184 research outputs found

    Wideband analytical equivalent circuit for one-dimensional periodic stacked arrays

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    A wideband equivalent circuit is proposed for the accurate analysis of scattering from a set of stacked slit gratings illuminated by a plane wave with transverse magnetic or electric polarization that impinges normally or obliquely along one of the principal planes of the structure. The slit gratings are printed on dielectric slabs of arbitrary thickness, including the case of closely spaced gratings that interact by higher-order modes. A Π-circuit topology is obtained for a pair of coupled arrays, with fully analytical expressions for all the circuit elements. This equivalent Π circuit is employed as the basis to derive the equivalent circuit of finite stacks with any given number of gratings. Analytical expressions for the Brillouin diagram and the Bloch impedance are also obtained for infinite periodic stacks.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-41913-PJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-143

    PRODIGE -- Envelope to disk with NOEMA I. A 3000 au streamer feeding a Class I protostar

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    Context. In the past few years, there has been a rise in the detection of streamers, asymmetric flows of material directed toward the protostellar disk with material from outside the star's natal core. It is unclear how they affect the process of mass accretion, in particular beyond the Class 0 phase. Aims. We investigate the gas kinematics around Per-emb-50, a Class I source in the crowded star-forming region NGC 1333. Our goal is to study how the mass infall proceeds from envelope to disk scales in this source. Results. We discover a streamer delivering material toward Per-emb-50 in H2_2CO and C18^{18}O emission. The streamer's emission can be well described by the analytic solutions for an infalling parcel of gas along a streamline with conserved angular momentum, both in the image plane and along the line of sight velocities. The streamer has a mean infall rate of 1.3×1061.3 \times 10^{ -6} M_{ \odot} yr1^{ -1}, 5105 -10 times higher than the current accretion rate of the protostar. SO and SO2_2 emission reveal asymmetric infall motions in the inner envelope, additional to the streamer around Per-emb-50. Furthermore, the presence of SO2_2 could mark the impact zone of the infalling material. Conclusions. The streamer delivers sufficient mass to sustain the protostellar accretion rate and might produce an accretion burst, which would explain the protostar's high luminosity with respect to other Class I sources. Our results highlight the importance of late infall for protostellar evolution: streamers might provide a significant amount of mass for stellar accretion after the Class 0 phase.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit and Moringa oleífera Lam: Especies con alto valor proteico para la liberación de péptidos bioactivos

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    Leucaena y Moringa son leguminosas con un alto valor nutricional (proteínas), por lo que pueden ser utilizadas como fuente de proteína para la producción de concentrados, aislados o hidrolizados proteicos. Estos materiales, ricos en proteína, pueden además ser sustrato para la producción de péptidos bioactivos, que son secuencias de aminoácidos presentes en las proteínas que al ser liberados por digestión gastrointestinal o proteólisis in vitro con diferentes enzimas, presentan algunas actividades biológicas, como la antioxidante y anticancerígena, además de propiedades funcionales. Los diferentes estudios realizados de estas semillas hasta el momento proveen información que sugiere que pueden dar lugar a fragmentos susceptibles para la liberación de pépticos con diversas actividades, lo que podría ser una estrategia adecuada para la producción de péptidos bioactivos con actividad bio-funcional. Sin embargo, se requiere de mayor investigación sobre las características de los fragmentos liberados para determinar los mecanismos y propiedades de las secuencias responsables de las diversas actividades

    Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Conceptual Design Report Volume 2: The Physics Program for DUNE at LBNF

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    The Physics Program for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) is described

    Evaluación sensorial de ate hecho con pectina de cáscara de naranja

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la calidad sensorial de un ate hecho con pectina de cáscara de naranja comparado con uno elaborado con pectina industrial (control), con la finalidad de dar una alternativa de uso de este biopolímero en un alimento artesanal mexicano. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se realizó la extracción de pectina de la cáscara de naranja. Se elaboraron muestras de ate control y otra elaborada con pectina de naranja; se evaluaron características físicas y sensoriales. Resultados: No hubo diferencias en color, ni en la percepción sensorial de sabor, color y textura del ate hecho de pectina de cáscara de naranja y aquel elaborado con pectina industrial. Sin embargo, el ate de pectina de cáscara de naranja mostró mayor adhesividad y fue más frágil que el control. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones:  Se requieren más estudios del efecto de adición de la pectina extraída de la cáscara de naranja para mejorar la textura del ate. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los resultados mostraron que la pectina de cáscara de naranja puede utilizarse en la elaboración del ate

    A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Variants Underlying the Arabidopsis thaliana Shade Avoidance Response

