320 research outputs found

    Alteraciones volumétricas en las costillas: entre la tuberculosis y las enfermedades carenciales

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Urban Ecology: Ornamental toxic plants of Mendoza and San Juan

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    El libro trata sobre 32 especies ornamentales de uso común en las ciudades de Mendoza y San Juan, además de prácticamente todo el país. En cada especie se ofrece una precisa descripción botánica su empleo tradicional (etnobotánica), principios activos, clínica de la intoxicación y observaciones de interés particular. La idea de esta obra de extensión científica es la de ofrecer a los profesionales médicos especialmente, y al público en general, de información sobre la intoxicación con estas especies, principalmente por niños y/o mascotas.Fil: Martinez Carretero, Eduardo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Ríos, Melisa B.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; Argentin

    Sacrolistesis postraumática sin lesión neurológica

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    Las fracturas transversas de sacro son raras pero aún lo son más aquellas en las que hay un desplazamiento o listeis de una vértebra sacra sobre otra. El sentido de desplazamiento viene condicionado por el mecanismo causante, pudiendo ser en flexión o en extensión. En las verdaderas listesis el sentido del traumatismo es en extensión, llevando a colocarse total o parcialmente la vértebra sacra superior por delante de la inferior. En determinados casos como pueden ser los politraumatizados, el diagnóstico puede ser difícil, por lo que es necesario realizar un estudio radiológico meticuloso. En estas fracturas ocurre frecuentemente una lesión de raíces lumbosacras de mayor o menor gravedad, aunque suele existir algún tipo de recuperación, incluso espontánea, con el transcurso del tiempo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer que presentó una sacrolistesis de S1 sobre S2 por haber sufrido caída de nalgas, sin existir ninguna lesión neurológica.Transverse fractures of the sacrum are rare, but fractures with displacement or listhesis of one sacral vertebra over another are even more infrequent. The direction of the displacement is conditioned by the causing mechanism and may occur in flexion or extension, in true listhesis, trauma occurs in extension, placing the superior sacral vertebra totally or partially in from of the inferior vertebra. In some cases, such as multiple traumas, the diagnosis can be difficult, and a careful radiologic study is required. A more or less severe injury of th lumbosacral roots frequently occurs in these fractures, although a certain degree of recovery takes place, even spontaneously, over time. We present the case of a 69 years old woman suffering from a sacrolisthesis of S1 over S2 after a fall on the buttocks with no neurological lesion

    Lipomatosis epidural lumbosacra idiopática: revisión de la bibliografía y caso clínico

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    La lipomatosis epidural es una afección que aparece generalmente en relación con hipercortisolismos endógenos o exógenos, siendo más raras las formas idiopáticas, de las que se han descrito únicamente 17 casos. Se presenta un nuevo caso con sintomatología compatible con estenosis de canal, y que tras estudios de imagen se demostró que correspondía con una lipomatosis epidural lumbosacra. Se le encomendó al paciente una reducción de peso, con lo que se alivió parcialmente la sintomatología, permaneciendo estable en la actualidad. Se revisa la bibliografía de este raro proceso, exponiendo los distintos hallazgos encontrados. Algunos autores proponen una reducción de peso, lo cual puede aliviar la sintomatología. Para casos rebeldes está indicada la laminectomía asociada al despegamiento de la grasa sin realizar exploración intradural.Epidural lipomatosis is an affection that is usually related to endogenic or exogenous hipercortisolism. Less frequently, it can be idiopathic. To date only 17 cases have been documented. A new case is presented in a patient suffering from symptoms resembling lumbar spinal stenosis. The radiological studies revealed a compression of the dural sac at lumbosacral levéis, caused by tissue similar in density to fat. Weight reduction, was recommended to the patients and a partial relief of symptoms was achieved. The authors reviewed the pathogeny of epidural lipomatosis and its various different treatments. In the idiopathic form, weight reduction is recomended first, reserving surgery for those cases that do not respond to this initial treatment. Surgical treatment should consist of laminectomy and fat debulking, and should not include intradural exploration

    Population genomics in Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae, Siluriformes) reveals deep divergence and adaptation in the Neotropical region

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    Rhamdia quelen, a Neotropical fish with hybridization between highly divergent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages, represents an interesting evolutionary model. Previous studies suggested that there might be demographic differences between coastal lagoons and riverine environments, as well as divergent populations that could be reproductively isolated. Here, we investigated the genetic diversity pattern of this taxon in the Southern Neotropical Basin system that includes the La Plata Basin, Patos-Merin lagoon basin and the coastal lagoons draining to the SW Atlantic Ocean, through a population genomics approach using 2b-RAD-sequencing-derived single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The genomic scan identified selection footprints associated with divergence and suggested local adaptation environmental drivers. Two major genomic clusters latitudinally distributed in the Northern and Southern basins were identified, along with consistent signatures of divergent selection between them. Population structure based on the whole set of loci and on the presumptive neutral vs. adaptive loci showed deep genomic divergence between the two major clusters. Annotation of the most consistent SNPs under divergent selection revealed some interesting candidate genes for further functional studies. Moreover, signals of adaptation to a coastal lagoon environment mediated by purifying selection were found. These new insights provide a better understanding of the complex evolutionary history of R. quelen in the southernmost basin of the Neotropical regio

