207 research outputs found

    Water Civilization: The Evolution of the Dutch Drinking Water Sector

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    Dutch drinking water companies now deliver safe affordable water to the entire population, but this result was not planned. It emerged, rather, from an evolutionary process in which various pressures on the commons resulted in changes to drinking water systems that addressed old concerns but uncovered new problems. Our analytical narrative traces this problem-solution-new problem pattern through four eras in which a common-pool dilemma is addressed by a private-good solution (1850-1880), a club-good solution (1880-1910) and a public-good solution (1910-1950) before returning to a private-good solution in the last 1950-1990 era. Actions, like the dates just given, were not always exact or effective, as the process was shaped by changing social norms regarding the distribution of costs and benefits from improved water services. This Dutch history is unique, but its insights can help improve drinking water services elsewhere.Global Challenges (FGGA

    Climate change mitigation in Chinese megacities: A measures-based analysis of opportunities in the residential sector

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    China’s commitment to the UNFCCC to peak its emissions by 2030, or sooner, signaled a long anticipated shift in China’s model of development with far reaching consequences. Cities in China, and particularly the residential sector in cities, will be charged with making significant reductions in emissions growth even as rates of urbanization continue to climb. Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai, this paper carries out a measures-based economic analysis of low carbon investment opportunities in the residential sector. Results find significant opportunity: between 2015 and 2030, BAU levels of CO2 emissions could be reduced by 10.2% in Beijing and 6.8% in Shanghai with the adoption of economically attractive low carbon measures. While these headline results underline the case for low carbon investment in the residential sectors of these megacities in China, a closer analysis provides insights for understanding the economics of decarbonisation in cities more generally

    Кіберзлочинність та кібертероризм як загроза інформаційній безпеці: міжнародно-правовий аспект

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    До проблеми міжнародно-правового упередження кіберзлочинності та кібертероризму як результату негативного впливу інформаційних технологій на суспільство.К проблеме международно-правового предупреждения киберзлочинности и кибертерроризма как результата негативного влияния информационных технологий на общество.As to the problem of international law prevention of cyber crime and cyber terrorism as a result of the negative impact of information technologies on the society

    Microscopic and flow cytometric semen assessment of Dutch AI-bucks : effect of semen processing procedures and their correlation to fertility

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    This study was done to determine the effects of processing techniques on the quality of semen from Dutch AI-bucks with the view on improving pregnancy rates after artificial insemination (AI) with liquid or frozen–thawed semen. Motility of spermatozoa was estimated under a microscope whereas the percentage live spermatozoa and the percentage live spermatozoa with intact acrosomes were determined by means of flow cytometry. Aspects of semen processing that were investigated are storage temperature of liquid semen (i), the effect of glycerol on liquid-stored semen (ii), removal of seminal plasma (iii) and type of extender (iv). The correlation between semen quality and fertility rates in inseminated does was also investigated. The percentage motile spermatozoa in semen stored in liquid form for 72 h progressively declined over time, irrespective of whether storage occurred at 4 or 18 °C. The percentage motile spermatozoa in semen stored at 18 °C was similar to that in semen stored at 4 °C if stored for 24 h but lower if stored for 48 h. Goats differ in the sensitivity of their spermatozoa to the deleterious effects of glycerol. Neither the removal of seminal plasma nor the type of extender had any effect on semen quality before freezing but semen frozen in a Tris–citric acid-glucose (TCG) buffer with egg yolk without removal of the seminal plasma had better quality after thawing than semen frozen in another diluent or after removal of seminal plasma. Remarkably no significant correlation between fertility and membrane integrity of spermatozoa could be found. Thus, although integrity assays for spermatozoa are useful to asses resistance to semen handling, the validity of these assays for predicting fertility is questioned.The authors acknowledge the contributions of the Dutch Goat AI Co-operation (GKN) by granting us access to their breeding bucks and thereby facilitating this research. This study was performed as part of the EU-supported projects: CRAFT FA-S2-9207 to strengthen the European goat industry by developing a new reproduction strategy, including the distribution of kidding during the year and AITECH for dissemination of Animal Insemination Technology for goats in Europe (Contract No. QLK5-CT-2002-30252)

    The effect of homologous prostatic fluid on motility and morphology of dog epididymal spermatozoa extended and frozen in Biladyl with Equex STM paste or Andromed

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    Although dog prostatic fluid decreases the longevity of ejaculated dog spermatozoa, it also increases their rate of motility and their fertility after vaginal insemination, as well as the fertility of epididymal spermatozoa after uterine insemination. These findings indicate a need to further characterize the effects of prostatic fluid on dog spermatozoa. This study was done to determine the effects (P < 0.05) of homologous prostatic fluid added prior to cooling, after thawing, or at both times to epididymal spermatozoa from 21 dogs. The effects of two extenders were also determined. The one extender was Biladyl* with Equex STM paste** (BilEq) and the other Andromed* (Minitüb, Tiefenbach, Germany (*); Nova Chemical Sales, Scituate, MA, USA (**)). The response variables were percentage progressively motile spermatozoa (Prog) and morphology after thawing. Prog was measured at various times until 8 h after extension (unfrozen spermatozoa) or until 2 h after thawing. Prog after thawing was higher with BilEq than Andromed, when no prostatic fluid was added prior to cooling, and when prostatic fluid was added after thawing. BilEq resulted in a higher mean percentage of spermatozoa with bent principle pieces than Andromed and the addition of prostatic fluid prior to cooling resulted in lower mean percentages of cytoplasmic droplets and bent principle pieces than when none was added. The optimal combination was BilEq with prostatic fluid added prior to cooling (in order to inhibit the development of bent principle pieces) and after thawing (to achieve higher motility until 1 h after thawing). This study shows that BilEq is more suitable for the freezing of epididymal spermatozoa than Andromed and that prostatic fluid improves the freezability and post-thaw longevity of epididymal spermatozoa frozen in BilEq.ab2013 (Author correction

