939 research outputs found

    Chemodynamical history of the Galactic Bulge

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    The Galactic Bulge can uniquely be studied from large samples of individual stars, and is therefore of prime importance for understanding the stellar population structure of bulges in general. Here the observational evidence on the kinematics, chemical composition, and ages of Bulge stellar populations based on photometric and spectroscopic data is reviewed. The bulk of Bulge stars are old and span a metallicity range -1.5<~[Fe/H]<~+0.5. Stellar populations and chemical properties suggest a star formation timescale below ~2 Gyr. The overall Bulge is barred and follows cylindrical rotation, and the more metal-rich stars trace a Box/Peanut (B/P) structure. Dynamical models demonstrate the different spatial and orbital distributions of metal-rich and metal-poor stars. We discuss current Bulge formation scenarios based on dynamical, chemical, chemodynamical and cosmological models. Despite impressive progress we do not yet have a successful fully self-consistent chemodynamical Bulge model in the cosmological framework, and we will also need more extensive chrono-chemical-kinematic 3D map of stars to better constrain such models.Comment: 9 figures, 55 pages final version to appear in the Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics, volume 5

    Abundances in the Galactic bulge: results from planetary nebulae and giant stars

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    Our understanding of the chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge requires the determination of abundances in large samples of giant stars and planetary nebulae (PNe). We discuss PNe abundances in the Galactic bulge and compare these results with those presented in the literature for giant stars. We present the largest, high-quality data-set available for PNe in the direction of the Galactic bulge (inner-disk/bulge). For comparison purposes, we also consider a sample of PNe in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We derive the element abundances in a consistent way for all the PNe studied. By comparing the abundances for the bulge, inner-disk, and LMC, we identify elements that have not been modified during the evolution of the PN progenitor and can be used to trace the bulge chemical enrichment history. We then compare the PN abundances with abundances of bulge field giant. At the metallicity of the bulge, we find that the abundances of O and Ne are close to the values for the interstellar medium at the time of the PN progenitor formation, and hence these elements can be used as tracers of the bulge chemical evolution, in the same way as S and Ar, which are not expected to be affected by nucleosynthetic processes during the evolution of the PN progenitors. The PN oxygen abundance distribution is shifted to lower values by 0.3 dex with respect to the distribution given by giants. A similar shift appears to occur for Ne and S. We discuss possible reasons for this PNe-giant discrepancy and conclude that this is probably due to systematic errors in the abundance derivations in either giants or PNe (or both). We issue an important warning concerning the use of absolute abundances in chemical evolution studies.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 16 pages of online material, A&A in pres

    Nonlinear dispersion relation in anharmonic periodic mass-spring and mass-in-mass systems

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    The study of wave propagation in chains of anharmonic periodic systems is of fundamental importance to understand the response of dynamical absorbers of vibrations and acoustic metamaterials working in nonlinear regime. Here, we derive an analytical nonlinear dispersion relation for periodic chains of anharmonic mass-spring and mass-in-mass systems resulting from considering the hypothesis of weak anharmonic energy and a periodic distribution function as ansatz of a general solution of the nonlinear equations of motion. Numerical simulations show that this expression is valid for anharmonic potential energy up to 50% of the harmonic one. This work provides a simple tool to design and study nonlinear dynamics for a class of seismic metamaterials.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    A new method for estimating the pattern speed of spiral structure in the Milky Way

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    In the last few decades many efforts have been made to understand the effect of spiral arms on the gas and stellar dynamics in the Milky Way disc. One of the fundamental parameters of the spiral structure is its angular velocity, or pattern speed Ωp\Omega_p, which determines the location of resonances in the disc and the spirals' radial extent. The most direct method for estimating the pattern speed relies on backward integration techniques, trying to locate the stellar birthplace of open clusters. Here we propose a new method based on the interaction between the spiral arms and the stars in the disc. Using a sample of around 500 open clusters from the {\it New Catalogue of Optically Visible Open Clusters and Candidates}, and a sample of 500 giant stars observed by APOGEE, we find Ωp=23.0±0.5\Omega_p = 23.0\pm0.5 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1}, for a local standard of rest rotation V0=220V_0=220~km s1^{-1} and solar radius R0=8.0R_0=8.0~kpc. Exploring a range in V0V_0 and R0R_0 within the acceptable values, 200-240 km s1^{-1} and 7.5-8.5 kpc, respectively, results only in a small change in our estimate of Ωp\Omega_p, that is within the error. Our result is in close agreement with a number of studies which suggest values in the range 20-25 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1}. An advantage of our method is that we do not need knowledge of the stellar age, unlike in the case of the birthplace method, which allows us to use data from large Galactic surveys. The precision of our method will be improved once larger samples of disk stars with spectroscopic information will become available thanks to future surveys such as 4MOST.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Planetary Nebulae as Green Galactic Citizens

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    We review gas-phase abundances in PNe and describe their dual utility as archives of original progenitor metallicity via the alpha elements, as well as sources of processed material from nucleosynthesis during the star's evolution, i.e., C, N, and s-process elements. We describe the analysis of PN spectra to derive abundances and discuss the discrepancies that arise from different choices at each step. Abundance results for the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds from various groups of investigators are presented; the observational results are compared with theoretical predictions of AGB stellar yields. Finally, we suggest areas where more work is needed to improve our abilities to determine abundances in PNe.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Invited review presented at the IAU Symposium No. 283, Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Futur

    Mathematical modeling of oxygen control in biocell composting plants

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    We propose an optimal control problem to determine the best aeration strategy for aerobic biodegradation in a composting cell. The goal is to minimize the deviation of the oxygen level from its reference value for the entire duration of the biodegradation process. The mathematical model includes several chemical phenomena, like the aerobic biodegradation of the soluble substrate by means of a bacterial biomass, the hydrolysis of insoluble substrate and the biomass decay. The oxygen and the optimal mechanical aeration time profiles are obtained and discussed. Finally, the plant performance is evaluated in absence and presence of external aeration by means of several specific indices

    Innovative Micro- and Nanostructured Materials and Devices for Energy Applications

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    1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione (DEI), Politecnico di Bari, Via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy 2 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (CNRIFN), Via alla Cascata 56/C, 38123 Trento, Italy 3 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies (CBN), Via Barsanti 1, 73010 Arnesano, Italy 4Department of Physics and Meteorology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, Indi

    A minimum time control problem for aerobic degradation processes in biocell composting plants

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    We introduce a mathematical model for the composting process in biocells. The model includes several phenomena, like the aerobic biodegradation of the soluble substrate by means of a bacterial population, the hydrolysis of insoluble substrate, and the biomass decay. We investigate the best strategies to reduce substrate components in minimal time by controlling the effects of cell oxygen concentration on the degradation phenomenon. It is shown that singular controls are not optimal for this model and the optimal control time profiles are of bang or bang-bang type. The occurrence of switching curves is discussed. In the case of a bang-bang control we prove that optimal control profiles have a unique switching time and the corresponding switching curve is determined