303 research outputs found

    Nutritional knowledge and practice of pre-school feeding: A comparative study among mothers in slum and urban areas of Calabar, Nigeria

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    In many developing countries, malnutrition has remained one of the leading causes of childhood morbidity and mortality. This is particularly important for vulnerable groups, including preschool toddlers who require adequate nutrition for physical and mental stability to face the new challenge of initiation into academic life. This study was aimed at assessing and comparing knowledge and practice of preschool feeding among mothers in urban and slum areas in Calabar, Nigeria using cross-sectional study design with researcher-administered structured questionnaire. One hundred and twenty (120) subjects were surveyed, with mean maternal age of 26.5 ± 3.4 years. Subjects in slum compared with urban areas had lower levels of education (primary level: 33.3% vs. 15.0%) (p<0.05). Thirty two (32) subjects (27.1%) had inadequate nutritional knowledge of preschool feeding. Poor knowledge of body building foods was significantly commoner among slum compared with urban subjects (43.1% vs. 18.3%, p=0.00). Also, poor knowledge of adequacy of diet was significantly commoner among slum compared with urban subjects (68.9% vs. 50.0%, p=0.04). Bread and tea (51, 42.5%), Eba and soup (37, 30.8%) and rice (27, 22.5%), were the most commonly consumed breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively. Nutritional health education and further research including the use of qualitative methods for better understanding of the reasons for dietary pattern is recommended

    Maternal knowledge of effective breastfeeding and its benefits, as potential determinant of attitudes to infant feeding: A survey in Calabar, Nigeria

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    Appropriate breastfeeding is a cost-effective child survival strategy. This study assessed relationship between knowledge of breastfeeding and attitude towards infant feeding among pregnant women in Calabar, Nigeria. By convenience sampling, consenting antenatal clinic attendees were recruited from secondary health centers in Calabar. Pre-tested questionnaire was used to assess knowledge of different aspects of breastfeeding, while the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) was used to assess attitude towards infant feeding. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21.0, with p-value of less than 0.05 considered statistically significant. Two hundred and fifty (250) pregnant women were surveyed with mean age of 29.7 ± 6.1 years. One hundred and eight respondents (43.2%) had unsatisfactory levels of knowledge. Common areas of misconception were oral thrush effect of breastfeeding (47.2%), frequency of breast milk expression (47.6%), and effects of inverted nipples (45.6%). Most respondents (92.0%) had neutral attitude to infant feeding, and there was no significant relationship between overall knowledge of breastfeeding and infant feeding attitude (p>0.05). Of all the knowledge areas assessed, only benefits to mothers (r=0.11, p=0.08) and effective breastfeeding (r=0.17, p=0.01), had knowledge scores that correlated positively with infant feeding attitude scores. These findings contribute to existing literature required for improvement in policies and strategies, for breastfeeding education and child survival, especially in resource-poor settings. There is need for further research towards improving priority content of maternal health education during the time-constrained ANC visits. Keywords: Knowledge, breastfeeding, infant feeding attitude, pregnant women, Calabar, Nigeria   L'allaitement maternel appropriĂ© est une stratĂ©gie rentable de survie de l'enfant. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©valuĂ© la relation entre la connaissance de l'allaitement maternel et l'attitude envers l'alimentation du nourrisson chez les femmes enceintes Ă  Calabar, au NigĂ©ria. Par Ă©chantillonnage de convenance, les participants consentants des cliniques prĂ©natales ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©s dans les centres de santĂ© secondaires de Calabar. Un questionnaire prĂ©-testĂ© a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer les connaissances sur les diffĂ©rents aspects de l'allaitement maternel, tandis que l'Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer l'attitude envers l'alimentation du nourrisson. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide de la version 21.0 de SPSS, avec une valeur p infĂ©rieure Ă  0,05 considĂ©rĂ©e comme statistiquement significative. Deux cent cinquante (250) femmes enceintes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es avec un âge moyen de 29,7 ± 6,1 ans. Cent huit rĂ©pondants (43,2%) avaient des niveaux de connaissances insatisfaisants. Les points communs d'idĂ©es fausses Ă©taient l'effet du muguet buccal de l'allaitement (47,2%), la frĂ©quence d'expression du lait maternel (47,6%) et les effets des mamelons inversĂ©s (45,6%). La plupart des rĂ©pondants (92,0%) avaient une attitude neutre Ă  l'Ă©gard de l'alimentation du nourrisson, et il n'y avait pas de relation significative entre la connaissance globale de l'allaitement et l'attitude en matière d'alimentation du nourrisson (p> 0,05). Parmi tous les domaines de connaissances Ă©valuĂ©s, seuls les avantages pour les mères (r = 0,11, p = 0,08) et l'allaitement maternel efficace (r = 0,17, p = 0,01) prĂ©sentaient des scores de connaissance qui Ă©taient en corrĂ©lation positive avec les scores d'attitude en matière d'alimentation du nourrisson. Ces rĂ©sultats contribuent Ă  la littĂ©rature existante nĂ©cessaire pour amĂ©liorer les politiques et stratĂ©gies, pour l'Ă©ducation Ă  l'allaitement maternel et la survie de l'enfant, en particulier dans les milieux pauvres en ressources. Des recherches supplĂ©mentaires sont nĂ©cessaires pour amĂ©liorer le contenu prioritaire de l'Ă©ducation Ă  la santĂ© maternelle pendant les visites prĂ©natales limitĂ©es dans le temps. Mots-clĂ©s: Connaissances, allaitement, attitude en matière d'alimentation du nourrisson, femmes enceintes, Calabar, NigĂ©ri

