96 research outputs found

    Determination of [S,S′]-Ethylenediaminedisuccinic Acid by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    A new high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) is presented. Free EDDS4- and EDDS complexes with divalent metals undergo conversion to the Fe(III) complex in the presence of Fe(III)Cl3. Fe(III)EDDS is separated by HPLC on an ion exchange column using (NH4)2SO4 eluent with detection at 258 nm. The detection limit is 0.01µM. The method is applied to natural waters and soil solution samples. A background of natural water results in a reduction in EDDS peak area. The method is suited for EDDS analysis in samples with well-defined, simple matrices such as those used in laboratory experiments or biodegradation studie

    Spatial and temporal variation in organic acid anion exudation and nutrient anion uptake in the rhizosphere of Lupinus albus L

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    We investigated in situ the temporal patterns and spatial extent of organic acid anion exudation into the rhizosphere solution of Lupinus albus, and its relation with the nutrient anions phosphate, nitrate and sulfate by means of a rhizobox micro suction cup method under P sufficient conditions. We compared the soil solution in the rhizosphere of cluster roots with that in the vicinity of normal roots, nodules and bulk soil. Compared to the other rhizosphere and soil compartments, concentrations of organic acid anions were higher in the vicinity of cluster roots during the exudative burst (citrate, oxalate) and nodules (acetate, malate), while concentrations of inorganic nutrient anions were highest in the bulk soil. Both active cluster roots and nodules were most efficient in taking up nitrate and phosphate. The intensity of citrate exudation by cluster roots was highly variable. The overall temporal patterns during the lifetime of cluster roots were overlaid by a diurnal pattern, i.e. in most cases, the exudation burst consisted of one or more peaks occurring in the afternoon. Multiple exudation peaks occurred daily or were separated by 1 or 2days. Although citrate concentrations decreased with distance from the cluster root apex, they were still significantly higher at a distance of 6 to 10mm than in the bulk soil. Phosphate concentrations were extremely variable in the proximity of cluster roots. While our results indicate that under P sufficient conditions cluster roots take up phosphate during their entire life time, the influence of citrate exudation on phosphate mobilization from soil could not be assessed conclusively because of the complex interactions between P uptake, organic acid anion exudation and P mobilization. However, we observed indications of P mobilization concurrent with the highest measured citrate concentrations. In conclusion, this study provides semiquantitative in situ data on the reactivity of different root segments of L. albus L. in terms of root exudation and nutrient uptake under nutrient sufficient conditions, in particular on the temporal variability during the lifetime of cluster root

    Analysis of nickel concentration profiles around the roots of the hyperaccumulator plant Berkheya coddii using MRI and numerical simulations

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    Investigations of soil-root interactions are hampered by the difficult experimental accessibility of the rhizosphere. Here we show the potential of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a non-destructive measurement technique in combination with numerical modelling to study the dynamics of the spatial distribution of dissolved nickel (Ni2+) around the roots of the nickel hyperaccumulator plant Berkheya coddii. Special rhizoboxes were used in which a root monolayer had been grown, separated from an adjacent inert glass bead packing by a nylon membrane. After applying a Ni2+ solution of 10mgl−1, the rhizobox was imaged repeatedly using MRI. The obtained temporal sequence of 2-dimensional Ni2+ maps in the vicinity of the roots showed that Ni2+ concentrations increased towards the root plane, revealing an accumulation pattern. Numerical modelling supported the Ni2+ distributions to result from advective water flow towards the root plane, driven by transpiration, and diffusion of Ni2+ tending to eliminate the concentration gradient. With the model, we could study how the accumulation pattern of Ni2+ in the root zone transforms into a depletion pattern depending on transpiration rate, solute uptake rate, and Ni2+ concentration in solutio

    Long-term organic matter application reduces cadmium but not zinc concentrations in wheat

