125 research outputs found

    Klimatoptimerat byggande av betongbroar

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    Sammanfattning: Klimatp\ue5verkan fr\ue5n infrastrukturen (byggande, drift och underh\ue5ll) \ue4r betydande. I Sverige st\ue5r den f\uf6r cirka 5-10 procent av v\ue4g- och j\ue4rnv\ue4gstransporternas totala klimatp\ue5verkan ur ett livscykelperspektiv. En stor del av utsl\ue4ppen fr\ue5n byggande av v\ue4gar och j\ue4rnv\ue4gar kommer fr\ue5n tillverkningen av st\ue5l och betong som anv\ue4nds i broar och andra byggnadsverk.Projektets syfte var att unders\uf6ka hur klimatsmart man kan bygga en vanligt f\uf6rkommande betongbrokonstruktion som en plattrambro. Tanken \ue4r att p\ue5 ett mycket konkret och handfast s\ue4tt analysera och beskriva m\uf6jligheter f\uf6r reducering av klimatgasutsl\ue4pp som st\ue5r till buds med dagens b\ue4sta tillg\ue4ngliga teknik f\uf6r utformning och dimensionering samt materialval. Ytterligare ett syfte \ue4r att f\uf6rse branschen med praktiskt anv\ue4ndbara r\ue5d och v\ue4gledning f\uf6r att underl\ue4tta f\uf6r anl\ue4ggningsbranschen att m\uf6ta de krav p\ue5 reducering av klimatgaser som Trafikverket planerar att inf\uf6ra f\uf6r byggande av infrastruktur.I projektet har m\uf6jligheter att minska klimatgasutsl\ue4ppen fr\ue5n byggande och underh\ue5ll av plattrambroar analyserats utifr\ue5n ett livscykelperspektiv f\uf6r f\uf6ljande \ue5tg\ue4rder:- Produktval armering-\ua0Produktval cement-\ua0Tillsatsmaterial i betong-\ua0Val av betongkvalitet och typ-\ua0Konstruktiv optimering av m\ue4ngder-\ua0Minimering av spill-\ua0Optimering av transporter-\ua0Estetiska val-\ua0Optimering ur underh\ue5llsperspektiv-\ua0Val av produktionsmetodResultaten fr\ue5n projektet visar p\ue5 att det med ett aktivt och medvetet klimatarbete, och en kombination av materialrelaterade och utf\uf6randerelaterade \ue5tg\ue4rder, ofta finns m\uf6jligheter att reducera klimatbelastningen fr\ue5n en vanlig plattrambro med i storleksordningen 50%. Slutredovisningen utg\uf6rs av rapporten "Klimatoptimerat byggande av betongbroar", Stefan Uppenberg, Daniel Ekstr\uf6m och Ulf Liljenroth, samtliga WSP, och Nadia Al-Ayish, RISE (44 sidor och en bilaga)

    Climate impact optimization in concrete bridge construction

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    Estimates indicate that the total climate impact, from a lifecycle perspective, generated bySwedish construction processes reaches the same magnitude as emissions from all passenger carsin Sweden. A large part of the emissions from construction of roads and railways arise fromproduction of steel and concrete used in bridges and other infrastructure structures. In thisresearch, several cases of existing concrete bridges have been investigated. The case studies are ina very firm way analyzed, and then opportunities for reducing climate gas emissions are describedand elaborated upon. Accordingly, design and dimensioning through the use of today’s technologyand material selection are discussed. Without developing new ways to construct bridges, orcomparing concrete with other materials, a useful guide on how to use technology andopportunities that are available for constructing climate smarter versions of standard bridgestoday is developed and described

    Electrothermal and Optical Properties of Hybrid Polymer Composites

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    The Electrothermal and optical properties of hybrid polymer composites made of poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) matrix filled with different zinc oxide (ZnO) concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6 and 12 wt %), and strengthened with iodine (0.1 wt %) have been investigated. The electrical properties have been studied using the impedance technique as a function of ZnO concentrations, applied frequency ranges from 10 KHz to 3 MHz, and temperature in range (25-55 ˚C). The AC electrical properties showed frequency, temperature, and zinc oxide dependence. It was found that with increasing the ZnO concentration and with decreasing the applied frequency the dielectric loss and dielectric constant will be increased. The determined activation energy decreases with increasing the ZnO content and iodine charge complexes. The thermal conductivity has been studied, and it was found that the thermal conductivity increases with both ZnO concentration and temperature. The optical properties have been examined as a function of ZnO concentration, and applied UV-wavelength ranges from 300 to 800 nm. The determined optical dispersion parameters, such as the optical energy and refractive index are discussed

