117 research outputs found

    Mapa guía digital del espacio natural de Doñana: un sistema de difusión y acceso a la información técnica de la Rediam

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    Dentro de la línea de difusión de información ambiental que imponen directrices europeas, leyes estatales y autonómicas, se ha planteado dar un giro a la clásica producción de los mapas guía de los espacios naturales de Andalucía. Esta nació con el Mapa Guía de Doñana en el año 1989 y ha venido y viene renovándose desde entonces con nuevas versiones. A lo largo de este tiempo, la tecnología y la información disponible han cambiado notablemente, y con objeto de facilitar a los ciudadanos el manejo de la información cartográfica existente de los diferentes Espacios Naturales, se crea un nuevo concepto denominado “Mapas Guía Digitales de Espacios Naturales”. El mapa guía digital de Doñana, se presenta como una amplia guía en formato “libro-disco”, aunando la proximidad de un texto amenizado con fotografías, con una potente herramienta informática que facilita análisis cartográficos, o recorridos virtuales. El texto permite conocer Doñana desde la perspectiva ambiental, y la aplicación informática, a una completa información sobre vegetación, equipamientos, ecosistemas, historia y tradiciones, además de imágenes satélite, ortofotos y fotografías. Por su especial relevancia, la AVIFAUNA ha sido tratada de forma especial integrando en la aplicación una completa guía de campo.In-line dissemination of environmental information that impose European guidelines, state and regional, has been raised to turn the classic guide to production of maps of natural areas of Andalusia.This was created with the Map Guide Doñana in 1989 and has been renewed and comes with new versions since then. Throughout this time, technology and information available have changed dramatically, and in order to provide citizens with the management of topographic data available from different natural areas, establishing a new concept called "Digital Guide Maps of Natural Spaces”. The digital guide map of Doñana, is presented as a comprehensive guide format "book-album", combining the proximity of a text enlivened with photographs, with a powerful analysis tool that facilitates mapping or virtual tours. The text allows Doñana know from an environmental perspective, and computer application, to complete information about vegetation, equipment, ecosystems, history and traditions, in addition to satellite imagery, orthophotos and photographs. Because of its special relevance, BIRDS has been specially treated in the implementation integrating a complete field guide

    Infraestructura de datos espaciales en medio ambiente y acceso a la información ambiental en Andalucía. El canal de la red de información ambiental de Andalucía.

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    La Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía ha puesto en marcha un sistema para poder cumplir adecuadamente los requisitos derivados de la normativa vigente en dos vertientes que están muy relacionadas: la del acceso a la información ambiental y la de las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales. Ambas vertientes, que vienen definidas por sendas Directivas, han condicionado la solución establecida que pasa por la creación mediante el desarrollo normativo adecuado de un instrumento, la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía (REDIAM). Esta red se ha dotado de una plataforma en entorno web, el Canal de la Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía, en la que confluyen elementos constitutivos de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) con otros de obtención y acceso al dato como es el de de solicitud de información ambiental o la descarga directa, y con elementos de navegación que pretenden facilitar al público en general el acceso a este conjunto de servicios y productos. Puesto en explotación el 29 de enero de 2009, hoy podemos hacer balance del uso que ha registrado en su primer año.The Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Andalucía has launched a system to carry out the requirements under current regulations in two areas which are closely related: access to environmental information and Spatial Data Infrastructures. Both sides, which are defined by EU Directives, have conditioned the solution through the developing an appropriate regulatory instrument, the Environmental Information Network of Andalusia (REDIAM). This network has set up a web-based platform, the Andalusian Environmental Information Network Channel, which combines elements of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with other elements of data collection and access like the environmental information request or direct download, and navigation elements that are intended to facilitate the general public access to the package of services and products. Having been put into operation on January 29, 2009, today we can assess the use it has registered in its first year

    El factor material de partida en los suelos de "Las Mariñas".

