1,326 research outputs found

    The ROSAT-ESO Flux-Limited X-Ray (REFLEX) Galaxy Cluster Survey VI: Constraints on the cosmic matter density from the KL power spectrum

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    The Karhunen-Lo\'{e}ve (KL) eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the sample correlation matrix are used to analyse the spatial fluctuations of the REFLEX clusters of galaxies. The method avoids the disturbing effects of correlated power spectral densities which affects all previous cluster measurements on Gpc scales. Comprehensive tests use a large set of independent REFLEX-like mock cluster samples extracted from the Hubble Volume Simulation. It is found that unbiased measurements on Gpc scales are possible with the REFLEX data. The distribution of the KL eigenvalues are consistent with a Gaussian random field on the 93.4% confidence level. Assuming spatially flat cold dark matter models, the marginalization of the likelihood contours over different sample volumes, fiducial cosmologies, mass/X-ray luminosity relations and baryon densities, yields the 95.4% confidence interval for the matter density of 0.03<Ωmh2<0.190.03<\Omega_mh^2<0.19. The N-body simulations show that cosmic variance, although difficult to estimate, is expected to increase the confidence intervals by about 50%.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Probing the evolution of the substructure frequency in galaxy clusters up to z~1

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    Context. Galaxy clusters are the last and largest objects to form in the standard hierarchical structure formation scenario through merging of smaller systems. The substructure frequency in the past and present epoch provides excellent means for studying the underlying cosmological model. Aims. Using X-ray observations, we study the substructure frequency as a function of redshift by quantifying and comparing the fraction of dynamically young clusters at different redshifts up to z=1.08. We are especially interested in possible biases due to the inconsistent data quality of the low-z and high-z samples. Methods. Two well-studied morphology estimators, power ratio P3/P0 and center shift w, were used to quantify the dynamical state of 129 galaxy clusters, taking into account the different observational depth and noise levels of the observations. Results. Owing to the sensitivity of P3/P0 to Poisson noise, it is essential to use datasets with similar photon statistics when studying the P3/P0-z relation. We degraded the high-quality data of the low-redshift sample to the low data quality of the high-z observations and found a shallow positive slope that is, however, not significant, indicating a slightly larger fraction of dynamically young objects at higher redshift. The w-z relation shows no significant dependence on the data quality and gives a similar result. Conclusions. We find a similar trend for P3/P0 and w, namely a very mild increase of the disturbed cluster fraction with increasing redshifts. Within the significance limits, our findings are also consistent with no evolution.Comment: A&A in pres

    The extended ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray Galaxy Cluster Survey (REFLEX II) IV. X-ray Luminosity Function and First Constraints on Cosmological Parameters

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    The X-ray luminosity function is an important statistic of the census of galaxy clusters and an important means to probe the cosmological model of our Universe. Based on our recently completed REFLEX II cluster sample we construct the X-ray luminosity function of galaxy clusters for several redshift slices from z=0z = 0 to z=0.4z = 0.4 and discuss its implications. We find no significant signature of redshift evolution of the luminosity function in the redshift interval. We provide the results of fits of a parameterized Schechter function and extensions of it which provide a reasonable characterization of the data. Using a model for structure formation and galaxy cluster evolution we compare the observed X-ray luminosity function with predictions for different cosmological models. For the most interesting constraints for the cosmological parameters Ωm\Omega_m and σ8\sigma_8 we obatain Ωm0.27±0.03\Omega_m \sim 0.27 \pm 0.03 and σ80.80±0.03\sigma_8 \sim 0.80 \pm 0.03 based on the statistical uncertainty alone. Marginalizing over the most important uncertainties, the normalisation and slope of the LXML_X - M scaling relation, we find Ωm0.29±0.04\Omega_m \sim 0.29 \pm 0.04 and σ80.77±0.07\sigma_8 \sim 0.77 \pm 0.07 (1σ1\sigma confidence limits). We compare our results with those of the SZ-cluster survey provided by the PLANCK mission and we find very good agreement with the results using PLANCK clusters as cosmological probes, but we have some tension with PLANCK cosmological results from the microwave background anisotropies. We also make a comparison with other cluster surveys. We find good agreement with these previous results and show that the REFLEX II survey provides a significant reduction in the uncertainties compared to earlier measurements.Comment: Submitted for publication to Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 pages, 17 figure

    RASS-SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey. VII. On the Cluster Mass to Light ratio and the Halo Occupation Distribution

