14 research outputs found

    Landslides and growing folds: A lesson from the Kura fold-and-thrust belt (Azerbaijan, Georgia)

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    peer reviewedActive fold-and-thrust belts create new landslide-prone slopes during tectonic deformation propagation. However, studies on landslide distribution in newly formed fold-and-thrust belts are limited. In this study, we present a new inventory of landslides in the Kura fold-and-thrust belt, a tectonically active, but relatively low-altitude southern margin of the Greater Caucasus. The area has been tectonically framed in the last ~2–3 Ma and is represented by folds and thrusts deforming Miocene to Quaternary sediments. Through satellite imagery analysis, we mapped nearly 1600 landslides, with a quarter currently active. While landslides cover <1 % of the area, they tend to cluster at higher elevations and in regions with relatively high local relief. Landslides predominantly occur in tectonically uplifted areas, affecting the highest and steepest parts of growing anticlines and the steep slopes of incising valleys intersecting active thrust faults. Based on observed landslide distribution in folds at different stages of development, we propose a conceptual model for the temporal evolution of landslide patterns in weak sediment-based fold-and-thrust belts: 1) In the initial stages, slow-moving slope deformations affect incipient thrust fronts. With the flanks of the growing anticline lacking sufficient steepness, landslides tend to concentrate in deep valleys intersecting the uplifting hanging walls. 2) With ongoing thrust uplift, growing and steepening anticlines become more prone to planar sliding when dip slopes exceed friction angle, and valley development creates additional dip slopes, resulting in widespread landslides. 3) In the final stage, erosional decay reduces topographic relief, leading to badland formation with gully erosion and decreased landslide occurrence

    New methods to reconstruct clast transport history in different glacial sedimentary environments: Case study for Old Red sandstone clasts from polythermal Hrbyebreen and Bertilbreen valley glaciers, Central Svalbard

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    The objective of this study were Little Ice Age (LIA) to recent subglacial tills, glaciofluvial sediments of proglacial sandur, esker sediments and sediments of moraine-mound complexes of Hrbyebreen polythermal valley glacier and LIA to recent sediments of lateral moraine, frontal moraine, ice-cored moraine and glaciofluvial sediments of proglacial sandur of Bertilbreen polythermal valley glacier. Fossil (probably early Holocene) subglacial and supraglacial tills and sediments of coarse-grained glaciomarginal delta of Bertilbreen have also been studied. The research focused on Old Red sandstone clasts, for which roundness, shape and striation presence have been investigated. The results from this research led to the proposal of new methodological approaches. It is mainly the covariant plot of striations and RA (the share of striated clasts versus the share of very angular and angular clasts), which effectively differentiate subglacial tills from glaciofluvial sediments and allows for identification of the source material of moraine-mound complexes, especially the oldest, more degraded parts near the maximum LIA glacier extent. The second is the covariant plot of distance and RS index (the distance from the starting point versus the share of subangular and subrounded clasts) to present downstream roundness trends in proglacial glaciofluvial sediments. The research confirmed the crucial role of lithological properties of thinly bedded rocks on the shape of these rock clasts in sediment and a minimum impact of passive and active transport on the clast shape modification

    Landslides on the growing folds of the Kura fold-and-thrust belt (Azerbaijan, Georgia)

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    editorial reviewedRising hillslopes in the active fold-and-thrust regions present new landslide-prone slopes. However, studies investigating landslides in newly formed fold-and-thrust belts are limited. In this research, we analyse landslide occurrences in the Kura fold-and-thrust belt, a geologically active region at the southern edge of the Greater Caucasus. This area has experienced significant tectonic shaping over the last 2-3 million years, affecting Miocene to Quaternary sediments. Using satellite imagery, we identified about 1600 landslides, a quarter of which are active. These landslides, although occupying less than 1% of the land, are predominantly found at higher elevations and areas with greater relief. They mainly occur in regions elevated by tectonic forces, especially on steep anticlines and valley slopes cut by active faults. Our findings lead to a conceptual model for the temporal evolution of landslide patterns in weak sediment-based fold-and-thrust belts: 1) Initially, slow deformations at thrust fronts lead to landslides in deep valleys intersecting the uplifting hanging walls. 2) As anticlines rise and steepen, they become more prone to planar sliding when dip slopes exceed friction angle, and valley development creates additional dip slopes resulting in widespread landslides. 3) Finally, erosion lowers relief, forming badlands and reducing landslide occurence

