199 research outputs found

    The impact of COVID-19 on destination visit intention and local food consumption

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    Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the relationships between motivation and intention to consume local food and between intention to consume local food and intention to visit the destination of that food's origin while examining the moderating effect of risk perception associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from two samples of potential Chinese tourists in the contexts of Italian and Thai food. Data obtained from 264 Chinese respondents for Italian food and 277 Chinese respondents for Thai food were analyzed. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was utilized to test the research model. Findings: The results indicate that, while motivational factors such as cultural experience, novelty and sensory appeal influence potential Chinese tourists' intention to consume Italian food, motivational factors such as cultural experience, health concern, novelty and sensory appeal influence tourists' intention to consume Thai food. The authors found that intention to consume local food positively influences tourists' intention to visit both destinations (Italy and Thailand). Moreover, tourists' risk perceptions of COVID-19 negatively moderate the effect of cultural experience and novelty on the intention to consume Italian food. Regarding the intention to consume Thai food, the authors found that tourists' risk perceptions have a diminishing effect on all motivational factors. Originality/value: This pioneering study examines the role of COVID-19-related risk perception on the relationships among motivation of local food consumption, intention of local food consumption and destination visit intention in the context of two destination countries. It reveals cross-country differences of the negative effect pertaining to the risk perceptions of COVID-19, which has important implications for international destination marketing

    Functional genomics in translational cancer research: Focus on breast cancer

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    Conventional molecular and genetic methods for studying cancer are limited to the analysis of one locus at a time. A cluster of genes that are regulated together can be identified by DNA microarray, and the functional relationships can uncover new aspects of cancer biology. Breast cancer can be used to provide a model to demonstrate the current approaches to the molecular analysis of cancer. Meta-analysis is an important tool for the identification and validation of differentially expressed genes to increase power in clinical and biological studies across different sets of data. Recently, meta-analysis approaches have been applied to large collections of microarray datasets to investigate molecular commonalities of multiple cancer types not only to find the common molecular pathways in tumour development but also to compare the individual datasets to other cancer datasets to identify new sets of genes. Several investigators agree that microarray results should be validated. One commonly used method is quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) to validate the expression profiles of the target genes obtained through microarray experiments. qRT-PCR is attractive for clinical use, since it can be automated and performed on fresh or archived formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. The outcome of these analyses might accelerate the application of basic research findings into daily clinical practice through translational research and may have an impact on foreseeing the clinical outcome, predicting tumour response to specific therapy, identification of new prognostic biomarkers, discovering targets for the development of novel therapies and providing further insights into tumour biology. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press

    Concordancia entre la técnica de hemaglutinación indirecta e inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas en el diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis porcina

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorDetermina la concordancia entre las pruebas de HAI y ELISA, para detectar IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii en el diagnĂłstico de toxoplasmosis porcina. El trabajo se desarrolla en 407 animales provenientes de crianzas porcinas ubicadas en la franja costera del departamento de Lima. Se colectan las muestras de sangre de cerdos en la fase de acabado, posteriormente las muestras de suero son conservadas en congelaciĂłn (-70ÂșC) hasta su procesamiento en el Laboratorio de ParasitologĂ­a de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la UNMSM. La concordancia de las tĂ©cnicas diagnĂłsticas y la seroprevalencia correspondiente se evalĂșan mediante dos diferentes modelos estadĂ­sticos: Indice de Kappa y la prueba de McNemar. En los resultados se halla que la concordancia entre las pruebas de HAI-ELISA a travĂ©s del Ă­ndice de Kapa es igual a 26% considerĂĄndose de tipo regular, con valores de 18.7 ± 3.8% por el mĂ©todo de HAI, y 14.7 ± 3.4%, por el mĂ©todo de ELISA; sin embargo, mediante la prueba de McNemar no se encuentra diferencias significativas y sugerirĂ­an que ambas tĂ©cnicas son mutuamente reemplazables. Concluyendo que, como la correlaciĂłn es regular, no se recomienda.Tesi

    Identification of endogenous reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis in normal matched breast tumor tissues

