417 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Anak Yang Telah Dipidana Menurut Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemberlakuan sanksi terhadap anak yang terbukti telah melakukan tindak pidana menurut sistem peradilan pidana anak dan bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak anak yang telah dijatuhi pidana menurut sistem peradilan pidana anak. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Pemberlakuan sanksi terhadap anak yang terbukti telah melakukan tindak pidana menurut sistem peradilan pidana anak, dilarang melanggar harkat dan martabat Anak. Pidana pokok bagi Anak terdiri atas: pidana peringatan; pidana dengan syarat: pembinaan di luar lembaga; pelayanan masyarakat; atau pengawasan, pelatihan kerja; pembinaan dalam lembaga; dan penjara. Pidana tambahan terdiri atas: perampasan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana; atau pemenuhan kewajiban adat. Apabila dalam hukum materiil diancam pidana kumulatif berupa penjara dan denda, pidana denda diganti dengan pelatihan kerja. Bagi anak yang belum berusia 14 (empat belas) tahun hanya dapat dikenai tindakan meliputi: pengembalian kepada orang tua/Wali; penyerahan kepada seseorang; perawatan di rumah sakit jiwa; perawatan di Lembaga Penyelenggaraan Kesejahteraan Sosial (LPKS); kewajiban mengikuti pendidikan formal dan/atau pelatihan yang diadakan oleh pemerintah atau badan swasta; pencabutan surat izin mengemudi; dan/atau perbaikan akibat tindak pidana. 2. Perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak anak yang telah dijatuhi pidana menurut sistem peradilan pidana, yakni selama penahanan dan ditempatkan di Lembaga Penempatan Anak Sementara (LPAS) dan Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) selama anak menjalani masa pidana, anak berhak untuk memperoleh pemenuhan dalam pelayanan dan perawatan kesehatan, dapat mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan serta pembimbingan dan pendampingan, yang memadai sesuai peraturan Perundang-undangan

    Rising tourist numbers in the city of Dublin:an analysis of the impacts on the quality of life

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    Abstract. The consequences of tourist activities on host communities have recently gained more and more attention. In many cities the local population has started to complain about tourism negatively impacting their quality of life [Qol]. Therefore, it is important to collect information about which parts of the Qol are endangered since the local population plays a major role in the tourism sector of a country. In the present study the local population of the Irish capital Dublin serves as the case of research. This is appropriate since the friendliness and the hospitality of the local population in Ireland is one of the most important reasons for visiting the country. Moreover, Dublin has recorded strong increases in tourist numbers over the last years. The concept of the Qol and the social impact research in tourism serve as the theoretical framework for this study. It is investigated how tourism impacts on different areas of the Qol and how these are subjectively perceived. For that reason, the following research question is derived: How are the increasing tourist numbers in Dublin influencing the quality of life of the local population? A quantitative approach was chosen to answer this question and to verify the derived hypotheses. The data was collected via an online survey, which was directed to people currently living in Dublin. It was found out that tourism impacts on the Qol in Dublin are not dependent on the district where the participants live and for how long the participants have been living there. However, it was identified that people who are working in tourism perceive stronger impacts of tourism and that the perception of economic factors plays an important role in the overall satisfaction with the Qol. Concluding, it can be said that the subjective perception of the Qol was rated as good by a large share of the participants. The study has practical implications since it contributes to an understanding of the locals’ present perception of the Qol in Dublin. This information can be used to take countermeasures early in case the residents’ attitude towards tourists seems to shift

    Studi Penggunaan Antibiotik tanpa Resep di Kabupaten Manggarai dan Manggarai Barat – NTT

