388 research outputs found

    Teaching the Process of Instrument Selection in Family Research

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    This paper describes a classroom exercise in selecting measurement instruments that is applicable to both undergraduate and graduate family research methods courses. The question of how 10 measure the construct of family involvement is used as a concrete illustration. This exercise is designed to sensitize students to the issues involved in defining and measuring conceptual variables in family studies, and 10 teach three important lessons about measurement: (a) the first step in finding appropriate instruments is 10 conceptualize precisely the research construct; (b) there are many ways 10 measure any one conceptual variable, and these multiple approaches should be compared and contrasted in relation to one\u27s particular research application; and (c) a construct should be measured in a way that most closely matches its conceptual definition. The exercise also teaches students how to use available technology to select more effectively and efficiently family-related measures

    Normal immunity reactions of the cow and the calf with reference to antibody transmission in the colostrum

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    Publication authorized August 16, 1924."Also presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Missouri in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy"--P. [3].Digitized 2007 AES.Includes bibliographical references (pages 29-30)

    Evaluation available encapsulation materials for low-cost long-life silicon photovoltaic arrays

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    Experimental evaluation of selected encapsulation designs and materials based on an earlier study which have potential for use in low cost, long-life photovoltaic arrays are reported. The performance of candidate materials and encapsulated cells were evaluated principally for three types of encapsulation designs based on their potentially low materials and processing costs: (1) polymeric coatings, transparent conformal coatings over the cell with a structural-support substrate; (2) polymeric film lamination, cells laminated between two films or sheets of polymeric materials; and (3) glass-covered systems, cells adhesively bonded to a glass cover (superstrate) with a polymeric pottant and a glass or other substrate material. Several other design types, including those utilizing polymer sheet and pottant materials, were also included in the investigation

    A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights

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    Strategies toward ambitious climate targets usually rely on the concept of "decoupling"; that is, they aim at promoting economic growth while reducing the use of natural resources and GHG emissions. GDP growth coinciding with absolute reductions in emissions or resource use is denoted as "absolute decoupling", as opposed to "relative decoupling", where resource use or emissions increase less so than does GDP. Based on the bibliometric mapping in part I (Wiedenhofer et al., this issue), we synthesize the evidence emerging from the selected 835 peer-reviewed articles. We evaluate empirical studies of decoupling related to final/useful energy, exergy, use of material resources, as well as CO2 and total GHG emissions. We find that relative decoupling is frequent for material use as well as GHG and CO2 emissions but not for useful exergy, a quality-based measure of energy use. Primary energy can be decoupled from GDP largely to the extent to which the conversion of primary energy to useful exergy is improved. Examples of absolute long-term decoupling are rare, but recently some industrialized countries have decoupled GDP from both production- and, weaklier, consumption-based CO2 emissions. We analyze policies or strategies in the decoupling literature by classifying them into three groups: (1) Green growth, if sufficient reductions of resource use or emissions were deemed possible without altering the growth trajectory. (2) Degrowth, if reductions of resource use or emissions were given priority over GDP growth. (3) Others, e.g. if the role of energy for GDP growth was analyzed without reference to climate change mitigation. We conclude that large rapid absolute reductions of resource use and GHG emissions cannot be achieved through observed decoupling rates, hence decoupling needs to be complemented by sufficiency-oriented strategies and strict enforcement of absolute reduction targets. More research is needed on interdependencies between wellbeing, resources and emissions

    A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part I: bibliometric and conceptual mapping

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    As long as economic growth is a major political goal, decoupling growth from resource use and emissions is a prerequisite for a sustainable net-zero emissions future. However, empirical evidence for absolute decoupling, i.e., decreasing resource use and emissions at the required scale despite continued economic growth, is scarce and scattered across different research streams. In this two-part systematic review, we assess how and to what extent decoupling has been observed and what can be learnt for addressing the sustainability and climate crisis. Based on a transparent approach, we systematically identify and screen more than 11,500 scientific papers, eventually analyzing full texts of 835 empirical studies on the relationship between economic growth (GDP), resource use (materials and energy) and greenhouse gas emissions. Part I of the review examines how decoupling has been investigated across three research streams: energy, materials and energy, and emissions. Part II synthesizes the empirical evidence and policy implications (Haberl et al. part II, in review). In part I, we examine the topical, temporal and geographical scopes, methods of analysis, institutional networks and prevalent conceptual angles. We find that in this rapidly growing literature, the vast majority of studies – decomposition, 'causality' and Environmental Kuznets Curve analysis – approach the topic from a statistical-econometric point of view, while hardly acknowledging thermodynamic principles on the role of energy and materials for socio-economic activities. A potentially fundamental incompatibility between economic growth and systemic societal changes to address the climate crisis is rarely considered. We conclude that the existing wealth of empirical evidence merits braver conceptual advances than we have seen thus far. Future work should focus on comprehensive multi-indicator long-term analyses, conceptually grounded on the fundamental biophysical basis of socio-economic activities, incorporating the role of global supply chains as well as the wider societal role and preconditions of economic growth