    Earthworm activity and availability for meadow birds is restricted in intensively managed grasslands

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    Earthworms are an important prey for the endangered meadow birds of northwest Europe. Although intensive grassland management with high manure inputs generally promotes earthworm abundance, it may reduce the effective food availability for meadow birds through desiccation of the topsoil, which causes earthworms to remain deeper in the soil. We studied the response of Red Worm Lumbricus rubellus, a detritivore, and Grey Worm Aporrectodea caliginosa, a geophage, to soil moisture profiles in the field and under experimental conditions. Surfacing earthworms were counted weekly in eight intensively managed grasslands (treated with high inputs of slurry by slit injection) with variable groundwater tables in the Netherlands. At each count, soil penetration resistance, soil moisture tension and groundwater level were measured, while air temperature and humidity were obtained from a nearby weather station. The response to variation in the vertical distribution of soil moisture was also experimentally studied in the two earthworm species. In the field, earthworms’ surfacing activity at night was negatively associated with soil moisture tension and positively by relative air humidity. Surprisingly, there was no effect of groundwater level; an important management variable in meadow bird conservation. Under experimental conditions, both L. rubellus and A. caliginosa moved to deeper soil layers (&gt;20 cm) in drier soil moisture treatments, avoiding the upper layer when moisture levels dropped below 30%. Synthesis and applications. We propose that in intensively managed grasslands with slurry application, topsoil desiccation reduces earthworm availability for meadow birds. This can be counteracted by keeping soil moisture tensions of the top soil above −15 kPa. We suggest that the late raising of groundwater tables in spring and the disturbance of the soil by slit injection of slurry increase topsoil desiccation. This decreases earthworm availability when it matters most for breeding meadow birds. Meadow bird conservation will benefit from revised manure application strategies that promote earthworm activity near or at the soil surface.</p

    To See or Not to See:How Does Seeing Spellings Support Vocabulary Learning?

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to determine when, why, and how the presence of a word's written form during instruction aids vocabulary learning (a process known as orthographic facilitation). Method A systematic review of the research on orthographic facilitation was carried out. PsycInfo, Web of Science, ProQuest, and OpenGrey databases were searched. The search returned 3,529 results, and 23 of these met inclusion criteria. Studies were included in the review if they were written in English, published in a peer-reviewed journal, and compared vocabulary learning outcomes when words were taught with and without their written forms. Conclusions There is strong evidence that the presence of a word's written form leads to improved learning of its spelling and spoken form. There is also some evidence that it may lead to better learning of a word's meaning. A small number of studies have also shown that the presence of a word's written form benefits vocabulary learning in children with developmental language disorder, autism, Down syndrome, and reading difficulties. However, further research into the effects of orthographic facilitation in special populations is needed. In particular, ecologically valid experiments in clinical and educational settings are required in order to better understand how exposure to a word's written form can aid naturalistic vocabulary learning

    Stress and its influence on reproduction in pigs: a review

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    The manifestations of stress, defined as a biological response to an event that the individual perceives as a threat to its homeostasis, are commonly linked to enhanced activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the activation of the sympathetic adreno-medullary (SA) system. Activation of the HPA system results in the secretion of peptides from the hypothalamus, principally corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and beta-endorphin. ACTH induces the secretion of corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex, which can be seen in pigs exposed to acute physical and/or psychological stressors. The present paper is a review of studies on the influence of stressors on reproduction in pigs. The effects of stress on reproduction depend on the critical timing of stress, the genetic predisposition to stress, and the type of stress. The effect of stress on reproduction is also influenced by the duration of the responses induced by various stressors. Prolonged or chronic stress usually results in inhibition of reproduction, while the effects of transient or acute stress in certain cases is stimulatory (e.g. anoestrus), but in most cases is of impairment for reproduction. Most sensitive of the reproductive process are ovulation, expression of sexual behaviour and implantation of the embryo, since they are directly controlled by the neuroendocrine system

    One size doesn’t fit all: time to revisit patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in paediatric ophthalmology?

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    The purpose of this article is to summarise methodological challenges and opportunities in the development and application of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for the rare and complex population of children with visually impairing disorders. Following a literature review on development and application of PROMs in children in general, including those with disabilities and or/chronic condition, we identified and discuss here 5 key issues that are specific to children with visual impairment: (1) the conflation between theoretically distinct vision-related constructs and outcomes, (2) the importance of developmentally appropriate approaches to design and application of PROMs, (3) feasibility of standard questionnaire formats and administration for children with different levels of visual impairment, (4) feasibility and nature of self-reporting by visually impaired children, and (5) epidemiological, statistical and ethical considerations. There is an established need for vision-specific age-appropriate PROMs for use in paediatric ophthalmology, but there are significant practical and methodological challenges in developing and applying appropriate measures. Further understanding of the characteristics and needs of visually impaired children as questionnaire respondents is necessary for development of quality PROMs and their meaningful application in clinical practice and research