231 research outputs found

    Soft power in Turkish foreign policy toward the Middle East )Study in geopolitics(

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    جاءت هذا الدراسة لتبحث عن تأثير الخصائص الجيبوبولتيكية في السياسة الخارجية التركية واستخدامها كأدوات لقوتها الناعمة في تنفيذ سياستها الخارجية في منطقة الشرق الاوسط ,اذ تحتل هذه المنطقة اهمية بالغة على الصعيد الاقليمي والدولي لما تحتويه من موارد طبيعية كالنفط والغاز الطبيعي, فضلا عن موقعها الجغرافي والذي جعلها نقطة تقاطع لمشاريع الدول العظمى, ولكون تركيا تقع ضمن هذه المنطقة الحيوية من العالم فأنها اتبعت إستراتيجية جديدة في سياستها الخارجية انطلاقا من عام 2002 وهي إستراتيجية القوة الناعمة للاقتراب من المنطقة التي كانت تنظر اليها بحذر بسب الصراعات السياسية فيها.The study is searching for the geopolitical characteristics of the Turkish foreign policy and its use as soft means for executing its foreign policy in the Middle East region because of the great importance that the region has, due to its natural resources like oil and gas as well as its geographical position that makes it crossing point for the projects of great countries. Since Turkey has a location within this vital region of the world, it adopted new strategy in its foreign policy since 2002 and it is called soft power strategy to increasingly approaches the region which Turkey was looking at with caution because of the political conflicts  in it

    The main chemical, rare earth and trace elements and minerals formation of mountain soil as an indicator of source and treatment pedogenetic in the Palestinian mountain soil

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the pedogenesis processes and to examine the source (parent material) of Mediterranean mountain soil; especially Terra Rossa, Rendzina and other associated soils through chemical (major, trace and Rare Earth Elements (REEs)), grain size and mineralogical compositions. Forty soil samples were collected form 13 pedons from different areas in Palestine that represent different soil types, lithology, elevation and precipitation along a climatic transect to demonstrate variability between south, north sections and west east transects. The north section around Nablus consists of: western and eastern transect. The western one in turn consists of Qusin pedon which was Terra Rossa, and Bait Eba pedon which was Rendzina. While the eastern one in turn consists of Tubas pedon which was Rendzina, and Tayaseer pedon which was Terra Rossa. The south section, which was Bethlehem and Jerusalem mountains, consists of: western and eastern transect, the western one in turn consists of Battir1, Battir2 and AlQbu, which is Karstic, pedons which were Terra Rossa, while Ishwa and Ishwa (the road) pedons which were Rendzina soil. In other hand, the eastern one in turn consists of Teqo’a east and Teqo’a west pedons which were Terra Rossa, While Beit Sahour and Bayth Ta'amar pedons which were Rendzina. Two dust samples from Al-Quds University and seven rock samples from different pedons were collected also. From grain size, chemical compositions (major, trace and REEs), and mineralogical compositions results, dust was found to be the dominant parent material in studied soils. Leaching was dependent on rainfall amount and bedrock and soil permeability. Ca, Sr and U elements leached more than these trace elements Fe, K, Mg, Na, Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sb, V, Zn and Zr and REEs. Some Terra Rossa samples were alike Typical Terra Rossa but with relatively high calcite content but mineralogical and chemical characteristics were similar to Pale Rendzina as in Qusin pedon. On the other hand, Brown Rendzina resembles Typical Terra Rossa as in Beit Sahour and Bayth Ta'amar pedons. The east transect samples leached less than the western, but the difference in leaching was low. Battir 2 profile has two soil layers deep layer, layers were composed of one on top of the other IV Dust samples were polluted with these trace elements Al, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn, and this may be due to industrial or construction sources. Vanadium element found to be affected by rain and this is similar to Aluminum which considered to be well retained in soil. A baseline of grain size, major and trace elements, REEs and minerals was added to soil science in Palestine in general and Mediterranean virgin mountain soil (Terra Rossa and Rendzina)

    A multi-step differential transform method and application to non-chaotic or chaotic systems

