57 research outputs found

    Propuestas de trabajo innovadoras y colaborativas e-learning 2.0 como demanda de la sociedad del conocimiento

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    La evolución del tradicional concepto de e-learning está presente, en gran medida, gracias a la introducción de herramientas web 2.0 en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Universidad. Una evolución (e-learning 2.0) que advierte de la promoción de un alumno o alumna comprometido con su aprendizaje, que construye significativamente, que potencia el trabajo en red y que subraya capacidad ante los procesos innovadores mediante el cambio de actitud necesario. El proyecto Redes Interuniversitarias no es más que la verificación y proyección de dichos principios en el intento de la mejora de la calidad

    Efectividad de la terapia combinada a dosis fijas en una cohorte de hipertensos no controlados con monoterapia

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    ObjetivoEvaluar la efectividad de lisinoprilhidroclorotiazida a dosis fijas en el control de la presión arterial en hipertensos tratados con monoterapia y mal controlados.DiseñoEstudio observacional, prospectivo.EmplazamientoAtención primaria.ParticipantesCiento noventa y nueve médicos de atención primaria que incluyeron a 931 pacientes (56,7% mujeres), con edad media de 62,0 ± 10,3 años. Finalizaron el estudio 915 pacientes (98%) que se incluyeron en el análisis.Mediciones principalesSe siguieron las recomendaciones de la OMS/SIH en la medición de la presión arterial y el diagnóstico de mal control. Además, se evaluaron presión del pulso, índice de masa corporal y parámetros analíticos básicos. Se realizaron 4 visitas durante 6 meses de seguimiento.ResultadosLisinopril-hidroclorotiazida (20/12,5mg) disminuyó significativamente la PAS (24,6 ± 3,5mmHg) y la PAD (14,3 ± 0,7mmHg) (p < 0,001). El control de la presión arterial aumentó hasta el 52,8% (p < 0,001). La edad fue la única variable que influyó en el control de la presión arterial (OR, 0,81; IC del 95%, 0,71-0,92%; p = 0,001). La presión del pulso disminuyó 10,4 ± 4,3mmHg (p < 0,001). A las 24 semanas de tratamiento, se observó una mejoría en el perfil glucémico y lipídico, y de la HbA1c en los diabéticos.ConclusionesEn atención primaria, lisinopril-hidroclorotiazida (20/12,5mg), controló la presión arterial del 52,8% los de hipertensos mal controlados con monoterapia. Además, disminuyó la presión del pulso y mejoró el perfil lipídico y el glucémico.ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of the fixed dose of a lisinoprilhydrochlorothiazide combination treatment in the control of blood pressure, in poorly controlled high blood pressure people, treated with monotherapy.DesignProspective observational study.SettingPrimary care frame.Participants931 patients (56.7% women) with an average age of 62.0±10.3 years, were included by 199 primary care physicians. 915 patients (98%) ended the study and finally they were included for the statistical analysis.Main measurementsOMS/SIH recommendations on blood pressure measurement and diagnose of poor control were followed. Pulse pressure, body mass index and basic clinical analyses were assessed. Four continuation visits were made during six months.ResultsLisinopril–hidrochlorothiazide (20/12.5mg) reduced significantly SBP (24.6±3.5mm Hg) and DBP (14,3±0.7mm Hg) (P<.001). Blood pressure control was only influenced by age (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.71-0.92; P=.001). Pulse pressure was reduced in 10.4±4.3mm Hg (P<.001). After 24 weeks of treatment, glycemic and lipidic profiles showed an improvement, as well as HbA1c in diabetic people.ConclusionsIn Primary care, a 52.8% of poorly controlled with monotherapy high blood pressure people were controlled by a combination of lisinoprilhydrochlorothiazide (20/12.5mg). In addition, pulse pressure was decreased and both lipid and glucose blood profiles improved

    Helminth communities of herons (Aves: Ardeidae) in southern Italy

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    The helminth communities of nine species of herons from southern Italy were studied and compared. Of 24 taxa found including seven digeneans, seven nematodes, six cestodes and four acanthocephalans, only five taxa were found in more than one heron species, and five of the 21 taxa that could be identified to species level were classified as 'heron specialists'. The total number of helminth species per heron species ranged from 1 in Botaurus stellaris to 9 in Ixobrychus minutus with infection levels generally low. A statistical comparison was carried out for herons with a sample size >. 5. At the infracommunity level, only I. minutus clearly differed from other heron species. Diversity parameters of heminth infracommunities did not significantly differ among heron species. Species richness ranged from just 0.3 to 2.3 helminth taxa per individual host, and the Brillouin index, from 0 to 0.3. Total helminth abundance did not exceed 40 worms per host except in a single case of Ardeola ralloides. Infracommunities clearly were dominated by single helminth species. The present study confirms a depauperate helminth community in herons from southern Italy. Comparison with data from Spain and the Czech Republic showed strong quantitative similarities with values obtained in the present study. Results also suggest that the composition of local helminth communities are strongly variable depending on geographical location as is demonstrated by comparison with data from other European areas. However, whether herons in Europe naturally host depauperate helminth communities or these communities are depauperate because of other factors is unknow

