54 research outputs found

    The effect of vegetation harvest on the operation of a surface flow constructed wetland

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    [EN] Constructed wetlands represent a low-cost and highly efficient municipal wastewater treatment alternative, due to their low technological and energy demands. Wetland vegetation releases an amount of carbon to the system, when it is decomposed (winter period). Part of this organic matter could remain in the system, and will be decomposed at very low rates during winter and spring. In this research, a constructed superficial-flow wetland was divided into two equal parts and vegetation (Typha latifolia) was harvested in one of them. The organic load applied to the system was 11.2 gBOD/m2·d. The control of the organic matter was carried out during 141 d (111 d in winter and 30 d in spring). Differences in efficiencies (TSS, BOD and COD), were observed between both types of the wetland, with an important increase in these differences during spring. Vegetation released organic matter to the system, specially suspended and biodegradable matter. BOD and TSS released per dry gram of Typha were 4.24 mgBOD/gTypha and 4.36 mgTSS/gTypha, respectively. Harvest is a recommended practice in systems treating diluted wastewater, especially in productive areas like the Mediterranean. The recommendations can also be applied to a broader geographic areaS

    The persistence of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the human diet during the Lower Magdalenian in northern Spain: Insights from El Cierro cave (Asturias, Spain)

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    he dominance of red deer in Magdalenian records in Cantabrian Spain is a well-studied issue. Given the great accumulations of this species in those deposits, researchers have offered diverse interpretations of the phenomenon, related to ecology, orography or ethology. However, fewer papers carry out comparative intra-site analysis, which is able to document the existence of changes or continuities in the subsistence strategies at an archaeological site. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the archaeozoological analysis of Levels F and G in El Cierro cave (Asturias, Spain), both of them dated during Greenland Stadial 2, in the Lower Magdalenian (15,460 ± 75 and 15,580 ± 75 BP, respectively). Similar percentages of mammals have been documented in the two levels, as well as the same meat and fat consumption and processing strategies. Thus, this paper intends to determine how much energy red deer supplied to the diet of the humans that inhabited El Cierro, in comparison with other hunted and consumed fauna during the Lower Magdalenian. This study highlights the continuity of exploitation patterns of faunal resources in El Cierro cave during the Lower Magdalenian. This continuity is specifically seen in red deer, since the geographic characteristics of the Sella Valley, the abundance of the biotype, and the economic profitability of this species made it the main resource of animal origin for the hunter-gatherers at that site.This research was undertaken in the context of the Spanish projects HAR2014-51830-P funded by the Programa Nacional de Humanidades in the R&D Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and HAR2017-82557-P, funded by the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and PhD scholarship Junta de Castilla y León and Fondo Social Europeo (R. Portero)

    Influencia de la vegetación sobre la eliminación de bacterias en humedales de flujo superficial

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    El cosechado de vegetación es uno de los puntos controvertidos en relación con el funcionamiento y la gestión de humedales construidos. La cosecha generalmente se evita, en la mayor parte de los lugares, debido a la baja cantidad de nutrientes eliminados en relación con el gasto generado. En determinadas condiciones la cosecha podría tener importancia para reducir la producción de materia orgánica y aumentar la inactivación bacteriana. Se cosechó la mitad de la superficie de un humedal artificial de flujo superficial plantado con Typha y esta mitad fue aislada de la parte no cosechada utilizando una membrana impermeable. Los efluentes de ambas partes (cosechada y no cosechada) fueron comparados en relación con la eliminación de indicadores fecales. Coliformes fecales, E. coli, estreptococos, estafilococos, Clostridium perfringens y bacteriófagos fueron analizados en el influente y en el efluente entre los meses de diciembre de 2004 y abril de 2005. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en varios grupos bacteriales. Desde este artículo proponemos el sistema de cosechado como una técnica de gestión apropiada en condiciones mediterráneas sobre todo para aguas residuales de baja carga contaminante

    Más vale prevenir que curar

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized by the destruction of beta cells’ pancreatic islets that leads to low or undetectable levels of endogenous insulin. Good glycemic control is the gold standard for preventing microvascular and macrovascular complications. In the clinical case described below, we found a young patient diagnosed with type 1 DM with multiple complications secondary to poor glycemic control. In addition, the patient has an Addison syndrome, which is sometimes related to diabetes but is not a complication of it.La diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 1 es una enfermedad caracterizada por la destrucción de islotes pancreáticos de células beta que lleva a presentar niveles bajos o indetectables de insulina endógena. El buen control glucémico es el patrón oro para prevenir complicaciones micro y macrovasculares. En el caso clínico descrito a continuación nos encontramos una paciente joven con diagnóstico de DM tipo 1 con múltiples complicaciones secundarias a un mal control glucémico. Además, la paciente presenta un síndrome de Addison, que se relaciona en ocasiones con la diabetes pero no es una complicación de la misma

