218 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a Parental Questionnaire to Identify Atopic Dermatitis in Infants and Preschool Children

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    Aim. To develop and validate a questionnaire for detecting atopic dermatitis in infants and small children from the age of 2 months. Methods. Parents to 60 children answered a written questionnaire prior to a physical examination and individual semistructured interview. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of validity, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of the questionnaire were performed. Results. A total of 27 girls and 33 boys, aged 2 to 71 months, 35 with and 25 without physician-diagnosed eczema, participated. Validation of the questionnaire by comparisons with physicians' diagnoses showed a sensitivity of 0.91 (95% CI 0.77–0.98) and a specificity of 1 (95% CI 0.86–1). Conclusions. Three questions in a parental questionnaire were sufficient for diagnosing eczema in infants and small children

    The Increased Burden of Morbidity Over the Life-Course Among Patients with COPD: A Register-Based Cohort Study in Sweden

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    Carolina Smith,1,2 Ayako Hiyoshi,1,3 Mikael Hasselgren,2,4 Hanna Sandelowsky,5– 7 Björn StĂ€llberg,8 Scott Montgomery1,5,9 1Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden; 2Centre for Clinical Research and Education, Region VĂ€rmland, Karlstad, Sweden; 3Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; 4School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden; 5Clinical Epidemiology Division, Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; 6Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; 7Academic Primary Health Care Center, Region Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden; 8Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 9Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College, London, UKCorrespondence: Carolina Smith, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and HealthÖrebro University, Örebro, 701 82, Sweden, Email [email protected]: Patients with a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have other chronic disorders. This study aims to describe the life-course pattern of morbidity in patients with COPD.Patients and Methods: Among all residents aged 50– 90 years in Sweden in 1997, people with a hospital COPD diagnosis were identified using Swedish national registers (1997– 2018). Each patient with COPD was matched by sex, birthyear and county of residency with up to five COPD-free controls. Other chronic disease diagnoses were identified during 1987– 2018. Conditional logistic regression calculated risk of diseases diagnosed prior to first COPD diagnosis, producing odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Cox regression estimated risk of diagnoses after first COPD diagnosis, producing hazard ratios (HR) and 95% CI.Results: Among 2,706,814 individuals, 225,159 (8.3%) had COPD. The nested case–control sample included 223,945 COPD-cases with 1,062,731 controls. Prior to first COPD diagnosis, future COPD patients had higher risks than controls for most examined conditions. Highest risks were seen for chronic heart failure (OR = 3.25, 3.20– 3.30), peripheral arterial disease (OR = 3.12, 3.06– 3.18) and lung cancer (OR = 12.73, 12.12– 13.37). Following the COPD diagnosis, individuals with COPD had higher risks of most conditions than individuals without COPD. Chronic heart failure (HR = 3.50, 3.46– 3.53), osteoporosis (HR = 3.35, 3.30– 3.42), depression (HR = 2.58, 2.53– 2.64) and lung cancer (HR = 6.04, 5.90– 6.18) predominated. The risk of vascular dementia was increased after COPD diagnosis (HR = 1.53, 1.48– 1.58) but not Alzheimer’s disease.Conclusion: Accumulation of chronic morbidity may precede COPD. Following the diagnosis, an increased burden of cardiovascular disease and cancer is to be expected, but subsequent depression, osteoporosis, and vascular dementia should also be noted. Management strategies for patients with COPD should consider the higher-than-average risk of multimorbidity.Keywords: COPD, multimorbidity, register-stud

    The impact of social networks and APOE Δ4 on dementia among older adults: tests of possible interactions

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    OBJECTIVES: Emerging evidence suggests that social networks may protect against the development of dementia among older adults. In this study we analysed the association between social networks, the apolipoprotein E (APOE) Δ4 allele, and dementia. We also investigated whether there were gender-specific patterns in this respect. METHOD: The analyses used population-based longitudinal data from Gothenburg, Sweden: the H70 Birth Cohort Study and the Prospective Population Study on Women (PPSW). A total of 580 individuals born in 1930 underwent semi-structured neuropsychiatric examinations in 2000-2001. Follow-up examinations were carried out in 2005-2006 and 2009-2010. The timing of dementia onset was analysed using Cox proportional hazards regression. RESULTS: The presence of the APOE Δ4 allele affected the risk of developing dementia in both genders. Among women, distant social networks had a protective effect on dementia, while among men the significant associations between close social networks and dementia did not remain after controlling for covariates. Significant interactions between social networks and the APOE Δ4 allele were not found. CONCLUSION: Strong social networks do not seem to moderate the increased risk of dementia implied by the APOE Δ4 allele. Nevertheless, our results underline the importance of strong social networks in postponing dementia onset and indicate that their impact may differ among men and women