    Regional, tree-ring based chronology of landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians

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    Landslides are a type of mass wasting and denote any downslope movement of soil and rock under the influence of gravity; as such they can represent a dangerous natural hazard process, especially in case that they affect inhabited areas or transport infrastructure. Because the occurrence of landslides is typically favoured by terrain and lithological conditions, the process is frequently concentrated in relatively small, isolated regions exhibiting suitable initial conditions of terrain instability. Extensive regional assessments of landslide activity have been used in the past to uncover common triggers and process patterns, mostly in the aftermath of large, regional disasters. By contrast, however, regional reconstructions of past landslide activity have not been realized with dendrogeomorphic techniques, and with the aim to date past landslide histories over extended time periods and with annual dating precision. This study therefore aims at disentangling landslide dynamics at the regional scale (covering ca. 600 km2) by using growth-ring records of trees that grow on active landslides. The studied area of the Hostýnsko-vsetínská hornatina Mts. (Central Europe) is well known for its high landslide activity, but has so far been lacking a detailed chronology of past events. To this end, we dated past activity on 26 landslide bodies using tree-ring series from 1322 disturbed trees to reconstruct 327 landslide reactivations during the last century. The reconstructed landslide database allowed correlations between landslide types and their frequencies or occurrence, as well as inferences between selected morphometric parameters with landslide frequency and magnitude. We also observe periods of increased landslide activity (1940s, 1960s, 1980s, and 1990s) and events of regional importance (e.g., 1961, 1985, and 1997), as well as a significant decrease in landsliding during the last two decades

    Sackung and enigmatic mass movement folds on a structurally-controlled mountain ridge

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    The recently emerged concept of "slope tectonics" suggests that mass movement processes can produce structures similar in morphological expression to that of extensional, strike-slip and compressional tectonic deformations. Further, there has long been debate about the (tectonic or gravitational) origin of lineaments found on hillslopes. Here we present cases of where geological structure and inherited tectonic structures have preconditioned the development of mass movements and creation of slope tectonic features on a monoclinal ridge (Smrk Mt.) in the Outer Western Carpathians, Czechia. Geomorphic mapping from LiDAR-derived topography, structural measurements, electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar, were used to map synthetic and antithetic scarps, thrusts, and folds, and assess their relation to geological and tectonic structures. The scarps are found to be strongly related to transverse (NNW to NNE trending) inherited normal and strike-slip faults and mainly cross-cut the topography of the mountain ridge. Some of the folds are thought to have originated from buckling or compression in the distal parts of landslides. In other places, transpressional folds have developed oblique to major lateral shear surfaces interpreted to be sackung (mass movement scarps) that have been inherited from tectonic faults. The transpressional folds developed due to localized contraction along bends in the lateral shear surface as mass movement proceeded. Ramp-flat thrust folds developed in the compressional parts of landslides, where the landslide intersects with slope parallel sackung and/or inherited fault planes inclined to the slope. Altogether, this study demonstrates a connection between kinematics of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs), shallower landslides and the origin of transpressive, ramp-fiat thrust, and detachment structures in rock slopes.Web of Science32218717

    Low-topography deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: Slope instability of flysch thrust fronts (Outer Western Carpathians)

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    Unlike high-relief mountain areas, low-relief hilly landscapes are usually rarely affected by deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs). However, low-topography flysch thrust fronts can create suitable structural conditions for DSGSDs. The study area of the Kavalcanky ridge represents a relatively low-lying ( 120 m of local relief) DSGSD-affected ridge situated at the thrust front in the flysch Outer Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). With the aim of revealing the main controlling factors and temporal constraints of mass-movement activity, a multidisciplinary investigation of DSGSDs was performed. Typical DSGSD landforms were mapped using high-resolution LiDAR-based mapping. Structural analysis revealed the presence of specific flysch thrust structural conditions with competent sandstone units overthrusted on a weak tectonically disrupted claystone basement. Geophysical measurement with the use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiling confirmed the deep reach ( 50 m) of the studied DSGSD. Together with slope stability finite element modelling, geophysics suggests that the shear zone of DSGSDs is represented by one of the thrust faults, whereas lateral limits are formed by a set of conjugate strike-slip faults. Radiocarbon dating of bogs within the DSGSD body showed two phases of mass-movement activity corresponding to the Late Glacial-Holocene transition and Middle Holocene. The recent activity was excluded by dendrogeomorphic analysis. We concluded that the structural conditions involving high lithological complexity, tectonic weakening and the presence of major tectonic contacts might create conditions prone to DSGSDs even in relatively low topography settings with mass movement activity, especially during humid and warmer Late Quaternary periods.Web of Science389art. no. 10783