    Drivers for spatial modelling of a critically endangered seabird on a dynamic ocean area: Balearic shearwaters are non-vegetarian

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    1. Spatial modelling is an important research tool to improve our knowledge about the distribution of wildlife in the ocean. Using different modelling techniques (MaxEnt and a generalized linear mixed model), a predictive habitat suitability model was developed for one of the most threatened seabirds in the world: the Balearic shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus. 2. Models were developed using a 10-year dataset from the Gulf of Cádiz (on the south-western Iberian Peninsula), a key foraging area for Balearic shearwaters during migration and the non-breeding season. 3. Predictive habitat maps strongly matched the observed distribution patterns, pointing to bathymetric features as the main modelling drivers. The species was concentrated on shallow areas (up to approximately 100 m in depth) of the continental shelf, very close to the mouth of the Guadalquivir River. In contrast with previous studies, Balearic shearwater distribution in the highly dynamic Gulf of Cádiz was not correlated with areas of high chlorophyll a concentration. 4. This lack of spatial correlation probably arises from the delay between the phytoplankton bloom and the response of the zooplankton and small fish that are preyed upon by Balearic shearwaters, which may result in important displacements of this trophic chain across the Gulf of Cádiz. 5. The analysis presented contributes to a better understanding of the spatial distribution and ecology of the critically endangered top predator in the Gulf of Cádiz and offers important information to improve management plans.Versión del editor1,92

    Relative abundance and distribution of fisheries influence risk of seabird bycatch

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    Fisheries provide an abundant and predictable food source for many pelagic seabirds through discards, but also pose a major threat to them through bycatch, threatening their populations worldwide. The reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which intends to ban discards through the landing obligation of all catches, may force seabirds to seek alternative food sources, such as baited hooks from longlines, increasing bycatch rates. To test this hypothesis we performed a combined analysis of seabird-fishery interactions using as a model Scopoli's shearwaters Calonectris diomedea in the Mediterranean. Tracking data showed that the probability of shearwaters attending longliners increased exponentially with a decreasing density of trawlers. On-board observations and mortality events corroborated this result: the probability of birds attending longliners increased 4% per each trawler leaving the longliner proximity and bird mortality increased tenfold when trawlers were not operating. Therefore, the implementation of the landing obligation in EU waters will likely cause a substantial increase in bycatch rates in longliners, at least in the short-term, due to birds switching from trawlers to longliners. Thus the implementation of the landing obligation must be carefully monitored and counterbalanced with an urgent implementation of bycatch mitigation measures in the longline fleet

    Influence of the vegetation on the elimination of bacteria in wetlands superficial flow

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    [ES] El cosechado de vegetación es uno de los puntos controvertidos en relación con el funcionamiento y la gestión de humedales construidos. La cosecha generalmente se evita, en la mayor parte de los lugares, debido a la baja cantidad de nutrientes eliminados en relación con el gasto generado. En determinadas condiciones la cosecha podría tener importancia para reducir la producción de materia orgánica y aumentar la inactivación bacteriana. Se cosechó la mitad de la superficie de un humedal artificial de flujo superficial plantado con Typha y esta mitad fue aislada de la parte no cosechada utilizando una membrana impermeable. Los efluentes de ambas partes (cosechada y no cosechada) fueron comparados en relación con la eliminación de indicadores fecales. Coliformes fecales, E. coli, estreptococos, estafilococos, Clostridium perfringens y bacteriófagos fueron analizados en el influente y en el efluente entre los meses de diciembre de 2004 y abril de 2005. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en varios grupos bacteriales. Desde este artículo proponemos el sistema de cosechado como una técnica de gestión apropiada en condiciones mediterráneas sobre todo para aguas residuales de baja carga contaminante[EN] Harvest of vegetation is one of the controversial points in relation to operation and management of constructed wetlands. Harvesting is generally avoided in most places due to the low amount of nutrients removed and its associated costs. In some conditions harvesting could be important as it reduces organic matter production and increases inactivation of bacteria. A superficial-flow constructed wetland planted with Typha was half-harvested and isolated from the non harvested part using a impermeable layer. Efluents from harvested and non-harvested parts were compared in relation to faecal indicators removal. Faecal coliforms, E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, Clostridium perfringens and phages were analyzed in the influent and effluents from december 2004 to april 2005. Results showed statistically significant differences in several bacterial groups. From this paper we propose harvesting as an appropriated management technique in Mediterranean conditions especially for low loaded wastewatersS

