327 research outputs found

    Towards Innovative Healthcare Grid Solutions: ViroLab - A Virtual Laboratory for Infectious Diseases

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    With more rare and critical diseases, medical diagnoses and disease prevention constitutes one of the challenging and at the same time most difficult fields in modern health care. Using interdisciplinary approaches where different areas of research such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science meet together in order to analyze, understand and reconstruct complex medical processes, those projects typically achieve excellent research results but are inefficient and unfeasible for daily medical workflows. The EU funded project ViroLab should address this important issue by combining different scientists together into one project in order to design and develop a working platform for researchers and especially for doctors, which facilitates medical knowledge discovery and decision support for HIV drug resistance for daily clinical usage. In this paper, we will present the overall concept of the ViroLab project. The core functionalities will be described in detail and shall give the readers an idea of an innovative system for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment based on integrated biomedical data and information on several levels

    Supersymmetric counterterms from new minimal supergravity

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    Localization on Hopf surfaces

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    Asymmetric Gepner Models II. Heterotic Weight Lifting

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    A systematic study of "lifted" Gepner models is presented. Lifted Gepner models are obtained from standard Gepner models by replacing one of the N=2 building blocks and the E8E_8 factor by a modular isomorphic N=0N=0 model on the bosonic side of the heterotic string. The main result is that after this change three family models occur abundantly, in sharp contrast to ordinary Gepner models. In particular, more than 250 new and unrelated moduli spaces of three family models are identified. We discuss the occurrence of fractionally charged particles in these spectra.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figure

    Large N Free Energy of 3d N=4 SCFTs and AdS/CFT

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    We provide a non-trivial check of the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence recently proposed in arXiv:1106.4253 by verifying the GKPW relation in the large N limit. The CFT free energy is obtained from the previous works (arXiv:1105.2551, arXiv:1105.4390) on the S^3 partition function for 3-dimensional N=4 SCFT T[SU(N)]. This is matched with the computation of the type IIB action on the corresponding gravity background. We unexpectedly find that the leading behavior of the free energy at large N is 1/2 N^2 ln N. We also extend our results to richer theories and argue that 1/2 N^2 ln N is the maximal free energy at large N in this class of gauge theories.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Application of Compensation Algorithms to Control the Movement of a Robot Manipulator

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    This article presents an application-oriented method for the structural synthesis of control systems for multichannel linear objects. It provides a general form, based on the compensation for object dynamics and disturbances. The algorithm is based onalgebraic transformations of the mathematical model of the object and reference systems. The general procedure for the synthesis of a control algorithm is presented by the example of a SISO first-order object. Parametric robustness and correspondence of the system behavior to its own reference filters were derived. The possibility of applying this method to control non-linear objects presented in the form of "State Dependent coefficient (SDC)" is ascertained. A simplified example is given by the synthesis of the motion control of a one-link manipulator with a drive, described by a second-order nonlinear equation. Control of a two-link manipulator represented by its linearized equation is demonstrated. The convenience of the proposed synthesis method for controlling multi-channel objects under certain simplifications allowed by the specifics of the use of objects is shown. The numerical example shows the independence of the system through individual channels, a zero static error in all the modes of operation and the correspondence of the system behavior to given dynamics

    Cold Water and High Ice Cover on Great Lakes in Spring 2014

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108350/1/eost2014EO340001.pd