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    [Resumen] El estudio de las transformaciones químicas y mineralógicas que experimentaron ias rocas metabásícas de las Mariñas durante su alteración indican la actuación de un proceso fersialítico en medio ácido, con formación de caolinita y oxi-hidróxidos de Fe y pérdida prácticamente total de los elementos alcalinos y alcalino-térreos. La fosilización de las saprolitas y suelos formados a partir de estas rocas alteradas por los diversos niveles de terrazas del río Mero ylo abanicos aluviales permiten afirmar que se trata de una alteración· pre-Würmiense.[Abstract] The study of thechemical and mineralogical changes experimented by the metabasic rocks in. Las Mariñas» during its weathering, shows the action of fersialitíc process in an acid enviroment, resulting weathering products as kaolinite and hydrated iron oxides and almost complete 103s of bases. The fossilization of the saprolites and soil derived from these weathered rocks by the terraces of the river Mero and/or the alluvial fans,let us state that we are dealing with a pre-würmiense weatherin

    Livestock Corridors Working as Pollinator Refuges and Dispersal Hotspots: Lessons from Spain

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    Habitat fragmentation is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem productivity mediated by direct human impact. Its consequences include genetic depauperation, comprising phenomena such as inbreeding depression or reduction in genetic diversity. While the capacity of wild and domestic herbivores to sustain long-distance seed dispersal has been proven, the impact of herbivore corridors in plant population genetics has not been observed previously. We conducted this study in the Conquense Drove Road in Spain, where sustained use by livestock over centuries has involved transhumant herds passing twice a year en route to winter and summer pastures. We compared genetic diversity and inbreeding coefficients of Plantago lagopus populations along the drove road with populations in the surrounding agricultural matrix, at varying distances from human settlements. We observed significant differences in coefficients of inbreeding between the drove road and the agricultural matrix, as well as significant trends indicative of higher genetic diversity around human settlements. Trends for higher genetic diversity along drove roads may be present, although they were only marginally significant due to the available sample size. Our results illustrate a functional landscape with human settlements as dispersal hotspots, while the findings along the drove road confirm its role as a pollinator reservoir observed in other studies. Drove roads seem also to function as linear structures that facilitate long-distance dispersal across the agricultural matrix, while local P. lagopus populations depend rather on short-distance seed dispersal. These results highlight the role of herbivore corridors for conserving the migration capacity of plants and contribute towards understanding the role of seed dispersal and the spread of invasive species related to human activities. The coupling of traditional pastoralist practices with the phenology of plants and pollinators raises concerns on the environmental effects of current global land use change. This paper is based on García-Fernández et al. (2019)

    SIOSE Andalucía, experiencia de integración y actualización de bases cartográficas multiescala

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    El objetivo de SIOSE en Andalucía ha sido la obtención de una base cartográfica de referencia a escala de detalle 1:10.000, escalable a 1:25.000, donde se sintetizan e integran tanto la información geométrica como la temática de cartografías ya existentes (usos del territorio, SIGPAC, coberturas del suelo, información de comunidades fitosociológicas, redes de comunicación, superficies húmedas, red hidrográfica, zonas de extracción, balsas, entramado urbano, etc.) siguiendo un protocolo establecido para, posteriormente, actualizarla al año de referencia mediante fotointerpretación. La integración de las diferentes cartografías se fundamentó en la definición de unos valores mínimos de tolerancia, tanto de distancia entre líneas como de tamaño mínimo de superficie en función del uso asignado al polígono. La generación de la cartografía a escala 1:25.000 se llevó a cabo a través de procesos automáticos de cambio de modelo de datos, cambio de escala y eliminación de pasillos. La inquietud de abordar la experiencia de SIOSE-Andalucía nace de la necesidad detectada desde hace tiempo de tener una base de referencia que combine parámetros bióticos con elementos administrativos y el parcelario de la propiedad.The aim of SIOSE in Andalucía has been obtaining a detailed scale 1:10.000 cartographic database of reference, scalable to 1:25.000, where geometry and also thematic information of existing cartographies have been combined and joined (land uses, SIGPAC, land covers, phytosociological plant communities, communication network, humid areas, hydrographic network, extraction zones, irrigation pools, urban network, etc.) following an established protocol for, afterwards, updating the cartography to the referred year using photo-interpretation. The integration of different cartographies is based on the definition of minimum values of tolerance for the distance between lines as well as minimum sizes of area, depending on the assigned land use to each polygon. The production of cartography 1:25.000 was carried out through automatic processes of data model converter, scale change and elimination of narrowing polygons. The interest of tackling the experience of SIOSE-Andalucia is sprung from the detected necessity of having a resource which combines biotic parameters with administrative elements and property divisions

