857 research outputs found

    Visionary Art as Evolving Consciousness

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    Visionary art is art that is not confined by form, it argues that the artist who creates spiritual art allows the spirit to guide them, rather than relying on traditional form or technique. This can result in art that is incredibly unique and expressive, as it comes from a place of pure creativity and intuition. It also examines the visionary art of Alex Grey whose works offer a gateway into a different state of consciousness, where the viewer can access new insights and perspectives. In in a world that is becoming increasingly disconnected from the creative body, visionary art can be a source of hope and inspiration

    Lipoate Metabolism in Staphylococcus Aureus Pathogenesis

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    Lipoate is an essential cofactor of several proteins involved in cellular energy homeostasis and catabolism. Lipoate metabolism has been linked to pathogenesis in some microbial species, but its role in Staphylococcus aureus infections had not been explored. In this thesis, we tested the hypothesis that lipoate acquisition mechanisms promote S. aureus infectivity. We used a bacterial genetics approach to elucidate the biological function of the S. aureus genes involved in lipoate metabolism. Our findings allowed us to propose a model for lipoic acid de novo biosynthesis and salvage pathways in S. aureus. Moreover, we detail hitherto undescribed genetic arrangements of lipoate de novo biosynthesis and salvage genes in the S. aureus genome, which suggest a potential role for lipoate acquisition mechanisms in metabolic regulation and oxidative stress defense. Also, we have identified critical requirements for gene products involved in lipoate metabolism in murine sepsis. Our data indicate that S. aureus is capable of using bacterial and host-derived lipoate during infection in a tissue-specific manner, thereby promoting survival in diverse nutrient-restricted environments. Overall, our findings suggest that the S. aureus lipoate de novo biosynthesis and salvage pathways offer potential for the development of novel therapeutics that target key metabolic programs in S. aureu

    The Public Defender's Office in Jalisco

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    The fundamental right to defense is offered in Jalisco through the Social Attorney's Office. This institution is in charge of offering legal representation in the civil, labor and family area (social representation), and also in the criminal area (public defender office). Here I focus on the latter. Public defense attorneys are in charge of providing access to criminal justice to those individuals that cannot afford to hire a lawyer; thus, they are the channel to justice for the poor.In this chapter, I discuss the conditions under which the PDO in Jalisco operates. The aim of this chapter is to assess the role of the PDO in providing adequate legal defense to the underprivileged accused of committing a crime, as well as to show the challenges that this institution poses, in its current conditions, for the rule of law in Jalisco. For this work, I reviewed legal and academic documents, and conducted 14 interviews with public defenders of the criminal area in this state

    Harmonizing national law with inter-American human rights law: Evidence from Mexico

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    Conventionality review is a recent Latin American doctrine seeking that states which had ratified the American Convention of Human Rights verify the conformity of their national laws to norms of the Convention. In Mexico, several changes have placed the country in a better position to follow this inter-American doctrine: 1) a 2011 human rights constitutional amendment; and 2) an interpretation handed down by the Mexican Supreme Court after its appraisal of the Rosendo Radilla-Pacheco case. These events allow all judges in the country (federal and local) to disregard national laws if they contravene norms established in the Convention or the Constitution. How then are these changes operating in practice? This article explores the extent to which conventionality review is being used by intermediate level court's judges and defenders in the states of Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, and Oaxaca

