323 research outputs found

    Capacitação em agroecologia na comunidade quilombola do Varzeão, Dr. Ulysses, Vale do Ribeira, PR.

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    O projeto "Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural - ATER - e Capacitação em Agroecologia na Comunidade Quilombola do Varzeão, Dr. Ulysses, Vale do Ribeira" atua desde 2007 e procura, através da Agroecologia e dos seus princípios, contribuir com a organização das comunidades, estimulando o redesenho dos agroecossistemas. Os Quilombolas têm uma produção moldada através de métodos tradicionais e estão próximos dos princípios da Agroecologia. A comunidade remanescente de Quilombo do Varzeão se localiza em Dr. Ulysses e conta hoje com 19 famílias com um total de 56 pessoas com diversos problemas no que tange à sua situação social. O projeto surgiu por meio de contatos com as diversas organizações que atuam no Vale do Ribeira, isso desembocou em uma aproximação com a comunidade do Varzeão. Dessa forma, discutiu-se com a comunidade as demandas para um projeto de extensão, o que culminou na aprovação do projeto junto a Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ensino Superior (SETI) - Universidade Sem Fronteiras e a Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010

    Measurement of Length and Position with Frequency Combs

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    We show two different absolute distance measurement methods with micrometer accuracy based on frequency combs, and we discuss possible applications. Using a mode- locked laser and MEMS-based tracking optics, we measure the 3D position of a retroreflector within 10 ms and with a 24 μm volumetric accuracy. We also investigate modulator-based combs and show that they enable highly sensitive surface topography measurements with microsecond acquisition times and micrometer precision. Moreover, the potential for photonic integration of frequency comb sources is explored

    Teor de óleo essencial de Ocimum selloi Benth. sob diferentes doses de compostos orgânicos.

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    Em espécies bioativas, a aplicação de compostos orgânicos tem sido relacionada à produção de metabólitos secundários. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses de compostos orgânicos no teor de óleo essencial de alfavaca anisada, fornecendo bases científicas para agricultura orgânica. Em Curitiba-PR, ano de 2008, num delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, doses (0, 0,85, 1,7 e 3 t.ha-1) de compostos estabilizados (A, B, C e D), elaborados com diferentes materiais orgânicos, foram utilizadas no cultivo de alfavaca anisada. O espaçamento utilizado em cultivo protegido irrigado foi de 0,5m entre linhas por 1,0m entre plantas. Aos seis meses de cultivo, amostras compostas de folhas foram coletadas e submetidas ao processo de hidrodestilação, por meio do aparelho do tipo Clevenger, para quantificação do óleo essencial. Em solo com acúmulo de matéria orgânica as doses e compostos avaliados não influenciaram o teor de óleo essencial de Ocimum selloi Beth.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010

    Analysis of BRAF and NRAS Mutation Status in Advanced Melanoma Patients Treated with Anti-CTLA-4 Antibodies: Association with Overall Survival?

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    Ipilimumab and tremelimumab are human monoclonal antibodies (Abs) against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4). Ipilimumab was the first agent to show a statistically significant benefit in overall survival in advanced melanoma patients. Currently, there is no proven association between the BRAFV600 mutation and the disease control rate in response to ipilimumab. This analysis was carried out to assess if BRAFV600 and NRAS mutation status affects the clinical outcome of anti-CTLA-4-treated melanoma patients. This is a retrospective multi-center analysis of 101 patients, with confirmed BRAF and NRAS mutation status, treated with anti-CTLA-4 antibodies from December 2006 until August 2012. The median overall survival, defined from the treatment start date with the anti-CTLA-4. Abs-treatment to death or till last follow up, of BRAFV600 or NRAS mutant patients (n = 62) was 10.12 months (95% CI 6.78-13.2) compared to 8.26 months (95% CI 6.02-19.9) in BRAFV600/NRASwt subpopulation (n = 39) (p = 0.67). The median OS of NRAS mutated patients (n = 24) was 12.1 months and although was prolonged compared to the median OS of BRAF mutated patients (n = 38, mOS = 8.03 months) or BRAFV600/NRASwt patients (n = 39, mOS = 8.26 months) the difference didn't reach statistical significance (p = 0.56). 69 patients were able to complete 4 cycles of anti-CTLA-4 treatment. Of the 24 patients treated with selected BRAF- or MEK-inhibitors, 16 patients received anti-CTLA 4 Abs following either a BRAF or MEK inhibitor with only 8 of them being able to finish 4 cycles of treatment. Based on our results, there is no difference in the median OS in patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 Abs implying that the BRAF/NRAS mutation status alone is not sufficient to predict the outcome of patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 Abs