    Actualización SIOSE en Andalucía 2009

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    Tras la finalización a finales de 2009 del proyecto SIOSE 2005 en Andalucía, se denota un alto grado de desactualización de la cartografía, en especial para las funciones de apoyo a la gestión a las que en principio estaba destinada. Es por ello que el lanzamiento de un nuevo proyecto de actualización de SIOSE a nivel estatal por parte de la Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico Nacional es percibido como una oportunidad para actualizar asimismo la base de referencia SIOSE Andalucía 1:10.000. Valiéndonos de la experiencia adquirida, se propone acometer una actualización metodológica que participe de la hoja de ruta trazada en la primera versión en muchos aspectos (colaboración entre Administraciones, uso de procedimientos técnicos desarrollados ex profeso, fotointerpretación descentralizada…), mejorándola en otros. Además, para poder dotar a las bases de esta dimensión gerenciales imprescindible que los plazos de ejecución no provoquen una brecha temporal que haga que las bases nazcan desactualizadas. Por tanto, además de la optimización de los recursos económicos, tan escasos en estos momentos, hay que procurar la maximización de la productividad, sin olvidar un elevado nivel de calidad de los productos finales, que garantice la compleción y la veracidad de los datos ofrecidos.On accomplishing the Andalusian project SIOSE 2005 in late 2009, the cartography is perceived highly outdated, especially regarding its suitability for management support, for which it was initially conceived. This is why the release of an update project for SIOSE at national level, supported by Directorate General of the National Geographic Institute, is seen as an opportunity for also updating de Andalusia’s SIOSE reference database on a 1:10.000 scale. Leaning on the experience acquired to this point, we propose to tackle a methodological update that could be integrated within the first release’s roadmap in many aspects (cooperation between administrations, use of specifically developed technical procedures, decentralized photo interpretation…), but also improving it in many others. Moreover, to be able to provide the databases with this managerial scope, it is essential that the implementation schedule avoid time gaps causing them to be outdated on their very release. Therefore, as well as optimizing economic resources, so limited for the time being, we have to focus on maximizing productivity, without neglecting a high-end product quality guaranteeing comprehensiveness and veracity of the offered data

    Real-Time G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Imaging to Understand and Quantify Receptor Dynamics

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    Understanding the trafficking of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their regulation by agonists and antagonists is fundamental to develop more effective drugs. Optical methods using fluorescent-tagged receptors and spinning disk confocal microscopy are useful tools to investigate membrane receptor dynamics in living cells. The aim of this study was to develop a method to characterize receptor dynamics using this system which offers the advantage of very fast image acquisition with minimal cell perturbation. However, in short-term assays photobleaching was still a problem. Thus, we developed a procedure to perform a photobleaching-corrected image analysis. A study of short-term dynamics of the long isoform of the dopamine type 2 receptor revealed an agonist-induced increase in the mobile fraction of receptors with a rate of movement of 0.08 μm/s For long-term assays, the ratio between the relative fluorescence intensity at the cell surface versus that in the intracellular compartment indicated that receptor internalization only occurred in cells co-expressing G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. These results indicate that the lateral movement of receptors and receptor internalization are not directly coupled. Thus, we believe that live imaging of GPCRs using spinning disk confocal image analysis constitutes a powerful tool to study of receptor dynamics

    Damage Assessment and Recovery Mapping for the "Las Peñuelas" Wildfire, Moguer (Huelva). Satellite Imagery. Year 2017

