618 research outputs found

    A Holistic Approach to Log Data Analysis in High-Performance Computing Systems: The Case of IBM Blue Gene/Q

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    The complexity and cost of managing high-performance computing infrastructures are on the rise. Automating management and repair through predictive models to minimize human interventions is an attempt to increase system availability and contain these costs. Building predictive models that are accurate enough to be useful in automatic management cannot be based on restricted log data from subsystems but requires a holistic approach to data analysis from disparate sources. Here we provide a detailed multi-scale characterization study based on four datasets reporting power consumption, temperature, workload, and hardware/software events for an IBM Blue Gene/Q installation. We show that the system runs a rich parallel workload, with low correlation among its components in terms of temperature and power, but higher correlation in terms of events. As expected, power and temperature correlate strongly, while events display negative correlations with load and power. Power and workload show moderate correlations, and only at the scale of components. The aim of the study is a systematic, integrated characterization of the computing infrastructure and discovery of correlation sources and levels to serve as basis for future predictive modeling efforts.Comment: 12 pages, 7 Figure

    The Potential for Machine Learning Analysis over Encrypted Data in Cloud-based Clinical Decision Support - Background and Review

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    This paper appeared at the 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia, January 2015. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Vol. 164, Anthony Maeder and Jim Warren, Ed. Reproduction for academic, not-for profit purposes permitted provided this text is includedIn an effort to reduce the risk of sensitive data exposure in untrusted networks such as the public cloud, increasing attention has recently been given to encryption schemes that allow specific computations to occur on encrypted data, without the need for decryption. This relies on the fact that some encryption algorithms display the property of homomorphism, which allows them to manipulate data in a meaningful way while still in encrypted form. Such a framework would find particular relevance in Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications deployed in the public cloud. CDS applications have an important computational and analytical role over confidential healthcare information with the aim of supporting decision-making in clinical practice. This review paper examines the history and current status of homomoprhic encryption and its potential for preserving the privacy of patient data underpinning cloud-based CDS applications

    Direct Fragmentation of Quarkonia Including Fermi Motion Using Light-cone Wave Function

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    We investigate the effect of Fermi motion on the direct fragmentation of the J/ψJ/\psi and Υ\Upsilon states employing a light-cone wave function. Consistent with such a wave function we set up the kinematics of a heavy quark fragmenting into a quarkonia such that the Fermi motion of the constituents split into longitudinal as well as transverse direction and thus calculate the fragmentation functions for these states. In the framework of our investigation, we estimate that the fragmentation probabilities of J/ψJ/\psi and Υ\Upsilon may increase at least up to 14 percent when including this degree of freedom.Comment: 7 pages 5 figures Appeared in EPJC; Fig 1 and Appendix revise

    A study of the time of hospital discharge of differentiated thyroid cancer patients after receiving iodine-131 for thyroid remnant ablation treatment

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    The aim of this study was to measure the radiation exposure rate from differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) patients who had received iodine-131 (131I) treatment, and to evaluate hospital discharge planning in relation to three different sets of regulations. We studied 100 patients, 78 females and 22 males, aged 13 to 79 years (mean 44.40±15.83 years) with DTC, in three Groups who were treated with 3.7, 5.5 or 7.4GBq of 131I, respectively. The external whole-body dose rates following oral administration of 131I were measured after each one of the first three hospitalization days. A multivariant linear analysis was performed, considering exposure rates as dependent variables to the administered dose for treatment, age, gender, regional and/or distant metastases, thyroglobulin (Tg), antibodies to Tg and thyroid remnant in the three dose groups. We found that the exposure rates after each of the three first days of hospitalization were 30, 50 and 70μSvh-1 at 1m. All our DTC patients had an acceptable dose rate on days 2 and 3 that allowed their hospital discharge. After only 1 day of hospitalization, just 3/11 cases showed not permissible exposure rates above 70μSvh-1. In conclusion, it is the opinion of the authors that after measuring the exposure rates, most treated, DTC patients could be discharged after only one day of hospitalization, even some of those treated with high doses of 131I (7.4GBq). Patients, who received the higher doses of 131I, should not be released before their individual exposure rate is measured

