44 research outputs found
Subcortical Source and Modulation of the Narrowband Gamma Oscillation in Mouse Visual Cortex
Primary visual cortex exhibits two types of gamma rhythm: broadband activity in the 30-90 Hz range and a narrowband oscillation seen in mice at frequencies close to 60 Hz. We investigated the sources of the narrowband gamma oscillation, the factors modulating its strength, and its relationship to broadband gamma activity. Narrowband and broadband gamma power were uncorrelated. Increasing visual contrast had opposite effects on the two rhythms: it increased broadband activity, but suppressed the narrowband oscillation. The narrowband oscillation was strongest in layer 4 and was mediated primarily by excitatory currents entrained by the synchronous, rhythmic firing of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The power and peak frequency of the narrowband gamma oscillation increased with light intensity. Silencing the cortex optogenetically did not abolish the narrowband oscillation in either LGN firing or cortical excitatory currents, suggesting that this oscillation reflects unidirectional flow of signals from thalamus to cortex
Origin and fate of a bloom of Skeletonema costatum during a winter upwelling/downwelling sequence in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
Original research paperThe onset, development and decay of a winter bloom of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum
was monitored during a 10 d period in the coastal upwelling system of the Rı´a de Vigo (NW Spain).
The succession of upwelling, relaxation and downwelling-favorable coastal winds with a frequency
of 10 –20 d is a common feature of the NW Iberian shelf. The onset of the bloom occurred during an
upwelling-favorable 1⁄2 wk period under winter thermal inversion conditions. The subsequent 1⁄2 wk
coastal wind relaxation period allowed development of the bloom (gross primary production reached
8gCm–2 d–1) utilizing nutrients upwelled during the previous period. Finally, downwelling during
the following 1⁄2 wk period forced the decay of the bloom through a combination of cell sinking and
downward advection.Financial support came from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı´a (MCyT) grant REN2000-0880-C02-01 and Xunta de Galicia grant PGIDT01MAR40201PN; a fellowship from the MCyT and the I3P-CSIC Program.Versión del editor0,98
Subcortical Source and Modulation of the Narrowband Gamma Oscillation in Mouse Visual Cortex
Primary visual cortex exhibits two types of gamma rhythm: broadband activity in the 30-90 Hz range and a narrowband oscillation seen in mice at frequencies close to 60 Hz. We investigated the sources of the narrowband gamma oscillation, the factors modulating its strength, and its relationship to broadband gamma activity. Narrowband and broadband gamma power were uncorrelated. Increasing visual contrast had opposite effects on the two rhythms: it increased broadband activity, but suppressed the narrowband oscillation. The narrowband oscillation was strongest in layer 4 and was mediated primarily by excitatory currents entrained by the synchronous, rhythmic firing of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The power and peak frequency of the narrowband gamma oscillation increased with light intensity. Silencing the cortex optogenetically did not abolish the narrowband oscillation in either LGN firing or cortical excitatory currents, suggesting that this oscillation reflects unidirectional flow of signals from thalamus to cortex
La formació dels equips professionals del sistema de protecció a la infància i la joventut: estudi del pla formatiu d'una entitat especialitzada
[spa] Los jóvenes en dificultad social son especialmente vulnerables frente a las transformaciones sociales. Las situaciones que motivan la actuación protectora del sistema de protección son las mismas que condicionan su proceso de adaptación a las demandas laborales y sociales. La emancipación anticipada supone un reto político, social y profesional, dado que los tiempos de preparación del proceso de transición a la vida adulta son más reducidos en la juventud con medida administrativa que en el caso de jóvenes que no están en dificultad social (Ballester, Caride, Melendro y Montserrat, C., 2016; Gradaille, Montserrat y Ballester, 2018). Desde la perspectiva de los profesionales de la intervención socioeducativa, este cambio contextual y los nuevos retos sociales explican la existencia de necesidades formativas en constante adaptación, a las que cabe dar respuesta dotándoles de estrategias para intervenir en situaciones diferenciadas (Fernández-Simo y Cid, 2018). Investigaciones recientes (Longás, Cussó y Parcerisas, 2018) continúan destacando cómo lo vivenciado por la infancia, durante el itinerario de exclusión, tiene consecuencias en la cuestión emocional, incidiendo posteriormente en su inclusión social y escolar. En este sentido, en los procesos de acompañamiento socioeducativo, uno de los principios pedagógicos principales es establecer vínculos con las personas participantes (Úcar, 2018). La confianza y el clima relacional son factores determinantes en la estrategia de participación (Fonseca y Maiztegui-Oñate, 2017) y la relación con los equipos educativos y los referentes influye en la consecución de las metas educativas (Moreno, Díaz, Cuevas, Nova y Bravo, 2011). Mientras tanto, estudios como el de Dirks, Treat y Weersing (2007) muestran que los estilos relaciones inapropiados favorecen procesos de exclusión social. En este contexto, los profesionales deben hacer frente en su trabajo diario a retos de una elevada complejidad: generar un clima de confianza agradable, ser capaces de mantener la atención y la cohesión grupal, mostrar empatía e inteligencia emocional, etc. Para ello, precisan de una especialización que facilite la construcción de estrategias socioeducativas adecuadas (Amer y Vives, 2013; Triana y Rodrigo, 2010)
Thalassas 25 (2).indd
ABSTRACT In this paper, winter hydrography and dynamics off western Galicia is described combining on board and satellite measurements during downwelling season. In upper waters (0-50 m), four features have been distinguished by their different physical properties, being from coast to ocean: a local upwelling near Cape Silleiro originated by divergence of coastal currents, the Western Iberian Buoyant Plume (WIBP), mainly originated by the Miño Miño runoff, a transitional frontal zone with great mesoscale activity, and finally the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), which are representative of this zone in winter. The high correspondence between on board surface fluorescence and satellite chlorophyll a measurements is quantified. An analysis of spatial variability of central, intermediate and deep water masses is also included