    Dimming Supernovae without Cosmic Acceleration

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    We present a simple model where photons propagating in extra-galactic magnetic fields can oscillate into very light axions. The oscillations may convert some of the photons departing a distant supernova into axions, making the supernova appear dimmer and hence more distant than it really is. Averaging over different configurations of the magnetic field we find that the dimming saturates at about 1/3 of the light from the supernovae at very large redshifts. This results in a luminosity-distance vs. redshift curve almost indistinguishable from that produced by the accelerating Universe, if the axion mass and coupling scale are m ~ 10^-16 eV, M ~ 4 10^11 GeV. This phenomenon may be an alternative to the accelerating Universe for explaining supernova observations.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, 2 figures included. Comments on effects of refraction within galaxies and references adde

    Estimation of useful-stage energy returns on investment for fossil fuels and implications for renewable energy systems

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    The net energy implications of the energy transition have so far been analysed at best at the final energy stage. Here we argue that expanding the analysis to the useful stage is crucial. We estimate fossil fuelsʼ useful-stage energy returns on investment (EROIs) over the period 1971–2020, globally and nationally, and disaggregate EROIs by end use. We find that fossil fuelsʼ useful-stage EROIs (~3.5:1) are considerably lower than at the final stage (~8.5:1), due to low final-to-useful efficiencies. Further, we estimate the final-stage EROI for which electricity-yielding renewable energy would deliver the same net useful energy as fossil fuels (EROI equivalent) to be approximately 4.6:1. The EROIs of electricity-yielding renewable energy systems, based on published estimations, are found to be higher than the determined EROI equivalent, even considering the effects of intermittency under a range of energy transition scenarios. Results suggest that the energy transition may happen without a decline in net useful energy, countering the view that renewable energy systems cannot replace fossil fuels without incurring a substantial energy penalty

    Constraints on Variant Axion Models

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    A particular class of variant axion models with two higgs doublets and a singlet is studied. In these models the axion couples either to the uu-quark or tt-quark or both, but not to bb, cc, ss, or dd. When the axion couples to only one quark the models possess the desirable feature of having no domain wall problem, which makes them viable candidates for a cosmological axion string scenario. We calculate the axion couplings to leptons, photons and nucleons, and the astrophysical constraints on the axion decay constant vav_a are investigated and compared to the DFSZ axion model. We find that the most restrictive lower bound on vav_a, that from SN1987a, is lowered by up to a factor of about 30, depending on the model and also the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the higgs doublets. For scenarios with axionic strings, the allowed window for vav_a in the uu quark model can be more than two orders of magnitude. For inflationary scenarios, the cosmological upper bound on va/Nv_a/N, where NN is the QCD anomaly factor, is unaffected: however, the variant models have NN either 3 or 6 times smaller than the DFSZ model.Comment: 21pp RevTeX, 1 eps fig, uses graphics style, typo corrected, and corrected file sent this time. To appear in Physical Review

    Breastfeeding and the origins of health: Interdisciplinary perspectives and priorities

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    Breastfeeding and human milk (HM) are critically important to maternal, infant and population health. This paper summarizes the proceedings of a workshop that convened a multidisciplinary panel of researchers to identify key priorities and anticipated breakthroughs in breastfeeding and HM research, discuss perceived barriers and challenges to achieving these breakthroughs and propose a constructive action plan to maximize the impact of future research in this field. Priority research areas identified were as follows: (1) addressing low breastfeeding rates and inequities using mixed methods, community partnerships and implementation science approaches; (2) improving awareness of evidence-based benefits, challenges and complexities of breastfeeding and HM among health practitioners and the public; (3) identifying differential impacts of alternative modes of HM feeding including expressed/pumped milk, donor milk and shared milk; and (4) developing a mechanistic understanding of the health effects of breastfeeding and the contributors to HM composition and variability. Key barriers and challenges included (1) overcoming methodological limitations of epidemiological breastfeeding research and mechanistic HM research; (2) counteracting ‘breastfeeding denialism’ arising from negative personal breastfeeding experiences; (3) distinguishing and aligning research and advocacy efforts; and (4) managing real and perceived conflicts of interest. To advance research on breastfeeding and HM and maximize the reach and impact of this research, larger investments are needed, interdisciplinary collaboration is essential, and the scientific community must engage families and other stakeholders in research planning and knowledge translation
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