    Continuous Ex-Offenders’ Reformation and Avoidance of Recidivistic Acts in Nigeria

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    This paper arose from very serious concern emanating from the skyrocketed cases of recidivistic occurrences in Nigeria which as observed impact negatively on the Nigerian prison reformatory and rehabilitation processes vis-Ă -vis the security of lives and property. It is common now in Nigeria that our prison population keeps increasing without the corresponding facilities, manpower, and resources to effectively and efficiently reform inmates that after release would be better law-abiding and self-sustaining. From the study, it was revealed that ex-offenders become more hardened and daring, and prefer to habituate the prison environment to outside society. The lack and absence of training tools like mechanic workshops, tailoring shops, and more saddening the cruelty meted out on them inside the prison makes it worse; the stigmatization and outright denial of job opportunities as compared to their counterparts who are not ex-offenders are offensive to them. The study recommends as follows: Government should equip all correctional facilities in Nigeria with the approved international standards that through it inmates, after release, can be meaningfully engaged and be relatively self-sustaining; The government through its agencies like National Orientation Agency, federal radio, and television in conjunction with the religious bodies, sensitize the public on the danger of stigmatizing ex-convicts because it has far-reaching consequences; With the help of social workers, there should be follow-up and an evaluative scheme that requires an ex-offender constantly be monitored to prevent reoffending; and Schools should be established in the prisons and properly funded by the government to help to functionally educate and reshape the minds of the inmates so that upon release they will be better citizens

    Lichen Species as Bio-accumulator of some Halogens on Mount Cameroon Valcano, West Africa

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    Lichens diversities are informative indicators for assessing impacts of air pollution climate change environmental health volcanic activities habitat heterogeneity and continuity Lacking roots vascular tissues stomata and waxy cuticle they absorb and accumulate airborne nutrients pollutants from the atmosphere over their entire surface Halogens especially fluorides are released into the atmosphere in large amounts by volcanic eruptions and their pollutants levels in lichens can be determined quantitatively by chemical analysis of specie

    Towards a Sustainable Development Licence to Operate for the extractive sector: Consultation paper from the International Resource Panel Working Group on mineral resource governance for sustainable development

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    Mineral resources are a foundation of social and economic development. The 17 Goals and 169 Targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognise the importance of these resources, and depend on infrastructure and technologies that use them in vast quantities. Mineral resources present major governance challenges for many countries, in particular for developing countries. The governance architecture of the extractive sector currently suffers from a range of well-documented shortcomings, which undermine its ability to deliver social, economic, environmental and governance benefits. This consultation paper introduces—and seeks feedback concerning—the International Resource Panel's efforts to formulate a new multi-level governance framework for the extractive sector, entitled the Sustainable Development Licence to Operate or SDLO. The SDLO builds on the achievements of the social licence to operate, and is not intended to function as a licence in the regulatory sense. It will instead set out clear principles, policy options and best practice that are intended to function as a common reference point, enabling all public, private and other relevant actors in the extractive sector to make decisions compatible with the 2030 Agenda's vision of sustainable development

    Narrative Review: Pengaruh Jahe (Zingiber Officianale) Terhadap Penurunan Frekuensi Mual Muntah pada Ibu Hamil

