morphological transformation, between infalling field spirals and cluster S0s, and that the process which acts to remove the HI gas reservoir suppresses new star formation on a similarly fast timescale. These data suggest that gas stripping plays a significant role in morphological transformation and rapid truncation of star formation across the disk.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in AJ; higher-resolution figures available at http://astronomy.nmsu.edu/nicol

    Riemann solvers and undercompressive shocks of convex FPU chains

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    We consider FPU-type atomic chains with general convex potentials. The naive continuum limit in the hyperbolic space-time scaling is the p-system of mass and momentum conservation. We systematically compare Riemann solutions to the p-system with numerical solutions to discrete Riemann problems in FPU chains, and argue that the latter can be described by modified p-system Riemann solvers. We allow the flux to have a turning point, and observe a third type of elementary wave (conservative shocks) in the atomistic simulations. These waves are heteroclinic travelling waves and correspond to non-classical, undercompressive shocks of the p-system. We analyse such shocks for fluxes with one or more turning points. Depending on the convexity properties of the flux we propose FPU-Riemann solvers. Our numerical simulations confirm that Lax-shocks are replaced by so called dispersive shocks. For convex-concave flux we provide numerical evidence that convex FPU chains follow the p-system in generating conservative shocks that are supersonic. For concave-convex flux, however, the conservative shocks of the p-system are subsonic and do not appear in FPU-Riemann solutions

    A 180 Kpc Tidal Tail in the Luminous Infrared Merger Arp 299

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    We present VLA HI observations and UH88 deep optical B- and R-band observations of the IR luminous merger Arp 299 (= NGC 3690 + IC 694). These data reveal a gas-rich, optically faint tidal tail with a length of over 180 kpc. The size of this tidal feature necessitates an old interaction age for the merger (~750 Myr since first periapse), which is currently experiencing a very young star burst (~20 Myr). The observations reveal a most remarkable structure within the tidal tail: it appears to be composed of two parallel filaments separated by ~20 kpc. One of the filaments is gas rich with little if any starlight, while the other is gas poor. We believe that this bifurcation results from a warped disk in one of the progenitors. The quantities and kinematics of the tidal HI suggest that Arp 299 results from the collision of a retrograde Sab-Sb galaxy (IC 694) and a prograde Sbc-Sc galaxy (NGC 3690) that occurred 750 Myr ago and which will merge into a single object in ~60 Myr. We suggest that the present IR luminous phase in this system is due in part to the retrograde spin of IC 694. Finally, we discuss the apparent lack of tidal dwarf galaxies within the tail.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, uses emulateapj.sty. Accepted to AJ for July 1999. For version with full-resolution images see http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~jhibbard/a299/HIpaper/a299HI.htm

    Compilation of extended recursion in call-by-value functional languages

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    This paper formalizes and proves correct a compilation scheme for mutually-recursive definitions in call-by-value functional languages. This scheme supports a wider range of recursive definitions than previous methods. We formalize our technique as a translation scheme to a lambda-calculus featuring in-place update of memory blocks, and prove the translation to be correct.Comment: 62 pages, uses pi

    A low-absorption disk zone at low Galactic latitude in Centaurus

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    We investigate the properties of two stellar concentrations in a low-absorption disk zone in Centaurus, located respectively at =306.47\ell=306.47^{\circ}, b=0.61b=-0.61 ^{\circ}, and =307.01\ell=307.01^{\circ}, b=0.74b=-0.74 ^{\circ}. The present analysis is based mostly on 2MASS photometry, as well as optical photometry. Based on colour-magnitude diagrams and stellar radial density profiles, we show that these concentrations are not open star clusters. Instead, they appear to be field stars seen through a differentially-reddened window. We estimate that the bulk of the stars in both stellar concentrations is located at 1.5\sim1.5 kpc from the Sun, a distance consistent with that of the Sgr-Car arm in that direction. This low-absorption window allows one to probe into distant parts of the disk besides the Sgr-Car arm, probably the tangent part of the Sct-Cru arm, and/or the far side of the Sgr-Car arm in that direction. The main sequence associated to the Sgr-Car arm is reddened by \ebv\sim0.5, so that this window through the disk is comparable in reddening to Baade's window to the bulge. We also investigate the nature of the open cluster candidate Ru 166. The presently available data do not allow us to conclude whether Ru 166 is an actual open cluster or field stars seen through a small-scale low-absorption window