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    Wheat is a staple food crop and a major source of both the essential micronutrient zinc (Zn) and the toxic heavy metal cadmium (Cd) for humans. Since Zn and Cd are chemically similar, increasing Zn concentrations in wheat grains (biofortification), while preventing Cd accumulation, is an agronomic challenge. We used two Swiss agricultural long-term field trials, the “Dynamic-Organic-Conventional System Comparison Trial” (DOK) and the “Zurich Organic Fertilization Experiment” (ZOFE), to investigate the impact of long-term organic, mineral and combined fertilizer inputs on total and phytoavailable concentrations of soil Zn and Cd and their accumulation in winter wheat ( L.). “Diffusive gradients in thin films” (DGT) and diethylene-triaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction were used as proxies for plant available soil metals. Compared to unfertilized controls, long-term organic fertilization with composted manure or green waste compost led to higher soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and pH, while DGT-available Zn and Cd concentrations were reduced. The DGT method was a strong predictor of shoot and grain Cd, but not Zn concentrations. Shoot and grain Zn concentrations correlated with DTPA-extractable and total soil Zn concentrations in the ZOFE, but not the DOK trial. Long-term compost fertilization led to lower accumulation of Cd in wheat grains, but did not affect grain Zn. Therefore, Zn/Cd ratios in the grains increased. High Zn and Cd inputs with organic fertilizers and high Cd inputs with phosphate fertilizers led to positive Zn and Cd mass balances when taking into account atmospheric deposition and fertilizer inputs. On the other hand, mineral fertilization led to the depletion of soil Zn due to higher yields and thus higher Zn exports than under organic management. The study supports the use of organic fertilizers for reducing Cd concentrations of wheat grains in the long-term, given that the quality of the fertilizers is guaranteed

    Green manure and long-term fertilization effects on available soil zinc and cadmium and their accumulation by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Zinc (Zn) deficiency in humans due to imbalanced diets is a global nutritional problem. It is especially widespread in populations of low-income countries depending on cereals as staple food. Grain Zn concentrations are particularly low in cereals grown on soils with low phytoavailable Zn concentrations. . Plant Zn uptake depends on soil properties such as pH, calcium carbonate, iron and manganese oxides, total Zn and organic matter content (OM). Soil pH, total Zn and OM can be influenced on farms with limited access to mineral fertilizers through organic matter management practises. In this study, we investigated to what extent green manure application could increase soil Zn availability and wheat grain Zn concentrations (biofortification) on soil with different long-term fertilizer management

    Investigation of small-scale processes in the rhizosphere of Lupinus albus using micro push-pull tests

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    Background and Aims: Rhizosphere processes affect the mobility, phytoavailability and toxicity of solutes in soil. To study reactions in the rhizosphere under quasi in situ conditions, we recently developed the "micro push-pull test” (μPPT) method, combining micro-suction cups with the principle of the "push-pull test” method known from groundwater applications. Here we report the application of μPPT to investigate rhizosphere reactions in situ, i.e. degradation of deuterated citrate (citrate-d4) in the rhizosphere of Lupinus albus grown in sand-filled rhizoboxes. Methods: In a μPPT, a solution containing reactive (citrate-d4) and non-reactive solutes (bromide) is injected into a porous medium and shortly thereafter, the pore water solution is re-extracted from the same location. Concentration ("breakthrough”) curves of extracted reactants can be compared to those of the non-reactive solute, allowing the determination of reaction rates. We applied the μPPT in rhizoboxes with Lupinus albus and sampled different types of micro-habitats: bulk soil, rhizosphere of normal roots and rhizosphere of cluster roots of different ages. Results: Breakthrough curves of citrate-d4 varied considerably between tests adjacent to cluster roots and normal roots, and in bulk soil. Degradation of citrate-d4 in bulk soil and adjacent to normal roots was below detection, while we found strong degradation of citrate-d4 adjacent to 4 to 5-days old cluster roots. In situ degradation rate constants for citrate-d4 around cluster roots were found to be in the range from 0.38 to 0.71h−1. Conclusions: We successfully applied the μPPT to the rhizosphere. The μPPT is useful to investigate local processes in microcosms and to monitor processes also over time (e.g., during cluster-root development) due to its non-destructive nature

    Behavior and Impact of Zirconium in the Soil–Plant System: Plant Uptake and Phytotoxicity

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    Because of the large number of sites they pollute, toxic metals that contaminate terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly of environmental and sanitary concern (Uzu et al. 2010, 2011; Shahid et al. 2011a, b, 2012a). Among such metals is zirconium (Zr), which has the atomic number 40 and is a transition metal that resembles titanium in physical and chemical properties (Zaccone et al. 2008). Zr is widely used in many chemical industry processes and in nuclear reactors (Sandoval et al. 2011; Kamal et al. 2011), owing to its useful properties like hardness, corrosion-resistance and permeable to neutrons (Mushtaq 2012). Hence, the recent increased use of Zr by industry, and the occurrence of the Chernobyl and Fukashima catastrophe have enhanced environmental levels in soil and waters (Yirchenko and Agapkina 1993; Mosulishvili et al. 1994 ; Kruglov et al. 1996)