    Free Flying Magnetometers as a Demonstration of Micro-spacecraft Technologies

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    Four Free Flying Magnetometers (FFMs) flew on the Enstrophy sounding rocket launched on February 10, 1999 from Poker Flats Research Range. Each of these FFMs is a highly integrated sensorcraft , containing their own data, attitude determination, telecom, and power systems in addition to a small 3-axis magnetometer. All of this was fit into a package a little bigger than a hockey puck and weighed less than 250 grams. The FFM technology development task was funded by NASA/JPL

    Onset of dispersion in Nb microstrip transmission lines at submillimeter wave frequencies

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    We have measured the dispersion in phase velocity of a Nb-SiO(x)-Nb microstrip transmission line resonator over a frequency range from 50 GHz to 800 GHz. A submicron Nb/Al-AlO(x)/Nb Josephson junction was used as a voltage-controlled oscillator to excite the high order modes in the resonator. The same junction is used as a direct detector resulting in a series of step-like structures in the DC current-voltage characteristic at the position of each mode frequency. The transmission line is dispersionless up to about 500 GHz where the phase velocity begins to decrease. This is well below the gap frequency f(sub g) approx. equals 700 GHz. Results agree qualitatively with the expected theoretical behavior near f(sub g). This onset of dispersion and loss in Nb transmission lines will have a significant impact on the design of submillimeter wave RF circuits

    Resistance of different grape cultivars to grape erineum mite, Colomerus vitis (Acari: Eriophyidae), in the laboratory

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    The grape erineum mite (GEM), Colomerus vitis Pagenstecher, is a serious pest of grape orchards in western Iran and sometimes causes a considerable damage to the crop. Initial observations in Hamedan region showed that the damage of the pest is not the same on different cultivars. Therefore, the resistance of different vine cultivars to GEM was studied to determine the potential use of resistant cultivars in the pest management programs. The resistance of ten vine cultivars including White Thompson seedless, Red Thompson seedless, Fakhri, Yaghuti, Asgari, Muscat Gordo, Khalili, Flame seedless, Gazne and Shahani were studied under laboratory conditions at a temperature of 25 ± 1°C, 65 ± 5% R.H. and a photoperiod of L16: D8 h using a pot disk method. Muscat Gordo, Gazne and White Thompson seedless cultivars showed the lowest feeding repellency to the GEM with 100.4 ± 0.45, 95.5 ± 0.77 and 87.4 ± 0.64 mites per leaf and the highest feeding repellency was observed in Shahani, Flame seedless and Yaghuti with 20 ± 1.23, 24.2 ± 1.24 and 24.7 ± 2.15 mites per leaf, respectively. The highest oviposition rate was observed in Muscat Gordo and Gazne with 148.31 ± 1.26 and 129.3 ± 2.26 eggs per leaves, respectively, and the lowest on Shahani with 10 ± 1.37 eggs per leaves. There was no significant difference between infested and non-infested leaf areas in Shahani. Moreover, Shahani and Yaghuti had the highest bristle-like trichome density, whereas, Muscat Gordo and Gazne had the highest hair-like trichome density. According to the obtained results, Shahani and Yaghuti had the highest, and Muscat Gordo and Gazne had the lowest resistance level to the GEM

    Flow Control in a Cavity with Tiny-Obstacles on the Walls for Mixing Enhancement Part I: Flow Physics

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    This paper seeks to make a study on flow control in two-dimensional square cavities having obstacles on their walls. The goal of using these passive controllers is to enhance mixing in an enclosed space. Lattice Boltzmann method is used to simulate the problem. Results are presented for various Reynolds numbers, 400≤Re≤4000 and different arrangements of tiny-obstacles with different heights. To give a perspective on the physics of this problem, time evolution of the flow is studied at Re = 1000. Then, the flow structure is studied for different Reynolds numbers. Findings show that the interaction of the main vortex with the tiny-obstacles inserted on the wall cavity changes the flow pattern at higher Reynolds numbers totally which is of high importance for mixing, such that the main primary vortex turns into a scooplike vortex along the upper wall. Also, merging the two bottom corner vortices forms a main secondary vortex which fills the cavity. Results show that obstacles heights and the gap between the upper wall and the upper obstacle are key parameters from flow control and mixing viewpoint. Also, the number of tiny-obstacles can be considered as another tool in this regard. The spaces between the obstacles don’t have much influence on the flow behavior. Obstacles with δ≤2% don’t change the flow field and can’t be considered as a flow control tool
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