    APOE Δ₄ and the long arm of social inequity: estimated effects of socio-economic status and sex on the timing of dementia onset

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    It is well established that carriers of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) Δ₄ allele run a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia and a strongly age-related condition known to disproportionally affect women. Low educational attainment also stands out as a prominent risk factor, and it has been suggested that occupational class plays a similar role in disease susceptibility. Not yet fully explored, however, is the question of whether socio-economic status (SES) could moderate the effect of APOE Δ₄. In the present paper, we address this issue. As substantial inequities in workforce participation and educational opportunities have existed between men and women in previous generations, we further examine whether SES-related moderations of the relationship between dementia and APOE Δ₄ are sex-specific. Our analyses are based on a sample of 580 individuals from the H70 Birth Cohort Study and the Prospective Population Study on Women in Gothenburg, Sweden. Data were analysed using Cox proportional hazards regression, and the results suggest that while high SES postpones dementia onset among male APOE Δ₄ carriers, this is not the case for women. These findings underscore the long-term impact of social inequity on health as well as the importance of considering potential interactions between social and genetic risk factors if we are to understand better the complex aetiology of dementia

    Socioeconomic status, gender and dementia: The influence of work environment exposures and their interactions with APOE ɛ4

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    It is a well-established fact that unfavourable social and economic conditions have a negative impact on health and longevity. Recent findings suggest that this is also true of age-related dementias. Yet most common indicators of socioeconomic status (SES) say very little about the actual mechanisms at play in disease development. The present paper explores five work exposure characteristics, all of which have a clear social gradient, that could potentially shed further light on the relationship between SES and dementia. Specifically, it investigates whether these exposures could moderate the impact of a well-known genetic risk factor: the APOE ɛ4 allele. The empirical analyses are based on data from a Swedish population study (n = 1019). Main occupation was linked to The Job Exposure Matrix to estimate the individuals’ exposure to the following work environment factors: work control, support, psychological demands, physical demands and job hazards. All analyses were conducted using binary logistic regression and focused specifically on gene-work exposure interactions. A significant main effect of work control on dementia risk was detected for males (OR = 0.68; p< 0.05), but not for females. However, control was found to significantly moderate the effect of APOE ɛ4 in both genders, albeit in different ways. These findings do not only underscore the importance of considering interactions between social and genetic risk factors to better understanding multifactorial diseases such as dementia. They also propose that gender- and class-based inequities interact, and hence must be considered simultaneously, also in relation to this particular disease

    Synchronous down-modulation of miR-17 family members is an early causative event in the retinal angiogenic switch

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    Six members of the microRNA-17 (miR-17) family were mapped to three different chromosomes, although they share the same seed sequence and are predicted to target common genes, among which are those encoding hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF1A) and VEGFA. Here, we evaluated the in vivo expression profile of the miR-17 family in the murine retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) model, whereby Vegfa expression is highly enhanced at the early stage of retinal neovascularization, and we found simultaneous reduction of all miR-17 family members at this stage. Using gene reporter assays, we observed binding of these miRs to specific sites in the 3â€Č UTRs of Hif1a and Vegfa. Furthermore, overexpression of these miRs decreased HIF1A and VEGFA expression in vitro. Our data indicate that this miR-17 family elicits a regulatory synergistic down-regulation of Hif1a and Vegfa expression in this biological model. We propose the existence of a coordinated regulatory network, in which diverse miRs are synchronously regulated to target the Hif1a transcription factor, which in turn, potentiates and reinforces the regulatory effects of the miRs on Vegfa to trigger and sustain a significant physiological response