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    We explore the mass-to-light ratio in galaxy clusters and its relation to the cluster mass. We study the relations among the optical luminosity (LopL_{op}), the cluster mass (M200M_{200}) and the number of cluster galaxies within r200r_{200} (NgalN_{gal}) in a sample of 217 galaxy clusters with confirmed 3D overdensity. We correct for projection effects, by determining the galaxy surface number density profile in our cluster sample. This is best fitted by a cored King profile in low and intermediate mass systems. The core radius decreases with cluster mass, and, for the highest mass clusters, the profile is better represented by a generalized King profile or a cuspy Navarro, Frenk & White profile. We find a very tight proportionality between LopL_{op} and NgalN_{gal}, which, in turn, links the cluster mass-to-light ratio to the Halo Occupation Distribution NgalN_{gal} vs. M200M_{200}. After correcting for projection effects, the slope of the LopM200L_{op}-M_{200} and NgalM200N_{gal}-M_{200} relations is found to be 0.92±0.030.92\pm0.03, close, but still significantly less than unity. We show that the non-linearity of these relations cannot be explained by variations of the galaxy luminosity distributions and of the galaxy M/L with the cluster mass. We suggest that the nonlinear relation between number of galaxies and cluster mass reflects an underlying nonlinear relation between number of subhaloes and halo mass.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Studying the properties of galaxy cluster morphology estimators

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    X-ray observations of galaxy clusters reveal a large range of morphologies with various degrees of disturbance, showing that the assumptions of hydrostatic equilibrium and spherical shape which are used to determine the cluster mass from X-ray data are not always satisfied. It is therefore important for the understanding of cluster properties as well as for cosmological applications to detect and quantify substructure in X-ray images of galaxy clusters. Two promising methods to do so are power ratios and center shifts. Since these estimators can be heavily affected by Poisson noise and X-ray background, we performed an extensive analysis of their statistical properties using a large sample of simulated X-ray observations of clusters from hydrodynamical simulations. We quantify the measurement bias and error in detail and give ranges where morphological analysis is feasible. A new, computationally fast method to correct for the Poisson bias and the X-ray background contribution in power ratio and center shift measurements is presented and tested for typical XMM-Newton observational data sets. We studied the morphology of 121 simulated cluster images and establish structure boundaries to divide samples into relaxed, mildly disturbed and disturbed clusters. In addition, we present a new morphology estimator - the peak of the 0.3-1 r500 P3/P0 profile to better identify merging clusters. The analysis methods were applied to a sample of 80 galaxy clusters observed with XMM-Newton. We give structure parameters (P3/P0 in r500, w and P3/P0_max) for all 80 observed clusters. Using our definition of the P3/P0 (w) substructure boundary, we find 41% (47%) of our observed clusters to be disturbed.Comment: Replaced to match version published in A&A, Eq. 1 correcte

    Violent Relaxation of Indistinguishable Objects and Neutrino Hot Dark Matter in Clusters of Galaxies

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    The statistical mechanical investigation of violent relaxation (Lynden-Bell 1967) is extended to indistinguishable objects. It is found that, coincidentally, the equilibrium distribution is the same as that obtained for classical objects. For massive neutrinos, the Tremaine \& Gunn (1979) phase space bound is revisited and reinterpretated as the limit indicating the onset of degeneracy related to the coarse-grained phase space distribution. In the context of one of the currently most popular cosmological models, the Cold and Hot Dark Matter (CHDM) model (Primack et al. 1995), the onset of degeneracy may be of importance in the core region of clusters of galaxies. Degeneracy allows the neutrino HDM density to exceed the limit imposed by the Tremaine \& Gunn (1979) bound while accounting for the phase space bound.Comment: AASTeX, 16 pages, 2 EPS figures, uses aas2pp4.sty. Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Metal Abundances in the ICM as a Diagnostics of the Cluster History

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    Galaxy clusters with a dense cooling core exhibit a central increase in the metallicity of the intracluster medium. Recent XMM-Newton studies with detailed results on the relative abundances of several heavy elements show that the high central abundances are mostly due to the contribution from supernovae type Ia. The dominant source is the stellar population of the central cluster galaxy. With this identification of the origin of heavy elements and the observed rates of SN Ia in elliptical galaxies, the central abundance peak can be used as a diagnostic for the history of the cluster core region. We find for four nearby cooling core clusters that the enrichment times for the central peaks are larger than 6 - 10 Gyrs even for a higher SN Ia rate in the past. This points to an old age and a relatively quiet history of these cluster core regions. A detailed analysis of the element abundance ratios provides evidence that the SN Ia yields in the central cluster galaxies are more rich in intermediate mass elements, like Si and S, compared to the SN Ia models used to explain the heavy element enrichment in our Galaxy.Comment: Advances in Space Research in press (proceedings of the COSPAR 2004 Assembly, Paris), 9 pages, 5 figure