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    International audienceThe differential transform method (DTM) is an analytical and numerical method for solving a wide variety of differential equations and usually gets the solution in a series form. In this paper, we propose a reliable new algorithm of DTM, namely multi-step DTM, which will increase the interval of convergence for the series solution. The multi-step DTM is treated as an algorithm in a sequence of intervals for finding accurate approximate solutions for systems of differential equations. This new algorithm is applied to Lotka-Volterra, Chen and Lorenz systems. Then, a comparative study between the new algorithm, multi- step DTM, classical DTM and the classical Runge-Kutta method is presented. The results demonstrate reliability and efficiency of the algorithm developed

    Dataset on physicochemical properties of particle-sized moringa oleifera seed cake and its application as bio-coagulants in water treatment application

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    The dataset provided information about on the phytochemical and mineral composition of investigation Moringa oleifera cake residue used for the bio-coagulation of water for drinking. Four sets of mass spectrometric methods viz; Gas Chromatography Mass- Spectrometer (GC–MS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), LC-MS-Quadrupled time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/QToF), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). The three spectrometry approaches provided a blueprint and basis for future investigation on the physicochemical properties of Moringa oleifera in an eco-friendly water treatment process

    Finite Element Analysis of Spreader Bar by Utilizing the Arrangement and Connection of Padeyes

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    Heavy lifting is one of several methods used for marine installation of heavy equipment while spreader bar (SB) is widely used in heavy lifting. The application of SB is mainly to avoid an overstress in the structure when being lifts which due to sling arrangement in bridle. SB is typically made of high strength tubular pipe with padeye/trunnion attached. Comparison between 3 types of padeye arrangements on SB is made based on its strength properties as reflected in API RP 2A 22nd edition to ensure its optimum design centred on material’s weight and welding work criteria. The buckling load for lightest pipe among 3 types of SB is then calculated. Finite element analysis (FEA) is performed to verify design stresses and buckling load of selected pipe. From observation, the thickness of tubular pipe can be reduced up to 50 percent compared to other SB types by setting the centre line (CL) of upper padeye to be in line with tubular pipe axis

    Aplikasi syarat kesahihan hadith terhadap model komunikasi berkesan / Muhammad Taufik Md Sharipp … [et al.]

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    Tatkala membicarakan mengenai hadith, disiplin ilmu ini akan menilai darjat sesebuah hadith sama ada sahih, hasan atau dhaif memandangkan ajaran Islam yang tercermin dalam diri Nabi SAW telah disampaikan kepada umat manusia melalui komunikasi. Ulama‘ bersepakat bahawa kesahihan hadith terangkum kepada lima syarat besar iaitu sanad bersambung, keadilan dan kekuatan ingatan perawi serta tiada kecacatan dan keraguan pada sanad dan matan hadith. Lantaran itu, syarat ini diolah bagi mewujudkan model komunikasi berkesan memandangkan secara umumnya penerimaan sesuatu mesej dalam komunikasi Islam turut memerlukan indikator tertentu. Kertas kerja ini mengaplikasikan syarat hadith tadi dan menghasilkan dua pecahan utama dalam model komunikasi berkesan. Bagi kategori komunikator, seseorang itu memerlukan keabsahan, keadilan dan integriti. Autoriti dan kesepakan mesej yang menjadi kategori kedua dalam model komunikasi berkesan yang dihasilkan

    Study of the elastic properties of (PbO)x(P2O5)1 − x lead phosphate glass using an ultrasonic technique

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    Fabrication of a series of binary (PbO)x(P2O5)1−x lead phosphate glasses with various mole fractions (x = 0.1 to 0.6) was carried out using a conventional melt-quenching method. The glass density was measured by using Archimedes principle. The ultrasonic wave velocities (Vl and Vt) of the glasses were determined at room temperature by using a nondestructive test: the digital signal processing technique of the Ultrasonic Data Acquisition System (Matec 8020, Matec Instruments, USA). The experimental data for the wave velocities and densities were then used to determine the elastic properties in each series of lead phosphate glass systems: the longitudinal, shear, bulk and Young's moduli; Poisson's ratio; and the Debye temperature. Based on the results obtained, the longitudinal, shear, bulk and Young's moduli of the glasses increased with the addition of PbO content. The Poisson's ratio obtained remains almost constant, while the Debye temperature shows a continuous decrease with the addition of PbO content