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    Shade avoidance is an ecologically and molecularly well-understood set of plant developmental responses that occur when the ratio of red to far-red light (R∶FR) is reduced as a result of foliar shade. Here, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in Arabidopsis thaliana was used to identify variants underlying one of these responses: increased hypocotyl elongation. Four hypocotyl phenotypes were included in the study, including height in high R∶FR conditions (simulated sun), height in low R∶FR conditions (simulated shade), and two different indices of the response of height to low R∶FR. GWAS results showed that variation in these traits is controlled by many loci of small to moderate effect. A known PHYC variant contributing to hypocotyl height variation was identified and lists of significantly associated genes were enriched in a priori candidates, suggesting that this GWAS was capable of generating meaningful results. Using metadata such as expression data, GO terms, and other annotation, we were also able to identify variants in candidate de novo genes. Patterns of significance among our four phenotypes allowed us to categorize associations into three groups: those that affected hypocotyl height without influencing shade avoidance, those that affected shade avoidance in a height-dependent fashion, and those that exerted specific control over shade avoidance. This grouping allowed for the development of explicit hypotheses about the genetics underlying shade avoidance variation. Additionally, the response to shade did not exhibit any marked geographic distribution, suggesting that variation in low R∶FR–induced hypocotyl elongation may represent a response to local conditions

    Reward devaluation disrupts latent inhibition in fear conditioning

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    Three experiments explored the link between reward shifts and latent inhibition (LI). Using consummatory procedures, rewards were either downshifted from 32% to 4% sucrose (Experiments 1–2), or upshifted from 4% to 32% sucrose (Experiment 3). In both cases, appropriate unshifted controls were also included. LI was implemented in terms of fear conditioning involving a single tone-shock pairing after extensive tone-only preexposure. Nonpreexposed controls were also included. Experiment 1 demonstrated a typical LI effect (i.e., disruption of fear conditioning after preexposure to the tone) in animals previously exposed only to 4% sucrose. However, the LI effect was eliminated by preexposure to a 32%-to-4% sucrose devaluation. Experiment 2 replicated this effect when the LI protocol was administered immediately after the reward devaluation event. However, LI was restored when preexposure was administered after a 60- min retention interval. Finally, Experiment 3 showed that a reward upshift did not affect LI. These results point to a significant role of negative emotion related to reward devaluation in the enhancement of stimulus processing despite extensive nonreinforced preexposure experience

    La comunicación de la ciencia en América Latina: esfuerzos de evaluación en la diversidad

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    Este libro presenta una compilación de 11 artículos que se inscriben en diferentes líneas temáticas dentro de la Comunicación de la ciencia, pero que tienen como hilo común la presentación de resultados de evaluación, en diferentes enfoques y niveles, y que son una breve muestra del quehacer en el campo.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Comunicación (CICOM

    Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism combination pattern of the Klotho gene with non-cardiovascular death in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an elevated risk of all-cause mortality, with cardiovascular death being extensively investigated. However, non-cardiovascular mortality represents the biggest percentage, showing an evident increase in recent years. Klotho is a gene highly expressed in the kidney, with a clear influence on lifespan. Low levels of Klotho have been linked to CKD progression and adverse outcomes. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the Klotho gene have been associated with several diseases, but studies investigating the association of Klotho SNPs with noncardiovascular death in CKD populations are lacking. The main aim of this study was to assess whether 11 Klotho SNPs were associated with non-cardiovascular death in a subpopulation of the National Observatory of Atherosclerosis in Nephrology (NEFRONA) study (n ¼ 2185 CKD patients). After 48 months of follow-up, 62 cardiovascular deaths and 108 non-cardiovascular deaths were recorded. We identified a high non-cardiovascular death risk combination of SNPs corresponding to individuals carrying the most frequent allele (G) at rs562020, the rare allele (C) at rs2283368 and homozygotes for the rare allele (G) at rs2320762 (rs562020 GG/AG þ rs2283368 CC/CT þ rs2320762 GG). Among the patients with the three SNPs genotyped (n ¼ 1016), 75 (7.4%) showed this combination. Furthermore, 95 (9.3%) patients showed a low-risk combination carrying all the opposite genotypes (rs562020 AA þ rs2283368 TT þ rs2320762 GT/TT). All the other combinations [n ¼ 846 (83.3%)] were considered as normal risk. Using competing risk regression analysis, we confirmed that the proposed combinations are independently associated with a higher fhazard ratio [HR] 3.28 [confidence interval (CI) 1.51-7.12]g and lower [HR 6 × 10- (95% CI 3.3 × 10--1.1 × 10-)] risk of suffering a non-cardiovascular death in the CKD population of the NEFRONA cohort compared with patients with the normal-risk combination. Determination of three SNPs of the Klotho gene could help in the prediction of non-cardiovascular death in CKD