    The extended ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray Galaxy Cluster Survey (REFLEX II)\\ II. Construction and Properties of the Survey

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    Galaxy clusters provide unique laboratories to study astrophysical processes on large scales and are important probes for cosmology. X-ray observations are currently the best means of detecting and characterizing galaxy clusters. In this paper we describe the construction of the REFLEX II galaxy cluster survey based on the southern part of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. REFLEX II extends the REFLEX I survey by a factor of about two down to a flux limit of 1.8×10121.8 \times 10^{-12} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2} (0.1 - 2.4 keV). We describe the determination of the X-ray parameters, the process of X-ray source identification, and the construction of the survey selection function. The REFLEX II cluster sample comprises currently 915 objects. A standard selection function is derived for a lower source count limit of 20 photons in addition to the flux limit. The median redshift of the sample is z=0.102z = 0.102. Internal consistency checks and the comparison to several other galaxy cluster surveys imply that REFLEX II is better than 90\% complete with a contamination less than 10\%.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 555, A30 - 15 pages, 20 figure

    Central galaxy growth and feedback in the most massive nearby cool core cluster

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    We present multi-wavelength observations of the centre of RXCJ1504.1-0248 - the galaxy cluster with the most luminous and relatively nearby cool core at z~0.2. Although there are several galaxies within 100 kpc of the cluster core, only the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), which lies at the peak of the X-ray emission, has blue colours and strong line-emission. Approximately 80 Msun/yr of intracluster gas is cooling below X-ray emitting temperatures, similar to the observed UV star formation rate of ~140 Msun/yr. Most star formation occurs in the core of the BCG and in a 42 kpc long filament of blue continuum, line emission, and X-ray emission, that extends southwest of the galaxy. The surrounding filamentary nebula is the most luminous around any observed BCG. The number of ionizing stars in the BCG is barely sufficient to ionize and heat the nebula, and the line ratios indicate an additional heat source is needed. This heat source can contribute to the H\alpha-deduced star formation rates (SFRs) in BCGs and therefore the derived SFRs should only be considered upper limits. AGN feedback can slow down the cooling flow to the observed mass deposition rate if the black hole accretion rate is of the order of 0.5 Msun/yr at 10% energy output efficiency. The average turbulent velocity of the nebula is vturb ~325 km/s which, if shared by the hot gas, limits the ratio of turbulent to thermal energy of the intracluster medium to less than 6%.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS in press. Corrected typo in abstract

    Metal-rich multi-phase gas in M87: AGN-driven metal transport, magnetic-field supported multi-temperature gas, and constraints on non-thermal emission observed with XMM-Newton

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    We use deep (~120 ks) XMM-Newton data of the M87 halo to analyze its spatially resolved temperature structure and chemical composition. We focus particularly on the regions of enhanced X-ray brightness associated with the inner radio lobes, which are known not to be described very well by single-temperature spectral models. Compared to a simple two-temperature fit, we obtain a better and more physical description of the spectra using a model that involves a continuous range of temperatures in each spatial bin. The range of temperatures of the multiphase gas spans ~0.6-3.2 keV. Such a multiphase structure is only possible if thermal conduction is suppressed by magnetic fields. In the multi-temperature regions, we find a correlation between the amount of gas cooler than the surrounding X-ray plasma and the metallicity, and conclude that the cool gas is more metal-rich than the ambient halo. We estimate the average Fe abundance of the cool gas to ~2.2 solar. Our results thus point toward the key role of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) in transporting heavy elements into the intracluster medium. The abundance ratios of O/Si/S/Fe in and outside the X-ray arms are similar, indicating that the dominant fraction of metals in the gas halo was uplifted by AGN outbursts relatively recently compared to the age of M87. Our estimate for the mass of the cool gas is 5e8 M_sun, which probably stems from a mixture of ICM, stellar mass loss, and Type Ia supernova products. ~30-110 Myr are required to produce the observed metals in the cool gas. Finally, we put upper limits on possible non-thermal X-ray emission from M87 and, combining it with the 90 cm radio maps, we put lower limits of around ~0.5-1.0 muG on the magnetic field strength.Comment: 18 pages, accepted for publication in A&A. Some significant changes following the referee repor