    Beyond metropolitanism and nativism: Re-grounding media theory

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    While de-Westernisation is an interesting political intervention in media theory, analytically it offers little. We critique this approach through six inter-related arguments. The first point of critique challenges the putative singularity of the West. The second line of enquiry raises questions about the emergence of new academic disciplines and their intellectual offerings. Our third point is that the call to de-Westernise Media Studies is naïve, ignores history and the long patterns of global interconnectedness that have mutually formed the West/Rest. The fourth argument is that "de- Westernisation" suggests that the theory and methods of Media Studies offer nothing of use outside their original birthplaces, while the fifth argument is the conceptual danger of nativism. The sixth critique centres on the problem of essentialising culture as a determinate object. Examining the contemporary media practices of the Islamic Republic of Iran, we suggest that the true alternative to a repressive theocracy is its internal challenge by women, students and other parts of civil society that offers a critical third way beyond the binary divide

    Book Review: Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion

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    Arab State Broadcasting Systems in Transition: The Promise of the Public Service Broadcasting Model

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    In an Arab region entangled in global political, economic, social, and technological transformations, it seems natural to see traditionally paternalistic state broadcasting systems going through transitions. It has been noted that in Arab countries where social and political reforms are highly visible, radio and television services have been most cognizant of the need to adapt to surrounding change. Yet, in the long run, if government broadcasters are perceived to evolve along a path most compatible with envisioned democratization trends, it is public service rather than commercial broadcasting that holds the promise for that democratic vision. State broadcasters share significant features with their public service counterparts when it comes to service universality, funding, social and cultural empowerment, and public interest orientations. It is true that state broad casters in Arab countries with a progressive democratic history have demonstrated a propensity to be more inclusive and pluralistic in addressing national political and cultural issues. But all in all, their institutional affiliation with the state has been highly inhibitive for the pursuit of independence in news and current affairs, documentaries, and religious and cultural content. To bring themselves into closer alignment with the PSB model, state broadcasters need to harness ongoing social and political reforms to address four central issues arising out of their relation ship with government: editorial independence, institutional autonomy, non-state broadcast competition, and program enhancement. The writer notes that those issues have been occasionally addressed in the contexts of new audio-visual laws, broadcast restructurings, state-commercial broadcasting co-existence, and professional and technological development. The writer concludes that only an institution of genuine democratic political, social, and economic reforms in the region would secure state broadcasters' transition into the PSB model.(Product of workshop no. 13 at the MRM 2008

    Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM

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    This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ​​up of three layers. Two external high-strength layers and a middle layer of low-strength concrete. The result is compared with three different concrete recipes. The environmental data obtained is then integrated with a building model in the BIM tool Autodesk Revit, using an own developed method. The purpose is to perform a sensitivity analysis in which the bearing walls are replaced with these concrete recipes. By performing a sensitivity analysis the effect the concrete has on an entire building can be seen. The result shows that there are major differences between the concretes. By only replacing the bearing interior walls to greener alternatives of the same material the climate impact is reduced by 10% of the building's overall climate impact. This study also shows that the resource efficient concrete has a lower climate impact than a standard concrete of the same strength class. The advantage is that this type wall construction can be made thicker without getting a significantly higher climate impact

    Komunikologija v arabskem svetu: nova perspektiva

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    "Pogled na svet" ki v različnih kulturah bistveno določa komuniciranje, v arabsko-islamskem svetu izhaja iz posvetnih in verskih tem kot so dostojanstvo, čast, očetovstvo, vera, molitev, znanje in skupnost. Avtor domneva, da bi bilo mogoče arabsko pojmovanje komuniciranja bolje razumeti s pomočjo naslednjih dihotomij: individualizem-konformnost, transcendentalnost-eksistencialnost, racionalnost-intuicija in egalitarnost-hierarhičnost. Na uvajanje proučevanja medijev v arabskih deželah je močno zaznamoval zlasti ameriški vpliv na vsebino, uporabo medijev in percepcijo učinkov komuniciranja

    Environmental Impact of Concrete Structures - with Focus on Durability and Resource Efficiency

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    Concrete is essential for the construction industry with characteristic properties that make it irreplaceable in some aspects. However, due to the large volumes consumed and the energy intense cement clinker production it also has a notable climate impact. In order to reach the international and national sustainability goals it is therefore important to reduce the climate impact of concrete structures. There are many ways to influence the environmental impact of concrete and a detailed analysis is one of the actions that could push the industry and the society towards a sustainable development. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the environmental impact of concrete structures and the built environment and to highlight the possibilities to reduce that impact with choice of concrete mix and innovative design solutions. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out to analyze the environmental impact of two thin façade solutions with innovative materials and to evaluate influences of different greenhouse gas reducing measures on concrete bridges. The influence of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in terms of climate impact and durability was also analyzed. The results indicate that SCMs have a twofold effect on the climate impact of reinforced concrete structures. Not only do they reduce the greenhouse gases through cement clinker replacement but also by an improvement of durability regarding chloride ingress. Currently, this is not considered in the regulations, which makes it difficult to foresee in LCA at early design stages. The results also show great possibilities to reduce the climate impact through different measures and design alternatives and the need for further development of products and solutions.QC 20171002</p