    The ecology of diatoms inhabiting cryoconite holes in Antisana Glacier, Ecuador

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    Published for International Glaciological Society, IGS[EN] In the ablation zone of glacier habitats, cryoconite holes are known to harbor diverse microbial communities, including unique diatom floras distinct from those of surrounding aquatic and terrestrial systems. Besides descriptive studies, little is known about the diversity of cryoconite diatoms and their response to environmental stressors, particularly in low-latitude glaciers. This paper documents an extremely diversified diatom community in Antisana Glacier (Ecuador), reporting 278 taxa found in 54 surface holes, although with low individual abundances. Contrary to our expectations, assemblage structure did not respond to water physical or chemical characteristics, nor to cryoconite hole morphology, but to elevation. We demonstrate that elevation is a driver of diatom assemblages. Both alpha diversity (measured as Fisher's index) and species richness (corrected for unequal sample sizes) correlated negatively with elevation, suggesting a replacement toward simplified, poorer communities along this gradient. The taxonomic composition also changed significantly, as revealed by multivariate statistics. In summary, cryoconite holes are sites of high taxonomic diversity composed of taxa that are allochthonous in originSIThe authors are thankful to the ‘Fonag’, EPMAPS” and ‘Ministerio del Ambiente’, Ecuador, for collection permission No. MAE-DNB-CM 2018-0028-0093. The research was funded by Proyecto de Investigación DII-UISEK-P041516_3, (SC) ‘Índice Biótico de Calidad de Agua para el Ecuador’, Universidad Internacional SEK and Convenio Marco de Cooperación entre la Universidad de León, España y La Universidad Internacional SEK, Ecuado

    Destino fatal

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    We present the case of a young man with unhealthy habits of life with obesity and severe hypertriglyceridemia that is also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The patient has recurrent acute pancreatitis presenting two episodes in the past that resolved without sequelae and that in a third occasion leaded to a fatal outcome. We tried to study with this case a possible complication related to diabetes mellitus. At the same time we reflect the importance that can have in the development of a chronic disease to follow some habits of life not recommended.Exponemos el caso de un varón joven con hábitos de vida poco saludables con obesidad e hipertrigliceridemia grave que además está diagnosticado de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. El paciente presenta pancreatitis agudas de repetición, con dos episodios en el pasado que se resolvieron sin dejar secuelas y que, en una tercera ocasión, le lleva a un desenlace fatal. Tratamos de estudiar con este caso una posible complicación relacionada con la diabetes mellitus. A la vez, reflejamos la importancia que puede tener en el desarrollo de una enfermedad crónica seguir unos hábitos de vida poco recomendables

    Sex-specific foraging behaviour in response to fishing activities in a threatened seabird

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    Some seabird species have learnt to efficiently exploit fishing discards from trawling activities. However, a discard ban has been proposed as necessary in Europe to ensure the sustainability of the seas. It is of crucial importance for the management and conservation purposes to study the potential consequences of a discard ban on the foraging ecology of threatened seabirds. We assessed the influence of fishing activities on the feeding habits of 22 male and 15 female Audouin's gulls ( Larus audouinii ) from the Ebro Delta (Mediterranean Sea) during the breeding period using GPS loggers together with Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA), which provided new insights into their foraging behavior and trophic ecology, respectively. GPS data revealed different sex-specific foraging patterns between workdays and weekends. Females were highly consistent in that they foraged at sea throughout the week even though discarding stops at weekends. In contrast, males switched from foraging at sea during the week (when discards are produced) to an increased use of rice field habitats at week- ends (when fishermen do not work). This sex-specific foraging behavior could be related to specific nutritional requirements associated with previous egg pro- duction, an energetically demanding period for females. However, on a broader time scale integrated by the SIA, both sexes showed a high degree of individual specialization in their trophic ecology. The need to obtain detailed information on the dependence and response of seabirds to fishing activities is crucial in conservation sciences. In this regard, sex-specific foraging behavior in relation to fisheries has been overlooked, despite the ecological and conservation impli- cations. For instance, this situation may lead to sex differentiation in bycatch mortality in longlines when trawlers do not operate. Moreover, any new fisher- ies policy will need to be implemented gradually to facilitate the adaptation of a specialized species to a discard ban scenario