    The potential of discrimination methods in a high pressure xenon TPC for the search of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of Xe-136

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    In the search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe, a high pressure xenon time projection chamber (HPXe-TPC) has two advantages over liquid xenon TPCs: a better energy resolution and the access to topological features, which may provide extra discrimination from background events. The PandaX-III experiment has recently proposed a 200 kg HPXe-TPC based on Micromegas readout planes, to be located at the Jinping Underground Laboratory in China. Its detection concept is based on two results obtained within the T-REX project: Micromegas readouts can be built with extremely low levels of radioactivity; and the operation in xenon-trimethylamine at 10 bar in realistic experimental conditions has proven an energy resolution of 3% FWHM at the region of interest. In this work, two discrimination methods are applied to simulated signal and background data in a generic 200 kg HPXe-TPC, based on two well-known algorithms of graph theory: the identification of connections and the search for the longest path. Rejection factors greater than 100 are obtained for small pixel sizes and a signal efficiency of 40%. Moreover, a new observable (the blob charge density) rejects better surface contaminations, which makes the use of a trigger signal (T0) not imperative in this experiment

    Low Background Micromegas in CAST

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    Solar axions could be converted into x-rays inside the strong magnetic field of an axion helioscope, triggering the detection of this elusive particle. Low background x-ray detectors are an essential component for the sensitivity of these searches. We report on the latest developments of the Micromegas detectors for the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST), including technological pathfinder activities for the future International Axion Observatory (IAXO). The use of low background techniques and the application of discrimination algorithms based on the high granularity of the readout have led to background levels below 106^{-6} counts/keV/cm2^2/s, more than a factor 100 lower than the first generation of Micromegas detectors. The best levels achieved at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) are as low as 107^{-7} counts/keV/cm2^2/s, showing good prospects for the application of this technology in IAXO. The current background model, based on underground and surface measurements, is presented, as well as the strategies to further reduce the background level. Finally, we will describe the R&D paths to achieve sub-keV energy thresholds, which could broaden the physics case of axion helioscopes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Large TPC Conference 2014, Pari

    Recent increase of ulcerative lesions caused by Anisakis spp. in cetaceans from the north-east Atlantic

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    Species of Anisakis typically infect the stomach of cetaceans worldwide, often causing ulcerative lesions that may compromise the host’s health. These nematodes also cause anisakiasis or allergic reactions in humans. To assess the risks of this emerging zoonosis, data on long-term changes in Anisakis infections in cetaceans are necessary. Here, we compare the prevalence and severity of ulcerative lesions caused by Anisakis spp. in five cetacean species stranded along the north-west Spanish coast in 2017–2018 with published data from 1991–1996. Open ulcers were found in 32/ 43 short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis; 3/5 striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba; 1/7 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus; and 1/3 harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena mer- idionalis; a single individual of long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, was found unin- fected. In common dolphins, the mean abundance of open ulcers per host was 1.1 (95% confidence interval: 0.8–1.3), with a maximum diameter (mean ± standard deviation) of 25.4 ± 16.9 mm. Stomachs with scars or extensive fibrosis putatively associated with Anisakis were detected in 14 and five animals, respectively. A molecular analysis based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase II gene using 18 worms from three cetacean species revealed single or mixed infections ofAnisakis simplex sensu stricto and Anisakis pegreffii. Compared with the per- iod 1991–1996, we found a strong increase of prevalence, abundance and extension of ulcerative lesions in most cetacean species. Anisakis populations could have increased in the study area over the last decades, although we cannot rule out that a higher environmental stress has also boosted the pathological effects of these parasites.En prens

    Monitoring the antimicrobial susceptibility of Gramnegative organisms involved in intraabdominal and urinary tract infections recovered during the SMART study (Spain, 2016 and 2017)

