202 research outputs found

    Menganalisis Cara Berfikir Mahasiswa dalam Mengenal Dirinya Melalui Konseling Self, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara , Medan

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    Mahasiswa termasuk peserta didik perguruan tinggi yang dikategorikan kedalam fase remaja akhir, sehingga bisa dikatakan cukup matang dalam berfikir dan bisa mengenal dirinya sendiri, namun kebanyakan dari mahasiswa yang belum bisa merealisasikan caranya berfikir dan mengenal dirinya. Oleh karena itu melalui konseling self dapat dijadikan sebagai teknik pendekatakan dalam menganalisis mahasiswa secara langsung, khususnya mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara (UIN-su). Adapun tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini yakni untuk membantu mahasiswa Uinsu agar dapat mengekspresikan dirinya dengan cara berfikir yang realistis dan lebih bisa mengenal dirinya sendiri. Dan penelitian ini digunakan dengan metode kualitatif. Maka dari itu hasil penelitian ini bahwa ada sebagian mahasiswa yang masih saja belum bisa berfikir dengan subjektif dan realistis, dikarenakan kurangnya keberanian dalam mengutarakan pendapat dan kurangnya kritis dalam berfikir , namun ada sebagian mahasiswa ynag sudah mengenal dirinya dan dapat berfikir dengan subjektif melalui perkembangan diri yang di alami, sehingga dapat membentuk karakter dan cara berfikir yang kritis. Dengan kata lain cara berfikir seseorang itu dikatakan dewasa tidak berpatokan dengan umur, dikarenakan seseorang tumbuh pasti melewati beberapa hal yang baru sehingga bisa dijadikan sebuah pengalaman dan tanpa sadar dengan semua itu terbentuklah fikiran yang dewasa lalu bisa mengendalikan dirinya

    Peran Disregulasi Emosi terhadap Kecenderungan Melakukan Perilaku Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) pada Remaja

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    Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) merupakan perilaku melukai diri sendiri secara sengaja tanpa ada niatan untuk bunuh diri. Terdapat berbagai macam faktor yang menjadi penyebab seseorang melakukan perilaku NSSI, salah satunya adalah disregulasi emosi. Namun, publikasi penelitian mengenai topik serupa di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peran disregulasi emosi terhadap kecenderungan melakukan perilaku NSSI pada remaja. Partisipan (N=159) merupakan remaja berusia 14-24 tahun (laki-laki= 15, perempuan= 130, tidak menjawab= 14) yang pernah atau sedang melakukan perilaku NSSI. Data didapatkan dengan menyebarkan instrumen Inventory of Statement about Self-Injury (ISAS) dan Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) yang sudah dimodifikasi. Hasil analisis menggunakan regresi linier sederhana menunjukkan bahwa disregulasi emosi berperan terhadap kecenderungan remaja melakukan perilaku NSSI dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 26,1% (p<0,05)

    The Urgency of Spiritual Healing during the Coronavirus Outbreak

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    Pandemic COVID-19 has led to a sharp decline in the economic aspect, educational activities considered less effective, and difficulty performing worship. As a result, people's anxiety has increased dramatically. This study aims to reveal the urgency of spiritual healing in the life of the community during the Pandemic COVID-19 to answer the challenges of how effective it is in tackling the crucial erosion of spirituality amid society. This article is library-based research, and the data were gathered using documentary approaches. With the descriptive analysis approach, using al-Ghazālī's idea of Ma'rifatullāh, this study found that Ma'rifatullāh, through self-recognition, will lead someone to a more peaceful and calmer situation. Its position as a centre of spiritual healing in Taṣawwuf teachings is very effective in overcoming the crisis experienced by the community during the pandemic. Thus, the anxiety and worldly concerns will transform into peace and tranquillity.Contribution: This article reveals that self-tranquillity and peace are sometimes not dealing with worldly affairs. Instead, it is about spiritual things. However, many tend to forget that the root of their tranquillity is found in the spiritual dimension.

