190 research outputs found

    Structure and stellar content of dwarf galaxies. III: B and R photometry of dwarf galaxies in the M101 group and the nearby field

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    We have carried out CCD photometry in the Cousins B and R bands of 21 dwarf galaxies in and around the M101 group. Eleven are members and suspected members of the group and ten are field galaxies in the projected vicinity of the group. We have derived total magnitudes, effective radii, effective surface brightnesses, as well as galaxy diameters at various isophotal levels in both colours. Best-fitting exponential parameters and colour gradients are also given for these galaxies. Some of the galaxies show a pronounced luminosity excess above the best-fitting exponential at large radii, or surface brightnesses fainter than approx 26 mag/sq_arcsec in R. This feature, while non-significant for a single case and technically difficult to interpret, might be an indication of the existence of an extended old stellar halo in dwarf irregulars. The photometric parameters of the galaxies presented here will be combined with previously published data for nearby dwarf galaxies and statistically analysed in a forthcoming paper.Comment: 15 pages, 4 tables and 13 figures. For a full resolution version see http://www.astro.unibas.ch/galaxies/papers.html To appear in A&A

    Structure and stellar content of dwarf galaxies IV. B and R photometry of dwarf galaxies in the CVnI cloud

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    We have carried out CCD photometry in the Cousins B and R bands of 15 galaxies in the Canes Venatici I cloud. Total magnitudes, effective radii, effective surface brightnesses, as well as galaxy radii at various isophotal levels in both colors were determined. Best-fitting exponential parameters and color gradients are also given for these galaxies. The photometric parameters presented here will analyzed in a forthcoming paper, together with previously published data for nearby dwarf galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to A&AS. For a full resolution version see ftp://merkur.astro.unibas.ch/pub/bremnes/canesv.ps.g

    B,V,I - photometry of 20 dwarf irregular galaxies within 10 Mpc

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    CCD - photometry is presented for 20 dIrr galaxies situated in the nearby complexes CenA/M83, and CVnI as well as in the general field of the Local Volume. We present integrated magnitudes of the galaxies in B,V,I - bands and also surface brightness profiles to a median isophote mu_B ~ 28 mag /sq.arcsec. The popular Sersic parameterization of surface brightness profiles generally does a poor job of simultaneously fitting the inner cores and outer exponential surface brightness fall-offs observed in many of our targets. The observed sample is a part of a general project to image about 500 nearby (D < 10 Mpc) dwarf galaxies in multiple bands.Comment: 3 figures, accepted to the MNRA

    Using conditional kernel density estimation for wind power density forecasting

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    Of the various renewable energy resources, wind power is widely recognized as one of the most promising. The management of wind farms and electricity systems can benefit greatly from the availability of estimates of the probability distribution of wind power generation. However, most research has focused on point forecasting of wind power. In this paper, we develop an approach to producing density forecasts for the wind power generated at individual wind farms. Our interest is in intraday data and prediction from 1 to 72 hours ahead. We model wind power in terms of wind speed and wind direction. In this framework, there are two key uncertainties. First, there is the inherent uncertainty in wind speed and direction, and we model this using a bivariate VARMA-GARCH (vector autoregressive moving average-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic) model, with a Student t distribution, in the Cartesian space of wind speed and direction. Second, there is the stochastic nature of the relationship of wind power to wind speed (described by the power curve), and to wind direction. We model this using conditional kernel density (CKD) estimation, which enables a nonparametric modeling of the conditional density of wind power. Using Monte Carlo simulation of the VARMA-GARCH model and CKD estimation, density forecasts of wind speed and direction are converted to wind power density forecasts. Our work is novel in several respects: previous wind power studies have not modeled a stochastic power curve; to accommodate time evolution in the power curve, we incorporate a time decay factor within the CKD method; and the CKD method is conditional on a density, rather than a single value. The new approach is evaluated using datasets from four Greek wind farms

    Distribution of star-forming complexes in dwarf irregular galaxies

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    We study the distribution of bright star-forming complexes in a homogeneous sample of 72 late-type (``irregular'') dwarf galaxies located within the 10 Mpc volume. Star-forming complexes are identified as bright lumps in B-band galaxy images and isolated by means of the unsharp-masking method. For the sample as a whole the radial number distribution of bright lumps largely traces the underlying exponential-disk light profiles, but peaks at a 10 percent smaller scale length. Moreover, the presence of a tail of star forming regions out to at least six optical scale lengths provides evidence against a systematic star formation truncation within that galaxy extension. Considering these findings, we apply a scale length-independent concentration index, taking into account the implied non-uniform random spread of star formation regions throughout the disk. The number profiles frequently manifest a second, minor peak at about two scale lengths. Relying on a two-dimensional stochastic self-propagating star formation model, we show these secondary peaks to be consistent with triggered star formation; for a few of the brighter galaxies a peculiar peak distribution is observed that is conceivably due to the onset of shear provided by differential rotation. On scales between 100 and 1000 pc, and by taking into account exponential-disk structure, bright lumps reveal cluster dimensions between 1.3 and 2, with a weak trend to higher dimensions for brighter galaxies. Interpreting cluster dimension in terms of porosity of a self-similar intragalactic medium, we derive a relation between current star formation rate, scale length, and porosity.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic


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    Penelitian ini mengambil judul “penggunaan model pembelajaran aktif team quiz dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman bahasa Jepang” . membaca pemahaman adalah memahami suatu informasi dari sebuah tulisan. membaca pemahaman merupakan salah satu pembelajaran yang sulit. Disebabkan karena metode yang digunakan oleh pengajar monoton dan kurang memotivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran membaca pemahaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan model pembelajaran aktif team quiz dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperiment dengan one group before-after (pretest dan posttest) design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Bahasa SMA Negeri 1 Parongpong tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Instrument penelitiannya adalah tes dan angket. Berdasarkan analisis data dengan perhitungan statistic yang menggunakan t hitung diketahui bahwa t hitung > t tabel maka Ho ditolak dan Hk diterima yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran aktif team quiz dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman bahasa jepang efektif. Sedangkan hasil analisis data angket diketahui bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran aktif team quiz dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman bahasa Jepang mendapat respon positif dari siswa. ; Reading comprehension is the act of understanding information from a presented text. It is one of difficulties found in learning. It caused by monotonous method conducted by teacher and in turn, students have less motivation on learning reading comprehension. This research aims for how the Team Quiz active learning method can improve reading comprehension in Japanese. The quasi-experiment method with “one group before-after (pretest and posttest)” design is conducted in this research, by taking XI language students from 2015/2016 academic year of SMA Negeri 1 Parongpong as sample. Test and questionnaire is instrument used in this research. According to data analysis with statistical calculation using t count, noting that t count > t table, therefore Ho is rejected and Hk is accepted. To conclude, Team Quiz active learning method is effective in improving reading comprehension in Japanese. Moreover, according to data analysis conducted in questionnaire, the Team Quiz active learning method gains positive responses from students

    The Gas Content in Galactic Disks: Correlation with Kinematics

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    We consider the relationship between the total HI mass in late-type galaxies and the kinematic properties of their disks. The mass MHIM_HI for galaxies with a wide variety of properties, from dwarf dIrr galaxies with active star formation to giant low-brightness galaxies, is shown to correlate with the product VcR0V_c R_0 (VcV_c is the rotational velocity, and R0R_0 is the radial photometric disks scale length), which characterizes the specific angular momentum of the disk. This relationship, along with the anticorrelation between the relative mass of HI in a galaxy and VcV_c, can be explained in terms of the previously made assumption that the gas density in the disks of most galaxies is maintained at a level close to the threshold (marginal) stability of a gaseous layer to local gravitational perturbations. In this case, the regulation mechanism of the star formation rate associated with the growth of local gravitational instability in the gaseous layer must play a crucial role in the evolution of the gas content in the galactic disk.Comment: revised version to appear in Astronomy Letters, 8 pages, 5 EPS figure

    Color, Structure, and Star Formation History of Dwarf Galaxies over the last ~3 Gyr with GEMS and SDSS

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    We present a study of the colors, structural properties, and star formation histories for a sample of ~1600 dwarfs over look-back times of ~3 Gyr (z=0.002-0.25). The sample consists of 401 distant dwarfs drawn from the Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs (GEMS) survey, which provides high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images and accurate redshifts, and of 1291 dwarfs at 10-90 Mpc compiled from the Sloan Digitized Sky Survey (SDSS). The sample is complete down to an effective surface brightness of 22 mag arcsec^-2 in z and includes dwarfs with M_g=-18.5 to -14 mag. Rest-frame luminosities in Johnson UBV and SDSS ugr filters are provided by the COMBO-17 survey and structural parameters have been determined by S\'ersic fits. We find that the GEMS dwarfs are bluer than the SDSS dwarfs by ~0.13 mag in g-r, which is consistent with the color evolution over ~2 Gyr of star formation histories involving moderate starbursts and long periods of continuous star formation. The full color range of the samples cannot be reproduced by single starbursts of different masses or long periods of continuous star formation alone. Furthermore, an estimate of the mechanical luminosities needed for the gas in the GEMS dwarfs to be completely removed from the galaxies shows that a significant number of low luminosity dwarfs are susceptible to such a complete gas loss, if they would experience a starburst. On the other hand, a large fraction of more luminous dwarfs is likely to retain their gas. We also estimate the star formation rates per unit area for the GEMS dwarfs and find good agreement with the values for local dwarfs.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Background risk of breast cancer and the association between physical activity and mammographic density

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    Palliative chemotherapy beyond three courses conveys no survival or consistent quality-of-life benefits in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    This randomised multicentre trial was conducted to establish the optimal duration of palliative chemotherapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We compared a policy of three vs six courses of new-generation platinum-based combination chemotherapy with regard to effects on quality of life (QoL) and survival. Patients with stage IIIB or IV NSCLC and WHO performance status (PS) 0–2 were randomised to receive three (C3) or six (C6) courses of carboplatin (area under the curve (AUC) 4, Chatelut's formula, equivalent to Calvert's AUC 5) on day 1 and vinorelbine 25 mg m−2 on days 1 and 8 of a 3-week cycle. Key end points were QoL at 18 weeks, measured with EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ)-C30 and QLQ-LC13, and overall survival. Secondary end points were progression-free survival and need of palliative radiotherapy. Two hundred and ninety-seven patients were randomised (C3 150, C6 147). Their median age was 65 years, 30% had PS 2 and 76% stage IV disease. Seventy-eight and 54% of C3 and C6 patients, respectively, completed all scheduled chemotherapy courses. Compliance with QoL questionnaires was 88%. There were no significant group differences in global QoL, pain or fatigue up to 26 weeks. The dyspnoea palliation rate was lower in the C3 arm at 18 and 26 weeks (P<0.05), but this finding was inconsistent across different methods of analysis. Median survival in the C3 group was 28 vs 32 weeks in the C6 group (P=0.75, HR 1.04, 95% CI 0.82–1.31). One- and 2-year survival rates were 25 and 9% vs 25 and 5% in the C3 and C6 arm, respectively. Median progression-free survival was 16 and 21 weeks in the C3 and C6 groups, respectively (P=0.21, HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.68–1.08). In conclusion, palliative chemotherapy with carboplatin and vinorelbine beyond three courses conveys no survival or consistent QoL benefits in advanced NSCLC