1,054 research outputs found

    Path integrals on manifolds by finite dimensional approximation

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    Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary and let H be a self-adjoint generalized Laplace operator acting on sections in a bundle over M. We give a path integral formula for the solution to the corresponding heat equation. This is based on approximating path space by finite dimensional spaces of geodesic polygons. We also show a uniform convergence result for the heat kernels. This yields a simple and natural proof for the Hess-Schrader-Uhlenbrock estimate and a path integral formula for the trace of the heat operator.Comment: 23 page

    Generalized Cylinders in Semi-Riemannian and Spin Geometry

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    We use a construction which we call generalized cylinders to give a new proof of the fundamental theorem of hypersurface theory. It has the advantage of being very simple and the result directly extends to semi-Riemannian manifolds and to embeddings into spaces of constant curvature. We also give a new way to identify spinors for different metrics and to derive the variation formula for the Dirac operator. Moreover, we show that generalized Killing spinors for Codazzi tensors are restrictions of parallel spinors. Finally, we study the space of Lorentzian metrics and give a criterion when two Lorentzian metrics on a manifold can be joined in a natural manner by a 1-parameter family of such metrics.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Twisted-mass QCD, O(a) improvement and Wilson chiral perturbation theory

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    We point out a caveat in the proof for automatic O(a) improvement in twisted mass lattice QCD at maximal twist angle. With the definition for the twist angle previously given by Frezzotti and Rossi, automatic O(a) improvement can fail unless the quark mass satisfies m_q >> a^2 Lambda_QCD^3. We propose a different definition for the twist angle which does not require a restriction on the quark mass for automatic O(a) improvement. In order to illustrate explicitly automatic O(a) improvement we compute the pion mass in the corresponding chiral effective theory. We consider different definitions for maximal twist and show explicitly the absence or presence of the leading O(a) effect, depending on the size of the quark mass.Comment: 27 pages, no figure

    Generic metrics and the mass endomorphism on spin three-manifolds

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a closed Riemannian spin manifold. The constant term in the expansion of the Green function for the Dirac operator at a fixed point pMp\in M is called the mass endomorphism in pp associated to the metric gg due to an analogy to the mass in the Yamabe problem. We show that the mass endomorphism of a generic metric on a three-dimensional spin manifold is nonzero. This implies a strict inequality which can be used to avoid bubbling-off phenomena in conformal spin geometry.Comment: 8 page

    Spatio-temporal dynamics induced by competing instabilities in two asymmetrically coupled nonlinear evolution equations

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    Pattern formation often occurs in spatially extended physical, biological and chemical systems due to an instability of the homogeneous steady state. The type of the instability usually prescribes the resulting spatio-temporal patterns and their characteristic length scales. However, patterns resulting from the simultaneous occurrence of instabilities cannot be expected to be simple superposition of the patterns associated with the considered instabilities. To address this issue we design two simple models composed by two asymmetrically coupled equations of non-conserved (Swift-Hohenberg equations) or conserved (Cahn-Hilliard equations) order parameters with different characteristic wave lengths. The patterns arising in these systems range from coexisting static patterns of different wavelengths to traveling waves. A linear stability analysis allows to derive a two parameter phase diagram for the studied models, in particular revealing for the Swift-Hohenberg equations a co-dimension two bifurcation point of Turing and wave instability and a region of coexistence of stationary and traveling patterns. The nonlinear dynamics of the coupled evolution equations is investigated by performing accurate numerical simulations. These reveal more complex patterns, ranging from traveling waves with embedded Turing patterns domains to spatio-temporal chaos, and a wide hysteretic region, where waves or Turing patterns coexist. For the coupled Cahn-Hilliard equations the presence of an weak coupling is sufficient to arrest the coarsening process and to lead to the emergence of purely periodic patterns. The final states are characterized by domains with a characteristic length, which diverges logarithmically with the coupling amplitude.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Chao

    Dirac-harmonic maps from index theory

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    We prove existence results for Dirac-harmonic maps using index theoretical tools. They are mainly interesting if the source manifold has dimension 1 or 2 modulo 8. Our solutions are uncoupled in the sense that the underlying map between the source and target manifolds is a harmonic map.Comment: 26 pages, no figur

    The Dirac operator on untrapped surfaces

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    We establish a sharp extrinsic lower bound for the first eigenvalue of the Dirac operator of an untrapped surface in initial data sets without apparent horizon in terms of the norm of its mean curvature vector. The equality case leads to rigidity results for the constraint equations with spherical boundary as well as uniqueness results for constant mean curvature surfaces in Minkowski space.Comment: 16 page

    Pion scattering in Wilson ChPT

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    We compute the scattering amplitude for pion scattering in Wilson chiral perturbation theory for two degenerate quark flavors. We consider two different regimes where the quark mass m is of order (i) a\Lambda_QCD^2 and (ii) a^2\Lambda_QCD^3. Analytic expressions for the scattering lengths in all three isospin channels are given. As a result of the O(a^2) terms the I=0 and I=2 scattering lengths do not vanish in the chiral limit. Moreover, additional chiral logarithms proportional to a^2\ln M_{\pi}^2 are present in the one-loop results for regime (ii). These contributions significantly modify the familiar results from continuum chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. V3: Comments on finite size effects and the axial vector current added, one more reference. To be published in PR

    Applying chiral perturbation to twisted mass Lattice QCD

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    We have explored twisted mass LQCD (tmLQCD) analytically using chiral perturbation theory, including discretization effects up to O(a^2), and working at next-to-leading (NLO) order in the chiral expansion. In particular we have studied the vacuum structure, and calculated the dependence of pion masses and decay constants on the quark mass, twisting angle and lattice spacing. We give explicit examples for quantities that both are and are not automatically improved at maximal twisting.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at Lattice2004(spectrum), Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, June 21 - 26, 2004. v2: Minor typos fixed, slight page format adjustment for generating 3 page postscript at the arXiv. v3: Change to meta-data field only. No change to actual pape

    The Cauchy problems for Einstein metrics and parallel spinors

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    We show that in the analytic category, given a Riemannian metric gg on a hypersurface MZM\subset \Z and a symmetric tensor WW on MM, the metric gg can be locally extended to a Riemannian Einstein metric on ZZ with second fundamental form WW, provided that gg and WW satisfy the constraints on MM imposed by the contracted Codazzi equations. We use this fact to study the Cauchy problem for metrics with parallel spinors in the real analytic category and give an affirmative answer to a question raised in B\"ar, Gauduchon, Moroianu (2005). We also answer negatively the corresponding questions in the smooth category.Comment: 28 pages; final versio