    Ressonância Magnética Multiparamétrica na deteção do carcinoma da próstata

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.Introdução O carcinoma da próstata é o segundo carcinoma mais frequente no homem. O diagnóstico é feito com base em análise histopatológica obtida em biopsia dirigida por ecografia transrectal. A baixa taxa de deteção da biopsia sistemática obriga à repetição da técnica aumentando os efeitos secundários deste procedimento invasivo. A Ressonância Magnética Multiparamétrica está indicada no estadiamento do carcinoma da próstata, e tem vindo a mostrar bons resultados na deteção e orientação da biopsia. Contudo, a variabilidade destes resultados têm impedido a sua indicação clara no diagnóstico. Com a criação do score PIRADS (Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System) pela ESUR (European Society of Urogenital Radiology) foi dado um passo no sentido da normalização da técnica que, ainda assim, deve ser confirmada e aperfeiçoada. Objetivo Avaliar a utilidade dos diversos parâmetros da Ressonância Magnética, isoladamente e em conjunto, na deteção de carcinoma prostático em doentes com suspeita clinica e biopsias negativas. Materiais e Métodos No estudo foram incluídos 34 indivíduos com suspeita de carcinoma prostático e biopsias prévias negativas. Foram sujeitos a Ressonância Magnética Multiparamétrica e nova biopsia foi realizada posteriormente. Os doentes com baixa probabilidade de carcinoma e que não realizaram biopsia foram seguidos prospectivamente. Os parâmetros avaliados incluem a ponderação T2, ponderação em difusão, estudo dinâmico após contraste e espectroscopia. Os exames foram obtidos por um equipamento Magnetom Trio Tim, 3 Tesla, Siemens. Foi usada antena de coluna com 12 canais e “body phased array” com 16 canais. As imagens foram classificadas com base no score PIRADS. Com o objetivo de análise os scores foram dicotomizados: scores 4 e 5 foram considerados como resultado positivo e scores 1, 2 e 3 foram considerados negativos. Foi calculada a sensibilidade, especificidade, acuidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo. Foi calculada a área sob a curva (AUC) para cada parâmetro, para a combinação de parâmetros excluindo a espectroscopia e para o resultado global da Ressonância Magnética. Para cada grau Gleason encontrado calculou-se a média de scores em cada parâmetro e as médias foram comparadas. Resultados Dos 34 doentes sujeitos a estudo foram identificados 8 carcinomas prostáticos após resultado positivo na Ressonância Magnética. Para o resultado global a sensibilidade foi de 88.89%, a especificidade de 80%, o valor preditivo negativo de 95.23%, o valor preditivo positivo de 61.54% e a acuidade de 82.35%. A AUC global foi de 0.887 (p=0.001). A espectroscopia foi o parâmetro que individualmente apresentou uma AUC mais elevada com um valor de 0.880 (p=0.006) seguida da ponderação T2 com 0.838 (p=0.015), ponderação em difusão com 0.741 (p=0.083) e por ultimo o estudo com contraste com 0.713 (p=0.125). A combinação da ponderação T2, difusão e estudo com contraste apresentou uma AUC de 0.856 (p=0.002). Na comparação de médias dos scores em cada grau Gleason não se encontrou diferenças estatisticamente significativas. 4 Conclusão A Ressonância Magnética Multiparamétrica de 3T com ponderação em T2, difusão, contraste dinâmico e espectroscopia é útil na deteção de carcinoma e na orientação da biopsia prostática. Estes resultados são assim mais um contributo no esclarecimento do potencial papel deste exame imagiológico no diagnóstico do carcinoma prostático.Introduction Prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer in men. Diagnosis is made based on histophatologic analysis, obtained by transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. The low rate of detection found in the systematic biopsy forces the repetition of the procedure, increasing the adverse effects of this invasive technique. Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance is indicated in prostate cancer staging, and has been showing good results in its detection and in guided biopsy. However, variable results have hampered a clear indication in diagnosis. With the creation of PIRADS (Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System) score by ESUR (European Society of Urogenital Radiology), it was given a step forward in achieving the technique normalization, nevertheless, it should be confirmed and improved. Objectives The aim is to evaluate the utility of the several parameters included in Magnetic Resonance, singly and together, in detection of prostate cancer in patients with both clinical suspicion and negative biopsies. Methods In this study there were 34 patients with suspected prostate cancer and negative preview biopsies. They were subjected to Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance and a new biopsy was taken later. The patients with low probability of prostate cancer and whom, because of that, didn’t realize biopsy, were followed and analyzed prospectively. The combination of parameters includes T2-weighted images, diffusion-weighted, dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging and spectroscopy. The technique was made with an equipment Magneton Trio Tim, 3 Tesla, Siemens. It was used spine coil with 12 channels and body phased array with 16 channels. Resulting images were classified based on PIRADS score. For analysis, results were dichotomized: 4 and 5 were considered a positive result, and 1, 2 and 3 were considered as a negative result. It were determined sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. ROC curve was made and the area under the curve (AUC) was determinated for each parameter, for the parameters combination without spectroscopy, and for the global result of Magnetic Resonance. For each Gleason grade that was found, range scores in each parameter were calculated and the ranges were compared. Results Within these 34 patients there have been identified 8 prostate cancers after a positive result in Magnetic Resonance. For the global result, sensitivity was 88.89%, specificity 80%, negative predictive value 95.23%, positive predictive value 61.54% and accuracy of 82.35%. Global AUC was 0.887 (p=0.001). Spectroscopy was the parameter with the highest AUC with 0.880 (p=0.006) followed by T2-weighted with 0.838 (p=0.015), diffusion-weighted with 0.741 (p=0.083) and for last dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging 0.713 (p=0.125). The combination of T2-weighted images, diffusion-weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging revealed an AUC of 0.856 (p=0.002). The comparison of the ranges in each Gleason score didn’t show any statistically significant difference. Conclusion 3T Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance with inclusion of T2-weighted images, diffusionweighted, dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging and spectroscopy is a useful technique in 7 detection of cancer and guiding prostate biopsy. These results give a strong contribution in clarifying the potential rule of this imaging exam in the diagnosis of prostate cancer

