106 research outputs found

    Magazine journalism: a complex view

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    In this study, we attempted to understand and explain the magazine journalism in its various aspects complementary, concurrent and antagonistic. For this, we rely on the seven principles of the complex thought proposed by Edgar Morin: systemic principle, hologramatic principle, principle of retroactive circuit, principle of recursive circuit, principle of self-eco-organization, dialogical principle and principle of reintroduction. Thus, we propose to reflect on how the rational and the subjective, ethics and aesthetics, nature and culture, wisdom and dementia dialogue in the focused medium.Neste estudo, buscamos compreender e explicar o jornalismo de revista em seus diversos aspectos complementares, concorrentes e antagônicos. Para isso, nos amparamos nos sete princípios do pensamento complexo, propostos por Edgar Morin: princípio sistêmico, princípio hologramático, princípio do anel retroativo, princípio do anel recursivo, princípio da auto-eco-organização, princípio dialógico e princípio da reintrodução. Deste modo, nos propomos a refletir sobre como o racional e o subjetivo, a ética e a estética, a natureza e a cultura, a sabedoria e a demência dialogam no meio de comunição em foco

    Vigencia de la tragedia, novela, violencia

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    ¿Por qué justamente la tragedia como punto de partida del relato en algunas novelas de José Pablo Feinmann? ¿Qué sentido adquiere la referencia a la forma literaria en el contexto de las historias que organizan la trama de las novelas? La pregunta exige —tratándose de las obras de Feinmann (La Astucia de la razón, 2001 [1990 ]; El mandato, 2000 y La sombra de Heidegger, 2005)— una consideración del concepto desde la poética hegeliana y desde lo trágico como experiencia humana. Mi trabajo se propone dilucidar algunos de los interrogantes que plantea la mención explícita al género en mundos donde impera la atmósfera de lo popular, y, fundamentalmente, pensar cómo esa presencia configura la articulación conflictiva entre lo particular y lo social en los mundos que Feinmann construye. Estas notas muestran el procedimiento en virtud del cual las novelas afirman la equivalencia de lógicas dicotómicas provocadoras de un efecto de oscilación en el tono de los textos.Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Contos de fada e pós-modernidade: Reflexões sobre o oximoro do reencantamento desencantado // Fairy tales and postmodernity: Reflections about the disenchanted reenchantment oxymoron

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    RESUMO O presente artigo busca compreender as versões cinematográficas infantis de contos de fada, lançadas no Brasil entre 2000 e 2012, como sintomas de uma época marcada, principalmente, pelas noções do encantamento e do desencantamento. A estética do realismo adentra os contos e promove metamorfoses, demonstrando uma migração das histórias do contexto moderno para o pós-moderno: as expectativas se apagam e os desejos se voltam às esferas do possível, do tangível e do concreto, daquilo que os seres ordinários também podem almejar. Procura-se, portanto, analisar o oximoro desencantamento/reencantamento. Para tanto, selecionou-se cinco filmes: Deu a Louca na Chapeuzinho, Deu a Louca na Cinderela, A Verdadeira História do Gato de Botas, Deu a Louca na Branca de Neve e Deu a Louca na Chapeuzinho 2. Sua escolha justifica-se por enunciarem as mudanças nos títulos e em função dos personagens clássicos. ABSTRACT This paper intends to understand the children's film versions of fairy tales, launched in Brazil, between 2000 and 2012, as symptoms of an age marked mainly by the notions of enchantment and disenchantment. The aesthetics of realism enters into the tales and promotes metamorphosis, demonstrating a migration of the stories of the modern context to the postmodern: the expectations are erased and the desires migrate to the spheres of possible, tangible and concrete, to what ordinary beings can aspire too. This study aims, therefore, analyze the oxymoron disenchantment/reenchantment. For that, we selected five films: Hoodwinked; Happily N’Ever After; The True Story of Puss in Boots, Happily N’Ever After 2 (Snow White – Another Bite at the Apple) and Hoodwinked Too. This choice is justified by showing changes in the titles and because of the classic characters

    O cotidiano fantástico na propaganda de havaianas: O comercial televisivo como tecnologia do imaginário