    Weight status and associated comorbidities in children and adults with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and intellectual and developmental disabilities

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ptomey, L. T., Walpitage, D. L., Mohseni, M., Dreyer Gillette, M. L., Davis, A. M., Forseth, B., Dean, E. E., and Waitman, L. R. (2020) Weight status and associated comorbidities in children and adults with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64: 725– 737. https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12767, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12767. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.Background Little is known about body weight status and the association between body weight and common comorbidities in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs). Methods Data were extracted from the University of Kansas Medical Center's Healthcare Enterprise Repository for Ontological Narration clinical integrated data repository. Measures included demographics (sex, age and race), disability diagnosis, comorbid health conditions, height, weight and body mass index percentiles (BMI%ile; <18 years of age) or BMI (≥18 years of age). Results Four hundred and sixty-eight individuals with DS (122 children and 346 adults), 1659 individuals with ASD (1073 children and 585 adults) and 604 individuals with other IDDs (152 children and 452 adults) were identified. A total of 47.0% (DS), 41.9% (ASD) and 33.5% (IDD) of children had overweight/obese (OW/OB), respectively. Children with DS were more likely to have OW/OB compared with children with IDD or ASD [odds ratio (OR) = 1.91, 95% confidence interval (CI): (1.49, 2.46); OR = 1.43, 95% CI: (1.19, 1.72)], respectively. A total of 81.1% (DS), 62.1% (ASD), and 62.4% (IDD) of adults were OW/OB, respectively. Adults with DS were more likely to have OW/OB compared with those with IDD [OR = 2.56, 95% CI: (2.16, 3.02)]. No significant differences were observed by race. In children with ASD, higher OW/OB was associated with significantly higher (compared with non-OW/OB) occurrence of sleep apnoea [OR = 2.94, 95% CI: (2.22, 3.89)], hypothyroidism [OR = 3.14, 95% CI: (2.17, 4.25)] and hypertension [OR = 4.11, 95% CI: (3.05, 5.54)]. In adults with DS, OW/OB was significantly associated with higher risk of sleep apnoea and type 2 diabetes [OR = 2.93, 95% CI: (2.10, 4.09); OR = 1.76, 95% CI: (1.11, 2.79) respectively]. Similarly, in adults with ASD and IDD, OW/OB was significantly associated with higher risk of sleep apnoea [OR = 3.39, 95% CI: (2.37, 4.85) and OR = 6.69, 95% CI: (4.43, 10.10)], type 2 diabetes [OR = 2.25, 95 % CI: (1.68, 3.01) and OR = 5.49, 95% CI: (3.96, 7.61)] and hypertension [OR = 3.55, 95% CI: (2.76, 4.57) and 3.97, 95% CI: (3.17, 4.97)]. Conclusion Findings suggest higher rates of OW/OB in individuals with DS compared with ASD and IDD. Given the increased risk of comorbidities associated with the increased risk of OW/OB, identification of effective interventions for this special population of individuals is critical

    An X-ray Imaging Study of the Stellar Population in RCW49

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    We present the results of a high-resolution X-ray imaging study of the stellar population in the Galactic massive star-forming region RCW49 and its central OB association Westerlund 2. We obtained a 40 ks X-ray image of a 17'x17' field using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and deep NIR images using the Infrared Survey Facility in a concentric 8'3x8'3 region. We detected 468 X-ray sources and identified optical, NIR, and Spitzer Space Telescope MIR counterparts for 379 of them. The unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity of the X-ray image, enhanced by optical and infrared imaging data, yielded the following results: (1) The central OB association Westerlund 2 is resolved for the first time in the X-ray band. X-ray emission is detected from all spectroscopically-identified early-type stars in this region. (2) Most (86%) X-ray sources with optical or infrared identifications are cluster members in comparison with a control field in the Galactic Plane. (3) A loose constraint (2--5 kpc) for the distance to RCW49 is derived from the mean X-ray luminosity of T Tauri stars. (4) The cluster X-ray population consists of low-mass pre--main-sequence and early-type stars as obtained from X-ray and NIR photometry. About 30 new OB star candidates are identified. (5) We estimate a cluster radius of 6'--7' based on the X-ray surface number density profiles. (6) A large fraction (90%) of cluster members are identified individually using complimentary X-ray and MIR excess emission. (7) The brightest five X-ray sources, two Wolf-Rayet stars and three O stars, have hard thermal spectra.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables. ApJ in pres

    Why does the provision of home mechanical ventilation vary so widely?