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    The article describes the types of student migration and methodological approaches to its study. The global trends in educational migration and the development of this process in Belarus in the period 1999–2014 are analyzed. The countries of origin are highlighted, and factors that contribute to attracting educational migrants to the Republic of Belarus are indicated. One of the characteristic trends in the development of the modern education system is the rapid growth of student migration throughout the twentieth century. The scale of academic mobility and academic migration has steadily increased throughout the world. But it was at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. this type of mobility is becoming a massive global phenomenon. The Republic of Belarus clearly demonstrates the growing student mobility: there is an increase in both incoming and outgoing educational migration. In the period from 1999 to 2013 the rate of outgoing student mobility has increased by more than 5 times. The growth rate of incoming mobility is not as significant. The number of arriving school migrants is increasing year by year, but the rate of growth of incoming mobility over the past 8 years has been declining. From 2005 to 2014 In Belarus, more than 100 thousand foreign students were educated. In 2016, 100 thousand Kazakhstanis studied at foreign universities. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the number of foreign students has reached 23 thousand people, by 2020 it is planned to increase their number to 50 thousand people. For three years in a row, Russia has been accepting 15,000 foreigners for free tuition at several hundred universities in the country in 659 different areas and specialties. The British company QS recently placed Russia on the 26th place in the world for the quality of the higher education system. In 2016, the competition among foreigners was 4.5 people per Russian budget place, reports Rossotrudnichestvo.El artículo describe los tipos de migración estudiantil y los enfoques metodológicos para su estudio. Se analizan las tendencias mundiales de la migración educativa y el desarrollo de este proceso en Bielorrusia en el período 1999-2014. Se destacan los países de origen y se indican los factores que contribuyen a atraer migrantes educativos a la República de Bielorrusia. Una de las tendencias características en el desarrollo del sistema educativo moderno es el rápido crecimiento de la migración estudiantil a lo largo del siglo XX. La escala de la movilidad académica y la migración académica ha aumentado constantemente en todo el mundo. Pero fue a comienzos de los siglos XX y XXI. Este tipo de movilidad se está convirtiendo en un fenómeno global masivo. La República de Bielorrusia demuestra claramente la creciente movilidad de los estudiantes: hay un aumento en la migración educativa entrante y saliente. En el período comprendido entre 1999 y 2013, la tasa de movilidad de estudiantes salientes ha aumentado más de 5 veces. La tasa de crecimiento de la movilidad entrante no es tan significativa. El número de migrantes escolares que llegan aumenta año tras año, pero la tasa de crecimiento de la movilidad entrante en los últimos 8 años ha ido disminuyendo. De 2005 a 2014 En Bielorrusia, se educaron más de 100 mil estudiantes extranjeros. En 2016, 100 mil kazajos estudiaron en universidades extranjeras. En el año académico 2018-2019, el número de estudiantes extranjeros ha llegado a 23 mil personas, para 2020 se planea aumentar su número a 50 mil personas. Durante tres años consecutivos, Rusia ha estado aceptando a 15,000 extranjeros para la enseñanza gratuita en varios cientos de universidades en el país en 659 áreas y especialidades diferentes. La compañía británica QS recientemente colocó a Rusia en el lugar 26 en el mundo por la calidad del sistema de educación superior. En 2016, la competencia entre extranjeros fue de 4,5 personas por presupuesto ruso, informa Rossotrudnichestvo .В статье описаны виды студенческой миграции и методологические подходы к ее изучению. Проанализированы глобальные тенденции образовательной миграции и развитие этого процесса в Беларуси в период 1999-2014 гг. Выделены страны происхождения, указаны факторы, способствующие привлечению в Республику Беларусь образовательных мигрантов. Одной из характерных тенденций развития современной системы образования является быстрый рост студенческой миграции на протяжении всего ХХ века. Масштабы академической мобильности и академической миграции неуклонно возрастают во всем мире. Но это было на рубеже XX и XXI веков. этот вид мобильности становится массовым глобальным явлением. Республика Беларусь наглядно демонстрирует растущую мобильность студентов: увеличивается как входящая, так и исходящая образовательная миграция. За период с 1999 по 2013 год показатель исходящей мобильности студентов увеличился более чем в 5 раз. Темпы роста въездной мобильности не столь значительны. Число прибывающих школьных мигрантов растет из года в год, но темпы роста въездной мобильности за последние 8 лет снижаются. С 2005 по 2014 год в Беларуси обучалось более 100 тысяч иностранных студентов. В 2016 году в зарубежных вузах обучалось 100 тыс. жителей Казахстана. В 2018-2019 учебном году численность иностранных студентов достигла 23 тыс. человек, к 2020 году планируется увеличить их численность до 50 тыс. человек. В течение трех лет подряд Россия принимает 15 000 иностранцев для бесплатного обучения в нескольких сотнях университетов страны по 659 различным направлениям и специальностям. Британская компания QS недавно поставила Россию на 26-е место в мире по качеству системы высшего образования. В 2016 году конкурс среди иностранцев составил 4,5 человека на одно бюджетное место в России, сообщает Россотрудничество

    Towards Deconstruction of the Type D (2,0) Theory

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    We propose a four-dimensional supersymmetric theory that deconstructs, in a particular limit, the six-dimensional (2,0)(2,0) theory of type DkD_k. This 4d theory is defined by a necklace quiver with alternating gauge nodes O(2k)\mathrm{O}(2k) and Sp(k)\mathrm{Sp}(k). We test this proposal by comparing the 6d half-BPS index to the Higgs branch Hilbert series of the 4d theory. In the process, we overcome several technical difficulties, such as Hilbert series calculations for non-complete intersections, and the choice of O\mathrm{O} versus SO\mathrm{SO} gauge groups. Consistently, the result matches the Coulomb branch formula for the mirror theory upon reduction to 3d

    Localization of supersymmetric field theories on non-compact hyperbolic three-manifolds

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    We study supersymmetric gauge theories with an R-symmetry, defined on non-compact, hyperbolic, Riemannian three-manifolds, focusing on the case of a supersymmetry-preserving quotient of Euclidean AdS3_3. We compute the exact partition function in these theories, using the method of localization, thus reducing the problem to the computation of one-loop determinants around a supersymmetric locus. We evaluate the one-loop determinants employing three different techniques: an index theorem, the method of pairing of eigenvalues, and the heat kernel method. Along the way, we discuss aspects of supersymmetry in manifolds with a conformal boundary, including supersymmetric actions and boundary conditions.Comment: v3:79p, minor clarifications and references adde