89 research outputs found


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    Reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides have been modified by treatment with sodium borohydride similar to the original procedure [Ditson et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 766, 623 (1984)], and investigated spectroscopically and by gel electrophoresis. (1) Low temperature (1.2 K) absorption, fluorescence, absorption- and fluorescence-detected ODMR, and microwave-induced singlet-triplet absorption difference spectra (MIA) suggest that the treatment produces a spectroscopically homogeneous preparation with one of the ‘additional’ bacteriochlorophylls being removed. The modification does not alter the zero field splitting parameters of the primary donor triplet (TP870). (2) From the circular dichroism and Raman resonance spectra in the1500–1800 cm-1 region, the removed pigment is assigned to BchlM, e.g. the "extra" Bchl on the "inactive" M-branch. (3) A strong coupling among all pigment molecules is deduced from the circular dichroism spectra, because pronounced band-shifts and/or intensity changes occur in the spectral components assigned to all pigments. This is supported by distinct differences among the MIA spectra of untreated and modified reaction centers, as well as by Raman resonance. (4) The modification is accompanied by partial proteolytic cleavage of the M-subunit. The preparation is thus spectroscopically homogeneous, but biochemically heterogenous

    ESR Study of (C_5H_{12}N)_2CuBr_4

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    ESR studies at 9.27, 95.4, and 289.7 GHz have been performed on (C5_5H12_{12}N)2_2CuBr4_4 down to 3.7 K. The 9.27 GHz data were acquired with a single crystal and do not indicate the presence of any structural transitions. The high frequency data were collected with a polycrystalline sample and resolved two absorbances, consistent with two crystallographic orientations of the magnetic sites and with earlier ESR studies performed at 300 K. Below BC1=6.6B_{C1}=6.6 T, our data confirm the presence of a spin singlet ground state.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figs., submitted 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-23), Aug. 200

    Comparison of VLBI, TV and traveling clock techniques for time transfer

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    A three part experiment was conducted to develop and compare time transfer techniques. The experiment consisted of (1) a very long baseline interferometer (VLBI), (2) a high precision portable clock time transfer system between the two sites, and (3) a television time transfer. A comparison of the VLBI and traveling clock shows each technique can perform satisfactorily at the five nsec level. There was a systematic offset of 59 nsec between the two methods, which we attributed to a difference in epochs between VLBI formatter and station clock. The VLBI method had an internal random error of one nsec at the three sigma level for a two day period. Thus, the Mark II system performed well, and VLBI shows promise of being an accurate method of time transfer. The TV system, which had technical problems during the experiment, transferred time with a random error of about 50 nsec

    Performance optimization of a leagility inspired supply chain model: a CFGTSA algorithm based approach

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    Lean and agile principles have attracted considerable interest in the past few decades. Industrial sectors throughout the world are upgrading to these principles to enhance their performance, since they have been proven to be efficient in handling supply chains. However, the present market trend demands a more robust strategy incorporating the salient features of both lean and agile principles. Inspired by these, the leagility principle has emerged, encapsulating both lean and agile features. The present work proposes a leagile supply chain based model for manufacturing industries. The paper emphasizes the various aspects of leagile supply chain modeling and implementation and proposes a new Hybrid Chaos-based Fast Genetic Tabu Simulated Annealing (CFGTSA) algorithm to solve the complex scheduling problem prevailing in the leagile environment. The proposed CFGTSA algorithm is compared with the GA, SA, TS and Hybrid Tabu SA algorithms to demonstrate its efficacy in handling complex scheduling problems

    New Studies of the Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Supernova Remnant CTB 80

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    We investigated the kinematics of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) associated with PSR B1951+32 in the old supernova remnant CTB 80 using the Fabry-Perot interferometer of the 6m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. In addition to the previously known expansion of the system of bright filaments with a velocity of 100-200km/s, we detected weak high-velocity features in the H-alpha line at least up to velocities of 400-450km/s. We analyzed the morphology of the PWN in the H-alpha, [SII], and [OIII] lines using HST data and discuss its nature. The shape of the central filamentary shell, which is determined by the emission in the [OIII] line and in the radio continuum, is shown to be consistent with the bow-shock model for a significant (about 60 degrees) inclination of the pulsar's velocity vector to the plane of the sky. In this case, the space velocity of the pulsar is twice higher than its tangential velocity, i.e., it reaches ~500 km/s, and PSR B1951+32 is the first pulsar whose line-of-sight velocity (of about 400 km/s) has been estimated from the PWN observations. The shell-like H-alpha-structures outside the bow shock front in the east and the west may be associated with both the pulsar's jets and the pulsar-wind breakthrough due to the layered structure of the extended CTB 80 shell.Comment: to appear in Astronomy Letters, 12 pages, 6 postscript figures, two in colour; for a version with high resolution figures see http://www.sao.ru/hq/grb/team/vkom/CTB80_fine.pd