    Chronology and sedimentary characteristics of rock avalanches from Meseta Belgrano to Lago Pueyrred&amp;#243;n Valley, Patagonia

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    &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;On the northern slopes of Meseta Belgrano (MB), eastern foothills of Patagonian Andes in Argentina, complex of multiple overlapping rock avalanches and landslides can be found. Interpretation of remote-sensing data, field mapping, together with OSL dating of lacustrine sediments revealed that slope collapses evolved during last oscillations of the Patagonian Ice Sheet and after its retreat. The longest rock avalanche with ~11 km runout originated most likely before the last glacial advance following the LGM because it involves moraine deposits in part of the scarp area. We suppose, that the distal part of the rock avalanche body was subaqueous due to presence of a proglacial lake in Lago Pueyrred&amp;amp;#243;n Valley after LGM. The hummocky character of the distal body and its lithological composition coming from MB bedrock was preserved, but the deposit is discontinuous with straight east-west glacial lineations on the surface. We think this is result of erosion by the ice sheet approaching from East during post-LGM glacial fluctuations. Next pronounced landslide activity took place after ~17 ka BP, when at least three rock avalanches overlaid lacustrine sediments in a dropping proglacial lake. One of them, superimposing the above described older rock avalanche, evolved from the collapsed moraine deposit and created ~5 km long lobe with subaqueous radial distal part. In the proximal parts of the rock avalanches east from this form, bellow the slopes of MB, distinct large ridge-like forms are visible in topography. They are similar to moraine ridges preserved on the MB slopes in higher altitudes. They can be interpreted as lower-lying moraines, but this requires another pronounced ice-sheet oscillation after its final retreat, which was not documented in Patagonian Ice Sheet chronostratigraphy. Thus, we interpret them as Toreva blocks. Documentation and granulometric analysis of natural outcrops in rock avalanche bodies show that typical features, i.e. blocky, jigsaw and fragmented facies are present throughout the depth along whole travel distances of rock avalanches. Fragmented facies with jigsaw-fractured blocks and preserved original lithology sequence are most frequent. Sedimentary facies are very similar in all of the studied rock avalanches, which collapsed from bedrock MB slopes, regardless of their age or size.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;</jats:p

    Large rock avalanches into a glacial lake(s): a new chapter of the Patagonian Ice Sheet story

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    &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Although ice retreat is widely considered to be an important factor in landslide origin, many links between deglaciation and slope instabilities are yet to be discovered. Here we focus on the origin and chronology of an exceptionally large landslides situated along the eastern margin of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS). Accumulations of the largest rock avalanches in the former PIS territory are concentrated in the Lago Pueyrred&amp;amp;#243;n valley at the eastern foothills of the Patagonian Andes in Argentina. Long-runout landslides have formed along the rims of sedimentary and volcanic mesetas, but also on the slopes of moraines from the Last Glacial Maximum. At least two rock avalanches have volumes greater than 1 km&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;3&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; and many other landslide accumulations have volumes in the order of tens to hundreds of million m&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;3&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;. Using cross-cutting relationships with glacial and lacustrine sediments and using OSL and &amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;14&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;C dating, we found that the largest volume of landslides occurred between ~17 and ~11 ka BP. This period coincides with a phase of rapid PIS retreat, the greatest intensity of glacial isostatic uplift, and a fast dropping of the glacial lakes along the foothills of the Patagonian Andes. The position of paleoshorelines in the landslide bodies and, in many places, the presence of folded and thrusted lacustrine sediments at the contact with rock avalanche deposits indicate that the landslides collapsed directly into the glacial lake. Although landslides along the former glacial lobe of Lago Pueyrred&amp;amp;#243;n continue today, they are at least an order of magnitude smaller than the rock and debris avalanches that occurred before the drainage of the glacial lake around 10-11 ka BP. Numerical modeling results indicate that large postglacial landslides may have been triggered by a combination of rapid sequential glacial lake drawdowns and seismicity due to glacial isostatic adjustment. We conclude that in addition to direct links such as glacial oversteepening, debuttressing and permafrost degradation, the retreat of ice sheets and the subsequent formation of transient large glacial lakes can fundamentally alter slope stability, especially if the slopes are built by weak sedimentary and volcanic rocks.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;</jats:p