309 research outputs found

    Limits of near transfer: content- and operation-specific effects of working memory training

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    Working memory (WM) training typically leads to large performance gains in the practiced tasks, but transfer of these gains to other contexts is elusive. One possible explanation for the inconsistent findings of past research is that transfer may only occur when cognitive strategies acquired during training can also be applied in the transfer tasks. Therefore, we systematically varied the content domains and WM operations assessed by training and transfer tasks and, thereby, the extent to which similar cognitive strategies could be applied. We randomly assigned 171 young adults to 1 of 8 experimental groups who trained 1 of 2 working memory operations (storage and processing or relational integration ) with materials from 1 of 4 content domains (verbal, numerical, figural-icon, or figural-pattern), to an active or to a passive control group. Before and after 12 sessions of adaptive training within 2-3 weeks, performance was assessed in all eight WM tasks. Bayesian generalized-mixed effects models revealed improved performance in the trained tasks compared to the active control group. However, these improvements did not generalize to tasks measuring the same WM operation with different materials. Moreover, the comparison of the training groups with an active and a passive control group showed considerable differences, thus highlighting the importance of distinguishing between active and passive control. Overall, the findings revealed no evidence for transfer between tasks assumed to afford the same strategies. Therefore, the adoption of specific cognitive strategies alone is unlikely to be responsible for transfer of WM training gains between tasks

    Quantum jumps induced by the center-of-mass motion of a trapped atom

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    We theoretically study the occurrence of quantum jumps in the resonance fluorescence of a trapped atom. Here, the atom is laser cooled in a configuration of level such that the occurrence of a quantum jump is associated to a change of the vibrational center-of-mass motion by one phonon. The statistics of the occurrence of the dark fluorescence period is studied as a function of the physical parameters and the corresponding features in the spectrum of resonance fluorescence are identified. We discuss the information which can be extracted on the atomic motion from the observation of a quantum jump in the considered setup

    Narrow Spectral Feature In Resonance Fluorescence With A Single Monochromatic Laser Field

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    We describe the resonance fluorescence spectrum of an atomic three-level system where two of the states are coupled by a single monochromatic laser field. The influence of the third energy level, which interacts with the two laser-coupled states only via radiative decays, is studied in detail. For a suitable choice of parameters, this system gives rise to a very narrow structure at the laser frequency in the fluorescence spectrum which is not present in the spectrum of a two-level atom. We find those parameter ranges by a numerical analysis and use the results to derive analytical expressions for the additional narrow peak. We also derive an exact expression for the peak intensity under the assumption that a random telegraph model is applicable to the system. This model and a simple spring model are then used to describe the physical origins of the additional peak. Using these results, we explain the connection between our system, a three-level system in V-configuration where both transitions are laser driven, and a related experiment which was recently reported.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, extension of the spring mode

    Resonance fluorescence of a trapped three-level atom

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    We investigate theoretically the spectrum of resonance fluorescence of a harmonically trapped atom, whose internal transitions are Λ\Lambda--shaped and driven at two-photon resonance by a pair of lasers, which cool the center--of--mass motion. For this configuration, photons are scattered only due to the mechanical effects of the quantum interaction between light and atom. We study the spectrum of emission in the final stage of laser--cooling, when the atomic center-of-mass dynamics is quantum mechanical and the size of the wave packet is much smaller than the laser wavelength (Lamb--Dicke limit). We use the spectral decomposition of the Liouville operator of the master equation for the atomic density matrix and apply second order perturbation theory. We find that the spectrum of resonance fluorescence is composed by two narrow sidebands -- the Stokes and anti-Stokes components of the scattered light -- while all other signals are in general orders of magnitude smaller. For very low temperatures, however, the Mollow--type inelastic component of the spectrum becomes visible. This exhibits novel features which allow further insight into the quantum dynamics of the system. We provide a physical model that interprets our results and discuss how one can recover temperature and cooling rate of the atom from the spectrum. The behaviour of the considered system is compared with the resonance fluorescence of a trapped atom whose internal transition consists of two-levels.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Figure

    Spontaneous emission of an atom in front of a mirror

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    Motivated by a recent experiment [J. Eschner {\it et al.}, Nature {\bf 413}, 495 (2001)], we now present a theoretical study on the fluorescence of an atom in front of a mirror. On the assumption that the presence of the distant mirror and a lens imposes boundary conditions on the electric field in a plane close to the atom, we derive the intensities of the emitted light as a function of an effective atom-mirror distance. The results obtained are in good agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, revised version, references adde

    Size-resolved online chemical analysis of nanoaerosol particles: a thermal desorption differential mobility analyzer coupled to a chemical ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer

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    A new method for size-resolved chemical analysis of nucleation mode aerosol particles (size range from  ∼ 10 to  ∼ 30&thinsp;nm) is presented. The Thermal Desorption Differential Mobility Analyzer (TD-DMA) uses an online, discontinuous principle. The particles are charged, a specific size is selected by differential mobility analysis and they are collected on a filament by electrostatic precipitation. Subsequently, the sampled mass is evaporated in a clean carrier gas and analyzed by a chemical ionization mass spectrometer. Gas-phase measurements are performed with the same mass spectrometer during the sampling of particles. The characterization shows reproducible results, with a particle size resolution of 1.19 and the transmission efficiency for 15&thinsp;nm particles being slightly above 50&thinsp;%. The signal from the evaporation of a test substance can be detected starting from 0.01&thinsp;ng and shows a linear response in the mass spectrometer. Instrument operation in the range of pg&thinsp;m−3 is demonstrated by an example measurement of 15&thinsp;nm particles produced by nucleation from dimethylamine, sulfuric acid and water.</p

    Resonance Fluorescence Spectrum of a Trapped Ion Undergoing Quantum Jumps

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    We experimentally investigate the resonance fluorescence spectrum of single 171Yb and 172Yb ions which are laser cooled to the Lamb-Dicke regime in a radiofrequency trap. While the fluorescence scattering of 172Yb is continuous, the 171Yb fluorescence is interrupted by quantum jumps because a nonvanishing rate of spontaneous transitions leads to electron shelving in the metastable hyperfine sublevel 2D3/2(F=2). The average duration of the resulting dark periods can be varied by changing the intensity of a repumping laser field. Optical heterodyne detection is employed to analyze the fluorescence spectrum near the Rayleigh elastic scattering peak. It is found that the stochastic modulation of the fluorescence emission by quantum jumps gives rise to a Lorentzian component in the fluorescence spectrum, and that the linewidth of this component varies according to the average duration of the dark fluorescence periods. The experimental observations are in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 14 pages including 4 figures, pdf file, fig.1 replace