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    Quantitative gene expression measurements from tumor tissue are frequently compared with matched normal and/or adjacent tumor tissue expression for diagnostic marker gene selection as well as assessment of the degree of transcriptional deregulation in cancer. Selection of an appropriate reference gene (RG) or an RG panel, which varies depending on cancer type, molecular subtypes, and the normal tissues used for interindividual calibration, is crucial for the accurate quantification of gene expression. Several RG panels have been suggested in breast cancer for making comparisons among tumor subtypes, cell lines, and benign/malignant tumors. In this study, expression patterns of 15 widely used endogenous RGs (ACTB, TBP, GAPDH, SDHA, HPRT, HMBS, B2M, PPIA, GUSB, YWHAZ2, PGK1, RPLP0, PUM1, MRPL19, and RPL41), and three candidate genes that were selected through analysis of two independent microarray datasets (IL22RA1, TTC22, ZNF224) were determined in 23 primary breast tumors and their matched normal tissues using qRT-PCR. Additionally, 18S rRNA, ACTB, and SDHA were tested using randomly primed cDNAs from 13 breast tumor pairs to assess the rRNA/mRNA ratio. The tumors exhibited significantly lower rRNA/mRNA ratio when compared to their normals, on average. The expression of the studied RGs in breast tumors did not exhibit differences in terms of grade, ER, or PR status. The stability of RGs was examined based on two different statistical models, namely GeNorm and NormFinder. Among the 18 tested endogenous reference genes, ACTB and SDHA were identified as the most suitable reference genes for the normalization of qRT-PCR data in the analysis of normal matched tumor breast tissue pairs by both programs. In addition, the expression of the gelsolin (GSN) gene, a well-known downregulated target in breast tumors, was analyzed using the two most suitable genes and different RG combinations to validate their effectiveness as a normalization factor (NF). The GSN expression of the tumors used in this study was significantly lower than that of normals showing the effectivity of using ACTB and SDHA as suitable RGs in this set of tumor-normal tissue panel. The combinational use of the best performing two RGs (ACTB and SDHA) as a normalization factor can be recommended to minimize sample variability and to increase the accuracy and resolution of gene expression normalization in tumor-normal paired breast cancer qRT-PCR studies. Copyright © 2009 Cognizant Comm. Corp. All rights reserved

    Lack of association between the MDM2-SNP309 polymorphism and breast cancer risk

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    Background: A T-to-G polymorphism (SNP309) at the promoter region of MDM2 has been recently reported to extend the Sp1 binding site that positively regulates the MDM2 transcription level and consequently, its expression level. MDM2 is the negative regulator of p53 tumor suppressor protein and elevated levels of MDM2 hamper the stress response driven by the p53 pathway. Whether MDM2-SNP309 was associated with breast cancer as a predisposing factor was investigated. Patients and Methods: A case-control study of 223 females diagnosed with breast cancer and 149 female controls sampled from the Turkish population was carried out and the T/G MDM2-SNP309 genotype of participants was determined. Results: There was no significant association of the G/G or G/T genotypes with breast cancer risk (odds ratio (OR) 1.14, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59-2.22, and OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.67-2.12, respectively). Stratification of the data for onset age or for menopausal status at the time of diagnosis also revealed no association for either group

    A ranking-based meta-analysis reveals let-7 family as a meta-signature for grade classification in breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is one of the most important causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide in women. In addition to gene expression studies, the progressing work in the miRNA area including miRNA microarray studies, brings new aspects to the research on the cancer development and progression. Microarray technology has been widely used to find new biomarkers in research and many transcriptomic microarray studies are available in public databases. In this study, the breast cancer miRNA and mRNA microarray studies were collected according to the availability of their data and clinical information, and combined by a newly developed ranking-based meta-analysis approach to find out candidate miRNA biomarkers (meta-miRNAs) that classify breast cancers according to their grades and explain the relation between miRNAs and mRNAs. This approach provided meta-miRNAs specific to breast cancer grades, pointing out let-7 family members as grade classifiers. The qRTPCR studies performed with independent breast tumors confirmed the potential biomarker role of let-7 family members (meta-miRNAs). The concordance between the meta-mRNAs and miRNA target genes specific to tumor grade (common genes) supported the idea of mRNAs as miRNA targets. The pathway analysis results showed that most of the let-7 family miRNA targets, and also common genes, were significantly taking part in cancer-related pathways. The qRT-PCR studies, together with bioinformatic analyses, confirmed the results of meta-analysis approach, which is dynamic and allows combining datasets from different platforms. © 2015 Oztemur et al

    Inhibition of focal adhesion kinase with her-2 targeted antibody pertuzumab (OmnitargÂź, 2C4) in breast cancer cells

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    Pertuzumab (OmnitargÂź, 2C4) is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeted to extracellular region of HER-2. Previous results proved the inhibitory effect of Pertuzumab on the survival of breast cancer cells via MAPK and Akt pathway. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates multiple cellular processes including growth, differentiation, adhesion, motility and apoptosis. Here, we aimed to investigate the effects of Pertuzumab on ligand activated total FAK expression and phosphorylation in the HER-2 overexpressing BT-474 breast cancer cell line. Heregulin was used for ligand activation. We have found that FAK expression and phosphorylation were inhibited in with Pertuzumab in breast cancer cells