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    Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) adalah kecenderungan untuk memuntahkan sesuatu, atau sensasi yang muncul di kerongkongan atau epigastrium, dengan atau tanpa muntah. Hal ini dapat terjadi pada empat minggu pertama hingga pada minggu kedua belas kehamilan. Penatalaksanaan mual muntah selama kehamilan dapat dilakukan dengan terapi farmakologis dan non farmakologis, namun 34% wanita tidak mengkonsumsi obat dan 26% diantaranya mengurangi dosis karena kekhawatiran efek samping obat yang digunakan pada kehamilan. Jahe dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu terapi non farmakologis karena kandungan gingerol dan shogaol dapat meringankan mual dan muntah dengan meningkatkan tonus lambung dan motilitas karena adanya efek antikolinergik dan antiserotonergik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metode Narrative Review dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2021 - Februari 2022. Pencarian artikel dilakukan secara hand searching pada dua database yaitu Google Scholar dan PubMed dengan menggunakan kata kunci “Jahe” OR “Zingiber officianale” AND Mual OR Nausea AND Pregnancy. 10 artikel memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Artikel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini 90% dari Indonesia dan 10% berasal dari Iran. Pemberian jahe pada ibu hamil telah diberikan dalam berbagai bentuk berupa minuman jahe hangat, kapsul ekstrak jahe 500 mg, dan aromaterapi. Pemberian intervensi dilakukan 1-3 kali sehari dan selama 4-30 hari. Rata-rata penurunan frekuensi mual dan muntah adalah 11 – 135%, dan penurunan tingkat keparahan dari tingkat sedang (moderate) menjadi tingkat ringan (mild). Jahe dapat mengurangi frekuensi mual dan muntah dan dapat mengurangi derajat keparahan mual dan muntah pada ibu hami

    Isolation and characterization of pyropheophorbide-a from moringa oleifera lam

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    Moringa oleifera is a plant rich in pharmacologically active compounds. This study investigated the phytochemical constituents of Moringa oleifera leaf extracts. Dried M. oleifera leaves were ground and extracted successively with hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol using a Soxhlet apparatus. Different chromatographic techniques were used to fractionate the ethyl acetate extract. Thin layer chromatography was used to pool similar fractions together. Fractions obtained were purified using sephadex glass column. The structures of isolated compounds were identified using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and comparison with published data. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, carbohydrates and phenols. Ethyl acetate extract which was subjected to column chromatography resulted to the isolation of two compounds: mono acetyl glycerol and pyropheophorbide-a, from the leaves of M. oleifera. This is the first report on the isolation of pyropheophorbide-a from the leaves of M. oleifera


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    The effect of feeding varying levels of African yambean in cassava peal meal based diet was evaluated in a 12 week feeding trial. Thirty two (32) New Zealand white x Chinchilla crossbred weaned rabbits of about 8 weeks old mixed sexes were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups of 8 rabbits each in a completely randomized design. They were allotted to 4 different diets as follows: African yambean based diets, T1 (control 0%), T2 (10%), T3 (20%) and T4 (30%). The rabbits were housed individually in cages and supplied daily with feed and water ad-libitum under a mixed feeding regime where Ipomea batatas leaves was used as forage supplement. Results obtained from this study showed highly significant difference (P<0.05) in body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio. Results reveal the inclusion of African yambean up to 20% as protein source in cassava peel meal based diets for weaned rabbits without any adverse effect on performance

    Agronomic and economic evaluation of Tilemsi phosphate rock in different agroecological zones of Mali

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    Phosphorus deficiency is known as one of the major constraints to crop production in West Africa. Farmer-managed trials were conducted in three agroecological zones of Mali to evaluate the profitability of Tilemsi phosphate rock (TPR) in different crop-rotation systems in comparison with conventional water-soluble fertilizers. Marginal analyses were used to compare treatments tested. Results show that crop yields using TPR are comparable to those of recommended cotton- or cereal-complex imported fertilizers. The economic evaluation also clearly indicated that direct application of TPR is relatively profitable in comparison with recommended imported fertilizers and that good management enhances the profitability of fertilizers in general

    Sport Deviance and Promoter’s Interest in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State – Nigeria

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    The paper examines sport deviance and promoters’ interest in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria. Deviance in sport is basically seen as an anti-sporting behavior that is displayed in sport setting for which some uses to gain advantage over their competitors. One of the assumptions behind rising to stardom by all means in sport is that it attracts more sponsorship deals as no promoter would be drawn to a failure. But what is often not put in consideration is the negative consequences of what deviance portends on sport promotion. Two hypotheses were stated and tested to guide the research. Literature was reviewed based on these variables and the interest game theory was adopted as the theoretical framework for the study. The ex-post facto research design was adopted and a total of 400 respondents were purposefully chosen for the study although a total of 386 returned questionnaires were found suitable for analysis. The stated hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis and results show that there was a significant relationship between sport deviance and promoters’ interest. Based on the findings, it was recommended thus; sport violence perpetrators should be sanctioned as it will serve as deterrence to others. Outlawed drugs should be rehearsed to athletes at close intervals and drug test should be thorough enough to ensure no violator escape detection. These among other recommendations were reached
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