    Soil Contamination Interpretation by the Use of Monitoring Data Analysis

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    The presented study deals with the interpretation of soil quality monitoring data using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA). Both statistical methods contributed to the correct data classification and projection of the surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm) soil layers of 36 sampling sites in the region of Burgas, Bulgaria. Clustering of the variables led to formation of four significant clusters corresponding to possible sources defining the soil quality like agricultural activity, industrial impact, fertilizing, etc. Two major clusters were found to explain the sampling site locations according to soil composition—one cluster for coastal and mountain sites and another—for typical rural and industrial sites. Analogous results were obtained by the use of PCA. The advantage of the latter was the opportunity to offer more quantitative interpretation of the role of identified soil quality sources by the level of explained total variance. The score plots and the dendrogram of the sampling sites indicated a relative spatial homogeneity according to geographical location and soil layer depth. The high-risk areas and pollution profiles were detected and visualized using surface maps based on Kriging algorithm

    The Epidemiology and Clinical Spectrum of Melioidosis: 540 Cases from the 20 Year Darwin Prospective Study

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    Melioidosis is an occupationally and recreationally acquired infection important in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Recently cases have been reported from more diverse locations globally. The responsible bacterium, Burkholderia pseudomallei, is considered a potential biothreat agent. Risk factors predisposing to melioidosis are well recognised, most notably diabetes. The Darwin prospective melioidosis study has identified 540 cases of melioidosis over 20 years and analysis of the epidemiology and clinical findings provides important new insights into this disease. Risk factors identified in addition to diabetes, hazardous alcohol use and chronic renal disease include chronic lung disease, malignancies, rheumatic heart disease, cardiac failure and age ≥50 years. Half of patients presented with pneumonia and septic shock was common (21%). The decrease in mortality from 30% in the first 5 years of the study to 9% in the last five years is attributed to earlier diagnosis and improvements in intensive care management. Of the 77 fatal cases (14%), all had known risk factors for melioidosis. This supports the most important conclusion of the study, which is that melioidosis is very unlikely to kill a healthy person, provided the infection is diagnosed early and resources are available to provide appropriate antibiotics and critical care where required

    Molecular characterization of MRSA collected during national surveillance between 2008 and 2019 in the Netherlands

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    Background.Although the Netherlands is a country with a low endemic level, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a significant health care problem. Therefore, high coverage national MRSA surveillance has been in place since 1989. To monitor possible changes in the type-distribution and emergence of resistance and virulence, MRSA isolates are molecularly characterized.Methods.All 43,321 isolates from 36,520 persons, collected 2008-2019, were typed by multiple-locus variable number tandem repeats analysis (MLVA) with simultaneous PCR detection of the mecA, mecC and lukF-PV genes, indicative for PVL. Next-generation sequencing data of 4991 isolates from 4798 persons were used for whole genome multi-locus sequence typing (wgMLST) and identification of resistance and virulence genes.Results.We show temporal change in the molecular characteristics of the MRSA population with the proportion of PVL-positive isolates increasing from 15% in 2008-2010 to 25% in 2017-2019. In livestock-associated MRSA obtained from humans, PVL-positivity increases to 6% in 2017-2019 with isolates predominantly from regions with few pig farms. wgMLST reveals the presence of 35 genogroups with distinct resistance, virulence gene profiles and specimen origin. Typing shows prolonged persistent MRSA carriage with a mean carriage period of 407 days. There is a clear spatial and a weak temporal relationship between isolates that clustered in wgMLST, indicative for regional spread of MRSA strains.Conclusions.Using molecular characterization, this exceptionally large study shows genomic changes in the MRSA population at the national level. It reveals waxing and waning of types and genogroups and an increasing proportion of PVL-positive MRSA.A group of bacteria that cause difficult-to-treat infections in humans is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The aim of this study was to monitor changes in the spread of MRSA, their disease causing potential and resistance to antibiotics used to treat MRSA infections. MRSA from patients and their contacts in the Netherlands were collected over a period of 12 years and characterized. This revealed new types of MRSA emerged and others disappeared. An increasing number of MRSA produces a protein called PVL toxin, enabling MRSA to cause more severe infections. Also, some people appear to carry MRSA without any disease for more than a year. These findings suggest an increasing disease potential of MRSA and possible unnoticed sources of infection. Consequently, it is important to maintain monitoring of these infections to minimize MRSA spread.Schouls et al. characterize 43,321 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates obtained between 2008 and 2019 in the Netherlands. Genomic changes occur in the MRSA population, with increases in the proportion of PVL-positive MRSA.Molecular basis of bacterial pathogenesis, virulence factors and antibiotic resistanc