    Propiedades anticoagulantes de una fracción polisacárida de alto peso molecular (1000RS) del ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus

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    ABSTRACT: The anticoagulant effect and cytotoxicity of a high molecular weight polysaccharide fraction (1000RS) obtained from the tunic of the ascidia Microcosmus exasperatus were evaluated. Methods: Anticoagulant properties of 1000RS was evaluated by activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), Thrombin Time (TT), Prothrombin Time (PT), anti-factor Xa and lupic anticoagulant (dRVVT) assays. Cytotoxicity was tested on murine hematopoietic cells using MTT assay. Results: This galactose rich fraction showed to be a potential anticoagulant due to its inhibitory effect on the intrinsic coagulation pathway. At the same time, anticoagulant doses of this fraction have no effect on cellular viability, which means that it can be used as a therapeutic agent. Conclusion: In vitro anticoagulant effect of 1000RS occurs at innocuous doses, however, it still need to be tested using in vivo models and its cytotoxicity evaluated in normal human cell lines.RESUMEN: El efecto anticoagulante y la citotoxicidad de una fracción de polisacáridos de alto peso molecular (1000RS), obtenida de la túnica de la ascidia Microcosmus exasperatus, fueron evaluados. Métodos: La actividad anticoagulante de 1000RS fue evaluada mediante los ensayos de tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activado (TTPa), tiempo de trombina (TT), tiempo de protrombina (TP), anti factor Xa y anticoagulante lúpico (dRVVT). La citotoxicidad sobre las células hematopoyéticas murinas fue evaluada usando el método del MTT. Resultados: Esta fracción rica en galactosa mostró ser un anticoagulante potencial debido a su efecto inhibidor de la vía intrínseca de la coagulación. Así mismo, las dosis anticoagulantes de esta fracción no afectan la viabilidad celular, lo cual ratifica su potencial como agente terapéutico. Conclusión: El efecto anticoagulante in vitro de 1000RS ocurre a dosis inocuas, sin embargo, éste debe ser evaluado en modelos in vivo, así como su citotoxicidad sobre células humanas normales

    Evidence of suppression of onchocerciasis transmission in the Venezuelan Amazonian focus.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) has set goals for onchocerciasis elimination in Latin America by 2015. Most of the six previously endemic countries are attaining this goal by implementing twice a year (and in some foci, quarterly) mass ivermectin (Mectizan®) distribution. Elimination of transmission has been verified in Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. Challenges remain in the Amazonian focus straddling Venezuela and Brazil, where the disease affects the hard-to-reach Yanomami indigenous population. We provide evidence of suppression of Onchocerca volvulus transmission by Simulium guianense s.l. in 16 previously hyperendemic Yanomami communities in southern Venezuela after 15 years of 6-monthly and 5 years of 3-monthly mass ivermectin treatment. METHODS: Baseline and monitoring and evaluation parasitological, ophthalmological, entomological and serological surveys were conducted in selected sentinel and extra-sentinel communities of the focus throughout the implementation of the programme. RESULTS: From 2010 to 2012–2015, clinico-parasitological surveys indicate a substantial decrease in skin microfilarial prevalence and intensity of infection; accompanied by no evidence (or very low prevalence and intensity) of ocular microfilariae in the examined population. Of a total of 51,341 S. guianense flies tested by PCR none had L3 infection (heads only). Prevalence of infective flies and seasonal transmission potentials in 2012–2013 were, respectively, under 1 % and 20 L3/person/transmission season. Serology in children aged 1–10 years demonstrated that although 26 out of 396 (7 %) individuals still had Ov-16 antibodies, only 4/218 (2 %) seropositives were aged 1–5 years. CONCLUSIONS: We report evidence of recent transmission and morbidity suppression in some communities of the focus representing 75 % of the Yanomami population and 70 % of all known communities. We conclude that onchocerciasis transmission could be feasibly interrupted in the Venezuelan Amazonian focus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1313-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Functional ecology of soil microbial communities along a glacier forefield in Tierra del Fuego (Chile)

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    A previously established chronosequence from Pia Glacier forefield in Tierra del Fuego (Chile) containing soils of different ages (from bare soils to forest ones) is analyzed. We used this chronosequence as framework to postulate that microbial successional development would be accompanied by changes in functionality. To test this, the GeoChip functional microarray was used to identify diversity of genes involved in microbial carbon and nitrogen metabolism, as well as other genes related to microbial stress response and biotic interactions. Changes in putative functionality generally reflected succession-related taxonomic composition of soil microbiota. Major shifts in carbon fixation and catabolism were observed, as well as major changes in nitrogen metabolism. At initial microbial dominated succession stages, microorganisms could be mainly involved in pathways that help to increase nutrient availability, while more complex microbial transformations such as denitrification and methanogenesis, and later degradation of complex organic substrates, could be more prevalent at vegetated successional states. Shifts in virus populations broadly reflected changes in microbial diversity. Conversely, stress response pathways appeared relatively well conserved for communities along the entire chronosequence. We conclude that nutrient utilization is likely the major driver of microbial succession in these soils. [Int Microbiol 19(3):161-173 (2016)]Keywords: Functional genes · antibiotic resistance · GeoChip microarray · primary succession · chronosequenc