    The Urgency of Spiritual Healing during the Coronavirus Outbreak

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    Pandemic COVID-19 has led to a sharp decline in the economic aspect, educational activities considered less effective, and difficulty performing worship. As a result, people's anxiety has increased dramatically. This study aims to reveal the urgency of spiritual healing in the life of the community during the Pandemic COVID-19 to answer the challenges of how effective it is in tackling the crucial erosion of spirituality amid society. This article is library-based research, and the data were gathered using documentary approaches. With the descriptive analysis approach, using al-Ghazālī's idea of Ma'rifatullāh, this study found that Ma'rifatullāh, through self-recognition, will lead someone to a more peaceful and calmer situation. Its position as a centre of spiritual healing in Taṣawwuf teachings is very effective in overcoming the crisis experienced by the community during the pandemic. Thus, the anxiety and worldly concerns will transform into peace and tranquillity.Contribution: This article reveals that self-tranquillity and peace are sometimes not dealing with worldly affairs. Instead, it is about spiritual things. However, many tend to forget that the root of their tranquillity is found in the spiritual dimension.

    Control mechanisms of slope, highland & hilly area in managing landslides occurrence: a comparative legal study between Hong Kong and Malaysia / Nurarnida Sabrina Mohd Sabri … [et al.]

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    Modernization has caused rapid development in our country. This can be seen where nowadays thousands of buildings are built almost everywhere. Buildings are built on earth surface that covers slope, highland and hilly area. This is where environmental law comes into picture to restrain or stop any development that brings danger to the society and nature. Therefore, it is a reminder that to be a modern country it is not necessary we violate nature. The purpose of this study is to propose comprehensive and efficient laws on enforcement and implementation for managing landslides occurrences' in Malaysia. Apart from that, a comparison has been made between laws in our country with Hong Kong on matter regarding the enforcement and implementation in managing landslides. In conclusion, this research also will examine the existing laws and guidelines (if any) in Malaysia as well as in Hong Kong

    Culture conflict amongst Malaysian children

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    Culture is an essential part of conflict and conflict resolution. Culture is in our lives and relationships, giving us messages that shape our perceptions, attributions, judgments, and ideas of self and others. Though cultures are powerful, they are often unconscious, influencing conflict and attempts to resolve conflict in imperceptible ways. Two things that are essential to remember about culture: they are always changing, and they relate to the symbolic dimension of life. The symbolic dimension is the place where we are constantly making meaning and enacting our identities. Cultural messages from the groups we belong in giving us information about what is meaningful or important, and who we are in the world and in relation to others. Therefore, this paper will discuss the culture conflict undergo by children in Malaysia arise from different cultural groups i.e ethnicity, from generation, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability and disability, and religious affiliation, language, and gender. The study sample comprises from 30 primary school students from three locations; urban, city and rural areas in Malaysia. Data were gathered using recording, interview, and questionnaire. Data will be analysed by using socio-pragmatic approach. The outcome of the research also indicated that aspects of context and cognition have also played an important role to overcome the cultural conflicts among Malaysian children

    Effect of health belief model on flood-risk educational approach among elementary school children in Malaysia

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    Worsening climatic conditions can subsequently lead to the frequent occurrence of unpredictable natural disasters. The early-life educational approach is one of the non-structural mitigations in disaster management, which are the most effective efforts to promote early-life disaster awareness and enhance the knowledge transfer in disaster risk education. By using the health belief model (HBM), this study aims to examine the effectiveness of HBM on the flood-risk reduction (FRR) educational intervention by looking into the perceived susceptibility, severity, benefit and self-efficacy among elementary school children in Malaysia. This study utilised the one-group pre-test–post-test design by recruiting 224 elementary school children in the pre-FRR educational intervention programme, and 205 who undertook a post-intervention programme a month later. This study showed that the FRR educational intervention significantly improved (p < 0.001) the overall HBM components during the post-intervention, particularly in: (1) FRR knowledge, (2) perceived susceptibility, (3) perceived severity and (4) perceived benefits. The one-way analysis of covariance test showed that knowledge transfer intervention is effective to improve all the HBM components that include (1) FRR knowledge, F(38,127) = 2.517; (2) perceived susceptibility, F(6,191) = 6.957; (3) perceived severity, F(20,163) = 2.944; (4) perceived benefits, F(25,153) = 2.342 and (5) self-efficacy, F(7,189)= 12.526. The impact of integrating HBM into knowledge transfer intervention was seen to be effective and provide a positive knowledge enhancement among learners. Therefore, it is crucial to implement a consistent and sustainable educational intervention to harness formal education for community resilience at an early age