    Si and Fe depletion in Galactic star-forming regions observed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We report the results of the mid-infrared spectroscopy of 14 Galactic star-forming regions with the high-resolution modules of the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. We detected [SiII] 35um, [FeII] 26um, and [FeIII] 23um as well as [SIII] 33um and H2 S(0) 28um emission lines. Using the intensity of [NII] 122um or 205um and [OI] 146um or 63um reported by previous observations in four regions, we derived the ionic abundance Si+/N+ and Fe+/N+ in the ionized gas and Si+/O0 and Fe+/O0 in the photodissociation gas. For all the targets, we derived the ionic abundance of Si+/S2+ and Fe2+/S2+ for the ionized gas. Based on photodissociation and HII region models the gas-phase Si and Fe abundance are suggested to be 3-100% and <8% of the solar abundance, respectively, for the ionized gas and 16-100% and 2-22% of the solar abundance, respectively, for the photodissociation region gas. Since the [FeII] 26um and [FeIII] 23um emissions are weak, the high sensitivity of the IRS enables to derive the gas-phase Fe abundance widely in star-forming regions. The derived gas-phase Si abundance is much larger than that in cool interstellar clouds and that of Fe. The present study indicates that 3-100% of Si atoms and <22% of Fe atoms are included in dust grains which are destroyed easily in HII regions, probably by the UV radiation. We discuss possible mechanisms to account for the observed trend; mantles which are photodesorbed by UV photons, organometallic complexes, or small grains.Comment: 43 pages with 7 figures, accepted in Astrophysical Journa

    Supply network science: Emergence of a new perspective on a classical field.

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    Supply networks emerge as companies procure goods from one another to produce their own products. Due to a chronic lack of data, studies on these emergent structures have long focussed on local neighbourhoods, assuming simple, chain-like structures. However, studies conducted since 2001 have shown that supply chains are indeed complex networks that exhibit similar organisational patterns to other network types. In this paper, we present a critical review of theoretical and model based studies which conceptualise supply chains from a network science perspective, showing that empirical data do not always support theoretical models that were developed, and argue that different industrial settings may present different characteristics. Consequently, a need that arises is the development and reconciliation of interpretation across different supply network layers such as contractual relations, material flow, financial links, and co-patenting, as these different projections tend to remain in disciplinary siloes. Other gaps include a lack of null models that show whether the observed properties are meaningful, a lack of dynamical models that can inform how layers evolve and adopt to changes, and a lack of studies that investigate how local decisions enable emergent outcomes. We conclude by asking the network science community to help bridge these gaps by engaging with this important area of research

    Mitochondrial DNA signals of late glacial recolonization of Europe from near Eastern refugia

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    Human populations, along with those of many other species, are thought to have contracted into a number of refuge areas at the height of the last Ice Age. European populations are believed to be, to a large extent, the descendants of the inhabitants of these refugia, and some extant mtDNA lineages can be traced to refugia in Franco-Cantabria (haplogroups H1, H3, V, and U5b1), the Italian Peninsula (U5b3), and the East European Plain (U4 and U5a). Parts of the Near East, such as the Levant, were also continuously inhabited throughout the Last Glacial Maximum, but unlike western and eastern Europe, no archaeological or genetic evidence for Late Glacial expansions into Europe from the Near East has hitherto been discovered. Here we report, on the basis of an enlarged whole-genome mitochondrial database, that a substantial, perhaps predominant, signal from mitochondrial haplogroups J and T, previously thought to have spread primarily from the Near East into Europe with the Neolithic population, may in fact reflect dispersals during the Late Glacial period, ?19–12 thousand years (ka) ago.<br/

    Long-lived photoexcited states in polydiacetylenes with different molecular and supramolecular organization

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    With the aim of determining the importance of the molecular and supramolecular organization on the excited states of polydiacetylenes, we have studied the photoinduced absorption spectra of the red form of poly[1,6-bis(3,6-didodecyl-N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne] (polyDCHD-S) and the results compared with those of the blue form of the same polymer. An interpretation of the data is given in terms of both the conjugation length and the interbackbone separation also in relation to the photoinduced absorption spectra of both blue and red forms of poly[1,6-bis(N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne] (polyDCHD), which does not carry the alkyl substituents on the carbazolyl side groups. Information on the above properties is derived from the analysis of the absorption and Raman spectra of this class of polydiacetylenes

    New high-resolution radio observations of the SNR CTB 80

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    We report new high resolution and high sensitivity radio observations of the extended supernova remnant (SNR) CTB 80 (G69.0+2.7) at 240 MHz, 324 MHz, 618 MHz, and 1380 MHz. The imaging of CTB 80 at 240 MHz and 618 MHz was performed using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India. The observations at 324 MHz and 1380 MHz were obtained using the Very Large Array (VLA, NRAO) in its C and D configurations. The new radio images reveal faint extensions for the asymmetric arms of CTB 80. The arms are irregular with filaments and clumps of size 1' (or 0.6 pc at a distance of 2 kpc). The radio image at 1380 MHz is compared with IR and optical emission. The correspondence IR/radio is excellent along the N arm of CTB 80. Ionized gas observed in the [SII] line perfectly matches the W and N edges of CTB 80. The central nebula associated with the pulsar PSR B1951+32 was investigated with an angular resolution of 10" x 6". The new radio image obtained at 618 MHz shows with superb detail structures in the 8' x 4' E-W ``plateau'' nebula that hosts the pulsar on its western extreme. A twisted filament, about 6' in extent (~3.5 pc), trails behind the pulsar in an approximate W-E direction. In the bright ``core'' nebula (size \~45"), located to the W of the plateau, the images show a distortion in the morphology towards the W; this feature corresponds to the direction in which the pulsar escapes from the SNR with a velocity of ~240 km/s. Based on the new observations, the energetics of the SNR and of the PWN are investigated.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 6 eps figures, To appear in AJ Vol 126., No. 5, November 200