377 research outputs found

    CH in stellar atmospheres: an extensive linelist

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    The advent of high-resolution spectrographs and detailed stellar atmosphere modelling has strengthened the need for accurate molecular data. Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars spectra are interesting objects with which to study transitions from the CH molecule. We combine programs for spectral analysis of molecules and stellar-radiative transfer codes to build an extensive CH linelist, including predissociation broadening as well as newly identified levels. We show examples of strong predissociation CH lines in CEMP stars, and we stress the important role played by the CH features in the Bond-Neff feature depressing the spectra of barium stars by as much as 0.2 magnitudes in the λ=\lambda=3000 -- 5500 \AA\ range. Because of the extreme thermodynamic conditions prevailing in stellar atmospheres (compared to the laboratory), molecular transitions with high energy levels can be observed. Stellar spectra can thus be used to constrain and improve molecular data.Comment: 33pages, 15 figures, accepted in A&A external data available at http://www.astro.ulb.ac.be/~spectrotools

    Repumping and spectroscopy of laser-cooled Sr atoms using the (5s5p)3P2 - (5s4d)3D2 transition

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    We describe repumping and spectroscopy of laser-cooled strontium (Sr) atoms using the (5s5p)3P2 - (5s4d)3D2 transition. Atom number in a magneto-optical trap is enhanced by driving this transition because Sr atoms that have decayed into the (5s5p)3P2 dark state are repumped back into the (5s2)1S0 ground state. Spectroscopy of 84Sr, 86Sr, 87Sr, and 88Sr improves the value of the (5s5p)3P2 - (5s4d)3D2 transition frequency for 88Sr and determines the isotope shifts for the transition.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Balloon-borne radiometer measurement of Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude stratospheric HNO3 profiles spanning 12 years

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    Low-resolution atmospheric thermal emission spectra collected by balloon-borne radiometers over the time span of 1990–2002 are used to retrieve vertical profiles of HNO3, CFC-11 and CFC-12 volume mixing ratios between approximately 10 and 35 km altitude. All of the data analyzed have been collected from launches from a Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude site, during late summer, when stratospheric dynamic variability is at a minimum. The retrieval technique incorporates detailed forward modeling of the instrument and the radiative properties of the atmosphere, and obtains a best fit between modeled and measured spectra through a combination of onion-peeling and global optimization steps. The retrieved HNO3 profiles are consistent over the 12-year period, and are consistent with recent measurements by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier transform spectrometer satellite instrument. This suggests that, to within the errors of the 1990 measurements, there has been no significant change in the HNO3 summer mid-latitude profile

    Überinfusion von Verbrennungsopfern: häufig und schädlich

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Schwerbrandverletzte (mehr als 20% verbrannter Körperoberfläche bei Erwachsenen) weisen in der ersten Phase (8-48h) einen durch das massive Kapillarleck bedingten Verbrennungsschock auf, der einer Infusionstherapie bedarf, um die Hämodynamik wieder herzustellen. Bis in die 80erJahre stellte eine unzureichende Flüssigkeitstherapie (Unterinfusion) die Haupttodesursache von Verbrennungspatienten dar. Seither ist die übermäßige Flüssigkeitstherapie (Überinfusion) zu einer beachtenswerten Quelle von Komplikationen geworden: abdominales Kompartmentsyndrom, Entlastungsschnitte (Escharotomie), Verschlechterung des Gasaustauschs, Verlängerung der künstlichen Beatmung und des Spitalaufenthalts. Die Überinfusion hat Ende der 90erJahre begonnen, wo innerhalb der ersten 24h Flüssigkeitsmengen zugeführt wurden, die weit über den 4ml/kg/%BSA ("burn surface area") der Parkland-Formel lagen. Ziel: Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Faktoren, welche zu einer Überinfusion führen können und zeigt Möglichkeiten, dem durch eine strikte Kontrolle der präklinischen Infusionstherapie sowie durch eine permissive Hypovolämie vorzubeuge

    Intercomparisons of Aura MLS, ACE, and HALOE Observations of Long-Lived Trace Species Using the Langley Lagrangian Chemistry and Transport Model

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    We use the LaRC Lagrangian Chemistry and Transport Model (LCTM) [Considine et al., 2007; Pierce et al., 2003] to intercompare ACE, Aura, and HALOE observations of long-lived trace species. The LCTM calculates the transport, mixing, and photochemical evolution of an ensemble of parcels that have been initialized from ACE-FTS measurements. Here we focus on late November, 2004 comparisons, due to the previous 3-week period of continuous HALOE observations and MLS v2.2 data on November 29, 2004