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    Penggunaan antibiotik yang relatif tinggi menimbulkan beragam masalah dan merupakan ancaman global bagi kesehatan terutama dalam hal resistensi antibiotik. Selain berdampak pada morbiditas dan mortalitas, juga memberi dampak negatif terhadap ekonomi dan sosial yang sangat tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menengetahui penggunaan antibiotik tanpa resep dokter di Kabupaten Manggarai dan Manggarai Barat. Penelitian ini bersifat non eksperimental dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive menggunakan quota sampling. Data yang dianalisis meliputi tingkat kesadaran terhadap penggunaan antibiotik dan perilaku yang mempengaruhi penggunaan antibiotik tanpa resep dokter. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan semua pasien (108 pasien) cenderung pernah menggunakan antibiotik tanpa resep dokter dan tingkat kesadaran pasien masih rendah. Perilaku pasien terkait penggunaan antibiotik tanpa resep dokter: Antibiotik yang paling sering dibeli dalam pelayanan tanpa resep dokter adalah Amoxicillin, jenis penyakit yang mayoritas diobati pasien dengan antibiotik adalah gejala flu, alasan pasien dalam menggunakan antibiotik tanpa resep adalah karena penggunaan antibiotik terdahulu memberikan hasil yang baik. Sedangkan ditinjau dari segi biaya 55.56% pasien (60 pasien) menjawab uang bukan masalah namun 44.44% (48 pasien) menjawab karena masalah keuangan. Dari 60 pasien yang menjawab uang bukan masalah, 73.33% (44 pasien) diantaranya menjawab pengobatan terdahulu memberikan hasil yang baik sehingga bila digunakan untuk penyakit yang serupa hasilnya sama

    Eine kondensierte 83mKr-Kalibrationsquelle fĂĽr das KATRIN-Experiment

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    Das Ziel des KATRIN-Experiments ist die Bestimmung der Neutrinomasse anhand des Elektronenspektrums einer gasförmigen T2-Quelle mit einer Sensitivität von 0,2eV/c2(90%C.L.). Dafür wurde eine Kalibrationsquelle aus kondensiertem 83mKr aufgebaut und getestet. Ein optimales Präparationsverfahren wurde entwickelt, mit dem schliesslich mithilfe von Ablation zur Substratreinigung eine Präzision von 1ppm für die Dauer eines Monats erreicht werden konnte und eine Drift der Spannungsmessung von 0,61(9)ppm/Monat über einen zeitlichen Hebelarm von 1 Jahr nachgewiesen wurde. Ferner wurde das Spektrum der Konversionslinien gemessen. Damit konnten die Übergangsenergien des zweistufigen Relaxationsprozesses von 83mKr in Einklang mit der direkten Energiemessung bestimmt werden: E(32)=32151,74(35)eV und E(9)=9404,71(35)eV. Die Bindungsenergie der LI-Schale wurde neu bestimmt. Weiter konnten die Verhältnisse der Konversionskoeffizienten abgeschätzt werden

    Pertumbuhan Setek Tanaman Buah Naga (Hylocereus Costaricensis (Web.) Britton & Rose) Dengan Pemberian Kombinasi Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) Dan Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA)

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    Salah satu upaya mempercepat pertumbuhan setek tanaman buah naga dengan menggunakan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan setek tanaman buah naga dengan pemberian berbagai kombinasi Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) dan Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara dengan ketinggian ± 25 meter di atas permukaan laut, pada bulan Juli sampai September 2015 dan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dengan perlakuan tanpa pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh, IBA (500 ppm) + NAA (0 ppm), IBA (0 ppm) + NAA (500 ppm), IBA (500 ppm) + NAA (500 ppm), IBA (500 ppm) + NAA (1000 ppm), IBA (500 ppm) + NAA (1500 ppm), IBA (1000 ppm) + NAA (500 ppm) dan IBA (1500 ppm) + NAA (500 ppm) yang diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian NAA 500 ppm tanpa IBA nyata mempercepat umur bertunas 60%, meningkatkan persentase bertunas 30% dibandingkan tanpa pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh. Pemberian kombinasi IBA 500 ppm + NAA 500 ppm nyata meningkatkan panjang tunas 25% dibandingkan tanpa pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh

    Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Aerob Yang Berpotensi Menyebabkan Infeksi Nosokomial Di Irina E Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Nosocomial infections or now called Healthcare Associated Infection (HAIs) is an infection that occurs in patients during treatment in a hospital or other health care facilities that do not show symptoms of infection while in the hospital. Nosocomial infection is an important issue in health care that continues to increase especially in children who are under treatment in hospital. This study aims to determine the source and identify aerobic bacteria that could potentially cause nosocomial infections in walls, floors, medical equipment, and air in Irina E Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado General Hospital. Design methods for this research using cross sectional study with a descriptive prospective approach. Samples were bacteria in walls, floors, medical equipment, and air of Irian E Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado General Hospital. The results showed that from the 24 samples taken, there were 6 bacteria found which is Enterobacter cloacae (41,7%), Bacillus subtilis (20,8%), Serratia liquefaciens (16,7%), Enterobacter agglomerans (12,5%), Lactobacillus (4,17%), dan Staphylococcus sp. (4,17%)

    Perbandingan Nilai Agregasi Trombosit Pada Pasien Hipertensi Yang Diberi Aspirin Dan Tidak Diberi Aspirin Di Rsup. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Thrombocyte hyperaggregation occurs in hypertensive patients. Thrombocyte accumulates and thrombi formation caused by hyperaggregation are important factors in pathogenesis of cardiovaskular and cerebrovascular disease. Around 50 million people consume aspirin everyday to treat or to prevent cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. The use of aspirin known can increase bleeding risk especially when trauma occurs or intraoperative, but inhypertensive patients50 or over 50 years old, the benefit of aspirin can be greater then the bleeding risk it carries. Method: This study used comparative study, which compared thrombocyte aggregation value in hypertensive patients with aspirin and without aspirin. The tools that used for thrombocyte aggregation examination is an aggregometer and the data analysis is done by using SPSS software. Result: The difference value of thrombocyte aggregation in hypertensive patients with aspirin and without aspirin used T 2 independent samples test gave significant for ADP 10 µM and 5 µM(p <0.05), respectively 0.001 and 0.01. Conclusion: There is a difference between thrombocyte aggregation value in hypertensive patients with aspirin and without aspirin. Mean value ofthrombocyte aggregation in hypertensive patients with aspirin is lower than hypertensive patients without aspirin

    Transcriptomic comparison of communally reared wild, domesticated and hybrid Atlantic salmon fry under stress and control conditions

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    Background Domestication is the process by which organisms become adapted to the human-controlled environment. Since the selection pressures that act upon cultured and natural populations differ, adaptations that favour life in the domesticated environment are unlikely to be advantageous in the wild. Elucidation of the differences between wild and domesticated Atlantic salmon may provide insights into some of the genomic changes occurring during domestication, and, help to predict the evolutionary consequences of farmed salmon escapees interbreeding with wild conspecifics. In this study the transcriptome of the offspring of wild and domesticated Atlantic salmon were compared using a common-garden experiment under standard hatchery conditions and in response to an applied crowding stressor. Results Transcriptomic differences between wild and domesticated crosses were largely consistent between the control and stress conditions, and included down-regulation of environmental information processing, immune and nervous system pathways and up-regulation of genetic information processing, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism and digestive and endocrine system pathways in the domesticated fish relative to their wild counterparts, likely reflective of different selection pressures acting in wild and cultured populations. Many stress responsive functions were also shared between crosses and included down-regulation of cellular processes and genetic information processing and up-regulation of some metabolic pathways, lipid and energy in particular. The latter may be indicative of mobilization and reallocation of energy resources in response to stress. However, functional analysis indicated that a number of pathways behave differently between domesticated and wild salmon in response to stress. Reciprocal F1 hybrids permitted investigation of inheritance patterns that govern transcriptomic differences between these genetically divergent crosses. Additivity and maternal dominance accounted for approximately 42 and 25% of all differences under control conditions for both hybrids respectively. However, the inheritance of genes differentially expressed between crosses under stress was less consistent between reciprocal hybrids, potentially reflecting maternal environmental effects. Conclusion We conclude that there are transcriptomic differences between the domesticated and wild salmon strains studied here, reflecting the different selection pressures operating on them. Our results indicate that stress may affect certain biological functions differently in wild, domesticated and hybrid crosses and these should be further investigated
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