    Exhaled nitric oxide and urinary EPX levels in infants: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Objective markers of early airway inflammation in infants are not established but are of great interest in a scientific setting. Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) and urinary eosinophilic protein X (uEPX) are a two such interesting markers.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To investigate the feasibility of measuring FeNO and uEPX in infants and their mothers and to determine if any relations between these two variables and environmental factors can be seen in a small sample size. This was conducted as a pilot study for the ongoing Swedish Environmental Longitudinal Mother and child Asthma and allergy study (SELMA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Consecutive infants between two and six months old and their mothers at children's health care centres were invited, and 110 mother-infant pairs participated. FeNO and uEPX were analysed in both mothers and infants. FeNO was analyzed in the mothers online by the use of the handheld Niox Mino device and in the infants offline from exhaled air sampled during tidal breathing. A 33-question multiple-choice questionnaire that dealt with symptoms of allergic disease, heredity, and housing characteristics was used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>FeNO levels were reduced in infants with a history of upper respiratory symptoms during the previous two weeks (p < 0.002). There was a trend towards higher FeNO levels in infants with windowpane condensation in the home (p < 0.05). There was no association between uEPX in the infants and the other studied variables.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of uEPX as a marker of early inflammation was not supported. FeNO levels in infants were associated to windowpane condensation. Measuring FeNO by the present method may be an interesting way of evaluating early airway inflammation. In a major population study, however, the method is difficult to use, for practical reasons.</p

    Are ICD-10 codes appropriate for performance assessment in asthma and COPD in general practice? Results of a cross sectional observational study

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing prevalence and impact of obstructive lung diseases and new insights, reflected in clinical guidelines, have led to concerns about the diagnosis and therapy of asthma and COPD in primary care. In Germany diagnoses written in medical records are used for reimbursement, which may influence physicians' documentation behaviour. For that reason it is unclear to what respect ICD-10 codes reflect the real problems of the patients in general practice. The aim of this study was to assess the appropriateness of the recorded diagnoses and to determine what diagnostic information is used to guide medical treatment. METHODS: All patients with lower airway symptoms (n = 857) who had attended six general practices between January and June 2003 were included into this cross sectional observational study. Patients were selected from the computerised medical record systems, focusing on ICD-10-codes concerning lower airway diseases (J20-J22, J40-J47, J98 and R05). The performed diagnostic procedures and actual medication for each identified patient were extracted manually. Then we examined the associations between recorded diagnoses, diagnostic procedures and prescribed treatment for asthma and COPD in general practice. RESULTS: Spirometry was used in 30% of the patients with a recorded diagnosis of asthma and in 58% of the patients with a recorded diagnosis of COPD. Logistic regression analysis showed an improved use of spirometry when inhaled corticosteroids were prescribed for asthma (OR = 5.2; CI 2.9–9.2) or COPD (OR = 4.7; CI 2.0–10.6). Spirometry was also used more often when sympathomimetics were prescribed (asthma: OR = 2.3; CI 1.2–4.2; COPD: OR = 4.1; CI 1.8–9.4). CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that spirometry was used more often when corticosteroids or sympathomimetics were prescribed. The findings suggest that treatment was based on diagnostic test results rather than on recorded diagnoses. The documented ICD-10 codes may not always reflect the real status of the patients. Thus medical care for asthma and COPD in general practice may be better than initially found on the basis of recorded diagnoses, although further improvement of practice patterns in asthma and COPD is still necessary

    Research productivity and academics’ conceptions of research

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    This paper asks the question: do people with different levels of research productivity and identification as a researcher think of research differently? It discusses a study that differentiated levels of research productivity among English and Australian academics working in research-intensive environments in three broad discipline areas: science, engineering and technology; social science and humanities; and medicine and health sciences. The paper explores the different conceptions of research held by these academics in terms of their levels of research productivity, their levels of research training, whether they considered themselves an active researcher and a member of a research team, and their disciplinary differences

    Skin sensitization in silico protocol

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    The assessment of skin sensitization has evolved over the past few years to include in vitro assessments of key events along the adverse outcome pathway and opportunistically capitalize on the strengths of in silico methods to support a weight of evidence assessment without conducting a test in animals. While in silico methods vary greatly in their purpose and format; there is a need to standardize the underlying principles on which such models are developed and to make transparent the implications for the uncertainty in the overall assessment. In this contribution, the relationship of skin sensitization relevant effects, mechanisms, and endpoints are built into a hazard assessment framework. Based on the relevance of the mechanisms and effects as well as the strengths and limitations of the experimental systems used to identify them, rules and principles are defined for deriving skin sensitization in silico assessments. Further, the assignments of reliability and confidence scores that reflect the overall strength of the assessment are discussed. This skin sensitization protocol supports the implementation and acceptance of in silico approaches for the prediction of skin sensitization