    The Ability to Generate Senescent Progeny as a Mechanism Underlying Breast Cancer Cell Heterogeneity

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    Background Breast cancer is a remarkably heterogeneous disease. Luminal, basal-like, "normal-like", and ERBB2+ subgroups were identified and were shown to have different prognoses. The mechanisms underlying this heterogeneity are poorly understood. In our study, we explored the role of cellular differentiation and senescence as a potential cause of heterogeneity. Methodology/Principal Findings A panel of breast cancer cell lines, isogenic clones, and breast tumors were used. Based on their ability to generate senescent progeny under low-density clonogenic conditions, we classified breast cancer cell lines as senescent cell progenitor (SCP) and immortal cell progenitor (ICP) subtypes. All SCP cell lines expressed estrogen receptor (ER). Loss of ER expression combined with the accumulation of p21Cip1 correlated with senescence in these cell lines. p21Cip1 knockdown, estrogen-mediated ER activation or ectopic ER overexpression protected cells against senescence. In contrast, tamoxifen triggered a robust senescence response. As ER expression has been linked to luminal differentiation, we compared the differentiation status of SCP and ICP cell lines using stem/progenitor, luminal, and myoepithelial markers. The SCP cells produced CD24+ or ER+ luminal-like and ASMA+ myoepithelial-like progeny, in addition to CD44+ stem/progenitor-like cells. In contrast, ICP cell lines acted as differentiation-defective stem/progenitor cells. Some ICP cell lines generated only CD44+/CD24-/ER-/ASMA- progenitor/stem-like cells, and others also produced CD24+/ER- luminal-like, but not ASMA+ myoepithelial-like cells. Furthermore, gene expression profiles clustered SCP cell lines with luminal A and "normal-like" tumors, and ICP cell lines with luminal B and basal-like tumors. The ICP cells displayed higher tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice. Conclusions/Significance Luminal A and "normal-like" breast cancer cell lines were able to generate luminal-like and myoepithelial-like progeny undergoing senescence arrest. In contrast, luminal B/basal-like cell lines acted as stem/progenitor cells with defective differentiation capacities. Our findings suggest that the malignancy of breast tumors is directly correlated with stem/progenitor phenotypes and poor differentiation potential. © 2010 Mumcuoglu et al

    Henoch-Schönlein nephritis associated with streptococcal infection and persistent hypocomplementemia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Henoch-Schönlein purpura is a systemic disease with frequent renal involvement, characterized by IgA mesangial deposits. Streptococcal infection can induce an abnormal IgA immune response like Henoch-Schönlein purpura, quite similar to typical acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis. Indeed, hypocomplementemia that is typical of acute glomerulonephritis has also been described in Henoch-Schönlein purpura.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe a 14-year-old Caucasian Spanish girl who developed urinary abnormalities and cutaneous purpura after streptococcal infection. Renal biopsy showed typical findings from Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis. In addition, she had low serum levels of complement (C4 fraction) that persisted during follow-up, in spite of her clinical evolution. She responded to treatment with enalapril and steroids.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The case described has, at least, three points of interest in Henoch-Schönlein purpura: 1) Initial presentation was preceded by streptococcal infection; 2) There was a persistence of low serum levels of complement; and 3) There was response to steroids and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in the presence of nephrotic syndrome. There are not many cases described in the literature with these characteristics. We conclude that Henoch-Schönlein purpura could appear after streptococcal infection in patients with abnormal complement levels, and that steroids and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor could be successful treatment for the disease.</p

    The HSP70 Molecular Chaperone Is Not Beneficial in a Mouse Model of α-synucleinopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Aggregation and misfolded alpha-synuclein is thought to be central in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) that are involved in refolding and degradation processes could lower the aggregate load of alpha-synuclein and thus be beneficial in alpha-synucleinopathies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We co-overexpressed human A53T point-mutated alpha-synuclein and human HSP70 in mice, both under the control of Thy1 regulatory sequences. Behavior read-outs showed no beneficial effect of HSP70 expression in mice. In contrast, motor coordination, grip strength and weight were even worse in the alpha-synucleinopathy model in the presence of HSP70 overexpression. Biochemical analyses revealed no differences in alpha-synuclein oligomers/aggregates, truncations and phosphorylation levels and alpha-synuclein localization was unchanged in immunostainings. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Overexpressing HSP70 in a mouse model of alpha-synucleinopathy did not lower the toxic load of alpha-synuclein species and had no beneficial effect on alpha-synuclein-related motor deficits