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    [EN] Deep knowledge of the regeneration processes after a forest fire is key to addressing their adverse environmental impacts, these are especially evident in the vegetation. In the post-fire environment context, the fire severity constitutes a critical variable that affects the ecosystem response in terms of vegetation recovery and hydrogeomorphological dynamics after the fire. Therefore, the severity accurate assessment is essential for the burned areas management because of it allows the identification of priority areas and, therefore, it helps to carry out recovery strategies and measures. The area of interest is located in the natural place of Las Peñuelas (Huelva), where a large fire took place on June 24, 2017 that affected almost 10 000 ha. The methodology was based on the calculation of the RBR (Relativized Burn Ratio) spectral index to estimate the severity of the fire, and the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) index to evaluate the recovery of vegetal vigor. For the work, images from the Sentinel-2 and Pleiades satellites, images acquired by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and field samplings were used. The result was a cartography showing the levels of recovery or degradation of the affected vegetation.[ES] Conocer en profundidad los procesos de regeneración después de un incendio forestal es fundamental para afrontar las consecuencias adversas de éstos sobre el medio natural. En este contexto, la severidad del fuego constituye una variable crítica porque condiciona la respuesta del ecosistema en términos de regeneración vegetal y dinámica hidrogeomorfológica tras el incendio. Por tanto, su correcta evaluación es fundamental para la gestión de las zonas quemadas ya que permite priorizar las áreas de actuación y, por tanto, ayuda en la adopción de estrategias y medidas de recuperación. El área de trabajo está localizada en el paraje de Las Peñuelas (Huelva), donde tuvo lugar un gran incendio el 24 de junio de 2017 que afectó a unas 10 000 ha. La metodología se basó en el cálculo del índice espectral RBR (Relativized Burn Ratio) para la estimación de la severidad, y el índice NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) para la evaluación de la recuperación del vigor vegetal. Para el trabajo se utilizaron imágenes procedentes de los satélite Sentinel-2 y Pléiades, fotografías adquiridas mediante UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), y muestreos de campo. El resultado fue una cartografía donde se muestran los niveles de recuperación o retroceso de la vegetación afectada.En el marco de los trabajos del Grupo de Trabajo Científico-Técnico encargado de la restauración del incendio de “Las Peñuelas” 2017, este artículo ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración del Espacio Natural de Doñana, por su contribución en la recogida de datos en las distintas campañas de campo y sus aportaciones técnicas en relación con el conocimiento exhaustivo del ámbito afectado. Por otro lado, agradecemos a AMAYA y La Caixa la aportación de información procedente de la campaña de campo con dron. También queremos agradecer a AIRBUS Defence and Space su colaboración en la optimización de procesos operativos y administrativos para la adquisición de imágenes Pléiades por parte de Rediam.Vales, J.; Pino, I.; Granado, L.; Prieto, R.; Méndez, E.; Rodríguez, M.; Giménez De Azcárate, F.... (2020). Cartografía de la afección y recuperación vegetal del incendio de Las Peñuelas en Moguer (Huelva) con imágenes satelitales. Año 2017. Revista de Teledetección. 0(57):79-94. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13082OJS799405

    Intra-articular injection of two different doses of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells versus hyaluronic acid in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: long-term follow up of a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial (phase I/II)

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    Background: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a promising option to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA). Their safety and usefulness have been reported in several short-term clinical trials but less information is available on the longterm efects of MSC in patients with osteoarthritis. We have evaluated patients included in our previous randomized clinical trial (CMM-ART, NCT02123368) to determine their long-term clinical efect. Materials: A phase I/II multicenter randomized clinical trial with active control was conducted between 2012 and 2014. Thirty patients diagnosed with knee OA were randomly assigned to Control group, intraarticularly administered hyaluronic acid alone, or to two treatment groups, hyaluronic acid together with 10×106 or 100×106 cultured autol‑ ogous bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs), and followed up for 12 months. After a follow up of 4 years adverse efects and clinical evolution, assessed using VAS and WOMAC scorings are reported. Results: No adverse efects were reported after BM-MSCs administration or during the follow-up. BM-MSCs-adminis‑ tered patients improved according to VAS, median value (IQR) for Control, Low-dose and High-dose groups changed from 5 (3, 7), 7 (5, 8) and 6 (4, 8) to 7 (6, 7), 2 (2, 5) and 3 (3, 4), respectively at the end of follow up (Low-dose vs Control group, p=0.01; High-dose vs Control group, p=0.004). Patients receiving BM-MSCs also improved clinically accord‑ ing to WOMAC. Control group showed an increase median value of 4 points (−11;10) while Low-dose and Highdose groups exhibited values of −18 (−28;−9) and −10 (−21;−3) points, respectively (Low-dose vs Control group p=0.043). No clinical diferences between the BM-MSCs receiving groups were found. Conclusions: Single intraarticular injection of in vitro expanded autologous BM-MSCs is a safe and feasible proce‑ dure that results in long-term clinical and functional improvement of knee OA