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    OBJECTIVE: Continuous antimicrobial resistance surveillance is recommended by Public Health authorities. We up-dated data from the SMART (Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends) surveillance study in Spain. METHODS: The antimicrobial susceptibility data and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production in isolates recovered from intra-abdominal (IAI) (n=1,429) and urinary tract (UTI) (n=937) infections during the 2016- 2017 SMART study in 10 Spanish hospitals were analysed. RESULTS: Escherichia coli was the most frequently microorganism isolated (48.3% and 53.7%) followed by Klebsiella spp. (11.5% and 21.9%) in IAIs and UTIs, respectively. Figures for Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 9.0% and 6.1%, being more frequently recovered from patients with nosocomial infections. Overall, 9.9% (IAI) and 14.0% (UTI) of E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus mirabilis isolates were ESBL-producers, being Klebsiella pneumoniae (34.5%) from UTI of nosocomial origin the most frequent. ESBL-producers were higher in patients >60 years in both IAIs and UTIs. As in previous years, amikacin (96.3%-100% susceptibility), ertapenem (84.2%-100%) and imipenem (70.3%- 100%) were the most active antimicrobials tested among Enterobacterales species. The activity of amoxicillin-clavulanic, piperacillin-tazobactam, and ciprofloxacin susceptibility was lower, particularly among ESBL-producers. Ertapenem susceptibility (88.9%-100%) was retained in ESBL-E. coli isolates that were resistant to these antimicrobials but decreased (28.6%-100%) in similar isolates of K. pneumoniae. CONCLUSIONS: Continuous antimicrobial resistance surveillance from the SMART study reveals overall maintenance of ESBL-producers in Spain, although with higher presence in isolates from UTIs than from IAIs. Moreover, ertapenem activity was high in E. coli irrespective of ESBL production but decreased in K. pneumoniae, particularly among ESBL-producers

    Micromegas for dark matter searches: CAST/IAXO & TREX-DM experiments

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    The most compelling candidates for Dark Matter to day are WIMPs and axions. The applicability of gasesous Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) with Micromesh Gas Structures (Micromegas) to the search of these particles is explored within this work. Both particles would produce an extremely low rate at very low energies in particle detectors. Micromegas detectors can provide both low background rates and low energy threshold, due to the high granularity, radiopurity and uniformity of the readout. Small (few cm wide) Micromegas detectors are used to image the ax ion-induced x-ray signal expected in the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment. We show the background levels obtained in CAST and the prospects to further reduce them to the values required by the Internation Axion Observatory (IAXO). We also present TREX-DM. a scaled-up version of the Micromegas used in axion research, but this time dedicated to the low-mass WIMP detection. TREX-DM is a high-pressure Micromegas-based TPC designed to host a few hundreds of grams of light nuclei (argon or neon) with energy thresholds potentially at the level of 100 eV. The detector is described in detail, as well as the results of the commissioning and characterization phase on surface. Besides, the background model of TREX-DM is presented, along with the anticipated sensitivity of this search, which could go beyond current experimental limits

    Development of a novel segmented mesh MicroMegas detector for neutron beam profiling

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    A novel MicroMegas detector based on microbulk technology with an embedded XY strip structure was developed, obtained by segmenting both the mesh and the anode in perpendicular directions. This results in a very low-mass device with good energy and spatial resolution capabilities. Such a detector is practically “transparent” to neutrons, being ideal for in-beam neutron measurements and can be used as a quasi-online neutron beam profiler at neutron time-of-flight facilities. A dedicated front end electronics and acquisition system has been developed and used. The first studies of this new detection system are presented and discussed

    Inflammation and insulin resistance according to body composition in European adolescents: the HELENA study

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Open access journalIntroduction: Inflammation is related to insulin resistance in adults, especially on those individuals with high levels of body composition. Objectives: The aim of this study is to assess the relationship between a set of inflammatory biomarkers and insulin resistance by levels of body composition in a sample of European adolescents. Material and methods: 962 adolescents (442 boys and 520 girls) from 9 European countries met the inclusion criteria of having measurements for the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) and a set of inflammation-related biomarkers: C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL-6), complement factors C3 and C4 and selected cell adhesion molecules. Body mass index (BMI), fat mass index (FMI) and waist circumference (WC) were categorized using tertiles. To assess the associations stratifying by body composition indexes, ANOVA and linear regression models were performed Results: Mean biomarkers’ concentrations differed across BMI, FMI and WC tertiles (p<0.05), by sex. In both sexes, insulin, HOMA, CRP, C3 and C4 were significantly different between categories (p<0.001), always showing the highest mean concentration in the upper category of BMI, FMI and WC. The most consistent finding was an association between insulin resistance and C3 concentrations (p<0.05), in the adolescents in the highest tertile of BMI, FMI and WC, except in the case of FMI in girls. Conclusion: Inflammatory and glucose metabolism markers differed by tertiles of body composition, being usually higher in the highest tertile. C3 complement factor was associated with insulin resistance in adolescents, especially those with high total and abdominal adiposity