    Towards a Husserlian Foundation of Aesthetics On Imagination, Phantasy & Image Consciousness in the 1904/1905 Lessons

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    While it is true that Husserl did not write systematically about aesthetics, it is not only possible and legitimate but also necessary to inquire how a Husserlian aesthetic consciousness could be understood. A closer consideration of the aesthetics that can be gleaned from the passages in which Husserl explicitly refers to artistic experiences shows a limitation of the aesthetic field to figurative art. To widen and enrich the aesthetic field beyond the experiences that such an aesthetics would account for, a shift of perspective is required. But to allow this change without leaving Husserl’s phenomenology, I consider in this article the outcome of analyzing this field of experiences from phantasy’s perspective instead of that of image consciousness.Fil: Katz Russo, Azul Tamina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filosofía "Dr. Alejandro Korn"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Université Paris IV Sorbonne; Franci

    Вызов фантазии и воображения трансцендентальному у гуссерля и канта

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    The present paper explores the place that imagination and phantasy hold in the transcendental philosophies of Kant and Husserl when they are not subordinated to functions that are external to them. The Kantian imagination (Einbildungskraft) has a key function within reason, both theoretical and practical, but it seems to exhibit its true potential in the aesthetic subjective domain, as productive imagination — in addition, this aesthetic domain is defined as the most properly human. In Husserl’s work, phantasy (Phantasie) has a relevant methodological function in the intuition of essences and plays other constituting roles, for example in empathy — and therefore in intersubjectivity. Nevertheless, the Husserlian phantasy shows its full potential not when it is bound to a presentation through perception — as it does in its constituting functions, but when it is pure and moves freely in an enlarged eidetic sphere. Husserlian phantasy would not only allow the transit from facts to essences, but it would also allow the reverse path, limiting essences towards facticity. In this framework, a final consideration points to the challenges raised by the exploration of this intermediate sphere of experiences involving productive imagination and pure phantasy, regarding the hierarchy and margins of the transcendental constitution.В данной статье исследуется место воображения и фантазии в трансцендентальной философии Канта и Гуссерля, поскольку они не подчинены внешним для них функциям. Воображение в кантовском смысле (Einbildungskraft) исполняет ключевые функции в сфере разума — как теоретического, так и практического. Но, пожалуй, у Канта оно более всего проявляет свой потенциал в субъективной области эстетики в качестве продуктивного воображения. Эта эстетическая сфера характеризуется более других в качестве собственно человеческой. В трудах Гуссерля фантазия (Phantasie) исполняет релевантную методологическую функцию в созерцании сущности и играет другие когнитивные роли. Например, это имеет место в случае эмпатии, а стало быть — интерсубъективности. Впрочем, фантазия в гуссерлевском смысле полностью проявляет свой потенциал не тогда, когда она связана с представлением посредством восприятия, но тогда, когда она является чистой и свободно движется в расширенной эйдетической сфере. Фантазия в гуссерлевской трактовке допускает не только переход от фактов к сущностям, но она допускает также и обратный путь, ограничивающий сущности в направлении фактичности. В этом контексте заключительное рассмотрение делает акцент на том, что проблемы, создаваемые этой опосредующей сферой опыта, включают продуктивное воображение или чистую фантазию в иерархию устройства трансцендентального.Fil: Katz Russo, Azul Tamina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filosofía "Dr. Alejandro Korn"; Argentina. Paris IV - Sorbonne; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

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    Lo tuyo y lo mío es cuestión de tiempo.Y he intentado mil veces decirte que te quiero, desde aquel instante en que te ví.Y te busco, te sueño, te pienso, te palpo, me mirasMe sonrojo, te añoro, me gustas.Y me enseñas, pero, ¿por que soy tan niña? ¿Por que llegue tan temprano a tu vida