2,215 research outputs found

    Stark deceleration of CaF molecules in strong- and weak-field seeking states

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    We report the Stark deceleration of CaF molecules in the strong-field seeking ground state and in a weak-field seeking component of a rotationally-excited state. We use two types of decelerator, a conventional Stark decelerator for the weak-field seekers, and an alternating gradient decelerator for the strong-field seekers, and we compare their relative merits. We also consider the application of laser cooling to increase the phase-space density of decelerated molecules.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Non-Invasive Visualization of the Cardiac Venous System in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Using 64-Slice Computed Tomography

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    ObjectivesThis study was designed to evaluate the value of 64-slice computed tomography (CT) to visualize the cardiac veins and evaluate the relation between variations in venous anatomy and history of infarction.BackgroundCardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an attractive treatment for selected heart failure patients. Knowledge of venous anatomy may help in identifying candidates for successful left ventricular lead implantation.MethodsThe 64-slice CT of 100 individuals (age 61 ± 11 years, 68% men) was studied. Subjects were divided into 3 groups: 28 control patients, 38 patients with significant coronary artery disease (CAD), and 34 patients with a history of infarction. Presence of the following coronary sinus (CS) tributaries was evaluated: posterior interventricular vein (PIV), posterior vein of the left ventricle, and left marginal vein (LMV). Vessel diameters were also measured.ResultsCoronary sinus and PIV were identified in all individuals. Posterior vein of the left ventricle was observed in 96% of control patients, 84% of CAD patients, and 82% of infarction patients. In patients with a history of infarction, a LMV was significantly less observed as compared with control patients and CAD patients (27% vs. 71% and 61%, respectively, p < 0.001). None of the patients with lateral infarction and only 22% of patients with anterior infarction had a LMV. Regarding quantitative data, no significant differences were observed between the groups.ConclusionsNon-invasive evaluation of cardiac veins with 64-slice CT is feasible. There is considerable variation in venous anatomy. Patients with a history of infarction were less likely to have a LMV, which may hamper optimal left ventricular lead positioning in CRT implantation

    Semiclassical time--dependent propagation in three dimensions: How accurate is it for a Coulomb potential?

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    A unified semiclassical time propagator is used to calculate the semiclassical time-correlation function in three cartesian dimensions for a particle moving in an attractive Coulomb potential. It is demonstrated that under these conditions the singularity of the potential does not cause any difficulties and the Coulomb interaction can be treated as any other non-singular potential. Moreover, by virtue of our three-dimensional calculation, we can explain the discrepancies between previous semiclassical and quantum results obtained for the one-dimensional radial Coulomb problem.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (EPS

    The discovery of a typical radio galaxy at z = 4.88

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    ‘The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.com '. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-3933.2009.00715.xIn this Letter, we report the discovery of a z= 4.88 radio galaxy discovered with a new technique which does not rely on pre-selection of a sample based on radio properties such as steep-spectral index or small angular size. This radio galaxy was discovered in the Elais-N2 field and has a spectral index of α= 0.75 , i.e. not ultra-steep spectrum. It also has a luminosity consistent with being drawn from the break of the radio luminosity function and can therefore be considered as a typical radio galaxy. Using the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) data over this field, we find that the host galaxy is consistent with being similarly massive to the lower redshift powerful radio galaxies (∼1–3L★) . However, we note that at z= 4.88, the Hα line is redshifted into the IRAC 3.6 μm filter, and some of the flux in this band may be due to this fact rather than the stellar continuum emission. The discovery of such a distant radio source from our initial spectroscopic observations demonstrates the promise of our survey for finding the most distant radio sources.Peer reviewe

    Внутриартериальная химиотерапия в комбинированном лечении резектабельного рака желудка с метастазами в печень

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    В Донецком областном противоопухолевом центре разработан и внедрен способ катетеризации печеночной артерии при паллиативных операциях у больных раком желудка с метастазами в печень. По данному способу пролечено 56 больных резектабельным раком желудка с метастатическим поражением печени, что позволило увеличить продолжительность и улучшить качество жизни больных.У Донецькому обласному протипухлинному центрі розроблено та впроваджено спосіб катетеризації печінкової артерії при паліативних операціях у хворих на рак шлунку з метастазами в печінку. За цим способом проліковано 56 хворих на резектабельний рак шлунку з метастатичним ураженням печінки, що дало змогу збільшити тривалість і поліпшити якість життя хворих.A method of catheterization of hepatic artery at palliative surgery in patients with gastric cancer and metastases to the liver was worked out and introduced at Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center. This method was used in 56 patients with operable cancer of the stomach with metastases to the liver, which allowed increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the patients

    A Field-Scale Decision Support System for Assessment and Management of Soil Functions