    Factors that lead to customer satisfaction towards online banking / Nur Shafeeka Jailani and Wan Nur Dini Sabrina Wan Azmi

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    Banks are separated into several forms in Malaysia such as central banks, Islamic banks and commercial banks, The banking industry is one of the most significant industries m this Malaysia and most banks have their own banking websites as move to increase their effectiveness. Online banking brings convenience to customers and encourages customers to conduct transaction more efficiently and easily through the banking website. Online banking also benefits the bank in reducing the operational cost. With the rapid growth of the Internet, banks have changed the way financial services are being design and delivered. Online banking has gradually replaced the traditional based counter-form of banking because it offers many advantages amongst which are improved efficiency of payment and other financial services. According Chong cl at. 2015, online banking lias been recognized and well-known around the world. Thus, based on Guru etat. (2001), in order to compete in the online banking institutions, this oilers new opportunities and challenges to banking institutions around the world. Other than that, most of the banks are available with the internet facilities. Customers are able to accomplish their banking accounts or transactions with a single click via the internet connection through these internet facilities

    The educator's perspective: knowledge, attitude and practices on occupational safety and health at school among primary and secondary school teachers

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    Introduction: School can be considered as a relatively moderate risk working environment due to the various hazards assembled in the school. Nevertheless, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training is yet to formally inclusive into teachers’ training module, and the current one-off or ad-hoc OSH training mainly targeted among school students. The different OSH awareness exists among teacher and student have hinder the provision of sustainable and effective safety and health training program at school levels. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice among primary and secondary school teachers towards OSH at the school environment. Method: A cross-sectional survey carried out at three (3) primary schools and three (3) secondary schools after stratified random sampling. School teachers from these schools were randomly selected among those who had at least one year work experience as permanent teacher at the current school through the fishbowl technique. A structured questionnaire was used and total 136 teachers were assessed on their knowledge, attitude and practices on OSH at schools. Result: Study found that primary and secondary school teachers have different knowledge, attitude and practices of OSH at school levels. Overall, the knowledge level of secondary school teacher (62.1% of high to medium knowledge levels) are higher than the primary school teachers (41.1% of high to medium knowledge levels); at the same time, 93.1% of secondary school teachers show positive attitude while 88.5% of primary school teachers show positive attitude on safety and health at schools. In general, OSH practice level among the primary (88.5%) and secondary school teachers (86.2%) are at relatively good levels. Besides, there is positive association with knowledge and attitude on OSH behavior among primary school teachers. Apart of this, there is positive but relatively weak association with knowledge and practices and knowledge and attitudes among primary and secondary school teachers. Conclusion: Considering the background differences between primary and secondary school teachers, a sustainable OSH learning mechanism should be planned and designed together with OSH practitioners and Ministry of Education to achieve a sustainable safety and healthy sound school environment for teacher to work and for students to learn

    The theories of accident causation model development

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    Accidents occur in all types of industry resulting in injury, fatalities and damage to human, assets or environment. Occupational accidents are substantial expense to the society and individual companies. Accident causation models can specify and explain from different perspectives how an accident occurs. The following concepts are successfully explained by accident causation models: (i) why accidents happen, and (ii) how accidents happen. These models serve as a crucial theoretical foundation for safety research because they provide support for a thorough method of accident analysis and prevention. This study reviews accident causation models established by previous researchers and summarizes their findings as follows: (i) the function and history of accident causation models, and (ii) the strength and limitation of accident causation model. The development trends of several accident causation models are compared and analyzed