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    There is wide variation in the provision of home mechanical ventilation (HMV) throughout Europe, but the provision of home mechanical ventilation can also vary within countries. In 2008, the overall prevalence of HMV in Norway was 19.9/100,000, and there were huge regional differences in treatment prevalence. The aim of this study is to find explanations for these differences. We gathered multidisciplinary respondents involved in HMV treatment from five hospitals in five different counties to six focus group conversations to explore respondents' views of their experiences systematically. We based the analysis on grounded theory. We found that uneven distribution of “enthusiasm” between hospitals seems to be an important factor in the geographical distribution of HMV. Furthermore, we found that the three subcategories, “high competence,” “spreading competence,” and “multidisciplinary collaboration,” are developed and used systematically in counties with “enthusiasm.” This culture is the main category, which might explain the differences, and is described as “wise enthusiasm.” The last subcategory is “individual attitudes” about HMV among decision-making physicians. The most important factor is most likely the uneven distribution of highly skilled enthusiasm between hospitals. Individual attitudes about HMV among the decision makers may also explain why the provision of HMV varies so widely. Data describing regional differences in the prevalence of HMV within countries is lacking. Further research is needed to identify these differences to ensure equality of provision of HMV

    Characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia at Tygerberg hospital

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    To elucidate the local epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia, we characterised blood culture isolates using molecular methods and prospectively collected clinical data to determine the occurrence of community-acquired, methicillinresistant S. aureus (MRSA). Consecutive S. aureus blood culture isolates were collected over a one-year period from patients who were admitted to Tygerberg Academic Hospital in the Western Cape. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the detection of spa, mecA and lukS/F-PV genes. Strain typing was performed using spa typing. Multiplex PCR for staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing was also performed, as well as multilocus sequence typing (MLST) on selected isolates. Cases were categorised by clinical data as either hospital-acquired, healthcare-associated or community-acquired. One hundred and thirteen S. aureus isolates (30% MRSA) were collected from 104 cases of bacteraemia. According to clinical data, all community-acquired infections, 54% of hospital-acquired cases and the majority of healthcare-associated cases were due to methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA). Furthermore, all Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive isolates (15.9% of all S. aureus) were MSSA. MRSA strains were isolated from hospital-acquired cases (with a minority of healthcare-associated cases) and clustered mainly in spa-CC701 and CC012. SCCmec type IV was predominant. MLST clones included ST239-MRSAIII, ST36-MRSA-II and ST612-MRSA-IV. The predominant source for S. aureus bacteraemia was catheter-related infection (39%). Community-acquired S. aureus infections in our setting remain sensitive to methicillin and current treatment guidelines suffice. The majority of hospital-acquired and healthcare-associated infections were catheter-related. Prevention and treatment should be targeted accordingly. © SAJEI

    Finding apparent horizons and other two-surfaces of constant expansion

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    Apparent horizons are structures of spacelike hypersurfaces that can be determined locally in time. Closed surfaces of constant expansion (CE surfaces) are a generalisation of apparent horizons. I present an efficient method for locating CE surfaces. This method uses an explicit representation of the surface, allowing for arbitrary resolutions and, in principle, shapes. The CE surface equation is then solved as a nonlinear elliptic equation. It is reasonable to assume that CE surfaces foliate a spacelike hypersurface outside of some interior region, thus defining an invariant (but still slicing-dependent) radial coordinate. This can be used to determine gauge modes and to compare time evolutions with different gauge conditions. CE surfaces also provide an efficient way to find new apparent horizons as they appear e.g. in binary black hole simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; two references adde