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    peer-reviewedAgricultural decision support systems (DSSs) are mostly focused on increasing the supply of individual soil functions such as, e.g., primary productivity or nutrient cycling, while neglecting other important soil functions, such as, e.g., water purification and regulation, climate regulation and carbon sequestration, soil biodiversity, and habitat provision. Making right management decisions for long-term sustainability is therefore challenging, and farmers and farm advisors would greatly benefit from an evidence-based DSS targeted for assessing and improving the supply of several soil functions simultaneously. To address this need, we designed the Soil Navigator DSS by applying a qualitative approach to multi-criteria decision modeling using Decision Expert (DEX) integrative methodology. Multi-criteria decision models for the five main soil functions were developed, calibrated, and validated using knowledge of involved domain experts and knowledge extracted from existing datasets by data mining. Subsequently, the five DEX models were integrated into a DSS to assess the soil functions simultaneously and to provide management advices for improving the performance of prioritized soil functions. To enable communication between the users and the DSS, we developed a user-friendly computer-based graphical user interface, which enables users to provide the required data regarding their field to the DSS and to get textual and graphical results about the performance of each of the five soil functions in a qualitative way. The final output from the DSS is a list of soil mitigation measures that the end-users could easily apply in the field in order to achieve the desired soil function performance. The Soil Navigator DSS has a great potential to complement the Farm Sustainability Tools for Nutrients included in the Common Agricultural Policy 2021–2027 proposal adopted by the European Commission. The Soil Navigator has also a potential to be spatially upgraded to assist decisions on which soil functions to prioritize in a specific region or member state. Furthermore, the Soil Navigator DSS could be used as an educational tool for farmers, farm advisors, and students, and its potential should be further exploited for the benefit of farmers and the society as a whole

    Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony Acutely After Myocardial Infarction Predicts Left Ventricular Remodeling

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    ObjectivesWe sought to identify predictors of left ventricular (LV) remodeling after acute myocardial infarction.BackgroundLeft ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction is associated with an adverse long-term prognosis. Early identification of patients prone to LV remodeling is needed to optimize therapeutic management.MethodsA total of 178 consecutive patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention were included. Within 48 h of intervention, 2-dimensional echocardiography was performed to assess LV volumes, LV ejection fraction (LVEF), wall motion score index, left atrial dimension, E/E′ ratio, and severity of mitral regurgitation. Left ventricular dyssynchrony was determined using speckle-tracking radial strain analysis. At 6-month follow-up, LV volumes, LVEF, and severity of mitral regurgitation were reassessed.ResultsPatients showing LV remodeling at 6-month follow-up (20%) had comparable baseline characteristics to patients without LV remodeling (80%), except for higher peak troponin T levels (p < 0.001), peak creatine phosphokinase levels (p < 0.001), wall motion score index (p < 0.05), E/E′ ratio (p < 0.05), and a larger extent of LV dyssynchrony (p < 0.001). Multivariable analysis demonstrated that LV dyssynchrony was superior in predicting LV remodeling. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis demonstrated that a cutoff value of 130 ms for LV dyssynchrony yields a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 95% to predict LV remodeling at 6-month follow-up.ConclusionsLeft ventricular dyssynchrony immediately after acute myocardial infarction predicts LV remodeling at 6-month follow-up

    Expression of the RNA helicase DDX3 and the hypoxia response in breast cancer

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    &lt;p&gt;Aims: DDX3 is an RNA helicase that has antiapoptotic properties, and promotes proliferation and transformation. In addition, DDX3 was shown to be a direct downstream target of HIF-1α (the master regulatory of the hypoxia response) in breast cancer cell lines. However, the relation between DDX3 and hypoxia has not been addressed in human tumors. In this paper, we studied the relation between DDX3 and the hypoxic responsive proteins in human breast cancer.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods and Results: DDX3 expression was investigated by immunohistochemistry in breast cancer in comparison with hypoxia related proteins HIF-1α, GLUT1, CAIX, EGFR, HER2, Akt1, FOXO4, p53, ERα, COMMD1, FER kinase, PIN1, E-cadherin, p21, p27, Transferrin receptor, FOXO3A, c-Met and Notch1. DDX3 was overexpressed in 127 of 366 breast cancer patients, and was correlated with overexpression of HIF-1α and its downstream genes CAIX and GLUT1. Moreover, DDX3 expression correlated with hypoxia-related proteins EGFR, HER2, FOXO4, ERα and c-Met in a HIF-1α dependent fashion, and with COMMD1, FER kinase, Akt1, E-cadherin, TfR and FOXO3A independent of HIF-1α.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: In invasive breast cancer, expression of DDX3 was correlated with overexpression of HIF-1α and many other hypoxia related proteins, pointing to a distinct role for DDX3 under hypoxic conditions and supporting the oncogenic role of DDX3 which could have clinical implication for current development of DDX3 inhibitors.&lt;/p&gt