    Derivation of tropospheric methane from TCCON CHâ‚„ and HF total column observations

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    The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a global ground-based network of Fourier transform spectrometers that produce precise measurements of column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of atmospheric methane (CHâ‚„). Temporal variability in the total column of CHâ‚„ due to stratospheric dynamics obscures fluctuations and trends driven by tropospheric transport and local surface fluxes that are critical for understanding CHâ‚„ sources and sinks. We reduce the contribution of stratospheric variability from the total column average by subtracting an estimate of the stratospheric CHâ‚„ derived from simultaneous measurements of hydrogen fluoride (HF). HF provides a proxy for stratospheric CHâ‚„ because it is strongly correlated to CHâ‚„ in the stratosphere, has an accurately known tropospheric abundance (of zero), and is measured at most TCCON stations. The stratospheric partial column of CHâ‚„ is calculated as a function of the zonal and annual trends in the relationship between CHâ‚„ and HF in the stratosphere, which we determine from ACE-FTS satellite data. We also explicitly take into account the CHâ‚„ column averaging kernel to estimate the contribution of stratospheric CHâ‚„ to the total column. The resulting tropospheric CHâ‚„ columns are consistent with in situ aircraft measurements and augment existing observations in the troposphere

    Efficient Algorithm for Two-Center Coulomb and Exchange Integrals of Electronic Prolate Spheroidal Orbitals

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    We present a fast algorithm to calculate Coulomb/exchange integrals of prolate spheroidal electronic orbitals, which are the exact solutions of the single-electron, two-center Schr\"odinger equation for diatomic molecules. Our approach employs Neumann's expansion of the Coulomb repulsion 1/|x-y|, solves the resulting integrals symbolically in closed form and subsequently performs a numeric Taylor expansion for efficiency. Thanks to the general form of the integrals, the obtained coefficients are independent of the particular wavefunctions and can thus be reused later. Key features of our algorithm include complete avoidance of numeric integration, drafting of the individual steps as fast matrix operations and high accuracy due to the exponential convergence of the expansions. Application to the diatomic molecules O2 and CO exemplifies the developed methods, which can be relevant for a quantitative understanding of chemical bonds in general.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    High resolution infrared emission spectra of AlH andAlD

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    High resolution infrared emission spectra of aluminum monohydride and monodeuteride have been recorded. Gaseous AlH and AID were generated by reacting molten aluminum metal with hydrogen and deuterium gas. Approximately 265 AlH lines with v = 1 -to to v= 5 + 4 and 470 AID lines with v= 1 +O to u= 7 -) 6 are reported. Dunham Yii constants were obtained by fitting the data of each isotopomer separately to the Dunham energy level expression while massreduced Dunham Uij constants were obtained from a combined fit of all isotopomer data. A second set of Dunham lJij constants was obtained from a fit where Uij's with j < 2 were treated as adjustable parameters and all remaining Uij'S fixed to values that satisfy the constraints imposed by the Dunham model. Finally, an effective Born-Oppenheimer potential was determined by fitting all the data directly to the eigenvalues of the radial Schriidinger equation -containing a parametrized potential function

    Simulation of Energetic Particle Precipitation Effects During the 2003-2004 Arctic Winter

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    Energetic particle precipitation (EPP) during the 2003-2004 Arctic winter led to the production and subsequent transport of reactive odd nitrogen (NOx=NO+NO2) from the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) into the stratosphere. This caused NOx enhancements in the polar upper stratosphere in April 2004 that were unprecedented in the satellite record. Simulations of the 2003-2004 Arctic winter with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model using Specified Dynamics (SD-WACCM) are compared to satellite measurements to assess our understanding of the observed NOx enhancements. The comparisons show that SD-WACCM clearly displays the descent of NOx produced by EPP but underestimates the enhancements by at least a factor of four. Comparisons with NO measurements in January and February indicate that SD-WACCM most likely underestimates EPP-induced NO production locally in the mesosphere because it does not include precipitation of high energy electrons. Comparisons with temperature measurements suggest that SD-WACCM does not properly simulate recovery from a sudden stratospheric warming in early January, resulting in insufficient transport from the MLT into the stratosphere. Both of these factors probably contribute to the inability of SD-WACCM to simulate the stratospheric NOx enhancements, although their relative importance is unclear. The work highlights the importance of considering the full spectrum of precipitating electrons in order to fully understand the impact of EPP on the atmosphere. It also suggests a need for high-quality meteorological data and measurements of NOx throughout the polar winter MLT. ©2015. American Geophysical Union
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