    A single high dose of dexamethasone affects the phosphorylation state of glutamate AMPA receptors in the human limbic system

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    Lopes MW, Leal RB, Guarnieri R, et al. A single high dose of dexamethasone affects the phosphorylation state of glutamate AMPA receptors in the human limbic system. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY. 2016;6(12): e986.Glucocorticoids (GC) released during stress response exert feedforward effects in the whole brain, but particularly in the limbic circuits that modulates cognition, emotion and behavior. GC are the most commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant medication worldwide and pharmacological GC treatment has been paralleled by the high incidence of acute and chronic neuropsychiatric side effects, which reinforces the brain sensitivity for GC. Synapses can be bi-directionally modifiable via potentiation (long-term potentiation, LTP) or depotentiation (long-term depression, LTD) of synaptic transmission efficacy, and the phosphorylation state of Ser831 and Ser845 sites, in the GluA1 subunit of the glutamate AMPA receptors, are a critical event for these synaptic neuroplasticity events. Through a quasi-randomized controlled study, we show that a single high dexamethasone dose significantly reduces in a dose-dependent manner the levels of GluA1-Ser831 phosphorylation in the amygdala resected during surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy. This is the first report demonstrating GC effects on key markers of synaptic neuroplasticity in the human limbic system. The results contribute to understanding how GC affects the human brain under physiologic and pharmacologic conditions

    Chemotaxis: a feedback-based computational model robustly predicts multiple aspects of real cell behaviour

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    The mechanism of eukaryotic chemotaxis remains unclear despite intensive study. The most frequently described mechanism acts through attractants causing actin polymerization, in turn leading to pseudopod formation and cell movement. We recently proposed an alternative mechanism, supported by several lines of data, in which pseudopods are made by a self-generated cycle. If chemoattractants are present, they modulate the cycle rather than directly causing actin polymerization. The aim of this work is to test the explanatory and predictive powers of such pseudopod-based models to predict the complex behaviour of cells in chemotaxis. We have now tested the effectiveness of this mechanism using a computational model of cell movement and chemotaxis based on pseudopod autocatalysis. The model reproduces a surprisingly wide range of existing data about cell movement and chemotaxis. It simulates cell polarization and persistence without stimuli and selection of accurate pseudopods when chemoattractant gradients are present. It predicts both bias of pseudopod position in low chemoattractant gradients and-unexpectedly-lateral pseudopod initiation in high gradients. To test the predictive ability of the model, we looked for untested and novel predictions. One prediction from the model is that the angle between successive pseudopods at the front of the cell will increase in proportion to the difference between the cell's direction and the direction of the gradient. We measured the angles between pseudopods in chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells under different conditions and found the results agreed with the model extremely well. Our model and data together suggest that in rapidly moving cells like Dictyostelium and neutrophils an intrinsic pseudopod cycle lies at the heart of cell motility. This implies that the mechanism behind chemotaxis relies on modification of intrinsic pseudopod behaviour, more than generation of new pseudopods or actin polymerization by chemoattractant

    Synthetic spatially graded Rac activation drives directed cell polarization and locomotion