    Relationship between the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, phospholipase D inoculation and the fertility characteristics of crossbred Boer bucks

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and phospholipase D (PLD) on buck's fertility, specifically, testosterone concentration, scrotal circumference and semen quality. Crossbred Boer goats (n=13) aged 12–14 months were divided into three groups. The first group (n=3) was inoculated with one ml sterile phosphate buffer saline subcutaneously into subaxillary area as the control. The second group (n=5) was inoculated with live C. pseudotuberculosis 1×109 cfu subcutaneously into subaxillary area. The third group (n=5) was inoculated with PLD 1 ml/20 kg BW intravenously into jugular vein. Blood collection was done twice a week over a period of three months for testosterone analyses. Semen was collected using electro-ejaculator once every two weeks whilst scrotal circumference was measured once every three weeks. Semen volume, semen pH and sperm progressive motility, concentration, live/dead percentage and morphology were evaluated. Bucks were euthanized three months' post inoculation and histopathological examination of the testicles and epididymis was performed. The results showed seven folds' significant decrease (P<0.05) in testosterone concentration in both C. pseudotuberculosis and PLD inoculated groups compared to the control. Semen volume, percentage of dead/live and abnormal sperm morphology showed significant increase (P<0.05) in both inoculated groups compared to the control. The following sperm defects were observed; tapered sperm, decapitated and knobbed head, thickened midpiece, distal and proximal droplet, sterilizing tail and folded tail. Scrotal circumference, semen pH, semen wave pattern, sperm motility and concentration showed significant decrease (P<0.05) in both inoculated groups compared to the control. The testicles showed varied degrees of degeneration and necrosis with shrunken seminferous tubules. In conclusion, testosterone concentration, scrotal circumference and semen quality were negatively affected in both inoculated groups. Moreover, percentages of live/dead and abnormal sperm morphology were also increased. The results suggest that both C. pseudotuberculosis and PLD had detrimental effects on buck's fertility

    Synthesis and characterization of wollastonite glass-ceramics from eggshell and waste glass

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    Abundance of waste products disposed by communities has huge environmental impacts which lead to serious problems. Some waste products such as eggshells (ES) and soda lime silica (SLS) glass waste can be used as CaO and SiO2 resources to bring on new potentially CaSiO3, wollastonite glass ceramics (WGC) materials. Three samples labelled as S1, S2 and S3 with different compositions, each with of ES (15, 20, 25 weight%) and SLS glass (85, 80, 75 weight%) respectively, were prepared via solid state reaction method. All the samples were sintered at 800°C, 900°C and 1000°C. The elemental analysis of the raw materials and the WGC samples has been determined using the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) system where the experimental results show that the samples were mainly contained of CaO and SiO2. The density of the WGC samples increase linearly with the sintering temperatures. The XRD results reveal that the optimum crystalline phase of the WGC samples was at around 900°C

    Biodegradable Poly (Lactic Acid)/ Poly (ethylene glycol) Reinforced Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite Fabrication, Characterization, Properties, and Applications

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    This paper presents the electromagnetic interference properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as a novel nano-reinforcement filler in poly (lactic acid) (PLA)/poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) polymer matrix that was prepared via melt blending mode. Plasticization of PLA was first carried out by PEG, which overcomes its brittleness problem, in order to enhance its flexibility. A waveguide adapter technique was used to measure the dielectric properties εr , and S-parameters reflection (S11) and transmission (S21) coefficients. The dielectric properties, microwave attenuation performances, and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMISE) for all the material under test have been calculated over the full X-Band (8–12 GHz) due to its importance for military and commercial applications. The prepared samples were studied while using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), mechanical properties measurements, as well as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results showed that the dielectric properties increased with increased multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) filler, as well as the shielding effectiveness of the MWCNT/PLA/PEG nanocomposites increased with the increasing of MWCNTs. The highest SE total value was found to be 42.07 dB at 12 GHz for 4 wt.% filler content. It is also observed that the attenuation values of the nanocomposites increased with an increase in MWCNTs loading, as well as the power loss values for all of the samples increased with the increase in MWCNTs loading, except the amount of the transmitted wave through the nanocomposites