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    From this study, we seek to think the role of the television commercial as a contemporary technology of the imaginary, in its stimulation of the knowledge of new references, potentiating new representations. Thus, we selected for the analysis two advertisements of a brand recognized by its Brazilianess, the Havaianas sandals. The perspective adopted is the comprehensive sociology, and authors as Durand, Maffesoli, Lipovetsky and Silva constitute this research referential.A partir de este estudio logramos pensar el papel del comercial televisivo como una tecnología de lo imaginario contemporáneo, en su estimulación para el conocimiento de nuevas referencias, potencializando nuevas representaciones. De este modo, selecionamos para nuestra analise dos propagandas de una marca reconocida por su brasilidad, las sandalias Havaianas. La perspectiva adotada es la de la Sociología Comprensiva y los autores como Durand, Maffesoli, Lipovetsky y Silva constituyen el referencial de esta investigación.A partir desse estudo buscamos pensar o papel do comercial televisivo como uma tecnologia do imaginário contemporâneo, em sua estimulação para o conhecimento de novas referências, potencializando novas representações. Assim, selecionamos para análise duas propagandas de uma marca reconhecida por sua brasilidade, as sandálias Havaianas. A perspectiva adotada é a da sociologia compreensiva e autores como Durand, Maffesoli, Lipovetsky e Silva constituem o referencial dessa pesquisa

    FGF21 trafficking in intact human cells revealed by cryo-electron tomography with gold nanoparticles

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    The fibroblast growth factor FGF21 was labeled with molecularly defined gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), applied to human adipocytes, and imaged by cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). Most AuNPs were in pairs about 80 Å apart, on the outer cell surface. Pairs of AuNPs were also abundant inside the cells in clathrin-coated vesicles and endosomes. AuNPs were present but no longer paired in multivesicular bodies. FGF21 could thus be tracked along the endocytotic pathway. The methods developed here to visualize signaling coupled to endocytosis can be applied to a wide variety of cargo and may be extended to studies of other intracellular transactions

    The group II intron ribonucleoprotein precursor is a large, loosely packed structure

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    Group II self-splicing introns are phylogenetically diverse retroelements that are widely held to be the ancestors of spliceosomal introns and retrotransposons that insert into DNA. Folding of group II intron RNA is often guided by an intron-encoded protein to form a catalytically active ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex that plays a key role in the activity of the intron. To date, possible structural differences between the intron RNP in its precursor and spliced forms remain unexplored. In this work, we have trapped the native Lactococcus lactis group II intron RNP complex in its precursor form, by deleting the adenosine nucleophile that initiates splicing. Sedimentation velocity, size-exclusion chromatography and cryo-electron microscopy provide the first glimpse of the intron RNP precursor as a large, loosely packed structure. The dimensions contrast with those of compact spliced introns, implying that the RNP undergoes a dramatic conformational change to achieve the catalytically active state

    Aberration-corrected electron microscopy of nanoparticles

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    The early history of scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is reviewed as a way to frame the technical issues that make aberration correction an essential upgrade for the study of nanoparticles using STEM. The principles of aberration correction are explained, and the use of aberration-corrected microscopy in the study of nanostructures is exemplified in order to remark the features and challenges in the use of this measuring techniqu

    Proteomic analysis of in vivo-assembled pre-mRNA splicing complexes expands the catalog of participating factors

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    Previous compositional studies of pre-mRNA processing complexes have been performed in vitro on synthetic pre-mRNAs containing a single intron. To provide a more comprehensive list of polypeptides associated with the pre-mRNA splicing apparatus, we have determined the composition of the bulk pre-mRNA processing machinery in living cells. We purified endogenous nuclear pre-mRNA processing complexes from human and chicken cells comprising the massive (>200S) supraspliceosomes (a.k.a. polyspliceosomes). As expected, RNA components include a heterogeneous mixture of pre-mRNAs and the five spliceosomal snRNAs. In addition to known pre-mRNA splicing factors, 5′ end binding factors, 3′ end processing factors, mRNA export factors, hnRNPs and other RNA binding proteins, the protein components identified by mass spectrometry include RNA adenosine deaminases and several novel factors. Intriguingly, our purified supraspliceosomes also contain a number of structural proteins, nucleoporins, chromatin remodeling factors and several novel proteins that were absent from splicing complexes assembled in vitro. These in vivo analyses bring the total number of factors associated with pre-mRNA to well over 300, and represent the most comprehensive analysis of the pre-mRNA processing machinery to date