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    Migrating cells possess intracellular gradients of Rho GTPases, but it is unknown whether these shallow gradients themselves can induce motility. Here we describe a new method to present cells with induced linear gradients of active, endogenous Rac without receptor activation. Gradients as low as 15% were sufficient to not only trigger cell migration up the synthetic gradient, but also to induce both cell polarization and repolarization. Response kinetics were inversely proportional to Rac gradient values, in agreement with a new mathematical model, suggesting a role for natural input gradient amplification upstream of Rac. Increases in Rac levels beyond a well-defined threshold dramatically augmented polarization and decreased sensitivity to the gradient value. The threshold was governed by initial cell polarity and PI3K activity, supporting a role for both in defining responsiveness to natural or synthetic Rac activation. Our methodology suggests a general way to investigate processes regulated by intracellular signaling gradients

    Ubiquitination of CXCR7 Controls Receptor Trafficking

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    The chemokine receptor CXCR7 binds CXCL11 and CXCL12 with high affinity, chemokines that were previously thought to bind exclusively to CXCR4 and CXCR3, respectively. Expression of CXCR7 has been associated with cardiac development as well as with tumor growth and progression. Despite having all the canonical features of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the signalling pathways following CXCR7 activation remain controversial, since unlike typical chemokine receptors, CXCR7 fails to activate Gαi-proteins. CXCR7 has recently been shown to interact with β-arrestins and such interaction has been suggested to be responsible for G protein-independent signals through ERK-1/2 phosphorylation. Signal transduction by CXCR7 is controlled at the membrane by the process of GPCR trafficking. In the present study we investigated the regulatory processes triggered by CXCR7 activation as well as the molecular interactions that participate in such processes. We show that, CXCR7 internalizes and recycles back to the cell surface after agonist exposure, and that internalization is not only β-arrestin-mediated but also dependent on the Serine/Threonine residues at the C-terminus of the receptor. Furthermore we describe, for the first time, the constitutive ubiquitination of CXCR7. Such ubiquitination is a key modification responsible for the correct trafficking of CXCR7 from and to the plasma membrane. Moreover, we found that CXCR7 is reversibly de-ubiquitinated upon treatment with CXCL12. Finally, we have also identified the Lysine residues at the C-terminus of CXCR7 to be essential for receptor cell surface delivery. Together these data demonstrate the differential regulation of CXCR7 compared to the related CXCR3 and CXCR4 receptors, and highlight the importance of understanding the molecular determinants responsible for this process

    The evolving field of Dermato-oncology and the role of dermatologists: Position Paper of the EADO, EADV and Task Forces, EDF, IDS, EBDV-UEMS and EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force.

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    BACKGROUND The incidence of skin cancers has been increasing steadily over the last decades. Although there have been significant breakthroughs in the management of skin cancers with the introduction of novel diagnostic tools and innovative therapies, skin cancer mortality, morbidity and costs heavily burden the society. OBJECTIVE Members of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, International Dermoscopy Society, European Dermatology Forum, European Board of Dermatovenereology of the European Union of Medical Specialists and EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force have joined this effort to emphasize the fundamental role that the specialist in Dermatology-Venereology has in the diagnosis and management of different types of skin cancer. We review the role of dermatologists in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers and cutaneous lymphomas, and discuss approaches to optimize their involvement in effectively addressing the current needs and priorities of dermato-oncology. DISCUSSION Dermatologists play a crucial role in virtually all aspects of skin cancer management including the implementation of primary and secondary prevention, the formation of standardized pathways of care for patients, the establishment of specialized skin cancer treatment centres, the coordination of an efficient multidisciplinary team and the setting up of specific follow-up plans for patients. CONCLUSION Skin cancers represent an important health issue for modern societies. The role of dermatologists is central to improving patient care and outcomes. In view of the emerging diagnostic methods and treatments for early and advanced skin cancer, and considering the increasingly diverse skills, knowledge and expertise needed for managing this heterogeneous group of diseases, dermato-oncology should be considered as a specific subspecialty of Dermatology-Venereology