    Clinical characteristics of vulnerable populations hospitalized and diagnosed with COVID-19 in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    There is not in Argentina publications regarding the presentation of patients with COVID-19 requiring hospitalized and emergency care in vulnerable populations (lower incomes and less education tend at greater risk for poor health status and healthcare access), and it has few reports in developing countries. The objective is to determine whether in the care of vulnerable patients, to succeed against COVID-19, multiple public health tools and interventions will be needed to minimize morbidity and mortality. The study is a prospective cohort investigation of patients with lab-confirmed COVID-19, who required to any of the Health Centers response from April 8, 2020, to August 18, 2020. In Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), April 8, 2020 the virus was identified in patients hospitalized in the "Southeast Network" (SN), AMBA. SN covering an area of 661 square kilometers, with 1.8 million inhabitants residing in urban, and rural areas. A total of 14 health centers with different levels of care complexity provide care to patients in the region. The information of each patient with COVID-19 evaluated by SN, was incorporated in an Epidemiological Dashboard. The investigation was designed and reported with consideration of observational studies in epidemiology. We describe the hospitals presentation and care of persons who required SN response and were ultimately diagnosed with COVID-19. From April 8, 2020, to August 18, 2020, were included 1495 patients with lab-confirmed COVID-19 in SN. A total of 58% patients were men, and the mean age (SD) was 48.9 (15.59) years. Eighty one percent patients with pre-existing diseases, most frequent hypertension and diabetes, but hypertension, chronic lung disease, and cardiovascular disease presented higher risk. A total of 13% were hospitalized in Intensive Therapy Unit. The mortality of the cohort was 9.77%. Mortality was higher for patients aged 65 or more (OR 5.09), and for those had some pre-existing disease (OR 2.61). Our observations are consistent with reports demonstrating older persons, and those with comorbidities have the highest risk of mortality related to COVID-19. However, unlike other reports from developed or some developing countries, the mortality in our study is lower. This finding may be related to age of our cohort is younger than other published. Also, the health system was able to respond to the demand.Fil: Yacobitti, A.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Otero, L.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Doldan Arrubarrena, V.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Arano, J.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Lage, S.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Silberman, M.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Zubieta, M.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Erbetta, I.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Danei, P.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic; ArgentinaFil: Baeck, G.. Hospital Mi Pueblo; ArgentinaFil: Vallejos, V.. No especifíca;Fil: Cavalli, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Calderón, N.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Hospital Zonal General de Agudos Doctor Lucio Melendez.; ArgentinaFil: Di Gregorio, M.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Hospital Zonal General de Agudos Doctor Lucio Melendez.; ArgentinaFil: Hernandez, V.. Hospital Dr. Arturo Oñativia - Salta Capital.; ArgentinaFil: Bruno, D.. Hospital Dr. Arturo Oñativia - Salta Capital.; ArgentinaFil: Rodera, B.. Municipalidad de Quilmes (buenos Aires). Hospital Zonal General de Agudos Doctor Isidoro Iriarte.; ArgentinaFil: Macherett, I.. Municipalidad de Quilmes (buenos Aires). Hospital Zonal General de Agudos Doctor Isidoro Iriarte.; ArgentinaFil: Parisi, M.. Municipalidad de Quilmes (buenos Aires). Hospital Zonal General de Agudos Doctor Isidoro Iriarte.; ArgentinaFil: Gallastegui, M.. Municipalidad de Quilmes (buenos Aires). Hospital Zonal General de Agudos Doctor Isidoro Iriarte.; ArgentinaFil: Paz, A.. Municipalidad de Quilmes (buenos Aires). Hospital Sub Zonal Materno Infantil Doctor Eduardo Oller.; ArgentinaFil: Bernardi, R.. No especifíca;Fil: Azcárate, S.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Hospital Provincial Evita Pueblo.; ArgentinaFil: Hraste, A.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Hospital Provincial Evita Pueblo.; ArgentinaFil: Caridi, Délida Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Cálculo; ArgentinaFil: Boechi, Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Cálculo; ArgentinaFil: Salgado, P.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Rectorado. Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; ArgentinaFil: Kochen, Sara Silvia. Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Alta Complejidad Cuenca Alta Doctor Nestor Carlos Kirchner.; Argentina. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin